Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 537 90. Eat my poisonous arrows of justice

If it was the Druids of the Society of Benevolence who were forced to do so at the request of the Cenarion Order to capture the stinky pirates, then it was these "righteous" Druids who captured old Hemet Nesingwary. lifelong demands.

Even if no one pays, they will take the initiative to complete it with 500% passion.

In addition, old Hemet personally did the unforgivable evil thing of setting fire to the forest in front of a group of wild druids, which gave the Druids of the Rendehui an additional "anger" BUFF.

As a result, they chased even more vigorously.

In addition to a big druid and a "hunter" team composed of six high-level druids, the druids also launched a large-scale "Nature Alliance" magic.

Almost all the birds in the northwest Hillsbrad Hills have been recruited to become their temporary "natural sentinels".

So from dusk to night that day, the farmers in this area saw an unforgettable spectacle. Large flocks of birds of different species and sizes swept through the surroundings with howling sounds like a passing storm.

The ferocious hawk, the nimble bullfinch, and even the fat domestic pigeons all flew screaming together under the call of some force.

This scene frightened the superstitious people, and they spread rumors that a great disaster would occur.

At night, the nearby priests had to leave the church to calm the restless people. But these Holy Light Priests have never seen such a strange scene, and they cannot explain this bizarre scene.

But the real disaster had already befallen old Hemet.

The legendary dwarf hunter would be extremely embarrassed.

He maintained a cheetah guard that facilitated high-speed movements, and was running from the Hillsbrad Hills through the foothills of Alterac toward Dalaran.

Fortunately, this place is not very far from Dalaran. It takes a day to reach it by horseback, and the druids are not as familiar with the local roads as the dwarves, so he actually temporarily escaped the blockade.

Relying on the legendary hunter's deep connection with the natural wilderness, Hemet is also immune to a certain extent from detection by the avian sentinels summoned by the Natural Alliance.

This created excellent conditions for his desperate escape.

Actually, the druids of the Rende Society obviously have misunderstandings about Hemet.

It can be judged from the deep connection between this old dwarf and the natural wilderness that he is still being protected by the power of nature and is not a "doer of all evil" as claimed by the druids.

But the pursuers that the old dwarf faced at this time were not only the fanatical Druids of the Society of Benevolence, but also a stinky pirate who "does all evil" in the true sense.

The previous situation of "hunting and being hunted" was reversed, and now it was Black who had no time to hide in the shadows. He would give the old dwarf a hard blow when he was running away.

Seeing that it had entered dark night and arrived at the perfect home ground for pirates, the old dwarf's situation became worse and worse.

He didn't even dare to fight back in a big way, lest he attract the attention of the madmen from the Rende Society again. In this case, it would be difficult for him to escape if the druids entangled him again.

But on the other hand, pirate attacks cannot be carried out with great fanfare.

After all, he is also one of the targets of the Rende Society.

If those lunatics discovered him, he would not be able to reap the benefits. But Blake's advantage is that as long as the moonlight shines, he is 100% sure to escape safely.


With a threatening scolding.

The old dwarf, who was running quickly and quietly in the forest, was enveloped by a sword light. The legendary long sword struck Hemet's neck with a cold light, and the old dwarf jumped back out of the fighting area.

The short-barreled shotgun in his hand fired in front of him, forcing Blake back.

The pirate's figure disappeared in the speed of bullets, and he jumped behind the hunter with a flash in the dark. The flaming dagger in his hand stabbed forward with a vicious back stab. Amid Hemet's cry of pain, a bloody gap was opened behind him. scars.

Blake took advantage of the victory and pursued the attack. He stabbed the stiff dwarf with his weapons, but they collided with Hemet's skin, causing the pirate's hands to shake, as if he had been struck on a stone.

This is the racial talent of dwarves: stone form.

Every Bronzebeard dwarf can do it, and it is usually only used in life-saving moments. After this natural power is used, the dwarf's skin will be wrapped in a thick layer of rock.

While the defense is enhanced to the limit, it is immune to negative states such as bleeding, poisoning, curses, etc. However, the movement speed in this state will also be severely reduced.

Seeing the stone statue-like old Hemet turning around and gritting his teeth to fight back, the pirate sneered twice, held the long sword and the burning dagger, took a few steps back, and disappeared into the darkness.

He said in a sarcastic tone:

"Unless you are a Bronzebeard royal and can descend to earth, your rock skin will only last a few minutes at most. I have plenty of energy to play with you slowly, my poor Hemet.

To be honest, you shouldn't take the initiative to mess with me. I'm a notoriously cautious person in the sea.

Oh, right.

Walking at night is too unsafe for an old man like you. This thing is for you to protect yourself. "

At the moment when he was swallowed by the shadow, Blake let out a long laugh. As Hemet watched in shock, three flares were fired into the sky by the pirates using a special launcher.

A bright light illuminated the forest for an instant, turning the old dwarf, who was in a rock-skinned state and unable to run at all, into the most handsome boy in the darkness.

This damn evil pirate, why is he such a bitch!

Hemet cursed angrily, turned around and ran away.

"He's there! The damn butcher is there! Sisters! Don't let him get away!"

The sharp call of the female druid of the Rende Society sounded out a few seconds later. As a gust of wind swept through the dark forest, the old dwarf who finally escaped the pursuit was once again forced into a desperate situation where he had to fight to the death. .

The old dwarf simply couldn't imagine what kind of treatment he would receive once he fell into the hands of the Rendehui.

He is also a man of broad knowledge.

He had heard about what happened to Xavius, the great elf noble who offended the Druid 10,000 years ago, and he really didn't want to experience the feeling of being "planted into a tree" for himself.

In the forest under the dark night, amidst the roars of beasts, the old dwarf, hiding under the disguise, acted decisively and viciously to stuff his own specially made mammoth hunting bullets into his sniper rifle.

The bullet was as thick as the old dwarf's thumb, and the tip shone with a cold light. If he hadn't been forced to do so, he would never have used this thing against intelligent life.

This is too cruel.


That's what hunting is, isn't it?

There will never be a sure thing, and accidents will always happen.

The old dwarf, who was tired of hunting, strangely felt the same feeling for the first time in his youth in the snowy mountains of Dun Morogh when he was cornered in the forest at the foot of the Alterac Mountains at night. The excitement of picking up a gun and hunting wild boars.

The kind of passion that makes your fingers and body tremble.

That weird mix of fear and anticipation that surges through your heart.

There is also the wonderful feeling that time seems to have stopped, and only he, the prey and the weapon in his hand are left in the whole world.

Hemet Nesingwari took a deep breath.

Ignoring the bulging veins on his neck caused by the accumulated snake venom in his body, he raised his head and drank another mouthful of hunting snake oil. Under the extremely pungent smell, the old dwarf's eyes seemed to be on fire.

bring it on!

He grabbed his sniper gun, slung the double-barreled shotgun behind his back, inserted two dwarf hand cannons into his waist, and finally tied a one-handed ax behind his back and pulled his hunting hat down hard.

He drank the last half of the bottle of wine behind him, dropped the bottle, and walked into the frighteningly noisy night with his gun in hand.

Exciting hunting moments


All this was completely seen by Black who was hiding in the darkness. The old dwarf's determination made him frown slightly. If he were in this situation, he would never make such a reckless move.

Old Hemet was equivalent to actively exposing his position.

The Druid side has a numerical advantage. Once he is besieged, the end of the old dwarf will definitely not be good.

The pirate raised his head and glanced at the sky. A curved moon had risen, and the clear moonlight shone on the ground. The bright light in his eyes was different from that in other people's eyes.

Blake moved his body into the moonlight, and as if he was melting into it, he took out the magic stone specially made by Nathalas Academy and injected magic power into it.

The distance is a bit far, so only intermittent communication can be achieved.

He raised his head, looked at a large Storm Crow moving silently through the night, and whispered to the other side of the Magic Stone:

"Little Xingxing, don't sleep.

Go to Nathanos and ask him to take his weapons and leave the city immediately, heading southeast of Silverpine Forest and bordering Lake Lordamre. I will drive Hemet there, and I will not be involved in what happens next, he will do it himself. "


Little Xingxing on the other end felt the aura of something bad, and she said excitedly:

"Can I join in the fun?"

"It's best not to come. I'm afraid you will be shot out of the sky by the dwarf and become a shame to the Blue Dragon Legion in the future."

Blake complained:

"You blue dragons have smaller wings than other dragons. This is a risk that cannot be avoided."

"Hey, who are you looking down on? I want to go!"

Little Star gave a dissatisfied response and cut off the magic connection. Blake shook his head.


A loud and unexpectedly loud gunshot echoed in the forest ahead, causing the pirate to put away his random thoughts and quickly run in that direction with his long bow in hand.

Seconds later, the pirates arrived on the scene.

The old dwarf was nowhere to be seen.

A high-level female druid was clutching her waist in pain and falling into a pool of blood. She seemed to have only one breath left. Old Hemet's terrifying bullet tore a shocking wound in her waist and abdomen.

But the connection between the druids and the power of nature allowed her to escape the call of death. There was an emerald green light lingering on the druid, helping her recover bit by bit.

Just this kind of injury

She probably had to be sent back to Moonlight Grove immediately, otherwise she would die.

"How much hatred is there? Don't you know, Qiong Kou Mo Zhui?"

The pirate squatted next to the female druid, stretched out his hand and touched her sweaty forehead.

The old dwarf was really strange. He could have aimed for the head but insisted on hitting the waist and abdomen.

According to Black's evil-minded guess, the old dwarf was probably bullied, so he deliberately let these crazy druids die in such a painful way.

While he was thinking, he took out a healing stone, stuffed it into the mouth of the unconscious Druid, and helped her chew it.

"Hey, I saved your life. Although you don't know it, you owe me a favor. I'm going to get paid now. Happy transaction."

The pirate rubbed his hands and quickly stripped the druid in front of him naked, swept away all the magic items on her body, and then followed the traces left by the old dwarf and continued forward.

After that, there were three more gunshots, and the three druids chasing Hemet all received the same "treatment", making Black who was following behind him a small fortune.

But after killing several druids, the old dwarf truly came to a desperate situation.

Just when they were about to enter the border of Silverpine Forest, Archdruid Isolarius appeared.

He struck from the darkness, using his natural claws in the form of a panther wearing wooden armor, leaving a bleeding wound on the old dwarf's left arm.

This Archdruid is also a ruthless person.

He endured the pain of being hit by a bullet, crippled old Hemet's left hand, and then transformed into a violent giant bear with magic marks on his body. He bared his teeth and claws and launched a killing attack at old Hemet who was out of ammunition and food.

The old dwarf burned out all the mammoth hunting bullets in his hand, leaving four or five hideous wounds on the legendary druid's body that were bleeding profusely.

But this was his final counterattack.

As a sniper master, the most suitable tactic for him requires his companions to create conditions for him to kill. Such a solo fight is the last way that old Hemet should choose to fight.

But at this moment, the old dwarf seemed to be furious.

He dropped the empty firearm on the ground, panted heavily, hung his arm, and pulled out the one-handed ax from his waist.

He just stared at the archdruid who was also bleeding in front of him with disheveled hair. Instead of retreating, he actively launched an attack on Isolarius.

He swung the dwarf ax and rushed forward, just like when he was young, he personally completed his first hunt for the Bear King in the Snow Mountains of Dun Morogh.

The old dwarf didn't really want to die.

He just wasn't going to live humiliated by a bunch of crazy druids.

"Oh, the trapped beast still fights, I was moved."

Blake, who was eating melon and watching the show, picked up the war bow and poured a small sip of the snake oil he had stolen into his mouth. The terrible smell made the pirate's eyes widen for a moment.

"How on earth does he tolerate this smell? I'd rather lick the ogre's stinky feet!"

The pirate retched once.

Looking at the two temporary states of [poisoned] and [concentrated] clearly displayed on the character card, he tried hard not to think about the smell just now. He threw out the hunter's mark, raised the long bow of the soul string, and set up the void spike.



Before the countdown even started, the charged sniper arrow flew out of the bowstring with a roar.

Blake pulled out the second void spike with his backhand, and less than a second later, the second sniper arrow was also covered with high-speed rotating shadows, roaring like a poisonous snake looking for food.

The first was given to Hemet, the second to Isolarius.

The third shot with short charge is still given to the "lucky" Archdruid.

The old dwarf rolled out, spurting blood.

The archdruid roared into a storm crow and summoned the power of nature, summoning four tree men, which barely blocked the third sniper arrow fired by Black.

Unfortunately, the two-hit kill failed.

The pirate looked at the tree man who was blown to pieces, and then at the archdruid flying into the night. He shook his head, but he was not disappointed.

The professional characteristics of druids determine that they are always the most difficult legendaries to kill.

Tonight's performance was pretty good.

One versus two, defeating two legends, a classic double kill, tsk tsk, that is to say, Little Star was not present, otherwise the stinky pirates would brag about it again in the future.

"Oh, my dear Hemet."

Black carried the long bow of the spirit string behind his back, walked up to the old dwarf who struggled to sit up, threw him a few healing stones, and then reached out to pick up the sniper rifle that the old dwarf had thrown aside.

He said:

"You were arrogant and didn't kill me before. Now I'll return the favor and we'll be clean. But I don't intend to get involved in the mess between you and the Rendehui, so I quickly ate these new candies I made.

Then run.

Besides, your boots are nice, I want them! "

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