Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 384 93. Although I became a pirate, my loyalty to Lord Elisande cannot be questioned!

"I said it all, my disciple."

On the railing on the third floor of the stern of the Nagfar, the dim light under the deep sea shines through the water film of the ghost ship, illuminating the entire hull coldly and deeply.

In such a strange scene, Ms. Lylitha Windrunner's tone did not change when faced with Blake's inquiry.

She used her ranger tools to adjust the tightness of the bowstring of the Dark War Bow, and replied calmly:

"Although you and I both lost to Maiev Shadowsong.

But my 'losing' and your 'losing' are not the same concept, especially when holding Apocalypse. Although it is difficult for me to win against Maiev, at least I can leave with dignity.

I can also get some loot I need from the Warden. "

She glanced at Black. Because the pirate was wearing an eye patch, Windrunner's mother couldn't see the change in his eyes. This made Windrunner's mother hesitate, and whispered with some shame:

"Besides, I didn't get this bow from Maiev."

"Your treasure hunter helped me find it in a well-hidden Warder's sealed box. The box marked these items as items Maiev had collected from Illidan when he was imprisoned.

Because most of them are related to demons, the box was buried deep in the cave above Watch Island.

I don’t know how Benbolba found it.

I helped it open the magically sealed box, and it gave me this bow as a reward. I also saw it take some other things from the supply box.


Didn't it hand over the captured loot to you? "


Blake's face suddenly darkened.

This little fool

Before, I just stole secretly, but now I started robbing openly! When I asked it just now, it was still acting. Huh, it seems that I need to find an opportunity to teach it a lesson.

"Captain, Captain, come on, I just tapped the Nagfar's soul capture and discovered something incredible."

Sephiel appeared beside Blake with a whoosh.

The pirate dragon wearing the pirate king suit shouted to Blake:

"When the Ship Spirit captured the souls of the dead on Watch Island, for some unknown reason, he also captured the soul of King Fukasu. That is the soul of a legendary giant, very valuable!"


Blake was suddenly startled and asked:

"Then take it out quickly and let Xie Yan take the soul stone to the cabin and bring the soul back."

"That's the problem."

Sephiel showed an embarrassed expression, spread his hands and said:

"The Nagfar refused to give it to me. The ship spirit hid the soul and seemed to intend to keep it for myself. I can't get it back from it.

How about you go and ask for it?

You are the captain, and the ship spirit of the Nagfar will always give you some face. "

"Hmph, I'll go, I'll go."

Blake stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked into the cabin boldly, thinking about how to communicate with the ship's spirit and get the soul of the legendary giant back.

For a warlock, such a powerful soul is rare, and it can be used to accomplish many things that are usually difficult to accomplish. This boat spirit is also getting more and more bad-behaved!

Why are you learning to hide your secrets from the little fish-man!

Do you understand the rules?

Everything seized should be returned to the public, and let the captain pick the best first!

One by one, it’s really becoming less and less worry-free.

Huh, if it doesn't give it, I will use the captain's majesty to snatch that legendary soul.

As a result, five minutes later


Amidst the exaggerated screams, the captain of the ghost ship, Blake Shaw, danced and was thrown out of the hull of the Nagfar, and was thrown into the cold water of the deep sea with a pop.

Apparently the negotiations with Shipling failed.

The move to demonstrate the captain's majesty also failed.

The boat spirit was unhappy.

The ship spirit was angry.

The ship spirit launched the expulsion skill against the ungrateful Black Shaw.

The ship spirit threw his captain Black Shaw into the deep sea and scolded him not to board the ship until he put out the fire! Otherwise, I'll eat this hateful captain who can't figure out his identity in one bite!

You are obviously just the "accessory" and "foraging officer" of this ship, but you dare to scold this ship so boldly that if you don't give me some clues, you are really going to float to the sky.

You stinky pirate, do you understand the rules?

All loot must be picked up first by this ship, and then by you! ——

Nagfar, below the second deck, in the damp and cold cabin cell.

The three Nightborne prisoners were now wearing magic-forbidden shackles, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

They were locked in three rusty cages by the pirates. It was unknown what they were used for before, and they were filled with a stench.

It's been a while since they woke up.

But they were injured and couldn't move around, so they basically couldn't do anything except chat.

"There's something wrong with this ship."

With a haggard face and thick bandages on her shoulders, Chief Arcanist Thalyssra, who had difficulty even moving, leaned against the cage. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the tragic reality in front of her.

She never thought that one day she would find herself in such an embarrassing situation.

The coldness of the surroundings, the stench of the cage, his own injuries, and the fact that he had not drank magic wine for several hours caused the magic addiction in his body to begin to stir up.

It made her feel the loneliness and hardship that was chilling to her bones.

All this made Thalyssra feel despair in her heart. She tried hard not to think about these things, and took the initiative to speak to her good friends Oculus and Melandus beside her:

"I can feel that something is staring at us in the darkness. It is an invisible consciousness, with this ghost ship as a skeletal body. It is greedy, and what it covets is not our flesh and blood.

but soul

It treats us like food. "

"Oculus, can you teleport out?"

The magic swordsman Melandus did not want to discuss these mystical matters now. He only cared about whether he could survive, so he asked the old elf in the cage opposite, holding his shoulders and shivering:

"Maybe we can take a risk and let Thalyssra provide you with magic power, and you take us with you."

"No, I've tried it a long time ago."

The chief teleporter said in a difficult tone:

"There are powerful spellcasters on this ship, who use the hull as a support and create a space blockade on it. We can risk opening the portal, but I can't locate it at all.

There is a 70% chance that we will be sent directly into the deep sea and be crushed to death by the water pressure.

The remaining 30% is because we can't open the portal at all, and they will notice it and take us... uh, uh, uh, uh, ah."

The old elf huddled in the cage, clutching his heart and let out a loud scream, like a seriously ill person suddenly having an attack. He held his body while twitching and retching, unable to even utter a word.

"His addiction has broken out!"

Thalyssra was alarmed by her friend's condition. She grabbed the rusty railing with difficulty and shouted to Oculus:

"Hold on! Oculus, hold on! Someone is coming! Is anyone here! Get the magic wine quickly!"

Her call echoed in the cold and dead cabin, but did not elicit any response. It was like being thrown into a hell where she could only wait to die alone.

And she is expecting kindness from the devil.

What a silly prayer.

"Ah, look who this is? The noble Chief Arcanist, a big shot from Suramar, Elisande's loyal dog, and Lilith Yuejun's best friend.

What's going on?

Why are you so embarrassed? "

When Thalyssra called hoarsely for the third time, a voice suddenly came from the cabin and answered in complicated and beautiful Salas language, making Thalyssra raise her head.

She saw the sound of shoes stepping on the ship's planks in the darkness.

From far to near.

More than one footstep.

In her gaze, a familiar person appeared in front of her, Anares Yuejun, Lilith's sister and the second heir of the Yuejun family.

It was she who had promised Lilith that she would bring back the pirate kidnappers of Suramar.

But this time, Anares was wearing a pirate's attire, with a red cloth wrapped around his head, and a black snake-shaped dagger hanging from his waist.

Behind her, a nightborne exile wearing a butler's uniform with a straight waist was holding a small bucket with a bottle of ice-cold magic wine in it.

That gesture was very much like a servant serving wine to distinguished guests at a banquet.

"Annares, give me the magic wine, Oculus needs it."

Thalyssra begged.

she says:

"Your sister"

"Don't mention her in front of me! You should know very well, right? You know how much I hate her."

The girl from Yue County snorted, put her hands on her hips, and said to the prisoners in front of her in a condescending tone:

"In addition, recognize your identities, prisoners, you are now the 'trophies' belonging to the Undead Fleet, and your lives are in the hands of the evil commander.

I've heard some bad rumors.

It's about you, Thalyssra.

The pirates say that you will be sent to the Eastern Continent as a 'magic slave', and as a gift from the pirates, you will be given to some human nobles who secretly support them.

Thalyssra, tsk tsk, I think you need to learn how to serve your master now.

To avoid being whipped with a whip.

Oh, by the way, the screams you make when being whipped must be more charming and seductive, so that your cruel master will show mercy.

This is a little bit of advice from me.

You're welcome. "

These words can be called vicious.

Thalyssra was so angry that her body was trembling. She was about to retort, but suddenly she saw the magic swordsman Melandus next to her shaking his head at her and stroking his chin again.

The Chief Arcanist then noticed that when Anaris was speaking, her fingers made a strange gesture.

It was a "little gesture" that Suramar nobles would use to communicate privately during banquets. It was a little secret among the dignitaries, and the meaning of Anarres's gesture was "walls have ears."

The Chief Arcanist was a smart person. She understood immediately, raised her head and cursed:

"Annares Moonshire, you traitor! You betrayed Suramar, you dirty little bitch, you sent your people into the hands of pirates, the Grand Magister will not let you go. of!

Your family will also be humiliated by this, you'd better kill me now, otherwise, I will definitely"


Her words angered the female pirate.

The latter roughly pulled out the bottle of magic wine from the butler Lunas behind him, strode forward, and hit Thalyssra on the head like a war hammer.

The wine bottle exploded, liquid splashed everywhere, and there were blood marks on the Chief Arcanist's head.

"Leave these words to your new master, you pathetic slave. In a few days we will set sail and leave the Broken Isles forever.

And you, you will be sent to those old and dirty human aristocrats, and you will have to coquettishly in front of their eyes and serve them with your body, so that you can get a little bit of leftovers.

Hope you enjoy your time in your new home, disgusting Thalyssra. "

Anares grabbed her hair, poured the magic wine from the broken wine bottle on her face, and shouted viciously:

"You want magic wine, right? I'll give it to you, all of it, drink it, drink it, you poor slave, this is your last meal."

"That's enough! Anarres!"

A scolding sounded in the darkness of the cabin, with a stern tone:

"They are the captain's personal property. Don't show off here! Go back to the deck and restrain the pirates under your command. They are making too much trouble."


The girl from Yue County shook off the dregs of the magic wine in her hand, put it to her mouth and licked it. She glanced at the embarrassed Thalyssra with cold eyes, turned around and took her servant with her, striding away.

As the cabin door closed, everything fell into dead silence.

Thalyssra, whose face was full of wine, raised her head, stretched out her hand with difficulty, squeezed out a little magic power, wrapped it in the wine liquid, and put it into the mouths of Oculus and Melandus.

This small glass of magic wine can make them feel more comfortable for the rest of the day.

Thalyssra herself moved her mouth, spit out a small rolled up note from her mouth, curled up there, and quietly opened it in the palm of her hand.

When he saw the words above, the chief arcanist let out a sigh of relief.

Anarres will help them escape.

The price is that after they return to Suramar, they must ensure that the Yuejun family is not implicated.

Of course, this could also be a trap, and perhaps Anarres had surrendered to the pirates, but in any case, taking a risk was at least better than waiting to die here.

What's more, a ten thousand-year-old noble like Anarris Yuejun would never be so mad that he would join a group of pirates to bring shame to his family, right?

This doesn't make sense.

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