Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 589 142. The Eternal Reincarnation of the

In Lordaeron City, in the King's Hall of the Royal Palace, the kings are discussing today's affairs here. The atmosphere is very solemn, and the leader of Dalaran, Antonidas, looks indifferent.

It is understandable that the Whitebeard Archmage would be in a bad mood.

After all, Dalaran had said that all members of the Kirin Tor would do their best to ensure the safety of Anduin Lothar in Northern Xinjiang, but now Lothar was seriously injured.

According to the marshal himself, if he hadn't met with the help of his "old friend" and relied on a special drug to temporarily suppress the orc's poison, Lothar would have died by now.

Everyone present knew how much intrigue there was behind this matter. Some things cannot be said on the stage, but it does not mean that there is no resentment in everyone's heart.

What's more, the Assassin's League captured everyone alive.

Varian Wrynn is interrogating the hapless master dwarf assassin, and he may uncover some shocking secrets.

As for who has evil intentions and who is honest, at least you can't tell at this meeting. The people present are all old foxes, the kind who don't fly until they see the coffin.

"I said."

Master Antonidas looked around at the crowd, coughed and said:

"Today's event"


As soon as the Archmage started speaking, the door to the King's Hall was pushed open by the royal guards guarding the door. When the kings looked back, the voices of the guards wearing heavy helmets were trembling.

He pointed in the direction of Dalaran outside the palace, across the lake from Lordaeron, and said with a trembling voice:

"It's burning! Your Majesties, the city of Dalaran is burning!"


The Archmage who commanded the mages who came to Lordaeron City to support this chaotic party suddenly changed his expression. He suddenly stood up and left the hall with a teleportation spell. When he reappeared, he was already on the watchtower high in the palace.

Antonidas, wearing a wizard's pointed hat and holding the Archmage's Staff, looked in the direction of the Magic City.

He moved his fingers slightly, and an eagle eye magic was cast on him, allowing him to see the landscape at a greater distance.

On the other side of the rugged Lake Lordamre, in the Tirisfal region, at the border of Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills, his city, the city of mages, was burning.

Not only were the firelight and black smoke floating into the sky, but there was also a dark green beam of evil energy lingering over the city, connecting the sky and the earth, making it look like it was shrouded in a group of green clouds, much like the sky at dusk. landscape.

It's just that the green light represents a terrible thing. It is a symbol of evil energy and demons, a sign of coming destruction.

The old mage's body suddenly shook.

As the top spellcaster of human civilization, he could fully imagine the difficulty it would take to create this kind of "landscape" in Dalaran. But now that the situation was like this, he simply couldn't imagine the current situation in the city.

With the Magic Network in Northern Xinjiang being locked up by the Spellweaver, Dalaran's defense force has almost reached its most vulnerable moment in history.

But the devil.

Why a demon?

"Master Antonidas, we must go back immediately. Our city needs us. There are still many students there who have no time to evacuate and have no ability to protect themselves!"

Archmage Modera also used teleportation to come to Antonidas' side. Her fingers tightened on the staff, and she could not help but tremble with anger.

"I know."

There was a hint of anger in the Archmage's eyes, and the violent magic made his well-groomed white beard and hair dance in the air. He turned back to Modera and said:

"You immediately go to Lady Eldagosa and ask her to meet the Spellweaver on her behalf. The King of Magic is in the ruins of the palace at this time, asking it to delegate the temporary magic network authority to us.

We need the power of magic to save our city, and to allow Drandon to find His Holiness, we will need the support of the Paladins.

We also have Lady Golden Sword and Archmage Rommath, asking them to lead the Phoenix mages to join us in supporting Dalaran.

The magical city of mankind will not fall.

It will never fall today.

Orcs can't break it, and neither can demons. "

As he spoke, Antonidas took out a key-shaped crystal from his bag and injected magic power into it. Even though he was extremely far away from the city, his fingers were wrapped with a green halo that matched the runes.

Just like opening a lock, insert the crystal key into the air.

Twist outward slightly.

At the same time, in the burning city of Dalaran, the war golems displayed as sculptures throughout the Magic City were activated at the same time. These giant steel and rock creations powered by mana cores began to rumble. the sound of.

In accordance with the preset magic instructions, they walked out from their respective display areas with heavy steps, and began to ruthlessly eliminate all life that did not belong to the magic city.

This is the most powerful golem army in Dalaran. They once showed their prowess on the battlefield of the Burning Plains, and were activated from a distance by Archmage Antonidas at this critical moment.

But compared to the number of demons in the city at this time, the number of these golems is a bit underwhelming.


A golem trampled several demon hounds to death with Thunder Stomp, and was about to clear the area with an arcane shot at the demon guards gathered in front, but was cut down by the doomsday guard who rushed from behind with a magic steel heavy sword. One arm was collided with two fear demons flying down from the sky, like a mythical giant being thrown to the ground by a monster.

The golem was struggling, but as the army of demon guards and demon dogs swarmed over, amidst the chaotic sounds of rattling, the golem was dismantled to pieces in just one minute.

Its core is heating up rapidly, and the golem is about to perform its final service to the mages.


All the magic power in the core of the golem was released by a sudden overload, and the violent explosion shook the houses on both sides of the street, leaving a scorched pit full of demon corpses.

This scene made the Wharton Unfaithful Snakes who sneaked over next to them were stunned for a while.

The two legendary snake generals headed by you look at me, and I look at you.

In their four snake eyes, they all saw the shock in each other's hearts. During the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, the snake-men had not yet appeared. After the Great Disintegration, they had always existed as an indigenous species in Wharton.

The Faithless Emperor Kotek firmly believes that releasing the dark things under the desert will help his empire conquer the world. The two snake generals have always believed so.

Until now, after seeing the power of the Burning Legion with their own eyes, the mentality of the two generals who were very loyal to the Emperor had undergone a slight change.

Let’s not talk about how powerful that dark thing under the desert is for now.

Whether the Emperor can conquer the world after he obtains its power is not yet discussed.

Judging from the power of the Burning Legion they have seen so far, even if the Emperor and the Faithless Empire finally obtain the power of darkness and eventually take the entire Azeroth into their possession, the only way to stop these crazy demons is with the help of the Serpent Empire. The military strength is probably a bit "difficult".

But they are loyal after all.

Although the mentality has changed, the emperor's orders must still be fulfilled.

"Go forward! The keystone is in the Dalaran treasury ahead."

Snake General Adris held up his double-edged lightning halberd, wagging his rattlesnake-like tail, and gave orders to his elite subordinates.

The scales on the general's tail flashed, and light blue lightning appeared in circles. This was the sign of the snake man when he was nervous.

He led the way at the front, leading a group of elite snake-men warriors towards Dalaran's burned-out treasure trove. The demons were killing everywhere just to enjoy the pure pleasure of slaughter, and they would not take the time to come. Loot treasures.

Therefore, the treasure house is generally intact, except for many charred troll corpses lying scattered in the ruins outside. It seems that the Amani trolls, the "allies" of the snake people, have "visited" here before.

He was only persuaded to retreat by the "loyal" demon "bodyguards".

"Aspirix, keep us hidden, don't let us be discovered by the devil."

As the Snake General marched forward, he shouted to the caster behind him. The Snake Shaman grabbed a curved lightning staff and carefully maintained the wind and sand barrier to protect a group of people heading towards the treasure house. Advance.

Relying on the unique agility of the snake-men, they crossed the empty streets full of demons without any danger. They also released small poisonous snakes to explore the way and used the snake-men's blow darts to kill a group near the treasure house. Wandering Felguard and Cerberus.

In the end, they succeeded in entering the Dalaran treasure house with the loss of only three people.

The goblin bombs prepared earlier to blow open the door were of no use. With the magic power of the underground magic network locked, the door of the treasure house lost 70% of its magic defense. It was attacked by the legendary snake man spellcaster Aspik. Si used two lightning arrows to forcefully blast it away.

In this way, the most essential treasure house in Dalaran was opened to the snake people.

The unbelieving snakes in the team were spitting out snake letters excitedly, and the scales on their bodies were constantly flashing with electric light due to excitement, but they were still cautious and released the desert vipers first to explore the way.

After confirming that most of the internal traps were ineffective, they all rushed in.

But the treasure house used by a group of mages to store important items cannot be without proper protection. Therefore, after the snake man entered the treasure house hall, the two crystal golems started rumbling.

This thing is obviously more advanced than the golem that is fighting the devil outside. It should be a "limited edition" handmade by mages. The arcane arc will jump when it is activated. In the roar of the golem, Two dazzling lightning chains whizzed over, turning several elite snakemen who were unable to dodge into charcoal on the spot.

The constructs are ruthless and cannot fear the enemy. Coupled with the steel and iron bones, they are not afraid of casualties. Using them as treasure trove guards is a classic practice of mages.

"You go and find the keystone! We only want the keystone, don't touch anything else! The cunning human mage must have attached some insidious magic to it.

Don’t add unnecessary complications! "

However, since the snake people dare to act alone, it means that they also have two brushes. After seeing the golem activated, General Adris sneered, gave a few instructions to his followers, picked up his double-edged lightning halberd, and pounced on it. .

Snake people are not tall but extremely agile.

When charging, it resembles the swiftness of a desert cobra in preying. In addition, the halberd crystal carefully polished by the snake-man jeweler will produce a powerful magical lightning attack every time it is swung.

Within a minute, a golem's chest was chopped into pieces by the Snake General. Before the magic core exploded, the thing was dug out by the lightning halberd.

The other golem was trapped in place by the spellcaster Aspix using the elemental storm he was good at. He also used the magic of elemental lightning to overload the energy, and exploded his chest crystal in a low explosion.

These two snake-man generals were hatched from a nest of eggs. In theory, they were brothers. They cooperated with each other perfectly, producing far more destructive power than two normal legends.

It is not without reason that Kotek the Great, the Infidel Snake Man, values ​​these two generals.

"General, we found it! The key stone is on the second floor!"

At the same time as the second golem crashed to the ground, an elite hunter holding a flying-winged keel bow rushed up from the spiral staircase on all fours, shouting excitedly in Snake Mandarin:

"We have confirmed that it is the Sursis Keystone that the emperor is looking for! It is there, and it has the mark of the Sursis Prophet on it.

General! We found it!

The rise of the Empire of the Faithless will be guided by our victory. "

"Don't be so excited, soldier. The rise of the empire is inevitable, and His Majesty will surely rule the entire world."

General Ardris was also very excited, which was evident from the tip of his tail that was constantly shining.

But it is a snake man with status after all. It suppresses the excitement in its heart, waves its claws, and says to its warriors:

"Hurry up and get the keystone out. This city is going to be in chaos. We must leave here before a bigger disaster comes. That despicable troll pirate has prepared the ship, and we must set off immediately."

A few minutes later, four strong snakemen carried a large box and quickly left the treasure house, escorted by a group of snakemen warriors, spellcasters and hunters.

But just when they walked out of the broken door of the treasure house, they were surprised to find a slender black-armored elf sitting on the stone at the door, adjusting the bowstring of the war bow.

She was carrying a blood-red quiver, which was filled with magic arrows from elf fingers. There were corpses of big and small demons around her. Under her feet, a purple-armored magic saber with mysterious patterns was shooting. Yawning.

"Well, you finally came out. Are the subordinates of Emperor Kotak so inefficient?"

General Lilesa turned to look at the vigilant snake people. Her blue eyes with red tear stains and smoky makeup flashed with a malicious light, and she said:

"Since you came out alive, it means that all the traps inside have been dismantled, right?"


The Snake General felt something was very wrong. He realized that he seemed to have stepped into a trap.

"Come out, recruits of the Uncrowned, your promotion trial is before you! Your master asks you to empty out this treasure house of magical truth!"

Lilesa stood up and waved her hands.

One after another, the new assassins of the Uncrowned appeared silently from the shadows beside her, including children of the night, orcs, humans, fox-men, snake-men, and so on.

As the leader, the chief retainer coughed, pulled out an arrow from behind, and placed it on the bowstring.

Amidst the roar of the Demon Saber Minnie at his feet, Moros, the undead butler wearing a black and white tuxedo as the general's adjutant and supervisor of this trial, whispered:

"Remember to leave some snake-man corpses nearby. The mages will investigate afterward so that they can get an explanation."

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