Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 582 135. Little Star’s Big Plunder

The Hillsbrad Hills were extremely lively today. Just after noon, local farmers saw a group of behemoths flying across the sky.

Even the most ignorant of the country folk recognized them immediately.

The lizard-like body, huge wings, ferocious claws, and the strong wind it brought up when flying high in the sky even caused the clouds in the sky to rotate.

That's a dragon!

A frightening creature of legend, a creature that plays the villainous role in most of the fantasy tales told by bards.

They are terrifying, but also majestic.

Groups of giant dragons flew past, attracting adults and children in hilly villages and cities to run with them. Some good people even mounted horses to try to keep up with the dragon's "migration."

The wild animals, poultry and livestock in the hills were jumping up and down like crazy.

The majesty from the superior creatures makes them feel like natural enemies. Occasionally, a blue dragon turns its head to look down from the sky. Wherever the sight sweeps, the horses running after them will tremble in fear and stop.

Many people are speculating why so many dragons appear in the Hillsbrad Hills. Except for the red dragons driven by the evil orcs during the Orc War, there have been no stories of dragons appearing here at all in the past.

But there are actually dragon habitats in the eastern continent, and there are more than one, but most people don't know it.

"Follow me, Ravenholdt Manor is ahead!"

Flying in front of the four adult blue dragons to lead the way is Her Royal Highness Little Star and her loyal guard "Steam Princess" Seian Gosa. They are currently heading to Ravenholdt Manor under the orders of the Spellweaver to capture The evil black dragon hides there.

Little Xingxing can be sure that there is at least one black dragon there.

The reason is simple, the captain told her so.

She now trusted every word the magical captain said. Because facts have proven that the prophet, the captain, does have "real information".

"That evil guy hides in the lair of the assassins, where it performs dragon blood rituals for the rebellious assassins. It turns pure humans into dependents of the black dragon.

I learned from my sources that they also formed a small-scale cult called the 'Dragon Worship Cult' in that mountain.

That organization is very, very evil!

Whether it is for the justice that the Blue Dragon Legion is seeking, or for the safety of human civilization, they must be dealt with! "

The little star flying in front of the head and leading the way roared at the adult blue dragon behind him with dragon language and stern words, and received bursts of enthusiastic responses.

The blue dragons will be in high spirits and eager to fight.

They have just captured six evil black dragon traitors in the human city. If they can capture one or two more, the "trial" conference held in the Demonic Center soon will definitely be very solemn and lively.

This can also comfort the people who died in despicable betrayal ten thousand years ago.

Of course, apart from the joy of victory, the adult blue dragons also did not forget to praise the man who single-handedly led to today's victory.

"Little Star is indeed the blood descendant of Lord Senegos, and has inherited the courage and wisdom of the ancient blue dragon.

Since the end of the war 10,000 years ago, the Blue Dragon Legion has never stopped hunting the black dragons, but most of the ones we seek to destroy are unimportant dragon beasts and dragonborn.

We haven't had a victory of this magnitude in thousands of years. "

The adult female blue dragon Tarecgosa, who was following Little Star, praised:

"After today, Little Star will definitely be personally commended by the Spellweaver, and even enjoy a place in the Wyrmrest Temple. In the next tens of millions of years, our descendants will tell your legendary story."

"Yes, Little Star will definitely be awarded the title of 'Blue Dragon Hero', just like Sapphiron."

Another female blue dragon, Martigosa, also answered:

"Bluewing Roost will be honored by your feat, and your grandfather will be proud of you."

"Everywhere, these are just small things that I should do for my people as a member of the Blue Dragon Legion. They are not worthy of great praise."

Little Xingxing responded very humbly.

But it can be seen from her wagging tail and wings that this guy must be very proud of himself now.

"But I'm more curious about how Little Xingxing found the hidden traces of those black dragons?"

The male blue dragon that flew lower, Kalecgos, who had a "bad reputation" among the Blue Dragon Legion, asked curiously:

"Those black dragons have learned quite superb camouflage skills during their ten thousand years of hiding. Their camouflage magic can even fool the Spellweaver's detection at the level of the world's magic network.

I didn't mean to look down on your strength, little star.

I'm just curious, how did you crack their camouflage? Is it some kind of magic? "

"Ah this"

Little Xingxing blinked her big eyes like a fish. She thought about it and replied seriously:

“This is a secret, I can’t reveal too much to you.

Because we will continue to hunt for black dragons hiding in other places in the future. If the black dragons find out about my method, they will definitely improve their camouflage skills.

But I can tell you that I used the power of the black dragons to see through their disguise. I hired a powerful human and stole it from the black dragons.

Look ahead!

Those two black dragons are going to run away! quick! Chase them! "

Before the little blue dragon finished his "exclusive revelation", there were two black spots roaring into the sky in the mountains at the junction of the hills ahead and the Eagle's Nest Mountain.

Although they were extremely far away, the six blue dragons still found their traces in an instant.

Those were clearly two adult black dragons trying to escape!

The Spellweaver personally took control of Lordaeron and locked the magic network in the entire northern Xinjiang. Except for the blue dragon who had the authority of the magic network, all other teleportation spells involving magic were unable to be used. This made the black dragons want to escape. Only through wings.

The two black dragons hiding in Ravenholdt Manor did not receive the alarm from their companions, and therefore missed the best time to escape. At this time, they probably felt the arrival of the blue dragons, so they panicked and chose to escape in two directions.

"Hey, evil! Don't even think about running away!"

The largest male blue dragon among the four adult blue dragons, Azuregos, who came from the ruins of Azshara on the continent of Kalimdor, roared angrily.

A huge giant teleportation channel was activated and released by dragon language magic.

The adult giant dragon folded its wings and flew into the passage like a shuttle arrow. The next moment, its huge and powerful body suddenly appeared from the arc of light in front of a black dragon in the distance.

First, there was a standard dragon collision, making a thunderous noise in the air, coupled with ruthless high-altitude attack tactics. Two dragons, one blue and one black, entangled in the air and fell towards the Eagle's Nest Mountain.

"Marty, go help him! Little Star, don't follow him!"

Tarecgosa roared, and like Azoregos, activated dragon language teleportation, sending herself and Kalecgos in the direction of the other black dragon's escape.


The fierce and brave Sai Anigosa also wanted to fight, but was hurriedly stopped by Little Star.

"Don't go, don't go! Come with me, let's go to Ravenholdt Manor."

The little blue dragon princess looked left and right in the sky, lowered her voice and said to her magic guard:

"There are other evils there that need to be dealt with. Don't forget that the black dragons have transformed many contaminated blood descendants. If left unchecked, they will stir up new evil conspiracies in the human world."


Seanigosa apparently believes that adult black dragons are the real threat.

What does the immortality of humans have to do with her being a blue dragon?

"Then I'll go alone?"

Little Star said deliberately:

"Alas, it's a pity that my strength is not strong enough. If I encounter a trap set by a cunning human being, I might be captured by humans and sold as a pet to some fat and ugly human nobles. "

"Don't even think about it!"

Hearing this, Seanigosa's nostrils suddenly erupted with hot steam-like magic power. Her eyes were red and she flew around the little star. The dragon claws covered with armored claws flew up and down in the air, and she roared. :

"Whoever dares to hurt you, Your Highness, must get through me first! I will kill and eat all the humans who have evil thoughts towards you!"

"Good, that's it."

Little Star nodded with satisfaction in the air, pointed to the hidden valley in the distance with her paw, and said:

"Those evil humans who are malicious to me are hiding there. I now appoint you as my war pioneer! Go, Seianni, kill all the cultists of the Dragon Worship Cult and destroy their inheritance.

I'm going to look into their warehouses and treasure rooms to make sure there are no traces of evil there.

Since you want to do good deeds and be a hero, you must do the good deeds to the end.

Remember to help me guard outside, and don't let anyone else come in and disturb me before I rob, cough, and check for danger. "

"As you command, my lord!"

Seanigosa roared.

This bellicose and powerful dragon flapped its wings and flew towards Ravenholdt Manor in the mountains below. As she approached, she saw some humans on the ground who were escaping out of the mountains through the assassin's secret passage.

Those guys obviously smelled of the pungent black dragon's blood.

"Dirty bastards! You don't want to go anywhere!"

The "Steam Princess" blue dragon circled in the air, roared in human language, lowered its head and spread the extremely cold frost breath around like a heavy rain from the sky.

The ice cones and ice walls bursting with magic completely sealed the passage to the outside of the manor, blocking those "black dragon worshipers" in this hidden valley.

Those guys also tried to use their poor "dragonborn power" to attack a real dragon, but their magic was like a trick in front of an adult blue dragon.

As soon as Seanigosa landed, the dragon's tail swept across like a war hammer and ended the lives of a dozen unlucky people, while Little Star turned into a human form and took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the depths of Ravenholdt Manor.

This place is in the style of a large noble fortress, and there seems to be a magic barrier around it for concealment. However, due to the arrival of the Spellweaver, this barrier has automatically failed due to the magic network being locked.

"Quick, go find the baby."

As soon as the little star landed, he dropped the little fish man in his arms on the ground, urging it to act quickly.

But after the little fishman landed, he stretched out in a pretentious manner, yawning, and staring at the little star with his cute big eyes.

It raised its paws and made a "three" gesture.

Meaning, all babies, it costs 30%!


Little Xingxing put her hands on her hips and said fiercely:

"I found the thugs, I drove away the black dragon, and my guards were blocking those bad guys. I just need your help to find a treasure, and you actually want 30%?

Why don't you go and grab it? "

These words made the little fish man roll his eyes.


What a joke!

Is it as easy to make money from robbery as "appearance fees" now?


It roared twice at Little Xingxing, but Little Xingxing also folded his arms and refused to lower his head. One dragon and one fish were in a stalemate. After nearly ten seconds, the little fish man sighed and put down the three raised claws. root.

"Not even 20%, I'll give you 10% at most!"

Blue Dragon cursed:

"I still owe a lot of debt to little Gianna. I just relied on this wave of robbery to recover my health. You still want to take some of it from me. You little fish man is really heartless!

You are worse than the captain! Just 10%, no more! "

The little fish man looked dissatisfied.

But there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. He snorted, adjusted the pirate costume he was wearing today with his paws, and pushed the pirate hat on his head. He took out the dog whistle he had just got from his bag and put it on. Blow hard on your mouth.


The ghost of a calf-sized Royal Hound of Gilneas was summoned.

The little fish man croaked and gave orders to it. The ghost hound howled twice, then sniffed the ground and walked towards the interior of Ravenholdt Manor.

Little Star follows closely behind.

She didn't know how the assassins hid things, but with the treasure-hunting ability of the little fish man, all she had to do was violently destroy the treasure house doors that concealed secret passages and mechanisms.

Anyway, with the blue dragon's physique and spell-casting ability, these mechanisms to prevent human thieves can basically not hurt her.


A heavy iron door was first frozen by the extremely cold ice flow, and then was kicked open by a powerful kick. With ice shards flying everywhere, Little Xingxing held her nose and walked into the secret room deep in the manor.

The light here was dim, so the little murloc sitting on Little Star's shoulder simply took out a torch. After shining the light, he saw several sets of assassin armors on hangers, all with stamps on them.

These are the Duke's private collection.

Each set of armor has several components to make up the suit, and on the weapon racks on the wall, there are also a variety of exquisite weapons, ranging from short weapons used by assassins to heavy weapons such as halberds and spears. There are several shields shining with magical light.

As well as various magical accessories with unknown functions.

"Wow, I'm rich."

The little blue dragon whistled proudly and stroked the armor and the exquisite weapons hanging on the wall, but the little fish-man rubbed its nose, jumped down, and swayed deeper into the secret room.

Little Xingxing, who was playing with an exquisite horn engraved with a lion, also followed. Soon, the two guys found a small box of rings in the box at the deepest part of the secret room.

There are more than a dozen of them, all of which are the original embryos of Ravenholdt's emblem. They have not yet been imbued with magic by the magic craftsmen. But just looking at the original embryos, you can tell that these are truly perfect products.

"Ha, this box of rings should be able to silence the captain."

Little Xingxing blinked, threw one to the little fish-man, took one herself, then packed the rest, then looked back at the secret room behind her, she narrowed her eyes and said with a smile:

"Everything left is mine!"

"Wow, is this what robbery feels like? This evil feeling of getting something for nothing and getting rich overnight is so addictive."

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