Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 166 74. Zemlan’s Big Baby

Facts have proved that leaving a battleship to a group of landlubbers will never end well.

In the early morning of two days later, when the three ships circled the edge of the Wharton Desert and returned to Zemland Port, Blake deeply realized this terrible truth.

The three ships did not get stranded along the way, but many unlucky ones were thrown into the sea when there was a slight storm.

Fortunately, the Nagfar caught them under the sea.

But as punishment, Black deprived them of their stupid, worthless lives, turned them into ghosts, and bound them to work on the Nagfar.

There were also some idiots who damaged the sails and some parts due to operational errors in a hurry, which made the Blackhand brothers furious and hung all the bastards who made mistakes on the mast.

This made the remaining troll exiles more concerned.

Finally, the second half of the voyage didn't cause any trouble.

"They're coming! The Prophet."

In the dilapidated Zemlan Port, which was full of ominous and gloomy atmosphere, a snake hunter quickly rushed into the mostly collapsed ruins and reported to the snake prophet Warwick who was praying there.

"There were three ships heading towards the port. But we didn't see that weird ghost ship."

"It sails beneath the sea."

The snake prophet shook his head, spit out the snake message, and said to his people:

"You cannot look directly at that evil thing with your mortal eyes. Go ahead and let the clansmen prepare to board the ship.

The unbelievers have discovered that we have left the temple. The reason why they have not launched an attack yet is entirely because of the fear of the cursed land of Zemlan Port.

Once they know that the curse of Port Zemlan is gone, they won't give us much time. "

The hunter hesitated.

It looked around with its snake eyes, lowered its voice, and said to the prophet:

"Prophet, the people are talking. Many people think that we abandoned the temple and blasphemed the gods. And we also handed the sacred objects to a group of pirates. This is really outrageous."

"Ignore it!"

The old prophet closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice:

"It is for the safety of the sacred objects that we have to stay away from our hometown. The tribesmen will eventually understand the meaning of this sacrifice, and now is not the time to explain.

Go gather them. For those warriors who really don't want to leave, leave them enough supplies and weapons to stay in their hometown and continue fighting.

Tell them again, don't go back to the temple, don't throw yourself into a trap.

If there is nowhere else to go, go to the Temple of Akunda. Loa, the benevolent and powerful lizard, has accepted the fox people, and he will accept our people. "

"Yes, Prophet."

The snake hunters ran out quickly. In the early morning night, the snake hunters moved very fast. After receiving the prophet's order, they immediately started taking action.

The weak tribesmen who had just been rescued were supported or carried on sandworm mounts, walked out of their hiding places, and gathered at the harbor dock.

There were also elite Templar warriors, using a huge stretcher to carry their sacred keystones shining with blue arcs, and led by the old prophet to the gathering place.

Soon, the three warships reluctantly sailed into the docks on both sides in a crooked posture. After anchoring, huge wooden boards were placed between the ships and the docks.

Snake people boarded the ship one after another, and Prophet Warwick was waiting at the deepest part of the abandoned dock with the sacred key stone.

A few minutes later, as the sea water was quietly parted, and amid the rolling and peeling off of the waves, an evil and dark ghost ship rose from the water.

With water splashing down, like a giant beast probing its head, it appeared in front of the snake-man prophet.


On the rotten side of the ship, exuding a cold air, a gray-white wooden board was pushed by several troll ghosts and placed on the pier, making a low collision sound.

The old prophet leaned on the snake staff, spit out the snake letter, and was the first to step up the stairs.

The moment he stepped on it, he felt that the ship in front of him seemed to be looking at it coldly, but it seemed to be an illusion, and the feeling of being watched disappeared in the next moment.

"Your sacred object is placed in the lower cabin, and there is a special place reserved for it."

Sephiel, the ghost dragon wearing a sailor's three-cornered hat, is suspended over the side of the ship with her arms folded. On this dark warship, she can appear as a ghost entity and can move freely.

This was a privilege given to her by Black, after all she had been appointed as the first mate of this ghost ship.

The ship spirit of the Nagfar did not resist this appointment, probably because he "ate well" in the past few days, so his favorability increased a bit.

"I haven't seen you before."

The old snake-man prophet watched as the sacred keystone, which shone with electric arcs, was escorted by the Templars and sent into the dark cabin. It looked back at Sephiel.

Miss Ghost Dragon will appear in her cold elf form. The old snake-man prophet had lived in the Wharton Desert all his life and had never seen a high elf.

Its eyes quickly fell on the sharp ears on both sides of Sephiel's hair, and it said in a different tone:

"Are you some kind of troll, too?"

"Ha, you must never say this in front of real elves, whether they are night elves or high elves. Be careful they beat you."

Sephiel curled his lips and said to Warwick:

"I am the first mate of the Nagfar, Blake's companion. You go to the cabin to rest first. The captain goes out to do some personal business and will be back soon.

You are snakes, you should be able to adapt to the cold environment, right? "

"Well, we snake people do like to be active at night, that makes us feel comfortable. But this ship is different."

Warwick shook his head, looked at the Nagfar with awe, and said:

"Its coldness goes straight into the soul. No living person should stay here for too long. I will take my people to the ship that belongs to us.

They need me. "

"Okay, whatever you want."

Sephiel waved his hand and said to the old prophet:

"But you'd better learn to control the ship quickly. The next step is to cross half of the world. Although it's not the monsoon season, the journey will definitely not be as comfortable as you think."


The night before dawn is the darkest.

Blake was riding alone in a small boat, holding a paddle in his hand, and rowing in the direction of Treasure Island, but he was not lonely because there was a little fishman "piloting" in the water next to him.

It swims very freely in the water and spits out splashes of water from time to time.

And at the very front of the boat, there was a noisy guy screaming. Daglop, the demon imp belonging to Black, was once again summoned to the material world.

It's in a very good mood.

Probably because the former owner who broke the contract was severely punished last time, and the ungrateful high-level Eredar demon died in Azeroth.

"Sarazane is very weak now! Boss."

The demon kid, who couldn't take any time off at that moment, sat in front of Blake's boat with a very arrogant attitude. Its slender tail swung back and forth, and its eyes dotted with evil energy shone with vicious light.

It waved its claws and used a ball of evil energy fireball to hit the little fishman in the water, but the latter easily dodged it.

While playing around again, he said flatteringly to Blake:

"Its soul was sent back to the Twisting Nether, and it did not dare to show its face again. The terrifying undead half-giant used the power of death to destroy the integrity of its soul.

It is now like a dog, hiding in its lair in Niscala, afraid to come out.

Boss, I have a very evil idea!

You will love it. "

The treacherous devil kid rubbed his paws and said to Blake:

"For a powerful warlock like you, I shouldn't be the only one summoned. Why don't you quickly summon a very capable demon guard and make a contract with it.

Then send it to join me at Niscala.

I will take it to Shalazane's lair, and then, in the Twisting Nether, kill that guy! I heard that it hides a lot of treasures.

When the time comes, we split it! "

"Huh? You want to share the baby with me?"

Blake looked at the ambitious devil kid in front of him with strange eyes, and he said:

"How do you want to divide it?"

Daglop glanced at Black secretly, his tone became more and more flattering, and said:

"Ah, my most evil and evil master, I plan to take 40% myself."


Blake made a suspicious nasal sound, and the kid immediately patted his mouth and said:

"Ahem, I made a mistake. What I meant was, I took 30%. Okay, 20%! There is a risk in doing this. My extremely evil master, you have to understand.

Niscala is a dangerous place, there are many high-level demons there, and I have to tread carefully. "

"Two makes two percent, but I have to pick first."

Black said:

"You go back to plan first and give me a plan. As for summoning the demon guards, let me talk about it later when I am free. And you are not allowed to keep Sharazane's soul for yourself. You have to get it back to me.

Understand? "

"Ah, okay."

Daglopp was disappointed.

But getting Blake's promise still made him very excited.

This is the advantage of having a good master. Imps are not good at fighting, but with the help of warlocks and other contracted demons, they can make a lot of noise.

As Black came into contact with the summoning technique, the devil imp let out a sharp cry, and finally threw a fel fireball, hitting the little fish man jumping out of the water.

Then with a sinister smile full of malice, he returned to the twisted void after the evil energy portal was broken.

A few minutes later, the boat docked.

Blake hugged the little fish man and stepped onto the island full of treasures. He easily found the guy he wanted to see.

The cursed captain Gaboa was laughing proudly, sitting in the huge pile of treasures, and he put a strange blood-red crown on his exposed head.

He also covered his skeleton body with luxurious ornaments.

Ten fingers are covered with rings, just like Lord of the Rings.

You can tell it's enjoyable.

A man hides in this wealth that he has coveted for seven thousand years, satisfying his crazy soul.

"I've given you what you asked for."

Black looked at Gaboa and said:

"Where's what I want?"

"Take it!"

The cursed pirate was very angry at being interrupted from the fun of backstroke in the sea of ​​gold coins. He grabbed a rotten wooden box from the gold box next to it and threw it at Blake.

It was taken over by pirates again.

"My three ships will be coming soon to take away some treasures."

Blake crushed the wooden box in his hand, and inside was a locked animal skin diary. He stroked the lock and said to Gaboa:

"Don't cause any trouble to me."

"No! No!"

When Gaboa heard this, he jumped up like crazy and pulled out a pirate sword inlaid with jewels from his waist that looked more like a luxury item than a weapon.

Waving the thing, he yelled at Blake:

"These treasures are mine! You are not allowed to take them! If you want to take them, you have to step over my body!"

This noisy scream made Blake dissatisfied. He raised his left hand and gave it a hard slap.

Gaboa's skeleton body collapsed immediately. As the pirate said, Gaboa's immortal curse is now maintained with him as the node.

"The rebellion against Zemlan was led by me. You just served as a guide and key."

Black took the locked diary and kicked Gaboa's skull out like a ball, hitting it on the sea of ​​gold coins and bouncing twice.

The human pirate said fiercely:

"I'm giving you some because you still have some value, so don't push yourself too far! Besides, what's the fun in enjoying other people's treasures?

If you want to be the Pirate King of Zandalari, just go out and grab it for me!

Grab your own treasure, it is truly yours.

Useless stuff!

I still hope that you will make some noise in the South China Sea. If you disappoint me, I will give you eternal damnation! Did you hear that! "

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