Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 220 39. Legitimacy +1000000

"We have to save him!"

On a hillside in the border mountains of the Tirisfal region, Fao Mian, who seemed a little weak because he had injected the power of Holy Light into the Silver Hand Warhammer, looked at the collapsed valley in the distance.

He leaned on the priest's holy staff and said to the old lich beside him:

"Little Redeker has done great things. He has eliminated terrible disasters for our civilization. We can't just leave him there!"

"Your Majesty, you don't know enough about Blake's behavior."

Old Meili was quite calm now.

He turned to the Pope and said:

"If he dares to stay there, he must have his own confidence. I believe he may die in a rogue conspiracy or a sudden battle in the future.

But I don't believe that he would die in such a collapsed place.

He is a pirate.

Water cannot kill him.

But as you said, it would be better for me to go and see. "

After speaking, the old lich tapped the guardian staff on the ground, and the whole person disappeared in the light of teleportation.

"This sword"

A few minutes after Merry disappeared, the great knight Dathrohan, who was sitting aside to rest, suddenly held the steel sword in his hands and said loudly:

"It's calling something."


His Majesty Fa'ao turned around and saw the steel sword that looked like a barbarian, like a beheading sword, vibrating and buzzing in the hands of the great knight.

It was as if, as he said, the sword was calling for something.


A light object broke through the air.

Then, the soul of Emperor Thoradin appeared in front of the two of them in a dazed manner. This hero from nearly three thousand years ago seemed a little unable to believe the facts in front of him.

He stood there with his illusory body, first looked at his hands, and then at the surrounding environment.

Finally, his eyes fell on the battle sword Stromka that was presented to him by Dathrohan's hands.

"I am free."

The emperor stretched out his hand and stroked the sword in the knight's hand with his soul body.

He said with a disappointed tone:

"Three thousand years of long guarding are finally over. The dark monster is dead, and the enemy of the gods who will destroy human civilization is beheaded here.

You have done what I have not done, my descendants.

You have proven that you are stronger than me, the fool who almost ruined all hope. "

"His Majesty!"

Faao immediately stepped forward, and the Pope of Holy Light said softly:

"You didn't do anything wrong as you said. If you hadn't sacrificed yourself and seriously injured the monster, now three thousand years later, we would not be able to complete the great cause of expelling the darkness.

You are the real hero, you."

"No need to say it."

The emperor laughed. At this moment, he was like a real barbarian, rude and bold. He waved his hand and said to the Pope and the Grand Knight:

"I'm not weak enough to need your comfort.

However, my era has long ended, my glory has faded, my responsibilities have finally been completed, and my mistakes have been made up for.

I finally can.

I can finally rest in peace."

As he said this, the illusory soul body became thinner, like a tired soul that had finally completed its obsession and was about to dissipate in this world.

He will go to another world belonging to the dead and start a new life there.

"No! No!"

At this moment, when the light of the teleportation spell came on again.

Blake's voice sounded on this hillside.

The pirate who was still water-stained shook off the water on his clothes. He pushed up his pirate hat, held the little fishman in his arms, strode forward, and handed the Shield of Odin in his other hand. The emperor.

He said seriously:

"Your Majesty Thoradin, you still have an invitation that you have not yet responded to. Don't forget, you promised me before that you would help me pass a message to Odin, the King of War.

As the only emperor in human civilization, and the sage who personally shaped the starting point and future of humankind, are you going to neglect me, a little descendant? "

"Invitation from the Hall of Valor?"

Emperor Thoradin looked at the Shield of Odin handed over by Black, and then looked at the pirate in front of him.

Said with interest:

“In my time, the ancient legends have not yet dissipated, and the tribesmen would always tell some stories and legends they heard from their ancestors.

The eternally shining golden paradise, the Valargar Fortress prepared only for the bravest warriors, and the Hall of Valor that only the most powerful heroes are allowed to enter after death, is the most fascinating of all legends.

But you seem to know more than me.

Do you think I should respond to that invitation? "

"Of course. If someone invites you to play at home, it would be rude if you don't go."

Blake snorted and said:

"What's more, Odin really prefers warriors like you who are extremely brave both in life and in death.

As a mortal, you almost killed an abyssal demigod. With such great achievements, Odin would be blind if you didn't have a place in the Hall of Valor.

Well, it seems like He was blind in one eye.

But that’s not the point, the point is, you should go there!

There you can realize a warrior's most eternal dream, fight forever, fight forever, and enjoy the joy of anger forever. "


The emperor shook his head. He looked at the round shield with the battle of the gods engraved on it and said:

“I once thought the legend of the Hall of Valor was false.

After all, on the battlefield against the trolls, I witnessed so many warriors die in the war, even Lordain, who was both wise and powerful.

But I have never seen a golden Valkyrie riding a Pegasus to attract their souls. "

"That's because Odin is a stupid racist!"

Blake lowered his voice and said to the emperor:

"The Lord of War is as stubborn in some ways as he is powerful. He only believes in those races that he considers warriors, such as the savage vrykul, the predecessors of our species.

His selection of heroic spirits began hundreds of thousands of years ago and has only been conducted among Vrykuls until now.

But you actually qualify, too.

The purest savage blood flows within you.

You are the king of barbarians!

Perhaps in Odin's eyes, you are a 'small' vrykul, but other people of your generation will still be considered weak by him.

No way, there is nothing we can do to reverse the old ideas of a stubborn god.


Someone took the initiative to tell him that those mortals could do great things to get him to look away from the vrykul. "

Having said this, the pirate rubbed his hands and looked at the thoughtful emperor.


"Perhaps, you can serve as the spokesperson of mortals in the Hall of Valor, changing Odin's backward and ignorant view, and letting him see that among us mortals, we can also give birth to heroic warriors who are no less inferior to the barbaric Vrykul.

The door to the Hall of Valor will be reopened for your descendants because of your visit, Your Majesty.

Perhaps, this is the last thing you should do after your life as a warrior and an emperor.

We are not afraid to show our bravery to Odin, to win the favor of the Lord of War, to ask for his protection, and to bless the souls of those brave men.

But we need a chance.

At the southernmost tip of this continent, Your Majesty, your last blood descendant, Anduin Lothar, is leading the bravest group of humans to drive away invaders from other worlds.

That's a war!

And war is always a stage for the brave. "

"This reason."

Emperor Thoradin rubbed his chin.

After thinking for a few seconds, the tall and burly king of barbarians said:

“I really couldn’t say no.

If because of my dedication, I can reopen the door to the supreme glory of heroic spirits for my descendants, if because of me alone, I can let the light of the Rainbow Bridge shine on this land again.

Then I will do it!

I will respond to this invitation. "

After speaking, the emperor took a deep breath.

Stretching out his hand, he touched the shield of Odin with fingers wrapped in anger. This brave soul came into contact with the weapon of the Lord of War, which represented his response to the invitation from thousands of years ago.

The next moment, as the three people around looked at them in astonishment, a crimson door surrounded by colorful streams of light opened in the dim night above the hillside.

The low and shocking sound of the horn also echoed between heaven and earth.

The pirate put his hands on his hips and admired this familiar scene.

The little fishman in his arms stared with cute big eyes and opened his mouth slightly, seeming to be shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Hui Hui Hui"

The neighing of the war horses sounded from the light of the door, making the pirates listen.

The next moment, he said to Emperor Thoradin beside him:

"Odin sent Heimdall the Gatekeeper to blow the Horn of Valar himself, and he sent the Valkyries to greet you, Your Majesty.

It's a blessing that the Lord of War thinks highly of you. "

Lords of War's Valkyrie is golden.

She is as tall as a Vrykul, no, she is taller than a Vrykul, her size is at least five meters, she is an out-and-out giant.

Her body is made of golden light. She wears a lightning-winged helmet that covers her eyes and the upper half of her face. She holds a golden battle spear, with a long red strip of cloth fluttering with gold edges at the front of the spear.

She has wings on her back, just like the angels in the legend of Holy Light.

Riding on a Pegasus that was equally golden, like a gathering of stars, it galloped and soared in the sky, and the sound of a low horn echoed in the dark night.

This scene is extremely sacred.

It made His Majesty Faao and the Grand Knight pray at the same time.

As for the old lich Merry, when this wise guy saw the door of the Rainbow Bridge open, he used the teleportation technique to temporarily leave here under Black's eyes.

He has succumbed to death, is not accepted by Odin and his Valkyries, and staying here might lead to something not so good.

The huge Valkyrie rode a Pegasus and quickly landed on the hillside.

Her eyes did not stay on the others for a moment, she just turned over and dismounted, and made a "please" gesture to the soul of Emperor Thoradin who was ready in front of her.

This solemn Valkyrie said in the language of the Vrykul:

"Thoradin, Odin has seen your unyielding bravery and endless anger. If you do something great, you are qualified to join the Legion of Heroes, and you are qualified to join countless heroes to fight for the Ragnarok that is coming!

Odin has been waiting for you.

Come with me.

Valajar Fortress has prepared a grand banquet for your arrival, and thousands of heroic spirits are waiting for their new brothers. "

The Emperor nodded.

He walked up to the majestic and armored Pegasus, which looked like it was made of starlight. He skillfully climbed onto the horse. The moment he pulled the reins, the Emperor turned his head and looked at Black.

He said:

"What do you want me to relay for Odin? My descendants."


Blake said loudly:

"Please tell Odin that I have been fighting with Hela. I have killed Hela's soul-drawer Habulon and captured Hela's ghost ship Nag'far!

Hela and I are already fighting to the death.

I do not expect the Lord of War to intervene in it. I will fight my own battles, but I have made a small contribution to the victory of the Lord of War. This dedication needs to be rewarded.

Please tell Odin, Your Majesty the Emperor, please tell him that I use that insignificant victory to ask him to temporarily look away from the Vrykul.

Let him treat all creatures in the world equally and give those brave men a chance to prove themselves! "

"Well, I'll bring the words to you."

The Emperor stretched out his fist and punched his breastplate. He said to Blake and the other two:

"Then, go back and tell everyone on this land that their emperor has passed away, tell them that they don't have to be sad about this, and tell them my last story.

Tell them I will watch their war from the Halls of Valor.

I will wait for them there and tell the story of humanity. Goodbye, heroes! And you, little one, I have nothing left to give you.

But I heard your story from Fao, and I can give you one last gift. "

Emperor Thoradin looked at Black for the last time.

Amid the neighing sound of Pegasus taking off, he laughed and said:

“In our day, there was no difference between a navy and a pirate.

I don’t think that the path of power will affect the nobility of blood. In fact, blood is not noble at all, what is noble is action and soul!

Now, because of the great deeds you have done, as the Emperor of the Arathor Empire, I declare your absolute inheritance rights to the Kingdom of Kul Tiras!

Derek Proudmoore.

Go back and tell your old, confused father.

His throne can only belong to you!

If he or anyone has any dissatisfaction, tell them that this is the emperor's will!

Finally, make good use of my sword and give it to the right person. "

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