Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 233 52. The stinky pirate who punches the old lady is the worst

"Here, it's done."

Early the next morning, in the logistics camp in the Valley of the Kings, Blake arrived at the dwarf and dwarf camps on time as the sun rose.

The yawning dwarf master craftsman placed a few things in front of him. Judging from the red eyes of the dwarf, he probably didn't sleep all night and worked overtime to finish the custom-made items for Blake.

The pirate stretched out his hand and clasped the arm-guard-like thing on his wrist.

Very comfortable.

The dragon skin that had been tanned in advance was nested with a delicate metal box, which protected the forearm above the wrist. According to Blake's request, there was a control finger cot in the front.

The overall color is black. After wearing it, it is fastened to the arm with three locks. It perfectly blends with Blake's black Mason Brotherhood armor without affecting the movement.

Under the dwarf's shining eyes, the pirate put the control fingertip on his middle finger, spread his left hand and placed it on the table in front of the dwarf.

With a gentle tug of your fingers.


A black sharp dragon claw popped out from the bottom of the palm, like a cone thorn, easily piercing the wooden table, leaving a hole in it.

This destructive power made the pirate nod with satisfaction.

He twisted the metal box gear on his arm, retracted the slender dragon claw with obvious polishing marks, and put another identical hidden sword barrel on his right arm.

"The dragon claws you gave are all curved. I found several dwarves and used the machine we use to polish steam tanks to polish them all night long before polishing them into shape.

In fact, it is better to make this thing out of metal, but it is not as sturdy. "

The dwarf rubbed his eyes, yawned again, and said to the pirate in front of him:

"How is it? My skills are good, right?"

"Well, that's good. I knew it would be more reassuring to have a dwarf do this job than a goblin."

Blake gave a thumbs up without hesitation and praised the master dwarf craftsman in front of him, causing the latter to hug his belly and laugh with pride on his face.

But after he finished laughing, the dwarf gestured with his fingers again and said:

"But this thing is very dangerous. If your hands are not skillful enough, you will hurt yourself when the blade pops out. Why do you have to use such an impractical weapon?

If you need self-defense, I can recommend you a dwarf shotgun. I just designed it a few months ago, which can kill danger before it gets close to you. "

"No, no, my friend, you still do not understand the significance of this special weapon."

Blake put the hook lock made of dragon sinew on the table and shook it in his hand, tied it behind his waist and put it away, then patted the hidden sword barrel on his arm and said to the master craftsman:

"This thing is the last means of self-protection for assassins after losing their weapons. Its appearance will replace cowardly suicide and painful poison and become a new way for assassins to win their final dignity.

I deliberately designed it in this dangerous form as a test of personal skills.

It is also the beginning of a legendary symbolic meaning.

If you hurt yourself when using it, it will only prove that the assassin is not worthy of it. Today is the first appearance of this weapon, my friend.

I will use the weapons you made for me to win a glorious victory.


Do you have any flares here? "

"Yes, I have."

Overback listened to the pirate's talk with great interest.

After hearing Blake's inquiry, the talkative dwarf craftsman snapped his fingers, jumped off the chair, and quickly pushed a cart over.

It's filled with all kinds of weird stuff,

He pointed to those things and said:

“Not only do I have flares, but I also have explosive bombs, explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, smoke bombs and other professional products, especially this dwarf mine that I have improved. People who have used it say it is good.

There is also this kind of warning and courageous robot, which is most suitable for a lonely assassin like you.

Would you like some?

For the sake of the scraps I got, I'll give you a discount. "

"Well, let's have the same three."

The pirate rubbed his chin and looked at the various engineering gadgets piled on the dwarf's cart. Thinking that they were all here, he took a few of each.


An elf gold coin was bounced out by him and fell into the dwarf's hand.

He said to the master craftsman:

"After the war is over, when you have settled down and are ready to go to Kul Tiras to find the mecha gnomes, take this gold coin and go to the Dragonbone Harbor in Gilneas.

Find the fox vendors over there who are doing business, and they will bring you to me. "

"Vox-man? What is that?"

The dwarf craftsman scratched his extremely clever head and said doubtfully:

"Is this the latest new species discovered? I heard that the Alliance's pioneers discovered some weird guys in the Swamp of Sorrows, called Broken Ones."

"No, the fox man is much prettier than the broken one."

Blake waved his hand, and bought another launcher specially equipped with flares from the dwarf's arms cart, and said:

"When you get there, you will naturally know. They are easy to recognize, with their big tails and pointed ears. Okay, it's time for me to go.

Wish me a safe journey, my dwarf friend. "

After speaking, he took a step back, nodded to the dwarf, and then quietly disappeared into the gathering shadows.

"Have a nice trip, friend!"

Oversback stood on the chair and waved goodbye to Black in a friendly voice with the dwarf's signature sharp voice. Then he yawned and prepared to go back and catch up on his sleep.

But after taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

He looked back at his arms cart in confusion.

"Oh! That's not right, he didn't pay!"

"Damn it! His bright and friendly smile confused me, damn it! This is a huge loss!"


"Ah, it feels so good to have sex for free."

A few minutes later, the pirate who flew away from the Valley of the Kings on a griffin looked back at the camp farther and farther away, with a happy expression on his face.

Of course, the so-called free prostitution is just a joke.

He gave the dwarf a small bag of dragon claws, dragon skin, dragon scales and other materials yesterday. After making four hidden sword barrels, there must be some leftover.

Those scraps were enough to make up for the dwarf's loss.

Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to collect some more materials from Sephiel's baby dragon corpse.

Moreover, Sephiel is a young dragon after all, and the grade of the hidden sword barrel made from its dragon claws and dragon skin is not very high. Blake stroked the hidden sword barrel on his arm, and the character card immediately gave the entry:

Dragon Claw Hidden Blade

epic quality

Extremely effective puncture. Extremely effective armor-piercing. Extremely effective toughness. Strengthened magic-breaking.

Comes with special effects:

Hidden Blade Strike: The first strike of the Hidden Blade unsheathed has a high chance of causing triple piercing damage.

Although it is of epic quality, the entries are a mess, and there is not even a single extraordinary entry. In the jargon of players, this thing is classified as "junk purple".

The effect is not as useful as some of the best blues.

But after all, this thing can be considered a weapon. Ordinary people only have two hands. Carrying two weapons is the limit. Adding two hidden swords to the body is equivalent to carrying two more weapons.

In an emergency, there is no need to throw up your hands for a boxing championship.

Besides, Black also plans to use this practical and stylish thing as the symbol of his faction.

After defeating Pasonia Shore, you will have to make a request to Ravenholdt Manor. Only assassins of your own faction are qualified to wear this thing.

This will be a status symbol!

The pirate sat on the griffin and flew all the way to Lethero Canyon on the edge of the deserted land. He had already begun to plan the future of his faction in his mind, and he showed that he was sure to win.

At his feet, after flying away from the green mountains and forests of the Valley of the Kings, what came into view was a deserted Gobi landscape, as if there were two worlds separated by a mountain.

From his height, he could vaguely see the Blackstone Mountains bordering the Burning Plains and Searing Canyon.

That mountain is one of the highest peaks in the southern border of the eastern continent, but it is not as snow-capped as the mountains of Khaz Modan, but the complete opposite, like a dormant extinct volcano.

There were streaks of black smoke rising into the sky from the black mountain, making the entire sky extremely hazy.

It is also a typical area where the strange power of Azeroth acts on the material world. Under that mountain, there is a terrifying big guy hidden.

"I'll come to trouble you again!"

The pirate said something towards Blackstone Mountain, as if setting a small target.

He pulled the reins of the gryphon and flew towards the Lethero Canyon in his memory. That place was in the easternmost part of the Desolate Land, separated from the Endless Sea by a ridge, blocking the wind from the ocean.

And if Blake remembers correctly, in the next few years, that inaccessible canyon will become a stronghold of the black dragon in the eastern continent.

But now, there is nothing in that barren place.

Uh, that's not right either.

There is a master assassin grandma, a paranoid avenger, and a legendary devil who wants to teach Black a lesson, and they are sharpening their swords there, waiting for him.


The gryphon, wearing the saddle reins, flapped its wings and landed at the entrance of Lethero Canyon. When it landed, it splashed a lot of dust on the ground, forming a small sandstorm in this place that lacked water.

"Go, go back, you can't participate in what happens next."

The pirate jumped off the saddle, took out the water bag from his luggage, fed the griffon a good drink, patted its fluffy feathers, and said something to it.

This docile yet brave bird chirped a few times, flapped its wings and took off again, hovering above Blake's head for a few times before flying back towards the Valley of the Kings.

After watching it leave, the pirate breathed a sigh of relief, put on the Pirate King suit, put on the eye patch of Red's Eye, and felt the various effects of the equipment.

He put on the title of Soul Hunter again, looked around, turned around and strode into the deserted Grand Canyon behind him.

In order to ensure secrecy and safety, no one else is allowed to watch the Master Assassin's trial.

There are only two people, the host and the tester.

Perhaps there's also a Watcher from Ravenholdt Manor.

The pirates walked into the canyon. As expected, as Shore said, the sunlight here was almost direct, and most of the shadows were dispersed, leaving too few opportunities for the assassins to sneak around.

Of course, that's for ordinary assassins.

And Master Pasonia didn't make any mystical appearance. After Blake walked around the entrance of the canyon, he saw the legendary assassin on the hot ground with smoke and tumbleweeds blowing in front of him.

She wore a black armor, a half-covered mask with a neck protector on her face, her silver-grey hair tied into a ponytail, and two moon-shaped daggers flipping in her hands, like butterflies piercing flowers.

"Don't you want to say something? Mother-in-law."

Blake took out the worn sword hilt from his arms, injected it with magic power, and the one-meter-long flaming sword blade popped out. He took out the Loa Wanling Dice with his other hand and tossed it in his hand.

He said:

"Under normal circumstances, shouldn't a person like you, who represents justice, give a righteous scolding to suppress an evil will like mine?"

"I have nothing to say to you. I put my kindness in front of your eyes, but you kicked it away."

Pasonia said in a cold tone:

“I’ve seen a lot of people who have gone astray in my life, and some people are just fate and don’t know they’ve done evil, and they can be forgiven.

But you are not!

You knew it was evil, but you did it anyway. "

"Sorry, you have to remind me."

Blake threw the dice in his hand into the air, and before the dice flipped, he said to Pasonia:

"When you say evil, do you mean that I became a pirate, or that I became friends with Garona? Or did I go against your will and lead your good grandson into evil?"

The next moment, the two figures simultaneously disappeared into the shadows under the sun.

The pirate asked the question.

Of course Granny Xiao would answer him.

The premise is that he can hear this whisper conveyed on the blade.

If he doesn't understand, that's too bad.

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