Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 354 63. Very good, you are the new shame of the blue dragon

Azsuna is a truly ghostly place, and there are many ghost stories in this ghostly place.

Blake had already met a group of elf apprentices who could not graduate in ten thousand years, and a ghost dean with slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. He also cracked the magic and got himself a beautiful hippogryph king.

He is waiting for his guests from afar, preparing to go deep into the mountains of Azsuna to find a group of blue dragons who live in seclusion.

While waiting, he did not resist uncovering the truth of another ghost story.

Just beside the river in Azsuna, in an inconspicuous cave, the pirate was sitting on an empty wine barrel, holding a bottle of South Sea rum in his hand, drinking it happily.

By the way, I looked at the sea giant sitting in front of me, who was like a hill, holding a wine barrel, as if holding a wine glass, drinking heavily.

This is a sea giant.

You can tell by the name, a giant living in the deep sea. They are one of the most enduring themes in all the legends about the Endless Sea.

Among the ten stories told by sailors and pirates, four are about treasures, three are about ghost ships, one is about naga, and the remaining two are definitely related to sea giants.

These guys are not uncommon.

As far as Black knows, they are distributed in almost every sea area of ​​​​Azeroth, but very few people have seen them. Even fewer people come back alive to tell stories after seeing them.

In pirate legends, sea giants always appear during big tides, ferociously and viciously grab poor ships from the sea, crush them to pieces, eat all the crew members, and then use the broken hulls as Your own armor and decorations.

The sea giants in those stories are extremely evil.

But this isn't right.

At least not entirely correct.

First of all, sea giants will not grow so big that they can hold a ship with both hands. They are indeed giants, but generally speaking, they can reach the sky when they grow to 20 meters.

Sea giants with ancient bloodline can grow taller, but they will not exceed thirty meters.

Secondly, except for some sea giants who are loyal to Azshara's Deep Sea Empire and are driven by the vicious Nagas to attack ships, other wild sea giants generally do not take the initiative to attack ships.

They prefer to live on inaccessible coasts and seas, living their own ignorant, simple but happy days peacefully.

Sea giants are lazy and free-spirited by nature.

Unless sailors actively attack them, they rarely kill them.

Finally, the sea giants are not very smart and are often deceived and exploited by some evil-minded people. As far as Blake knows, in the South China Sea, pirates often trick sea giants into "working" for them.

But those guys generally don't end well.

Because sea giants have a huge appetite, if they cannot chase ocean currents for food and stay in one place for a long time, ordinary pirates cannot afford to feed them.

And once the sea giant becomes hungry, some tragic things will happen.

The sea giant in front of Blake was a bit special.

It has been starved to the point of skin and bones due to long-term malnutrition, but its skeleton alone is eight meters tall. If it could be fuller, this guy would be even taller.

Its skin is gray.

This means that this sea giant should be born locally.

There is a small kingdom of sea giants in the southern waters of Azsuna, and the pirates know this very well.

Moreover, the sea giants on the South Sea side are all cyan, the sea giants on the Mist Sea are cyan, and the sea giants in the North Sea of ​​Northrend are blue.

The color of their skin is their biggest difference.

"My name is Gorke."

The shamelessly thin sea giant finished the second bucket of wine, wiped his mouth happily, let out a pleasant wine burp, and said something.

As a result, the echo in the cave made Blake's ears uncomfortable.

It reached out and grabbed its messy gray hair, and accidentally dropped the blue starfish that was used as a decoration on its head. Then it quickly picked it up and put the starfish on its head like a hat.

This guy was already drunk and confused.

Without waiting for the pirate to ask, he told Blake his story in a naive voice:

"My people call me 'The Rumbler' because I spoke very loudly when I was a child, even louder than King Deepbeard. I was born in Oceanus Sea Cave, just south of Azsuna. on the coast.

That sea area is our territory. King Fukasu rules us. He often catches some sailors who have strayed here and sends them to the sea caves to be slaves for us.

We also had a gladiatorial arena there, and we loved gladiatorial games.

My favorite thing as a kid was watching those slaves fight.

But the vicious naga soon arrived and demanded that King Deepbeard surrender to Azshara. The king was big but a coward.

It feared the queen of the naga and surrendered to Azshara's emissaries.

My parents were not afraid of Nagas. They led their tribesmen to fight against Nagas and almost won. But the coward king actually helped Naga expel our warriors.

My parents died in the battle, and I was captured and imprisoned here by the Nagas.

They say that my parents are powerful warriors, and they think that I will become a powerful warrior too. I agree with this statement, but I will never serve the vicious undersea moccasins!

I was still small at that time, just like you little ones. I could escape from the cave at that time, but I couldn't break the chains that the Nagas tied me to. "

The sea giant Gork shook his head, made a drunken pulling motion, and said:

"I wasn't afraid of them at that time, I just thought, it doesn't matter, as long as I grow up, as long as I get stronger, I can break the chains and escape.

When the time comes, I will kill all those Nagas! To avenge my parents.

But guess what, little burp"

The sea giant burped loudly and covered his face, as if he was about to cry. He shouted:

"By the time I was old enough to break the chains, I couldn't get out! Yes, I could break the chains easily, but the cave was too small.

Unless I can collapse this mountain wall in one fell swoop, I won't be able to get out.

Those Nagas also laughed at me.

Those vicious soft-skinned snakes are deliberately humiliating me! "

It lost control of its emotions. It grabbed the wine barrel on the ground and threw it at the thick mountain wall in front of it. The barrel was broken into pieces, but it was of no help to its current predicament.

"It's so tragic. It makes me cry when I hear it, my big friend."

Blake wiped his eyes hypocritically and said to the drunken sea giant Gork in front of him;

"But I heard from the group of elves and ghosts next to me who have lived here for ten thousand years that you have been trapped here for a long time. How did you survive?

There is no food in this cave. "

"I've been locked up here for three hundred years!"

Gorke cursed:

"Those Nagas have been supplying me with food, which is rotten fish and shrimps. They torture me in this way, trying to tame me like a sea lion.

But they don't dare to let me eat them. They are a bunch of cowards, afraid that I will kill them all after I eat them!

Look at me like this.

As thin as those sneaky black-skinned elves who occasionally come to snatch Naga's things.

You're a good friend, pirate. "

The roaring sea giant lowered his head and said to Black:

"You still give me wine, but those Nagas won't give me this good stuff to drink. Ah, I'm done telling my story. You can go, my friend, I won't hurt you.

If you can help me find something to fill my stomach, when I get stronger and can break the mountain wall and escape, I will repay you after I finish killing Naga. "

"You don't need to kill me. All the Nagas around me were scared away by the demon I summoned."

The pirate waved his hand. He sat on the barrel, propped up his chin, looked at Gork in front of him, and said:

“And I have a better idea.

I'll rescue you now, and you'll work for me later, okay? Naga and I also have a grudge. I can also give you weapons, feed you, and make you strong.

Killing those soft-skinned snakes is faster and more agile.

And I will go to your sea giant's temple in the future. Just over there in Kalimdor, there is your demigod named Ya'akorok. Have you heard of this name? "

"I've heard of it!"

Gork suddenly became interested. This skinny sea giant imitated Blake, propped his chin on his palm, and said to the pirate:

“When my parents were still alive, they would often tell me stories, although they kept telling me the same story over and over again.

It is said that we sea giants have gods, but the gods have abandoned us.

But the gods left wisdom to the wisest sea giant elder, Yaqoluok. That is the longest-lived sea giant. It is said that it has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

It also guards the temple left by the gods, loyally waiting for the return of the gods.

Do you know where that temple is? My little friend, my parents don’t even know.

Also, can you really let me out?

You look thin and small, do you think you have the power to break the mountain wall? No way? "

"I don't have the power to enlarge the cave enough for you to walk out, but I can shrink you, my friend. Size is a relative concept, although this sentence is often used in some very obscene situations.

But it does make a lot of sense. "

The pirate whistled, took out a strange-looking thing from his magic bag, and handed it to the sea giant in front of him.

The latter could hold the pirate in his hand when he stretched out his hand. The weird engineering device the size of a human head fell into his hand, which was about the same size as a quail egg held in a human hand.

Its thick fingers can't even touch those delicate wrench switches.

"This thing is called the 'World Amplifier'. It was invented by some very smart guys. Are you ready?"

Blake raised his head and asked.

Gork scratched his messy hair. The not-so-smart sea giant looked at the things in his hands in surprise. He asked angrily:

“Can it really amplify the world?”

"No, it can't."

The pirate grinned and said:

"But as I said, size is a relative concept. If you become smaller, doesn't it mean that the world has become larger?"


Black threw a shadow flying knife, which accurately hit the lever switch of the world amplifier in Gork's hand.

This dwarf engineering gadget was activated, and it instantly released a scalp-numbing electric arc. Amidst the sound of gears rattling, a strange force was exerted on the sea giant.

Amid the screams of Gork the Roarer, the eight-meter-tall sea giant shrank rapidly as if by magic, as if it had been fully compressed, causing blood to spurt out from the sea giant's mouth and nose.

"The dwarf's stuff is really unreliable!"

Blake cursed. Fortunately, he did not use this thing rashly. He shouted at the sea giant that shrank to two meters but was rolling around on the ground in pain:

"Quick! Rush out, this thing will fail at any time!"

"Oh, alright."

When the sea giant heard this, he suddenly became excited.

It rolled and climbed towards the small cave. After it shrank completely, it suddenly discovered that the world in its eyes had indeed been magnified several times.

Everything feels big when I look at it.

"I'm free!"

The sea giant, who had been trapped in the cave for three hundred years, roared with ecstasy and jumped out of the cave with the action of a football player.

Seconds after it bursts out of the cave, the effects of the World Amplifier cease.

It shuddered again and transformed back into the eight-meter-tall behemoth it was before, rolling on the ground and causing a small earthquake. The sea giant, who was finally out of trouble, stretched out comfortably and lay down on the river.

Like a dam, blocking the flow of the river.

He reached out and grabbed a handful of fish, threw it into his mouth and ate it deliciously. This sea giant, which had been abused by Naga for hundreds of years, was too malnourished, and it would probably take a long time to eat this meal.

And Blake Shiran walked out of the cave and looked at the sea giant lying in the water eating fresh fish, thinking that his fleet had grown stronger again.

Just when I was happy, I felt something moving in my luggage.

He glanced at it and found that the scales of the blue dragon were emitting magic shock, so he took out the scales. This must be that Eldagosa was approaching and was looking for his location.

When the pirate raised the dragon scale, a huge portal suddenly opened in the sky.

An adult blue dragon more than sixty meters long flapped its wings and flew out of the portal in an elegant manner. But before she could say hello to the pirate, she felt a violent wave of magic.

The blue dragon, who was suddenly attacked, looked up.

Good guy.

More than a dozen burning meteorites were swarming down towards her, fast and hard. She didn't even have time to release the dragon language magic before she was hit head-on by a series of meteorites.

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the pirates by the river, the blue dragon he summoned screamed and fell diagonally towards the Assuna Lake with a stream of fire and smoke.

He looked back and saw a white-haired elf ghost wearing gorgeous robes and a crown standing on the top of the mountain behind him. The latter was holding a staff and still maintaining the action of casting spells.

"You, you, you, you."

The pirate raised his finger and pointed tremblingly at the white-haired elf on the top of the mountain. He shouted:

"Farodis! That's enough!"

"Why did you beat her? If you beat her to death, who would I ask for the treasure?"

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