Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 163: friends

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Deathly silence.

In Charlotte's study, the three people with different expressions sitting in front of the study, without exception, looked at each other's expressions, squeezing their lips together without saying anything.

Three people-or only Lena de Salleone and Charlotte, after listening to Isaac ’s narrative, quickly passed the surprise in just five minutes, shocked, unbelievable, and suddenly realized four stage.

This is no longer down the stairs, but a free fall!

"and so……"

After a long silence, Charlotte, whose expression was still shocked, dragged his hoarse voice and broke the silence:

"Ai ... Ain, is it a witch?"

"Yes, she is a witch-of course, a more accurate description is a female alchemist." To himself, Isaac said quickly: "Not all wizards can be made wizards, for example ..."

Without waiting for him to continue, Lena de Sallein kicked the arrogant kick under the table.

Although she was also shocked to the extreme, it was not because of ... gender.

It's Ain Rand's courage.

A woman, in Lotel, and in Lotel, the church with the greatest power, actually chose to go on the path of wizarding in order to gain independence and freedom-and in the next few years, even for friends traveling around, several Second danger.

If you become a witch, you may be incognito and hide in an absolutely safe place.

This is the "wise man" approach.

A woman with enough qualifications to become a wizard will never be stupid.

And Ain Rand ... her intellect, "smart" alone, is probably beyond description.

What kind of emotion is enough to make such a "smart woman" alone and in danger, and again and again ...

Looking at Isaac who kept casting his eyes on himself, he was in a hurry ... Lena de Sallean thought she had got the answer.

The opposite Charlotte, the mood is more complicated.

Because for her, Ai Yin is no longer just a friend, but also an object that can be exchanged with, a "mentor" who can deeply understand and even wake up himself again and again.

But now the fact suddenly told her that her "mentor" is actually a witch, and she has always been close to the people she likes ... Although she had doubted before, but she didn't think about it at that time ... her "forced proposal" It hurt her hard.

The first feeling is anger.

Angered at why she kept avoiding talking, why she never revealed a star, and why she finally told herself after she finally made up her mind.

But the answer to all "questions" is the same ... because she is a witch.

Shock, anger, pain, guilt ...

All kinds of emotions struggled repeatedly in Charlotte's heart.

The Countess of Red Blood Castle never turned a blind eye to her mistakes, let alone shirk her responsibilities, because her pride did not allow her to do so;

She understood that if she was not so reckless, she would wait until Loren came back to discuss with him, instead of giving him no choice. Things would never evolve into what they are now.

But now ... the wood has become a boat, the knights of Byrne's thirteen leaders, the guests of the empire and even the principalities, and even the dragons have arrived outside the Red Blood Castle.

At this time, even if she wanted to stop it was impossible.

"Ayn ..."

After a long hesitation, Charlotte finally spoke slowly: "How is she ... now?"

Two pairs of eyes full of emotions, and at the same time looked at Isaac, a little dull.

"She ... I don't think there is anything to describe." Isaac's expression was more dazed than the two of them: "She still went to the laboratory as soon as she came back, neither angry nor sad; very calm, very ... calm . "

"Calm ... well, I really don't know how to describe her except for this word; Ai Yin is always like this. I can be happy for a whole day when I am happy. It's often a blink of an eye when I'm sad.

Shaking his head, Isaac looked "nothing to say".

But such an answer made Charlotte and Lena's expressions deeper-even if the little wizards were crying or angry now, maybe they would feel better.

"Duke ... How about Loren?"

"He just went to the Wizards Guild ... it should be to comfort Ayn." Pushing the glasses frame, Lena whispered for Isaac: "The question is what to do next ... 300 people in the round table hall Guests, what should they do? "

"You can't tell them that the wedding has been cancelled, Charlotte."

"I don't know ..." Biting her lower lip, the countess of the Countess of the Red Blood Castle struggled, and panicked: "Whether or not-anyway, we haven't said who the wedding is. ... "

"Publicize Ain's identity and let a witch marry the Duke Byrne?"

Lena de Salion's eyes widened: "Are you crazy?"

If this kind of thing spreads, it will not only be a fatal blow to Ain's identity, but will also give imperial aristocrats and churches a great reason to punish Baine, and make the entire Turin family fall into the abyss!

"I'm just proposing a possibility ..." Charlotte, who knows to be wrong, still couldn't help but refute: "Moreover, we can make her pretend to be another person, and then hide her name!"

Shaking his head helplessly, the eye girl didn't say anything more.

Now Charlotte has begun to lose his mind because of self-blame.

"Seriously, I don't understand what you said ... politics, interests, battle Barbara Barbara ..."

After being silent for a long time, Isaac slowly said: "I just hope that this matter will not end in any form, please don't hurt my friend."


"I understand." Nodded, Charlotte smiled at him reluctantly: "I will never hurt them, whether it is Ain or Loren-including you, Isaac, you are willing to stand up for your friends Speak, really ... "

"Sorry, but you don't seem to understand what I mean." Isaac rolled his eyes. "I didn't say I wasn't allowed to hurt Ain and Loren. I said not to hurt my friends."

"Charlotte Turin, you are also my friend-maybe not the best one, but if you hurt yourself to protect them, it hurts my friend too; I will be very angry, I promise Will vent my anger hysterically! "

"So I ask you to solve this matter, or we can find a way together, but it cannot be premised on hurting any of my friends-I want all my friends to live happily together until they are 70 The game depends on who reaches the end of life first! "

The words fell, and Isaac sighed, holding his arms, as if he was still being misunderstood.

Charlotte, who was shocked, became the speechless one.

"how are you feeling?"

On the side, Lena de Salion poked Charlotte's waist and belly with an elbow, with a lazy and sly smile:

"Do you understand ... the reason why I would like this idiot?"


"I said, I'm not unhappy, really."

Looking at the panic-stricken face, afraid of the dark-haired wizard who hurriedly came over, he laughed helplessly.


Carefully speaking, Loren's face was "I don't believe it".

"Really." Ain nodded vigorously, "She is a good girl, and since she brought this up, it must be more than just like you."

"But ... you really aren't sad at all?" Loren shook his head. "I thought you would be angry ... at least you should be jealous."

"... I found that you have not only been self-righteous recently, but also narcissistic, you big liar!"

With a smile on his face, the little wizard's expression was increasingly helpless: "Why do you think I'm angry?"

"Hmm ..." After a moment of contemplation, Loren tentatively said: "Because I ... have charm?"

He was answered by a stainless steel forged hammer, plus a beautiful parabola.

"Go to death, narcissism!"

The dark-haired wizard scrambled to catch the hammer handle, avoiding intimate contact with his head.

"Not this? That was the night at Wimpar College-the first time in your life that you were undressed and taken to bed by a man who was accidentally fathered, so ...

Well, for the first time, the identity of a man dressed as a man was dismantled. Shame and some kind of inner heart that had been hidden for a long time broke out instantly, and I felt good about the first male friend.

Perfect perfect, classic classic-otherwise why this set is used by others, Loren feels that he can write a book.

Before the words fell, the blushing little wizard had rushed towards him, and the bottom of his boots approaching quickly blocked Loren's vision.

"Go to hell, big liar!"

"How did you get it back?"

"Want you to control?"

Although trained as a war dancer Liya, after all, the strength is not enough-a full blow and hit the bridge of the nose, which only makes the black wizard's mouth more red.

In the narrow laboratory, the two people who are not willing to spare are going back and forth like cats and mice; during this period, Loren must not only avoid being hit by a small wizard, but also avoid any experimental equipment.

Because everything here is Ain's hard work, it is what she really poured into feelings.

"What the **** is that ... if you tell me, I'm really not good at word games!"


"How could it not be-feel ... otherwise it sounds, tastes, smells or touches, whatever you say, I don't care about this!"

"do not know!"

"Well, tell me what kind of image I am in your heart-just describe it, for example ..."

"Big liar! Narcissist!"

"Okay, but I can't be both a liar and a narcissist."

"You are!"

"Could you listen to me ..."

"You are!"

"I do not……"

"That's it!"



"What is it?"

"Big liar! Narcissist!"

"I can't be both a big liar and a narcissist."

"You are!"

"That's it!"


Before speaking, the little wizard fluttered and laughed.

The dark-haired wizard who hooked the corner of her mouth was pressed "violently" against the wall, her right foot lifted high and stepped on his nose.

"If I were a big liar ..." Loren grinned, said lazily:

"You're just being cheated by a big liar, a stupid girl hugged naked in the hot spring."

"Shut up!" Ai Yin blushed. "You are not allowed to say."

"Why, I lied to you." Loren continued to pretend to be stupid: "Yes, the water vapor was not that big that night, I was lying to you, I was waiting for you from the beginning, and the one who was conspiracy all the time. ,I……"

"To shut up!"

"Frankly also shut up?"

"To shut up!"

"But I want to say, I want to admit mistakes."

"Not allowed!"

"Don't say ... Then you want me to continue making mistakes?"

"Narcissism is dying!"


The pink fist that hit the front teeth of the black-haired wizard was held tightly before the hit.

The blushing little wizard was motionless and kept his one-legged independent posture, his eyes flooded with water staring at Loren.

"I promised ... I'll wait for you." The expressionless black-haired wizard slowly said: "Wait until the day you speak to me and confess to me."

"I won't speak without faith."

Ain gritted her teeth, her cheeks were ripe and bright red.

"But, but ..."

"Nothing, this is what you said."

Gently put her wrist down, and moved the foot of the bridge of her nose bit by bit, and the dark-haired wizard hugged the little wizard in his arms.

"Promise me, don't disappoint Charlotte, let alone hurt her, will you?"

The soft voice, like a bee stinging in the ear.

"I promise, I swear." The dark-haired wizard whispered: "This is one of the last things I want to do."

"But you are a big liar and you won't tell the truth."

"Then I will assure you that I will bully her as hard as I do to bully you."

"No, you can't bully her."

"Okay, then don't bully her, I only bully you."


"... How about you two bullying me together?"

The smile of the little wizard's mouth made Loren relax a lot.

But the next moment ~ ~ heresy mutation!

The light was still on, but the laboratory suddenly dimmed a lot; an indescribable cold spread in the air, stinging the exposed skin of the two.

"What is this ..."

The doubtful Ai Yin was aware of something, but before she could speak, a strong sense of drowsiness had flowed into her heart; a thin layer of eyelids suddenly had a weight; no matter how she struggled, she could only Closing his eyes little by little makes the consciousness fall asleep.

Hugging the little wizard tightly, the smile on Loren's mouth gradually converged, and his eyes became indifferent.

Although he did not look back, he already knew who the "person" was.

"Has you finally said it?"

Loren squinted and muttered to himself. ()

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