"Buddha no Sengoku, hero Karp!"

Bai Ze's sudden shout made Sengoku and Kapu not far on the right side.

"Blackbeard Tichy is a vicious party that deceives your navy, right? As the saying goes, 'the enemy of an enemy is a friend', at least help me now and kill these guys in front of me!" "

Karp and Sengoku looked stunned, and before they could make a decision, Tichy suddenly interjected: "Hey, don't make a wrong decision, Navy, if this kid doesn't get rid of it early, sooner or later he will become a henchman of your Navy."

Sengoku's brows furrowed, it was difficult to make up his mind for a while, and Tiki, who would beat Ace into the Advance City and now betray the navy, compared with Bai Ze, who had never met, Karp definitely hated Tiki more.


Thinking of this, Karp took a step and said in a deep voice: "First clean up the Blackbeard Pirates!"

Seeing that the old friend showed his attitude, Sengoku also nodded, "That's right, no matter how you look at it, Blackbeard has a greater hidden danger." "

Although leaving Bai Ze alone is likely to become a hidden danger in the future of the Navy, but the current Tiqi is already a big problem for the navy and even the world government!

"Cut! Damn two old guys! "

Seeing the failure to sow discord, Tiqi couldn't help but be secretly annoyed, "If you lose this opportunity, you will be in trouble in the future!" "

"Then, you and Whitebeard will be history!"

Titch shouted angrily and waved his hand towards the Karp Sengoku.


The Sengoku body expanded extremely quickly, turning into a golden Buddha, striking back with a palm, blocking in front of the dark water.

The black and golden energy exploded at the moment of impact, and the shock wave generated made Bai Ze can't help but raise his hand to protect his face.

Karp jumped, and the iron fist that once roamed the sea fell, forcing Tichy and his crew to quickly dodge, smashing an unfathomable rift in the ground!

"Boy! That punch just now was good! "

Just when the battle on the side of the Kapu Sengoku was in a state of stalemate, Yu no Hiru seized the opportunity and drew his sword and rushed towards Shirasawa again.

But unlike just now, at this time, one-third of Yu no Kiru's face was covered with blood.

It was caused by Bai Ze's move just now.

Bai Ze's pupils constricted, and between the raised hands, the surface layer of the skin was covered with a white film, ready to trigger the ability to shock the fruit.

However, Yu no Kiru changed his move halfway through, turning the scar around his fingertips, and the target changed from Shirasawa's left hand to his waist.

Seeing this, Bai Ze also quickly changed his moves, but Yu no Xiliu snorted coldly, "Slow!" "

Even though Bai Ze quickly urged the energy of the Shock Fruit to defend, in the end, the average physical quality was too different, plus he had just obtained the power of the Shock Fruit.

Yu no Kiru's sword quickly slashed into Shirasawa's waist.


Blood gushed out, but the severe pain did not stop Bai Ze's movements in the slightest, and he punched Yu no Kiru's sword, knocking it out!

Abruptly stopped his sword from continuing to pierce in!

Otherwise, the lungs are absolutely cut!

A trace of jealousy flashed in Yu no Kiru's eyes, who was knocked back more than ten meters away, and he looked up at Bai Ze, who had torn off his cuffs and wrapped in wounds.

Physical fitness, can only be said to be ready, although the fruit ability is quite perfectly integrated, but it is not possible to use it as perfectly as whitebeard.

However, what made Yu no Hiru feel jealous was the terrifying willpower!

The knife pierced into his body, but his attack speed was not slow at all! It's like I can't feel pain!

"This kid... If you don't get rid of it now, it will become a big disaster in the future! "

Yu no Hiru thought secretly, and at the same time raised his saber and pointed towards Bai Ze, "The next move, I will pierce your body." "


Bai Ze lowered his hand from the wound and opened his hands with a maniacal laugh, "No, I'm going to shake you into a brain wreck!" "

Bai Ze was arrogant on the surface, but his brain was rapidly turning, thinking: "Going head-to-head with the swordsman, with my physical fitness now, there is no way, although it may self-damage eight hundred, but at present, I can only use the ability of the shock fruit to play a long-distance war of attrition with this guy, see if I am hacked to death first, or he is shocked to death first."

Fortunately, now the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates are blocked by Karp and Sengoku, otherwise it is really troublesome.

Now it's the biggest situation, and you can only give it a go.

As for how to leave this Marlene Fando... Think about it later!



"Stop!!! Don't fight anymore!! Stop it!! "

Just as Shirasawa and Yu no Hiru took a step at the same time to attack, a shout came from the direction of the encirclement wall.

The two turned their heads to look, only to hear the young man's voice continue to come:

"Stop trampling on life!! Our purpose has been achieved! But they still have to endlessly chase the pirates who have no fighting spirit, and continue the war that should have ended..."

"In the face of those soldiers who could be saved if they were treated, they did not save them, but continued to increase the number of victims, and in this way, the soldiers who kept falling... Isn't it like a fool!?? "

Karp also subconsciously looked in the direction where the shout came from, and was surprised: "Yes... Kebi? "


Yu Zhixi left his consciousness to stop and said in a deep voice.


In the next second, under the perception of seeing and hearing the color, Yu no Kiru reacted quickly, quickly drawing his sword to resist the rushing Bai Ze's fist.

What a strong force!

Once caught head-on, there is simply no way to fight back!

"What are you distracted by? Rain no Hiru! "

Bai Ze laughed viciously, and suddenly increased, causing the air in front of Yu no Kiliu to shatter.


In the next instant, the space in front of Yu Zhi Xiru was completely shattered, and he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, was knocked out tens of meters away, and flipped his body upside down twice in mid-air before barely landing on the ground.


Even a master like Yu no Hiru couldn't help but gasp twice.


Bai Ze covered the wound on his waist and forced a smile: "Bastard... After leaving, it is necessary to strengthen the physical level immediately. "

Coming back from the excitement of the battle, recalling the plot of the war above, Bai Ze raised his eyes to look into the distance, and exhaled a few breaths, "However, I can finally get out of here first." "

PS: When the new book is released, what is most needed is everyone's support, this is a pure pirate fandom without a system.

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