Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 486 39. I am dead, my second brother-in-law and my brother-in-law eloped.

"Second sister?"

In the afternoon at Windrunner Manor, little brother Rilas, who was still a little pale, walked into the room where Sylvanas was resting, carrying a lunch.

This is actually the residence of the third sister Vereesa Windrunner.

Because Nathanos was placed in Sylvanas' room, the injured second sister moved here.

The younger brother knocked on the door but received no response. He thought the second sister was resting, but after entering the room, he found Sylvanas lying on the bed.

He leaned there, staring blankly in front of him.

Her eyes were wide open, but the light in them was scattered and unfocused, like a wooden person.

The injured calf was carefully treated by Ms. Liadrin, using warm holy light to dispel the chill of death. Herbs were also used this time, and a bandage was tied.

There was also a bandage on the second sister's cheek.

The injury on her face was not serious, nor was it large, but Ms. Liadrin said that because of the condensed shadow, it might have left a small scar on Sylvanas's cheek. .

For pretty girls, this is an intolerable flaw.

But Lilas believed that the second sister's dejected appearance was definitely not caused by knowing that she would have scars on her face.

The second sister also has a lot of scars on her body.

She joined the battle with her mother very early. She is not that delicate elf lady. She would not see the scar as a flaw but, like those men, as a badge of honor.

To be honest, the second sister is much more imposing than most male high elves.

At home, Lilas is most afraid of his second sister, especially when she is angry, she is exactly like her mother, full of majesty.

"Second sister?"

Liras placed the dinner plate on the table, walked forward, sat beside the second sister's bed, and called softly again.

"Huh? Little brother, what's the matter?"

Sylvanas' consciousness seemed to be called back from a distant place. She looked at her brother blankly, and the focus in her eyes recovered little by little.

She didn't seem to know what expression to use in response, so she could only show a stiff smile.

"Lady Liadrin said Mr. Nathanos' injuries are not serious and he will likely recover in a few days."

Lilas whispered.

"Really? That would be great."

Sylvanas replied, her tone still so hollow, which frightened Liras. He suspected that the second sister had been stimulated last night and had not recovered yet.

Think about it, the second sister, who has always been proud, was first easily defeated by a pirate, then learned that her lover was actually a pirate, and finally learned from the eldest sister that her mother was still alive.

In the end, he was almost shot to death by an arrow from a damn pirate.

But it was the lover she thought was a traitor who sacrificed his life to save her life.

Rilas still remembers the last moment of last night, the embarrassed look of the second sister holding Nathanos Marris tightly and not letting go. At that time, Mr. Marris bled a lot, and it was as if he was dead.

The second sister's expression at that time was already a bit off.

A series of blows, all-round stimulation from body to soul, Rilas was a bystander throughout the whole process, and he could feel the same as his second sister.

If he encountered such a situation, he would probably be even more miserable than his second sister.

"Eldest sister went to see the Sun King."

Lilas held the second sister's cold and frightening hand, and whispered:

"She wouldn't tell me what she went to do, but I overheard Lord Halduron talking to Lord Lor'themar outside his chambers, they said."

He took a peek at the second sister's expression and said cautiously:

"They said that eldest sister might take over your position as Ranger General. They also said that eldest sister is indeed more suitable to become a Ranger General than you. It's not that you are bad.

It's just that you are still lacking in terms of reputation and diplomacy.

However, the Sun King should fill the position of Ranger Lord and Second General of the Farstrider Legion for you. "

"They're right."

Sylvanas did not show any disappointment or anger. On the contrary, she clenched the sheets with both hands and said in that empty tone:

"I don't have the ability to take over my mother's position. No matter in terms of strength or knowledge, I am far behind. I am just a poor imitator.

It only took my mother less than a year to train a more qualified disciple.

I'm not a genius at all.

I am not as good as Alleria in every aspect."

"No, second sister! Don't listen to that annoying pirate's nonsense."

Lilas retorted:

"Lord Halduron told me that as for the pirate who finally used some kind of power to shoot that arrow, there were only a few people in Quel'Thalas, and even among the Kaldorei's Silver Winged Sentinel Legion, who could do it.

In terms of skills, he has even surpassed his mother when she was young.

Even if it wasn't you who passed last night, but any Ranger Lord, the loss would only be worse.

It is not a shame to lose to him. "

"Because he is too strong, does it make sense for me to lose? Because others can't beat him, so am I not a loser?"

Sylvanas asked in a complicated tone.

Rilas was choked and speechless.

"Little brother, your second sister is not so fragile that she can't even accept failure."

The second sister closed her eyes and said softly:

"What I can't accept is that my mother would rather choose a pirate than return to us. How disappointed should we, our relatives, be for her?"


When Lilas heard this, he stood up immediately. The young elf said seriously:

"I believe that mother will never give up on us, second sister, don't think about it. The eldest sister had a deep talk with mother last night, maybe she knows more details.

There must be something wrong with her mother, and it must be the evil pirate who is forcing her. "

"Doesn't that further prove the incompetence of us people?"

The second sister said:

"We, who can't even protect our mother, are we really qualified to inherit the name 'Windrunner'?"

"She just"

Liras wanted to say more, but felt the door behind him was pushed open again.

"Brother, go check on General Nathanos for me. I have something I want to talk to your second sister about."

The eldest sister Alleria's voice sounded at the door.

Rilas turned around, his expression dull.

The eldest sister is still the eldest sister.

But she had already put on an old green armor, which was the armor Lyresa was wearing when she died in the battle. It was the magic chain armor that only Ranger Generals were qualified to wear.

She hung her arms and carried a family war bow behind her back.

Although his left arm was injured, for a ranger of Alleria's level, firing a bow with one hand was only a basic operation. Anyone who thinks that the injured Windrunner is easy to deal with is truly out of his mind.

"What are you doing standing there?"

Alleria had just returned from Silvermoon City. She was not in a good mood, and there was a hint of reprimand in her tone. Lilas pursed his lips and glanced at the weak second sister. He stood up in silence, Go out the door.


The door is closed.

There was silence in the third sister's room, and the two sisters who were not on good terms were looking at each other.

"Not bad. Sure enough, this armor is more suitable for you."

Sylvanas, who was lying on the bed, spoke first, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone:

"Congratulations, you finally got back what belongs to you from me, the 'thief'. You are indeed my mother's favorite child.

When she comes home, she has to get rid of me as a nuisance first and talk to you alone. "

Alleria didn't answer, she just walked slowly towards her sister.

Sylvanas didn't care.

she says:

"What are you going to do next? Are you going to announce something to me as the head of the family? For example, forbid me from continuing with Nathanos."


The second sister's words were interrupted by a sudden slap in the face.

Her cheeks were turned outwards from the beating, the bandage on her face flew off, and the wound that had stopped bleeding began to bleed again.

This slap stunned the second sister.

She covered her face and looked at her sister blankly. Although the two had been competing since childhood and had fought many times, they had never been so simple and rough.

"You feel that you have failed, you feel that you have done something wrong, then I will give you the punishment you deserve for doing something wrong. Now that the punishment is over, what happened last night is over, okay?

No matter how hard it is to accept, no matter what the truth is, don't think about it anymore. "

Alleria sat beside her sister's bed. She looked at Sylvanas tenderly and said:

"I really need you to get back to your best now, we still have a lot to do.

I can't do it alone, I need your help.

My mother asked me to take over your position as general, not because she thought you were not good enough. She chooses to see me but not you, not because she doesn't love you.

On the contrary, mother's original intention of doing all this, including letting Maris lure you away, was not to let you get involved.

She originally intended that only I would know this cold and hurtful truth. I was too reckless and got you involved, making you what you are now.

This is all my fault.

This proves that I have my shortcomings. You and I were both losers last night, but together we two loser sisters can do whatever our mother tells us to do. "

She paused, looked at Sylvanas, and said:

"Calm down?"


The second sister covered her face and nodded.

"Then listen up!

Mother blocked the reputation of the Windrunner family and ordered something very important. She didn't tell me her reasons, but I was willing to believe her.

I want to believe you too.

Only the two of us can do this together, and once discovered, there will no longer be a place for Windrunner in all of Quel'Thalas.

We cannot leave it to others, we must do it ourselves. "

Alleria leaned close to her sister's ear and whispered something. Sylvanas's eyes widened in the next moment. She grabbed Alleria's wrist and said in a deep voice:

"You're crazy! You can't do this!"

"Must do it!"

The eldest sister gave her a firm look.

Sylvanas fell silent for a moment. After a few seconds, she asked:

"What's going on with that pirate? Is he also a part of mother's plan?"

"I have no idea."

Alleria shook her head and said:

"My mother didn't want to talk about him. She just warned us to stay away from him. I felt that my mother was protecting us. That pirate must be a very dangerous person.

Mother doesn't think we can deal with him.

Facts have proved that we really can't deal with it, at least not on the sea.

But perhaps more information about him can be learned from Nathanos.

Sister, I know your character, but Nathanos proved with his actual actions last night that he is indeed worthy of your favor and his feelings for you."

"I don't want to talk about this."

Sylvanas lowered her head and said hoarsely:

"That might be part of the pirate's plan.

It's hard for me to trust him like before, and I don't know how to face him. When I close my eyes now, I see the arrow piercing his body last night.

At that moment, I saw the look in his eyes.

He is laughing.

He seemed to think that protecting me like that would be good even if he died, but the more he did this, the more conflicted I became. "

"You should talk to him."

In terms of relationships, Alleria also experienced human love for the first time. Naturally, she couldn't give her sister any advice. After thinking about it, she could only say:

"Maybe it would be good if we talk about it.

We know nothing about the pirate now, and Nathanos is our only breakthrough. He could form a brotherly alliance with that pirate, and the relationship between them must be extraordinary.

I will also check the origin of that pirate through my contacts in the human kingdom. "

"Yes, I will."

Before Sylvanas could finish her words, there was a rapid knock on the door, and Pastor Liadrin opened the door and came in, holding two letters in her hand.

The pastor's face was serious and he said to the Windrunner sisters in the house:

"Nathanos disappeared. He left a letter to General Sylvanas. In addition, your brother Lilas Windrunner also left with him.

He also left a letter for you. "


Alleria stood up in disbelief and said:

“There are two legendary rangers, two ranger lords, more than two hundred elite far-striders guarding the surroundings, and the magic monitoring of Phoenix mages!

Nathanos was a wounded man, how did he disappear quietly?

Is he also a hidden demigod? "

"It's Hearthstone."

Pastor Liadrin replied helplessly:

"The mages have checked in the past and found that Nathanos is using a hearthstone, which should be a high-quality hearthstone made by the spellcasters of Dalaran.

You also know the characteristics of that thing. Without raising the Raynor Bandir Barrier, the magical barrier of Windrunner Manor cannot prevent the Hearthstone from taking effect.

He must have been prepared in advance.

No one knew he had it on him, and no one could trace the stone's whereabouts. "

The senior priest handed the letter in his hand to the angry and trembling Alleria, and she said:

"Perhaps you can learn what they are thinking from the letter. Alas, the affairs of your Windrunner family are always full of such strange turns.

May the Holy Light bless you. "



In Southsea Town, nearly ten thousand miles away from Quel'Thalas, Nathanos suddenly appeared from a room and shook his body.

He watched the white rune hearthstone in his hand dim, then he covered his bleeding abdomen and sat on the chair next to him. Beside him, Lilas Windrunner, who was carrying a bag, looked around curiously.

This is the first time he has been so far away from home.

"Ahem, let me ask you one last time, have you really made up your mind?"

The pale Nathanos glanced at Lilas and said:

"It takes at most three days to go to Black's island by sea from here. You will meet him and your mother there, but have you ever thought about what you are going to say and what you are going to do after meeting him? "

"I have no idea."

Liras grabbed the bag on his shoulder. He was carrying the bow of the second sister on his back, and the two swords of the second sister were stuck in his belt. He said:

"But I don't want to be a burden to my sisters. I want to go to my mother. If she has the time to train a pirate, then she must have the time to train me."

The child said with a sense of resentment:

"I'm tired of seeing the grief on my sisters' faces, who tell me nothing, who treat me like a child. But I'm the last man in the Windrunner family.

I'm not as sissy as that pirate said.

From now on, I will protect the smiles of my sisters and the future of the entire Windrunner family! "

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