Shadow Stream of Leaf

Chapter 341: Smuggling

I don't know if Hanyu will explain to Jiraiya and Orochimaru about the matter that Hanyu communicated with Tsunade, but it doesn't matter.

Anyway, those two people will know about this arrangement sooner or later, and when Hanyu's name does not appear in the credit list for the invasion operation, they will naturally be able to understand all this - because of boring self-esteem, sometimes men are more hypocritical than women.

But for the explanation of this matter, Hanyu will only be patient with Tsunade. As for the remaining two, they must either do their own psychological construction, or go to the Third Hokage for an explanation. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. .

A strong man and a snake, could it be that his heart is as slender as a girl's, so he still needs to be taken care of by Hanyu?

If this matter can be resolved by Tsunade, Hanyu is already satisfied.

Afterwards, he even wanted to talk to her about that stupid medical ninja "spy", but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it... It's not easy for everyone, but we can do it and cherish it.

The two of them might be able to take a walk in the camp, but considering that Tsunade's coming to the Eastern Front needed to be hidden, and she rushed over as fast as possible, so after a short talk, she rested.

Hanyu's tent is quite a large space, with his working space in the front and his private living space in the back. Generally speaking, this side is quite convenient. Although Hanyu didn't have any psychological burden for tomorrow's invasion mission, after all, the team was going to go deep into the enemy's country, so it was necessary to be cautious.

Therefore, ninjas need to maintain their energy, and rest must be well rested. After all, ninjas must have the ability to restrain themselves. Moreover, warm getting along is enough, and the extra activities are of no practical significance, and the great cause of human reproduction does not depend on two people for a moment.

Even Hanyu was a calm person.

So when he woke up the next day, he was well rested.

It's just that the legs are a little sore.

But it doesn't matter, he can give an explanation: as we all know, Hanyu's old cold legs are a long-standing disease, and the seaside is so humid, it is always uncomfortable to sleep all night.

The mission will start at night, but Hanyu is not in a hurry to contact Uchiha Oyama who is in Kirigakure.

The environment the other party was in was seriously lacking in information security. Although the possibility of "leaking secrets" was not high, it was the kind of thing that was not afraid of 10,000 or 10,000, so Hanyu only planned to dispatch it two hours before the start of the operation. Slugs deliver messages.

The remaining time before the start of the operation can be used by the ninjas participating in the mission to make all-round preparations... including psychological preparations and material preparations.

For example, Hanyu saw Hatake Sakumo preparing various supplies.

"Hatake... Although this task is very important, it will not last long in total, it may end in a few hours or even an hour, or it will be successful or die, so what's the point of you bringing so many things? ?”

Hanyu really couldn't stand it, so he tried to persuade him like this.

On Hatake's side, it may be a kind of mental illness, and he seems to get sick every time this happens. Maybe it's time for Dr. Tsunade to study psychological medicine, at least he can treat the situation of this old friend.

Just like Hanyu's old cold legs, Hatake is also suffering from old age and illness, and both of them have deep lesions, one is in the lower back and the other is in the brain.

But Hatake didn't think there was any problem with his preparation, let alone any psychological problem. He only made such adequate preparations out of caution. Is there anything wrong with the ninja being cautious?

I saw him shaking his head, and then said, "As long as it is a battle that goes deep into the enemy's territory, there is a possibility of falling into the enemy's range of activities, so my preparations are just 'necessary' preparations based on this possibility... Considering that I am carrying a living weapon, the Shark Muscle will also need to replenish some energy at that time, so naturally I will bring more things this time."

As expected of Konoha Shirato, he can be said to be comprehensive when considering issues.

Hanyu could only pat him on the shoulder, and then said meaningfully, "Believe me, if that time really comes, you won't have to think about what to eat for sambar muscle—you should think about how to eat sambar muscle. "


Even in an emergency, Hatake's way of thinking is problematic. Hanyu speaks from experience, and he deserves to be someone who wandered in the ninja world for a long time when he was young.

Really cruel.

These words made Hatake Sakumo glance at the weapon he was carrying behind his back, and he seemed to be lost in thought. Although the scallop muscle does not seem to taste good, but...

It can only be said that thanks to the limited intelligence level of the fish, otherwise it would have betrayed on the spot.


After night fell again, the special operations team involved in the mission assembled.

"The way to go to Kirigakure, let's go now, and when we sneak into Kirigakure, it must be the next day... We must ensure that we avoid Kirigakure's detection along the way, otherwise our actions will be exposed." Come also said.

Even at this time, they still know little about the details of the operation.

"Of course it's not rushing there. Since our spies have already sneaked into Kirigakure, I must have saved the 'coordinates' in advance." As he said that, Hanyu glanced at the few people present, "You... Have you ever tried makeup, then I just need to put on makeup for you."


Except for Tsunade and Uzumaki Ziko who did not take part in the action, all the elders were present, and among this group of young men, only Orochimaru knew how to make up.

The main thing is that Orochimaru knows everything.

As we all know, makeup is a specialized technique, which is a kind of high-tech smart skin, so I saw Hanyu making mudras with his hands, and then summoned a medium-sized slug.

"Everyone, please come in."

"...Huh? Huh?"

Before the group of people could utter all the onomatopoeia, Hanyu had already pulled people and pushed them towards the slug.

After someone is wrapped in a slug, the feeling of darkness and suffocation hits instantly.

If any of them were claustrophobic, they would probably be crazy by this time.

Not only is it dark and suffocating, but more importantly, it is sticky to the touch... The inside of the slug is no different from the inside of the gram.

But the process of getting into the car was not discussed. Even if someone has claustrophobia, they can only hold back at this time. After all, they are all ninjas, and everything is based on tolerance.

But the Orochimaru that was stuffed in at the end might feel like a fish in water. He is a snake, and he must like a warm environment.

"How about it, slug?"

After the passengers got on the bus, Hanyu asked the driver like this.

The slug shook its "belly" (it didn't have this kind of organ at first, and the slug is very well-proportioned, but now it does have a belly), and said, "It's not a big problem, Mr. Hanyu, it's just a little crowded, but considering the fog It’s best to limit the body type when shifting, so it’s fine for now.”

Hanyu watched as the slug swayed, and some strange things flashed across its smooth body surface... Presumably the passengers felt very bad at this time.

But it doesn't matter, Hanyu is not a passenger anyway.

He nodded to Tsunade beside him, and the two of them reached out to form seals at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, he, she, and the figure of the slug disappeared in place.

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