Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 637 190. Can you do it? How about I come?

"The number of carrier-based aircraft is still too small. One round of bombing by sixty bombers cannot blow up a few ships! This is still a 'fixed target'. If the target is moving, the hit rate will only be worse.

Sure enough, whether a high-altitude bomb can hit or not depends on fate.

We still have to let Forslag recruit more goblin tinkerers and get the dive bombers out. The three decks of the Alpaca and Wharton could also be improved.

It would be a waste to install thirty rotorcraft on such a large ship. "

Traveling at high speed, riding the wind and waves on the bow of the Nagfar, Blake grabbed a fine telescope and looked at the "hot" battlefield in the distance.

He said regretfully to the first mate Seifer beside him:

"Write down what I just said. After we get a new ship, we will allocate more funds to the goblins for research. But you don't have to give too much. As long as we survive this period of time, we will soon have one.' Firepower Tech Tree' Upgrade Opportunities."

"This is already pretty good."

Compared to Blake's greedy dissatisfaction, Seifer happily held his notebook and said to the captain:

"Old Garni's Microraptor has just sent news that Fuslag's bomber formation has sunk four ships in the first round of bombing, and Maimu's commando has also taken control of two ships with broken masts.

As long as the powerful Sister of Mercy joins the battlefield, there will definitely be more gains. I have read some biographies of pirates before, and such a result is considered a 'big victory' worthy of bragging.

After all, we are facing a national navy.

Even if the war ends here, the reputation of the immortal pirates will soon spread throughout the endless sea. "

"Poor Sephiel, your ambition is so small."

Blake curled his lips and said:

"What I want is not just a 'big victory', what I want is to defeat Gilneas's maritime power with one blow and completely capture Tol Barad and the Paladin Sea.

We finally fought a battle, but now I have the advantage. How can I not take advantage of the victory and pursue it? "

"Black! Those Gilnean ships are running!"

This will switch to Fenner, an idiot warrior on the observation deck, holding the telescope, admiring the "explosion art" of the undead pirate bomber group, and shouting down:

"Look! They sacrificed some of the ships that couldn't run, and the rest are turning!"


The smelly pirate immediately corrected him:

"They are not trying to run away, they are planning to regroup! Seize the artillery position to suppress the counterattacking pirate ships. The Gilneans have a good fighting spirit, but their naval tactics are too rigid.

The blind pursuit of fire suppression is a bad habit learned from the Kul Tiran fleet! But the problem is that they do not have the firepower projection capabilities of the Kurdish Navy.

If you don’t learn the good ones, you will only learn the bad ones!

If Dai Lin were here.

If he were faced with this situation, he would definitely give up the bombardment decisively, concentrate his forces and choose to engage in boarding battle, thus abolishing my ability to control the tide.

Then use the navy's strict discipline to defeat the oncoming pirates, and re-instill morale and confidence in the soldiers through a hearty hand-to-hand battle.

Gilneas foolishly gave up its numerical advantage.

Tsk tsk

In the absence of the Tide Sage to stabilize the battle situation, they thought they could escape. I like this kind of enemy the best. They are so innocent and cute. "

Black sneered and put his hand on the Tidestone again. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the Gilnean warships in the distance trying to escape from the bombing area and regroup.

He said softly:

"I still have four 'Big Tides' and four 'Lightning Storms' to play with you. The Gilneas fleet is doomed today. This is the price you pay for provoking the undead pirates!

Well, after today, my name will be sung in the sea.

I don’t know what kind of nickname my colleagues will give me. Why not just call it ‘Palatine Lion’? Well, ‘The Sea Wolves of Khaz Modan’ is pretty good too. "

"The nicknames are all given by others!"

Sephiel rolled his eyes and complained:

"How can anyone give themselves a nickname? When I was a kid, I wanted to call myself the 'Blade of Time', but Chromie laughed at me for ten years.

Alas, I wonder if Chromie is doing well now?

I miss her. "



On the poop of the "Northern Lord", the flagship of the Gilnean Fleet Reserve, which was still a few nautical miles away from the battlefield, the Alliance Admiral's angry roar echoed:

"Why are you trying to distance yourself to regroup? Do you only do it from a distance? A bunch of cowards!

At this moment, it’s time to concentrate on the fleet’s advantage and take the initiative to rush forward and fight the pirates!

Once your people are mixed with theirs, those pirates can no longer use tidal magic to affect your fleet. You actually gave up a good opportunity to fight back. Your frontline commander should really be dragged to the mast! "

Dai Lin could no longer pretend to be calm now.

Although he was on a foreign fleet that was not under his command, he was only a "temporary advisor".

But now that this naval battle, which originally had a great advantage, has turned into such a cowardly situation, the admiral, who is extremely professional, really can't stand it anymore.

Through the magical mirror overlooking the battlefield created by the tide sage next to him using the power of the ocean, he can completely grasp the trends of the war from a long distance.

If the previous large tides and lightning storms were accidents beyond human intervention, they could be accepted.

So when the storm subsided and faced the bomber formation of the undead pirates, the Gilneas fleet's stupid response made Dai Lin feel that it was an insult to her own IQ.

Seeing this "dining operation", Dai Lin angrily smashed the telescope in her hand on the table.

In the silence of the Gilnean staff, Dailin, who had lost her temper, turned to look at the solemn-looking Northern Lord Darius behind her, and said angrily:

"What are you still looking at? Your frontline fleet is finished. They only need to launch another big tide to trap your reassembled fleet again.

Those returning goblin rotors will bring the second and third waves of bombing.

Your gryphon knights have been wiped out. The old-fashioned naval guns cannot deal with the flexible rotorcraft. You have no way to fight back except passively being beaten.

But... to be honest, you won't complain if you lose. "

After all, Dai Lin was Dai Lin. While others were still worrying about the bad war ahead, the admiral was already thinking about more profound issues.

He looked at the magic mirror in front of him that reflected the battlefield, stretched out his hand to stroke the sailor-style beard on his chin, and said thoughtfully:

"This is the first time I have seen such naval battle tactics.

Perhaps they got inspiration from the orcs manipulating red dragon attacks. After seizing air superiority, use saturation bombing to destroy opponents unable to counterattack.

In a large-scale war, once air superiority is seized, such tactics are indeed more ruthless and effective in destroying the opponent's physical strength than the firepower advantage Kul Tiras is currently pursuing.

Might be worth looking into.

It is a pity that such wonderful tactics were summed up by a pirate leader, and his bombing tactics are obviously still in the process of being established and have not formed a complete combat system.

It lacks the escort power for the two large ships that serve as carrier-based aircraft platforms, and its overall firepower is too weak. It is difficult for a round of bombing to achieve results under normal circumstances.

Tsk, luckily I saw it in advance.

Otherwise, if the Kul Tiran Navy suddenly faces this kind of tactic in the future, it might also suffer. "

As he spoke, Dai Lin ordered the great knight Cyrus behind him:

"Keep today's magical image and bring it back to Kul Tiras to show it to the fleet captain and commanders above level three. I need each of them to issue a feasibility report on new tactics!

In addition, remember to remind me when I go back to go to the technological city of Gnomeregan in the name of the Admiralty to recruit a group of dwarf engineers. I will personally write to the Council of Craftsmen to ask for their help. "

The admiral stared at the goblin gyroplanes flying with aerial bombs in the magic image, and he said coldly:

"The Kul Tiran Navy needs a more efficient engineering bomber, and perhaps the gnomish engineers of Gnomeregan will surprise us.

Our fleet must master such core and effective war technology as quickly as possible!

Remember the style of this troll transport ship again. When I return, I will inform the Stormsong family and the Ashvane family to jointly imitate and improve it. I want to see its prototype within three months.

If it proves to be useful, we will build a few more ships like this in this fleet replacement plan."

Dai Lin chuckled lightly and said:

"The arrears of war reparations in Booty Bay are just used to build the Kul Tiras Fifth Fleet. Perhaps this new fleet can try a new war style."

These few words made the northern lord of Gilneas next to Dai Lin feel anxious, but also felt a sense of envy that could not be concealed.

This is the strength of Kul Tiras.

As an admiral, Dailin has almost unlimited resources at his disposal in pursuing maritime hegemony, and the entire Kul Tiras high-level leadership will support him unconditionally.

On the other hand, although Gilneas lags behind Kul Tiras in terms of finances, the difference is not much. It is a pity that His Majesty Genn cannot freely control the wealth in his hands like Daelin.

After all, Gilneas is a land country, and it is adjacent to Lordaeron, the strongest country in northern Xinjiang. Maintaining the strength of the army is far more important than the ascendant naval plan.

But now is not the time to talk about that.

Lord Darius glanced at the projection of the battlefield, and happened to see another battleship in the fleet trapped on the edge of the battlefield being trapped by the second big tide. Another battleship was hit by several aerial bombs from the goblin bombers and caught fire.

The rising flames made Darius anxious. He gritted his teeth and said to Dai Lin:

"Your Majesty, General, do you have any solution to the current situation?"


Dailin glanced at the northern lord. He twisted the Proudmoore family seal on his finger and whispered meaningfully:

"But all methods must be coordinated with the tactics of the Tide Sages. Without their help, your fleet cannot fight against the strange tide.

The current situation is very unfair to you. The pirates can easily defeat you with the help of the power of the sea.

If you want to win, you must first bring the war back into a fair contest. "

After saying that, Dai Lin thought for a while and added:

“Of course it doesn’t have to be a Tide Sage.

If your mysterious force of spellcasters has what it takes to fight the sea, it's really time for you to use that power. "

The northern lord shook his head.

He knew about the Greymane royal family's secret recruitment of forest witches.

But he also learned from that group of witches who were difficult to reassure. The summoning magic they were good at could summon powerful alien creatures and bring destruction to the enemies of Gilneas.

Manipulating the sea is not an area that alien creatures are good at.

Moreover, although Lord Darius is a warrior, he is not reckless and is very wise. The meaning of Dai Lin's words just now is already obvious.

He glanced at the serious-looking admiral with a strange look.

Maybe it's an illusion.

But the lord could feel that Dailin seemed to have an unusually strong "interest" in the naval battle in front of him, and even took the initiative to take over the command of Gilneas's remaining fleet.

This is not like his usual character.

He said before that he was here to take his unruly illegitimate daughter home. Now it seems that Dai Lin's purpose of coming to this sea area is not as simple as he claimed.

But there was not much time left for the northern lord to hesitate. In the magic mirror in front of him, the loyal and brave sailors of Gilneas were being slaughtered by evil pirates.

Every minute, goblin bombers flew over the fleet and dropped damn aerial bombs, although most of the aerial bombs fell into the water and exploded because they were difficult to locate, raising huge water columns.

But there will always be some "lucky" things that roar and hit the deck of the battleship, and then huge flames rise in the torrent. He couldn't hear the sound of the explosion, but just the scene reflected in the magic mirror in front of him was enough to make the northern lord clench his fists.

On land, he can roar to avenge the dead in battle, and there is nothing to fear from mere pirates!

But the sea.

The sea is not a battlefield enough for him to gallop on.

"With the authority granted to me by His Majesty Genn Greymane, I temporarily hand over command of the fleet!"

The northern lord took off the command sword with a strong Gilnean style that symbolized the commander of the fleet from his waist, and handed it to Dai Lin with both hands under the gaze of the combat staff.

He announced loudly:

"From now on, Her Majesty Daelin Proudmoore will take over my command, and the Gilnean fleet must obey all orders of Her Majesty Daelin!

Even if he asks you to die, you must face death bravely and calmly with the courage that a Gilnean soldier should have! "

"Don't say such unlucky things, Darius. How could I let the brave soldiers of Gilneas die?"

Dai Lin took the command sword and put it on his waist. He also took his favorite sailor's three-cornered hat from the great knight Cyrus behind him and put it on his head.

The next moment, he turned back to look at the combat staff, waved his hand, and shouted sternly:

"Give orders to all the battleships on the front line, asking them to move closer to our ship! The first to tenth battleships in the combat sequence immediately turned and entered the bombardment position.

All gun windows are open and the artillery is in position! Wait for my order.

Cyrus went to take over the armed sailors of the ship and prepare for the boarding battle!

Lord Darius Crowley, I need you to go to the frontline battleship and take over the command of the second flagship Greymane. No matter what method you use, I want you to get the soldiers as quickly as possible. Restore morale!

Brother Pike, please take charge of the artillery calibration.

Brother Zelin, I don't want to see the pirates' evil magic affecting the operation of my fleet!

Finally, Ms. Windcaller, I need the power of the sea to help my heavily-lost frontline battleships leave the battlefield as soon as possible and return to the fleet sequence. "

A series of orders were issued, and everyone present became busy under Dai Lin's command.

The admiral put his hands on his hips and looked at the staff officers in front of him and said;

"What are you doing in a daze? Continue to compile real-time military reports. I want to see every change on the battlefield, even if it is just the movement of a small boat, it must be reported to me immediately.


Yes, that's you, Miss Staff Officer.

You are temporarily serving as my adjutant. What is your name? "

Dai Lin looked at the female staff officer who had refuted him just now. The latter was stunned for a moment, then straightened her back and answered:

"Admiral, my name is Jetaris! I come from the Kingdom of Lordaeron."

"Ah, very good."

Dai Lin looked at this heroic female staff officer up and down and said:

"You remind me of Major Taylor under my command. You are equally young, full of courage and determination, and have your own ideas, and do not blindly follow authority.

You and he will both become generals in the future.

But now, I need you and your companions to take heart!

Don't be depressed because of previous defeats. The war has just begun and is far from over.

Just pirates”

The admiral looked at the magic mirror in front of him. He stared at the ghost ship that was approaching the pirate fleet. He looked at the pirate flag flying on the ship, and a flame flashed in Dai Lin's eyes.

He said:

"You naughty little pirate boy should be taught a lesson!"

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