Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 179 87. Treasure Coast·First Impression

There was no doubt that there were good things hidden in the Nagfar's hold.

Blake remembered clearly that in his gaming career, many task chains had to pass through the Nagfar. This ship occupied an important position in the Hall of Valor system built by Odin.

Following Hela's betrayal, they fell into hell together.

It is completely a witness to that past history. As a bystander, it witnesses the love and hatred between Odin and Hela, the guardian companions and father and daughter.

Blake would not be surprised to find anything on this ship. It was just to see if the Nagfar was willing to share its "collection" with him.

The process of "catching" this ship is already extremely difficult, and catching it is just the beginning. It will not be so easy to increase the favorability of this legendary warship.

Letting it "eat" is only the first step.

Fortunately, Blake's hard work has now paid off.

The pirate looked at the large protective shield in his hand, and the string of orange entries with red dots danced in front of his eyes:

Odin's Power Shyvana's Asylum

Legendary quality.【Divinity】

Extraordinary tenacity. Extraordinary blocking. Extraordinary demon-breaking. Extraordinary heavy attack. Never wear out.

Comes with special effects:

1. The God King is here:

When facing the impact of negative energy with divinity, it will impose [Shyvana's Protection] status on the user, exempting the user from all negative effects that are not higher than Odin's divine power.

2. Ragnarok:

When facing all non-divine enemies in the Titan Guardian system with this shield, the [Power of Odin] state will be applied to the user, and all soul attack-type damage will be invalid.

3. Contempt:

This is the round shield that has followed the God King for most of his life. While contaminated with divinity, it has also been imbued with the God King's arrogance and contempt.

It should not appear on a mortal battlefield.

Therefore, when facing non-divine enemies, this shield will not produce any defensive effect, and will also impose the negative status of [Coward] on the user, making him enter an extremely weak state that is difficult to move.

Item Description:

Hela had figured out all of Odin's tricks before her betrayal.

She was so afraid of the power of this shield that on the eve of her betrayal, she personally stole it from the glorious Hall of Valor and hid it in the Nagfar.

When the glorious fortress of Valhalla was sealed by traitors, if Odin could hold the shield that had accompanied him for most of his life, Hela's crazy betrayal would probably have entered another sad ending.

It will undoubtedly protect you through any adversity.

But also beware of the wrath of the God-King.

The cautious Odin doesn't like others using his weapons without permission.


Blake whistled, held the full-body round shield with both hands, and made a shield strike motion forward. The action was very complete, and this large protective shield gave people an extremely sense of security.

Satisfied, he put the buckler into his bag.

Although the conditions for using this shield are harsh.

In most cases, it can't help pirates, but having such a bottom-of-the-box item gives Blake more confidence when facing all the gods and ghosts. .

"I won't die so easily, don't worry, little one."

Blake looked back at the dark, empty cabin behind him, and he said to the invisible ship spirit in front of him:

"Even if something unexpected happens to me, I will choose a good master for you before I die, and I will not let you fall into the terrible and disgusting place of Hades again.

Hela doesn’t want to take you away again.

You don't like that crazy woman with bad taste either, right? "

The boat spirit didn't answer.

It's as silent as ever.

But being able to hand this shield to Black proves that it really has complaints against Hela, although in real terms, Hela is its first owner.

But look at it now.

It was reduced to this rotten and weak posture, all thanks to Hela!

It was once so beautiful, so majestic, so solemn, escorted by Odin's golden Valkyries riding starlight horses, traveling between the world and the underworld amidst the sound of horns and war drums.

Carrying the warriors among mortals, sending them to the rainbow bridge of endless glory, following the Valar horn blown by Heimdall, they set foot in the Hall of Glory.

Now, it has become a posture that is worse than a sewer rat.

If it hadn't been for the second owner Habulon to protect it in Hades, it would have sunk in the salt water hell of Hades.

And if Nagfar could curse.

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, it must have greeted Hela with acrimonious greetings every day in the "home dialect" of the Vrykul people, good morning, good afternoon and good night.

But that's all in the past.

Blake found living psychic oak for it to complete the replacement of the decaying hull.

Although the quality of the oak wood produced in the mortal world is definitely not as good as the wood blessed by Freya, the Guardian of Life, it is a good start.

As long as Black lives on, it will one day be restored to its former glory.

"Go, you will be beautiful when you come back."

Ten minutes later, at the side of the Nagfar ship, the pirates patted the bulkhead of the ghost ship and said goodbye to it, then turned back and handed the symbolic ship's bow image to the pirate dragon Seifer.

He warned:

"First mate, have some snacks and don't scratch my boat."

Sephiel made an OK gesture to Blake.

Blake jumped into the small boat parked on the water below, waved goodbye again, and watched as the sinister and gloomy keel ghost ship sank into the sea bit by bit.

Like an underwater shadow bone dragon.

After sinking, it changed direction and dived under the deep sea.

"Ah, this weird feeling."

Blake stood on the swaying boat, stroking his heart, and said to Maimu and Xieyan, who picked up the oars next to him:

"It's like an old parent watching their child leave home alone for the first time. It's really heartbreaking. You must not understand it. You are just a bunch of dirty and incompetent pirates."

"Captain, you are also one of us, and you are still our leader."

Maimu, who had burns on his face, said quietly while paddling:

"To shame us is to shame yourself."


Black raised his chin arrogantly, disdaining to argue with his sharp-tongued men.

In this dark night under the moon, the small boat was paddled by two orcs in the rough waves, sending their captain to rest on the Alpaca not far away.

The crews of the three troll warships, the Black Teeth, the Black Hand, and the Mysterious Mother, were busy all night, moving things like ants moving to three smaller merchant ships.

Tomorrow morning, they will return to the civilized world of the Eastern Continent.

It's really exciting.


"It's such a natural harbor. The goblins were really lucky to find such a place."

In the early morning of the next day, on the stern of the Alpaca, Blake put his hands on his hips and looked at the treasure coast in front of him.

The city as a whole is in an irregular U shape.

On both sides are the Gurubashi Mountains that spread from Stranglethorn Valley to the coastline. They are like the arms of the mountains stretching out towards the ocean, forming two natural barriers and holding a pool of sea water in their arms.

These two towering mountains block the impact of sea wind and waves, so that the harbor will not have big waves all year round.

In the interior of the two mountain ranges, a nearly 100-kilometer-long coastline curves and extends.

It looks like a huge lagoon.

The goblins no longer needed to spend manpower and material resources to build the foundation of the city. They built a city on the mountain surrounding the harbor based on the steep hillsides formed by tens of millions of years of geological evolution.

Blake looked ahead. From one end of the coast to the other, it was covered with densely packed low buildings, stacked one on top of another in the bay.

The one closest to the periphery is of course the pier.

A circle of wading trestles was built with stones and wood, and more than a dozen docks deep into the sea were scattered here and there, depending on the location.

Most of the buildings in this circle are where ships dock and unload cargo, and they are also where the crowds are densest and most chaotic.

Many refugees who fled the war worked here as hard labor to make a living.

They don't have enough money to live in cities far away from the coast, so they can only build their own shacks outside these messy, low and cramped piers.

Because there were so many people, the first-floor buildings on Treasure Coast were unplanned and densely packed together, like a chaotic and disorderly slum with varying heights.

As the Alpaca slowly sailed into this huge, lively and chaotic harbor, not only Blake, but also other people on the ship saw the full view of this goblin city.

"What race is that? Their beards are so long that they mop the floor, and their voices are so loud, like thunder. Hey, there are little guys quarreling over there!

There is actually a race shorter than us fox-men in this world! "

Quartermaster Eudora swung her big tail and lay beside the railing of the stern of the ship, curiously looking at the noisy city in front of her.

She saw a lot of drunk people on the pier, lying in some places basking in the sun, but no one paid attention to them. There were also many people fishing leisurely in the early morning sun.

There were some sailors singing, and the singing was terrible.

But it still made Eudora's big ears stand up and sway with the rough singing.

The quartermaster's big eyes were full of excitement.

In the desolate Wharton Desert, there is no such lively city. Ko Qiao, the ancestor turtle collector beside her, also showed a curious expression.

The turtle man stuck his head out and looked deep into the dock. He happened to see a group of barefoot humans fighting with the local trolls. He turned back to Blake, who was smoking a pipe, and said:

"This place is very similar to Port Boralus. It's just as noisy and as vibrant. But it's more, how should I say, more 'vital' than the harbor in your hometown."

"The goblins only care about making money. They welcome anyone who can bring them wealth. More than half of the pirates in the South China Sea visit here every year to sell their stolen goods and do business here."

Blake also lay on the railing, looking at the bay in front of him with a nostalgic look, and whispered:

"The Kul Tiras fleet abides by the agreement with the rich man Levigaz and rarely patrols the waters near Booty Bay. Therefore, for pirates, Booty Bay is also a good place to hide from the limelight.

Many retired old pirates live here, and they often gather in the bar to brag, chat, and reminisce about the past.

But they are all a bunch of cowards, and real pirates never retire.

We will come here often in the future.

Eudora, you can separate some clansmen and register a trading company in Booty Bay. Doing business here is easy, but also very dangerous.

There is no bottom line in this city. I will leave some troll exiles who are not suitable for seafaring to serve as guards for your people. "


Eudora nodded happily, wagging her tail and said:

“My people will definitely like this noisy place, just watch it, Captain, our Water Rat Gang will definitely make a name for itself here.

Hey. What's going on with that statue? "

The fox man stretched out his paw and pointed doubtfully at the huge statue built on an island in the center of the bay.

It was a giant sculpture more than fifty meters high. The sculpture was not a hero or a legendary figure, but a lifelike stone sculpture of a goblin.

Without adding any color, the goblin's sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked face was carved out of gray-white stone, and a sly smile was added to the thin face.

With eight teeth exposed and eyes widened, he faced the city of Booty Bay and spread his hands.

I don’t know if it’s intentional or not.

The movements of this goblin statue were deliberately made to resemble the sacred postures of Holy Light priests when praying, but they were paired with the strange smiling face of the stone sculpture, making the sculpture full of irony.

"How could someone put such an ugly statue in front of their own city?"

Eudora looked back at her omniscient captain, wagging her tail and said:

"Is this some weird custom of the goblins?"

"Well, that thing is awesome."

Black rubbed his chin and looked at the huge goblin sculpture. He said meaningfully:

"Don't look at it as ugly, it is the most valuable treasure in Booty Bay. Make a note of it, my quartermaster, when you are free in the future, find an opportunity to come over and move it back in its entirety.

We are about to make another windfall. "

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