Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 178: Snow Elves

? Early morning, Lotel, Shenlinbao.

Heavy snow.

With the winter coming, the sudden heavy snow is not untimely for the defenders of Shenlinbao-despite the sufficient preparations, even the idea of ​​abandoning Shenlinbao at a critical juncture and leading the army and the people to retreat, Ruben Frid still found that he still underestimated the enemy.

Wearing light armor, even armor-free robes, and wielding sharp swords and spears, the Azore elf warriors, regardless of any single force, the team's tacit understanding and even the speed of maneuver are far beyond His imagination.

After communicating with Loren, Lu Wen did n’t think that the enemy would have a group of elite like knights, and he did n’t doubt that the elves ’fighting power was above humans; but if we look at the current situation, I ’m afraid every one The Azore elf warriors all have the level of "knights"!

After the war, with the mentality of "home battle advantage", Lu Wen organized two sneak attacks on the enemy's backline in the ancient wood forest before and after; but the enemy can be called the speed of terror's reaction, and each time the encounter was beaten into a position Fight; even tried several times to quickly maneuver through the forest, surrounding them in reverse.

After heavy losses on both occasions, Lu Wen finally gave up the idea of ​​contempt and turned to stick to the deep forest. At the same time, he sent a large number of elite Lothal archers to ambush in the forest to organize a small-scale sneak attack.

Driving forward from Wuyue Court and being restricted by the terrain of the marching route, he was unable to organize a sufficient force to attack the Azores army in the deep forest for a while, but also turned to construct camps in the open space near the forest to confront the defense of the deep forest.

So, winter is here.

Maybe it was because Yijun didn't keep up, maybe it wasn't even thought that he would face off until winter; the elf army outside Shenlinbao didn't carry winter clothes!

Almost as long as you stand on the city wall, you can see it with your naked eyes. Twenty thousand Azore elf warriors only have armor and cloth gowns, shivering in the cold wind.

This made the defenders of Shenlinbao relieved—when winter came, it means that until the spring of the next year, the enemy will not be able to attack the Shenlinbao in the wind and snow unless it intends to freeze to death collectively. Advance half a step.

But Ruben Fried did not think so.

"They will definitely come."

Standing on the edge of the retaining wall, the young Grand Duke Lothal looked at the ancient wood forest covered by the snowstorm and murmured, his red hands clasped the retaining wall involuntarily.


The war dancer standing beside him, the female elf Lia raised her eyebrows and couldn't help glancing at him.

"I mean your fellow ... Azore Elf warrior." Looking at the tall figure, Lu Wen who wanted to say "your fellow" quickly changed his mind:

"If I were them, I would organize a full-scale offensive in the near future to test the strength of the defenders of the Deep Limburg-if they are tough enough, they will retreat; if the defense is empty, they will defeat us at once."

"Why?" The elf didn't understand:

"It is snowing now, can we really organize an offensive at this time?"

"It can only be very difficult." Lu Wen shook his head: "But the guy in Loren told me that the most important thing about war is to understand your own strengths and weaknesses, followed by the enemy; you can't do it until you know this. Make judgments when to attack and when to defend. "

"So I asked myself, what are our strengths and weaknesses-undoubtedly, it was the wait-and-see and the sudden heavy snow that made the Shenlinbao a stronghold from the border stronghold."

"Our disadvantage is that we seriously underestimate the enemy's combat power, and it is difficult to confront the cavalry in the forest where the cavalry cannot expand; the only advantage is the bow and arrow, and it is difficult to supplement because of heavy snowfall."

"And the enemy?" Grand Duke Lothal murmured to himself: "There is no doubt that they have the absolute advantage of fighting directly, and their disadvantage is only one ..."

"Time is their only disadvantage-three months from the end of the winter. Their material reserves will definitely not last for three months, nor will they wait for three months to attack the long-standing deep forest castle."

"So if I am an enemy, I will take the risk of launching an attack before the harshest winter comes down completely-even if I can't capture the Deep Forest Castle, we must thoroughly understand our bottom line and preventive deployment!"

"This is the most useful one I have learned from the boy of Loren ..." The words didn't finish. Suddenly, I remembered something, Lu Wen turned his head, and some embarrassed explanation: "Sorry, I didn't mean to mention ... "

"It doesn't matter, don't care about these!"

The female elf said coldly: "Why should I care about him, not to mention ... he is already married, and will not come to Shenlinbao and Gumu Forest again, will he?"

Don't you care too much?

Twitching his throat, Lu Wen didn't say it.

Although far away, the news that Byrne was going to hold the ceremony reached the Shenlinbao; of course, the ceremony is not the key, the wedding is the key.

A wedding organized by the Countess of Red Blood Castle personally and "critically important" to Duke Byrne, in addition to the two of them, is there a second possibility?

Counting the time, the wedding has probably passed a few days, the guy ... Lu Wen couldn't help but sigh.

The corner of the female elf's mouth was squeezed tightly, and she turned her head in a trance, turning her eyes to the forest outside the city wall, which was blocked by the snow.

Grand Duke Lothal lowered his head, and his eyes fell naturally on the "figure sword" hanging from the waist-this was the loot that Loren gave him after the end of the Wuyue Court battle.

The edge is like tracing the light, like a silver mirror;

Just like the Azores in front of me.

"Liya, there are some things ... I think you should think about it again." Lu Wen could not help raising his eyes, Lu Wen frowned slightly: "This war is the battle between the Empire and the Kingdom of Azores, and the elves of your Morning Star Forest It doesn't matter, why ... "

"No why!"

The female elf turned her head sharply and stared at Lu Wen: "I told Loren, and I also tell you now-we are children of the ancient wood forest, we are proud elves; we stand dead, never kneel to life! "

"As for the blood relatives of the Azores, from the moment they snatched the Morning Star Forest, they are no longer our blood relatives; we are not fighting for your empire and your humanity, but for our homeland. And fight. "

"So be less affectionate and think about it for us, Ruben Frid!"

As the words fell, the iron-faced female elf turned her head, squeezing her mouth tightly and staring at the vast snow, as if she could tell the answer she wanted.

More importantly, she did not dare to look back and dare to look at Lu Wen as herself and the morning star forest elf; she was afraid that she would apologize in the eyes of the other party and could not help bowing her head, confessing that she was wrong and admitting that she was indeed Need Loren's help.

Then, that guy ...

He has already let go of the harsh words with him, and actually married his female relative in silence. At this time, he will let himself come to the door and beg him to take him in. This is really ...

Can't do it, absolutely can't do it!

Rather than die, I do n’t want to see his sneer that "you came to me"!

The clenched fist, the female elf clenched her teeth.

Lu Wen didn't care much about what she said, shrugging her shoulders with an indifferent look: "Since you are not going to leave, then stay and help me stay with Shenlinbao-just like when I was the Earl of Shenlinbao That way, fight side by side! "

"Of course, if you don't want to, I can bring the next convoy to you when they return to Eagle Hunter Fort; if you really refuse to go to Bain, then at least in the forest of Lotel ..."

"Assign tasks, Lord Duke!" The elf held her shoulders, and said in a hurry that was not calm. "Which one of the fortresses, walls, or towers do we want to hold on to? Or ... let's leave us from the deep forest, Attack the enemy? "

"No need!" Lu Wen smiled: "Your most important task now is to train troops!"


"Yes, I want you to train my soldiers fiercely according to the standards of your war dancers!"

Ruben nodded hard: "We still have half a winter-half a winter, I want to let the soldiers of Lothal fully understand how to fight the elves, understand their own advantages, and the enemy's disadvantages. Where; even if there are no results, at least it will prepare them mentally. "

"They used to fight humans, beasts and monsters in the past, and they learned how to fight humans, beasts and monsters; now if they want to fight elves, of course they have to learn how to fight elves!"

The female elf froze slightly, and it took a while to understand the meaning of Lu Wen.

"This ... maybe, but the training of war dancers is very strict, not even the elves can fully accept each." Liya said with some helplessness: "If your warriors can not persist, or refuse to accept training. ... "

If Lu Wen only needs to understand the elven fighting style, Liya does n’t matter, but if you want to train according to the standard of war dancers, it is another matter-according to the human physical qualities and characteristics he has learned, he can train successfully The probability is infinitely close to zero.

Of course, except for a certain wizard!

"Whoever dares to refuse, will be treated as treason!" Lu Wen was very decisive about the female elves' concerns: "I was the first to be trained. Who dares to say that he can't stand it ?!"

"Of course, not only you; all the elves of Morningstar Forest, I also want you to convince them to train with my soldiers according to the strictest standards; after all, the purpose is to thoroughly understand the advantages and disadvantages of elves and humans in battle. , If it ’s not serious, then it does n’t make much sense. "

"Can such a request be accepted?"

In the face of Lu Wen ’s scorching eyes, some helpless female elves can only nod: "I can only do my best-the war dancers in the ancient wood forest are very different from the warriors of the Azores elves. Is it useful? "

"Whether it is useful or not, you can only try it." Lu Wen sighed and looked at the white snow: "This snow is the final deadline, when it is over, we have to ..."

What do you need?

Raising her eyebrows doubtfully, the female elf who turned back found that Lu Wen, who was clenching her teeth, stared at the heavy snow outside the wall, and there was a trace of terror reflected in her pupils.

The white snow outside the wall ...

Very abrupt, there are many huge figures, not less than dozens.

And getting closer and closer, more and more clear.

"Is it an ogre ?!" Lu Wen, who gritted his teeth, roared out: "Where did these lunatics find the ogre to die for them ?!"

The female elf beside me was shocked and felt a pain in his heart.

So many ogres suddenly appeared outside the deep forest, which means that there are no elves and dancers still stationed on the wall of the big tree; and the elves who have regained their homeland to the south are probably already fierce!

Is this ...

"woo woo woo woo------------"

The rapid trumpet sound interrupted the female elf's thinking, almost just the blink of an eye, and the warning sound has been heard throughout the deep forest fort; just now there was a dead, leisurely fortress, and immediately entered a full alert state.

"Enemy attack!"

The roaring Lu Wen turned sharply, and "Cang Lang" pulled out the snow-like long knife from the sheath, and looked at the knights and war bow shooters who were rapidly gathering under the wall:

"Prepare for war!"

"Lotel ———— !!!!!!"

Hundreds of Knights of Lothal responded to their lord with the most traditional and tidy cry, summoning the warriors like headless flies beside them.

"Lu Wen ..." The female elf's voice trembled slightly, but he calmed down in less than a second: "Let me go!"

"What a joke ?!" Lu Wen turned around and heard his words. He didn't care about his warriors: "Don't see the snow outside, are you ready to rush out and fight with the monsters?"

"It's flat on the outside, there is no place to settle by virtue of the battle, what if it's a forest here?"

"I am a war dancer, and I was trained to fight against ogres when I was born-there are no trees, it is the same to me!" The female elf stared back politely:

"What's more, you want me to be your instructor for the arrogant soldiers; how can they convince me, the instructor, without seeing me?"

Having finished speaking, without waiting for his reply, the female elf jumped down the stairs and stood in front of the gate of the castle.

"Duke, this ..." The knight who was in charge of the gate guard turned his head and looked at Lu Wen with embarrassment: "The elves of Morning Star Forest are our allies, and Lord Liya is their leader. ... "

"Open the city gate!"

Suddenly turning his head, Lu Wen shouted violently: "Give her the gun and let her go!"

"Then you all see me clearly, see how the elves and dancers fight, and they all learn something for me-and, to cover her, all the cavalrymen mounted me and waited under the gate! "


With the bite of the gate of the machine and the sound of the chain pulling, the city gate opened slowly.

The female elf took a deep breath and held her spear upside down, stepping through the city gate in a stern array.

Walk towards the white sky.

:. :

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