Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 171: Who is he? !

At the same time as the sound rang, the uproar oscillated in the hall of the church, so that the Knights responsible for maintaining order forgot to maintain silence.

Because they were also shocked.

Almost all the participants basically guessed the purpose of the ceremony when they stepped into the lobby, and even learned a lot about the "long-eared elves" in private.

The night of the assassination in the Red Blood Castle was no secret, and the knights who went to Ebden with the Duke of Byrne and the wizards who withdrew them also spread the "truth" of that war into the ears of many people.

So many people, especially the Earl of the Thirteen Collars and the Knights of Byrne, are sufficiently psychologically prepared for what Loren is going to do, and they are not at all repulsive, and even have some hidden expectations.

Follow the pace of the hero, so that every hall and tavern with a burning fireplace extols stories and songs related to it, at least it must be part of the legend ... This is very attractive to the Bayern people, especially the Bayern nobles force.

In the tradition of Byrne, the obligations of the knights or the thirteen leaders of the Byrne to the Duke are not free, nor unlimited, and even subject to the supervision and control of the Round Table Council; the request made by Loren is obviously to get rid of these , Let all the knights of Byrne loyal to themselves unconditionally.

But in order to "knight dream", they did not resist absolute loyalty to Duke Byrne at all, and even loyalty beyond the relationship between "lord and knight", dedicated everything to the dream and great cause of Duke Byrne.

In a sense, I have to thank the "Black Duke"-if it wasn't for him to have done such a great cause, making Baine the savior of the empire, almost completely above the Dessalian family, Loren wanted to convince Byrne is not easy to get up and down.

In an uproarous hall, only the dark-haired wizard and Charlotte remained calm, looking blankly in the direction of the sound.

"Master Silverwick, what do you mean?"

The first person who came forward to question was not the Bayern or even one of the thirteen counts, but the messenger sent by the Celestial Palace, the former magistrate Victor Hughes, his anger distorted his expression a little.

As the messenger sent to Bain to "congratulate", Victor, who had dealt with Loren in the trial of the imperial court, did not have any idea of ​​congratulations, but he could also understand the attitude of Emperor Connaughter who distrusted his ability but did not trust it. So agreed.

The purpose of Victor is to test Bain and Loren's true attitude towards the empire and to clarify the true thoughts of the first Principality of this empire, and it is not to pick things up-so Silvik's abrupt speech only made him so Annoyed, the Holy Cross Church represented by the other party may "drag the sky dome" into the water.

Of course, what made him even more annoyed was that the other party did this without consulting with him: "Don't the deacons and representatives of the Holy Cross Church because they are in the church, can't wait to show their authority ?!"

"The authority of the Holy Cross is unquestionable, and I don't need me to show it specifically!"

Slightly flinching, Silvik had to bear the fear of the Yuqian cabinet, but still pushed back. He knew that since he spoke, he would never turn back:

"But as a representative of the Holy Cross in the world, I should still stand up and give justice to the kingdom of the Holy Cross when I need dedication!"

Faced with the "righteous and solemn" Hilvik, Victor Hughes's inner disgust grew stronger, but before he had time to refute, he was already stolen by another voice:

"Then ask the representative of Holy Cross in the world, what justice do you want to help?"

Frost-faced Charlotte turned around, first raised his hand to block the frowning Count Eckert of Fury Castle, and his fierce eyes pierced like a sword:

"Did there be any disrespect for the Holy Cross in our Duke's remarks? If so, I apologize to you on behalf of a member of the Turin family."

As the words fell, the surrounding Bayern knights and messenger guests all turned their eyes to Hilvik, wondering and occupying an absolute majority.

Only Yuqian Justice Victor vaguely had a bad hunch, desperately suppressing his impulsive emotions, because he just suddenly saw the dark-haired wizard on the stage with no expression, and the silence seemed to hear nothing.

Does he ...

"With such a humble attitude towards you, as a servant of the Holy Cross, I pay tribute to you." Silvik bowed very generously, even if he knew that the countess was never a "pious believer":

"But this is by no means His Excellency Loren Turin himself disrespecting the Church of the Holy Cross, nor does it mean that I want to deny the merits he once did and the great undertakings he had done under the protection of the Holy Cross."

"But even if a person's merits are great, he can't hide his sin, because sin is sin." Silvik said in a deep voice:

"And the sin of Lord Loren Turin is that he tried to take the supremacy of the Principality of Byrne as a" savior "and as a" duke of black ", to become the sole master of this great kingdom."

"And the reason I object is that he has no such qualification at all!"

Before he even finished talking, the angry uproar broke out in the hall.

The knights of Bayern finally figured out that the deacon and messenger of the Holy Cross Church actually questioned and denied the legality of Loren as Duke of Bayern.

"What does it mean?!"

"What does the Holy Cross Church want to do?"

"Guard, where is the guard, drag this madman out!"

"Are you crazy, are you going to drag a servant of the Holy Cross out of the church ?!"

"Did you hear what he just said, I think you are crazy!" ...

The flame of anger was burning in the hall, and the guests were as dumbfounded as Victor Hughes-what is the church trying to do, do they still think that the relationship between the church of Bain and the Holy Cross is too good?

clang--! ! ! !

A loud reverberation briefly stopped this growing chaos.


Count Angut of Shanyanbao pulled out his sword and smashed it to the ground like a battle axe; he raised his irritated gaze and stared at Silvik:

"What exactly do you mean by the deacon of the church-is it questioning the tradition of Byrne, and questioning the illegality of the round table?"

"I have no such idea."

Silvik shook his head decisively and denied, "As a servant of the Holy Cross, I respect the tradition of Byrne, and more respect for the most supreme round table council that represents this tradition."

"But what I want to say is that you have been deceived, the Round Table Council has been deceived, and the entire Byrne has been deceived-your self-proclaimed strength and greatness are completely immersed in lies and deception!

Speaking of this sentence, a strong sense of justice and responsibility suddenly rose to Silvik's heart; for a moment, he actually felt that he was doing a particularly correct thing.

He didn't even feel the second, not only did he feel that way, but he thought so.

That's right, you are doing the right thing. You are saving the benefactors from the **** abyss of lies and deception.

"Bairen, I want to tell you the truth ..." With an inexplicable generosity, Sylvik took a deep breath and turned sharply, looking at the crowd who were glaring at themselves: "Loren Turin Not your prince, nor his surname Turin, nor the so-called side branch of Turin. "

"He ... isn't even a Bayern!"

For a moment, the hall was quiet, and even the heartbeat of everyone could be heard, and the sound of people opening their eyes and breathing air was heard.

In the next second, it was a storm of anger and roar.

But Silvik was not afraid, just like a knight on the battlefield, staring at the expressionless black hair fifty, as if he wished to kill with his eyes.

Only when he experienced it himself can he feel that these angry voices are also filled with skeptical eyes and voices. Obviously, this idea has not been completely absent, only by Charlotte and the round table of the 13th Earl. The parliament was suppressed.

That's right, a side branch that has been away from Byrne for many years suddenly returned and became the master of Byrne. How could no one doubt it?

"Why do you say that ?!"

A very naive voice interrupted his thinking, and the five-year-old "Count Earl of Little Peak" Bosival glared a pair of wolf-like eyes, straddling a scimitar comparable to his two-handed sword :

"Admiral Loren Turin is the Duke jointly elected by Bairn from top to bottom, is the blood of the Knight King recognized by the Turin family, and he has obtained the blood line and identity certification of the Heavenly Dome.

"Why do you question him, what do you deny him, what are your qualifications ... say what you just said ?!"

The content of this answer is reasonable and convincing. Many of the people present nodded silently, and the look at the "Count of Xiaoqiaowangfeng" also changed a lot.

This remark came out of the mouth of a five-year-old child. It was really impressive.

But there was a hint of joy in the corner of Hilvik's mouth-this kind of "justified" question was exactly what he needed.

"If there is no evidence, of course I will not stand here to speak to you; I also know very well what will happen if I say something in Bayern's territory, Bayern's celebration!"

Hilvik waved his arms and spit in a spitting manner, a look that would soon be generous: "But the truth is the truth, the truth is justice, it must be seen and understood by everyone!"

"Let me hack him alive!"

The angry Earl of Mountain Rock could no longer bear it. He was about to draw his sword and threw it up, but he was stunned and shook his head silently by Eckert, Earl of Angry Fury.

"Lorren Turin, Baien, grandfather Leonardo Turin; father Guyo Turin, mother unknown, suspected of Lothal or Arles."

Just as there was a quarrel in the hall, Hilvik suddenly pulled out a scroll from his arms and read it aloud, causing Victor Hughes to frown.

Where did the people of the church get the file seals in the Sky Vault? !

"Leonardo Turin was delisted due to family hatred and intended to assassinate the Bain nobility, leaving only the title of knight; leaving with him is also his only eldest son, Gaio, becoming a wandering knight;

About 20 years ago, Guyo Turin was escorted by a robber on the way to **** the caravan, and only one child remained ... Lorren Turin.

This person is the Principality of Byrne, led by the Earl of Red Blood Castle, and is part of the Turin family; Leonardo Turin inherited his title of knight after his death; "

"Believe this, everyone is clear, and the above content is also clearly recorded in the archives of the Sky Dome." Hilvik gushed: "But, is this all true?"

He suddenly raised his head to look at Loren, with a look of eager hope to see the **** wizard panicked, or at least grumpy, and wished he could eat himself.

But Silvik was disappointed.

The expressionless Loren not only did not stand up to refute, nor did he mean to prevent himself from interrupting alive; he was like watching a farce that had nothing to do with himself from the standpoint of bystanders.

How can he be so calm, does he know anything?

The inexplicable panic was like cold air, penetrating from the chest cavity, tightly holding Silvik's heart.

"There are two problems with the content of this message-first, no one can prove the time of Gaio Turin's death; second, no one can be sure that Gaio Turin had a son."

Although he felt something was wrong, Hilvik could only continue to say so hard: "As far as I know, Leonardo used to be a wandering knight in Lotel and inquired about people who knew him locally. I only know that Loren is his servant. I have never heard him mention his grandson, let alone his surname Turin! "

"And our Lord Loren Turin, after leaving Lotel ~ ~ did not choose to return to the Red Blood Castle, but went to the wizarding city of Ebden; before he arrived in the capital, he never Have any contact with the Turin family! "

"A young man who lost his last loved one and left the college asylum would rather choose to go to a completely strange city than to wield his sword in his hometown, isn't it too weird ?!"

"so what?!"

This time it was Gareth, the Earl of Rainbow Bridge, who loved alchemy and runes, so he was very fond of the tolerant wizard Loren. His thin robe, with a red face and a red ear, retorted:

"Leonardo was expelled from the family, of course, it is impossible to have too much affection for the family; the Duke of Loren, who has not been by Bayern since birth, can only think of a way out according to his identity as a wizard at that time."

The Earl of Gareth knew how far his explanation was, but at the moment he could only open the question as far as possible and transfer it to whether the evidence of Hilvik was true or not.

"Sir Hilvik, you simply don't have any tangible evidence to prove everything you said, it's all conjecture, it's impossible to prove that Duke Loren is not the son of Guyo Turin!"

"I really have evidence!" Silvik immediately confronted each other.

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