Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 190: Know oneself

"What are you doing?"

On the wall of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, before the pale-faced scimitar prince rushed down the stairs, the dark-haired wizard was the first to stop in front of her.

"What are you doing ... Are you really asking or acting silly?"

Salika pressed the handle of her knife in her right hand, staring at Loren with an expression of hating cannibalism: "Sate Blaha is dead, more than a thousand Boi people are dead, you still ask, still standing here to ask ?!" "

"I was asking you, what do you want to do?"

Ignoring Connor and Dresis in front of him, and a group of guards behind him, Loren still said in that calm tone: "Be clear, otherwise I won't let you leave."

"Don't let me go ... who do you think you are ?!"


The angered Sallyka held the knife handle in her right hand, and the blade hadn't been sheathed yet. Loren held her wrist first, squeezed her loosely, and lifted it like a question; the fragile joint, "Squeaky" in the hands of the dark-haired wizard.

In the scene between the flashlights and the fire, Dracis frowned.

"Strengthen, if you have the ability, you can squeeze my right hand, otherwise let go!"

Apparently already on the verge of dislocation, the angry scimitar female grandfather still didn't frown, but still let her calm down a little bit: "Unless you kill me, I don't want to stop me from saving them!"

"Save who?" Loren was still asking.

"Nonsense, of course Seth Blaha, and the **** he took away!"

"Sette Braha is dead, and the more than a thousand Boi ... are dead."

"I don't care, I'm going to see people anyway! I want to see dead if I die! I'm their grand duke, and I can't just leave them on the ice field and just don't ask!"

"You also know that you are Grand Duke Poi-if that is the case, then you should calm down and think about what to do; rather than just rush out without asking."

The dark-haired wizard said coldly: "What's more, this is a war between the empire and the kingdom of Azores, and you have no right to take Poe's hussars out of the fortress and fight against them."

"I understand, you don't need you to tell me!" Angrily interrupted Loren, and Salika opened her eyes in angrily: "I only need my guarding silver armor, 300 people; enough to bring you The devil hunters lend a few, I promise to return you ?! "


The frowning Dracis just wanted to step forward, and was stopped by Connold's hand next to him. His eyes signaled him to retreat.

"Even if Duke Loren agreed, I can't allow you to leave, Salika Jonah."

The expressionless Connor stepped forward and stood between the dark-haired wizard and the granddaughter. The scarlet eyes looked at two people at the same time: "Even if you are going to regard your vows as correct, please do n’t forget Now it ’s not just you fighting the enemy yourself. "

"If we lose, the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain falls, and it is not just the Sarkrans who died-Poi to the east, and Baine to the south; think about your own country!"

"And do n’t forget, in addition to the warriors who were killed, there were more than 200 heroic fortress rangers, and the church knight of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the knight who had stood here for decades. Lord Naze. "

"Could each of us irresponsibly rush out to take revenge and make their sacrifices completely worthless ?!"

Facing Connor's loud blame, Salika Jonah gritted her teeth, neither refuting nor admitting.

But Loren was very clear that she had been persuaded that it would be extremely difficult for her straight-hearted scimitar to allow her to listen patiently.

"The current situation is that our strategic purpose has been detected by the enemy, and a powerful mobile force has been siege by the enemy, and it is very likely that it has been wiped out by the entire army."

After seeing Selika calm down, Connor only said quietly: "Even if not, this army must have lost its fighting power, and it is impossible to fight again."

"The situation is now like this-our perimeter reconnaissance strongholds were removed by the enemy one by one, and the only enemy target detected by the reconnaissance was a trap, and a powerful mobile army was lost; as for their true main position, What you ’re doing ... you just do n’t know. "

"So, what next?"

Salika's tone was still somewhat unpleasant, but she still resisted her anger: "Another patrol team? No problem, it's up to me this time!"

"No, Salika, you misunderstood."

The dark-haired wizard gently released her right hand with a slightly unnatural expression: "Not what we are about to do, but the enemy ... or what the Eagle King is about to do."


The granddaughter of the scimitar looked confused.

"I'll say it another way ..." Loren sighed. "What did they pull out all of our investigation positions before?"

"To make us blind and deaf!"

Sallyka's expression "You don't understand".

"Yes, but this is also equivalent to exposing their marching route; so they deliberately released a small army to attract our attention, let us think: Oh, the previous route is just a guise, it is to lure us to hook of."

Loren explained patiently: "So what do they want us to do?"

"Stare at this army, and then find a way to track or ... annihilate them?" This time Salika's answer was less certain: "In this way, their main army is temporarily safe."

"Yes, it's a bit cruel but sensible, the most important thing is to protect their main army that is very vulnerable in the blizzard, and to continue to complete the march plan without being attacked."

"But now the situation is that they used this method to deliberately eliminate the cavalry we sent, and they were all wiped out." Loren sighed:


This time Sallyka didn't know how to answer it, because it seemed like the elves were doing contradictory things.

Lure the enemy deeper? Just kidding, this is the territory of the empire. Even if it is the glacier wasteland to the north, the empire army definitely knows better than this new group of elf warriors.

In fact, through the rangers who came back to report, plus the time of the journey, the fortress up and down can already roughly infer the specific location of the outbreak of the battle; then as long as the enemy ’s marching speed is counted, an army of 5,000 people is dispatched They are not too easy.

Destroy the investigation system of the Boundary Mountain Fortress? If it is those strongholds, it has been destroyed; if it is cavalry ... The total number of cavalry under the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain is more than 15,000, which is enough to launch a frontal attack on this army of 40,000 people.

Destroying an entire army looks scary, but it has nothing to do with the overall strength of the fortress.

What are they going to do?

"The previous battles, including the sacrifice of Earl Seth Braha and the Knights of Naze, were all because we miscalculated the enemy's purpose." Emperor Connold said coldly:

"So the first thing we have to do now is to figure out ... what are they going to do!"

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly.

Intelligence is always a battle, and even the absolute core of war.

Only by understanding all the intelligence of the enemy and your own and making a detailed judgment before you can formulate a battle; casually throwing soldiers into a field that you do n’t understand at all, even the completely unknown battlefield is more serious than the misjudgment of the surname, and even says no. Go on an adventure.

That was intentional death.

The enemy chose the most outlandish battlefield, but to a certain extent, it also blocked the possibility that the empire could detect their actions. To a certain extent, it really caused the empire to fall into the "blind and deaf" situation; the only seemingly safe way is to Severe Mountain Fortress sits to be killed.

But this is certainly the most desirable result of the elves-to ensure that there will not be any interference before launching the main attack on the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain.

Therefore, staying in the fortress is absolutely undesirable. It is necessary to take the initiative to regain the initiative of this war. It is the only way for Connold to win back prestige; even if it is only for promise, he cannot wait for the enemy to attack.

Therefore, if the purpose of the enemy cannot be clarified for a while, then another thing must be clarified ...

"What is our purpose, and what is the purpose of the enemy?"

Connor, with a solemn expression, said what Loren had always wanted to say.

"Our purpose? Of course it's to keep the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain from being captured." Salika, who was interrupted once, was no longer as anxious as she said at the beginning:

"As for the gang of rabbits ... Probably, it should have captured the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and then merged with the other two troops south and attacked the capital of Golovin together?"

"It's not so much an end, it's better to call it‘ the result that will happen after the established goals are reached. ’” Dressis, who always stood behind Connold, could n’t help but snatch:

"The established combat objectives should be able to achieve each step in a step-by-step manner, and have clear guidelines-as long as they are executed in accordance with the square matrix, and each step can be completed in place, then no matter how many changes occur, unexpected situations can eventually achieve inevitable the result of!"

"How is that kind of thing ..."

Before she could say "impossible", the machete woman's granddaughter hadn't finished speaking before, and she saw the dark-haired wizard on the side, watching her with a meaningful expression in silence.

Suddenly, Sallyka was speechless.

Isn't this the best proof of this guy who has clearly fought a few times before he became a Duke, and is cautious enough to be "cowardly"?

In the Centaur War, Byrne ’s strategic goal is to “assist” Poe to the final victory. Therefore, Loren Turin has been secretly promoting the previous generation of Grand Duke Poe to launch a full decisive battle with the enemy ’s main force. The army cut off the enemy's supply line, prompting the decisive battle to erupt early.

Although the final situation changed, but because of the decisive battle and the cut off supply line, the main force of the centaur was indeed eliminated; the final change was only the question of "who won the war".

Regardless of the outcome, Byrne has accomplished his war goals and "assisted" Poi to victory.

There is also the first battle after his confluence with him, to rescue Thousand Account City-he intends to concentrate more troops and eliminate the Centaurs that besieged the city; but Loren Turin judges that Thousand Account City cannot support it anyway. At that time, we must march immediately.

What I thought of was "Destroy the enemy, and the city will be able to keep it." Loren Turin's point of view is "to first ensure that the city will not be occupied"-Thousand-account City is spared, indeed ... it is only the final result.

No matter what the result becomes-the city has not been occupied; the rest of the Centaur army has been eliminated, whether there are Poi troops stationed in the city, or even living people ...

It really doesn't matter, because no matter what it becomes, it is definitely a thousand times stronger than being occupied by a centaur.

I am afraid this is still the case in the Battle of the Boundary Mountain; in Loren Turin ’s heart, as long as the fortress is not captured, everything else may not matter?

This feeling made Salika finally enlightened, but it was also very uncomfortable, and her expression was even slightly distorted-because this is equivalent to admitting to fighting from birth, almost to be the best at Poy ’s self, the best Aspect of ...

It might as well be a wizard who has never fought a war, only to be elected by others!

"Actually ... Salika is right."

He did n’t even notice the dark-haired wizard who was "complaining" next to the girl's expression. He coughed seriously and said seriously: "The enemy is in the north, so they can only attack south-to seize the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, they must Completed goals. "

"As for us ... the goal at this stage should be to ensure that the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain cannot fall, and to destroy this elf army as much as possible-the ideal goal should be to kill or capture the king of eagles and fight the morale of the enemy."

"So you are in support of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain?" Connold asked.

"No, I always think that offense is the best defense; sometimes it is a very reasonable thing to pay some sacrifices in exchange for initiative." Loren slowly said:

"As for the enemy's purpose ... no matter what, they must want to disrupt our deployment; so my idea is to follow him, they will do whatever they like, and we will continue to follow the established plan."

"Since the enemy wiped out the cavalry we sent to chase, then it is better to send troops to the Blood Skull Valley and build a solid fortress and outpost in the glacier wasteland ~ ~ to expand the scope of the investigation and let the enemy escape from nothing! "

The words fell, and Loren stared at His Majesty the Emperor.

Connor, who was silent for a moment, looked at the Valley of Blood Skeleton in the distance, as if thinking for a while, he slowly opened his mouth: "How many soldiers can you carry in your floating city" Clarion Fort "?"

"Roughly two thousand people go up and down." Loren gave the answer immediately.

"Can it be parked on land?"

"If the terrain is stable and reliable enough ... no problem."

"How many people do you need?"

"Give me all my troops, and then give me two thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry." Loren said in a deep voice: "I promise that when the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain starts to fight, there will be no soldiers rushing through the blood Valley."


... m.

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