Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 200: Rush over!

Looking at the elven lancers and archers who lined up one after another in front of the Poihorse cavalry, and even like wheat, even though the elf warrior standing under the banner can still keep calm, but the guards behind him have already It is pale and gritted.

Faced with the fierce and fierce hussars, the swordsmanship and combat skills that the Azore elf warriors are proud of ... all meaningless, they ca n’t run fast, and they ca n’t have the power and charge to surpass the cavalry. ; The only thing that can bring a long bow and arrow is also suppressed by the hussars' group shooting.

Obviously these less than three to five thousand cavalry are the absolute weaker side, but whenever their iron cavalry charges, they can always force the elf warriors to withdraw their defenses, form a tight and solid square, and then form a line It fell under the rain of javelins.

Unlike Sacran ’s crossbowmen and Lothal Falcon shooters, Poe ’s hussars are extremely tricky in their archery—the short bow is destined to be impossible to shoot, so they deliberately made the arrow heavy. Let the arrows traverse a larger arc in the air.

He clearly aimed at himself, but hit his companion's forehead; clearly aimed at the neck, but pierced his own feet ... and not only the trajectory is unpredictable, the Boi are also poisoned with arrows!

When hundreds and thousands of cavalrymen rushed to the front with a roaring iron ride, even the bravest elf warrior could feel the body shaking and the legs and legs softened if they were n’t ordered and as a warrior Honor, and the robe beside them, I am afraid they will also turn their heads and run away like ordinary humans.

Even ... they knew they could not escape; even if they ran away and lost their robes and the protection of the army alone, they could never survive on the glacier wasteland.

"This is the cavalry ... the most powerful army of the Empire?" With his teeth clenched, the guard's face was filled with anger and unwillingness: "Just thousands of people can suppress the 40,000 best samurai in all directions. may not?"

"It's no surprise that the cavalry army is the elite and core of the empire, just like the samurai is the elite and core of Azores-this was what we expected."

The elf warrior said in a calm voice that he could not hear the slightest waves in the smooth words: "In the face of our raid, the enemy will not hesitate to use the most elite army to fight for time for the headquarters, which just shows that our plan is very successful, right? ? "

"But, if you go on like this, military spirit and morale ..." the guard said worriedly.

"The warriors who can cross the ice field with His Majesty the Eagle King, I believe they have the courage to live and die indifferently-military heart and morale, not a problem." The Elf warrior shook his head:

"The enemy's cavalry is not a monster that can fight forever. Their tactics are excellent, but they are a huge consumption of mind and body. It is impossible to continue this way."

"If I expect it to be good, the battle situation will change in a quarter of an hour at most-move the five-thousand-man square formation of the central queue forward one hundred steps, and the reserve samurai in the back row will turn to the wings and prepare to gather . "


With a command, the central formation of the Azore elves began to lean forward; the elven warriors wielding four-foot lances under the leadership of the samurai, clenched their teeth with the fear of the roar of the iron cavalry, and moved forward.

Tens of thousands of elf warriors took a neat pace, and the trembling roar instantly weakened the momentum of the hussars.

The silent elf warriors stood against the locust-like arrow rain, stepped on the front row of robe Ze and the bones of their compatriots, and pushed the shaking lance in their hands towards the hussars who rolled up large snowflakes on the battlefield.

"what happened?!"

On the battlefield where snowflakes and smoke were rolled up, the grandmother of the scimitar who ran wildly stared at the opposite elf army formation, and an indescribable anger and uninterrupted floated to her heart.

Raise the enemy's front with hussars, and then take the opportunity to tear open a breakthrough and concentrate a handful of elite cavalry to break through-this was her original plan.

But now the enemy told her that it would not work at all!

Faced with a cavalry raid, the hurriedly formed front of the elves didn't panic at all—not because they couldn't see the fear on their faces, but they were clearly terrified but still standing on the spot.

So Sallyka had only one last option left, leading the hussars to force a suicide charge against the elves' pike phalanx.

For a cavalry commander, that was the last decision she wanted to make.

Dresis ... Isn't that **** dead? !

Can't help but look back at Sallyka staring at the wall of the Boundary Mountain Fortress behind her, and she also hopes to get the support of the ballista and the catapult.

"Those long ears are approaching!" The hussars on the side suddenly shouted anxiously at her: "Master Jonah, please get an idea as soon as possible!"

"If we drag on like this, we can only retreat!"

"Never retreat!" Someone immediately retorted loudly: "At this time when the fortress is withdrawn, the enemy will follow us to cover up and rush into the fortress!"

"So what do you say?"

"I don't know, but if we continue this way, we will either be surrounded by them or we will die alive!"

Listening to the chaotic voice around her ears, Sallyka's breathing became more and more rapid.

There were constant screams and fighting sounds from around—as the Azores began to shrink the “enclosure” and attacked the core defense zone of the fortress, and there were already hussars and enemies walking on both wings.

What should I do? If Loren ... what would he do if that bastard? !

With steaming sweat on her forehead, Salika desperately wanted to calm herself-she could even clearly feel her violent heartbeat and trembling muscles.

What are we going to do, what are the enemies doing ... what did this guy say?

The scene of fighting has already begun.

There were constant hussars falling under the spears of the elven pikemen, and constantly elves warriors with protruding fronts were beheaded by cavalry wielding wielding sabers;

There are horseback warriors who are good at turning around and squeezed by the front to the point that there is no room for evasion, so that the long guns are poked into skewers; there are also hurried cavalry who rushed into the gun formation, and died together with several elf warriors who were approaching. .

So ... what is the purpose of the enemy?

Attacked with commando, and once again captured the fortress ... No, if so, they would not give the fortress time to react; and the strong attack on the fortress, this army of more than 40,000 people is equivalent to the end of the Fortress of Mountain Boundaries.

Therefore, the enemy is not trying to break through the fortress, but to let himself and the defenders in the fortress "think they can hold it", want to delay the time while looking for reinforcements, besiege themselves and wait until their "reinforcement" arrives, and then merge Then break the Boundary Mountain!

This sudden thought shocked Sallyka.

Because in this way, the Boundary Mountain Fortress can not only passively defend, but must continue to actively attack to force the enemy to struggle; and must also gather reinforcements as soon as possible to eliminate the siege;

Not only that, she must do everything she can to pass the news to Loren Turin in the Valley of Blood Skeleton-since the enemy also has reinforcements, no matter where they come from, their first goal must be blood Skeleton Valley!

Loren Turin ... that **** is in danger!

"Gather! Gather! Move closer to me—!"

With a bite of teeth, Salika, who stood directly on the horseback, shouted, and the "iron rider" long knife waved in his hand: "Boy's horseback people, array!"

"Form a frontal array-!!!!!!"

Hearing the prince's anger and hustling in groups, the hussars fighting each other threw down the enemies beside them, rushing towards the figure galloping in the cold wind.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of cavalrymen have lined up in front of the trenches of the fortress gates, forming a tight and neat riding wall.

"The enemy is ahead, the hometown is behind!"

Sallyka, who roared loudly, didn't even wait. She waved the long sword and crossed the array first, rushing towards the opposite elf army line alone:

"Tear them-!!!!!!"

Along with the loud horn, the hustling hussars are also mobilizing horses in rows, struggling to keep up with the figure of the maternal grandfather.

Faced with the sudden burst of iron cavalry roaring, the elven army that was still advancing for a while failed to react immediately-the front row of the pike phalanx chose to stay in place, but the elf warriors and archers in the back Advancing.

There was a short mess in the neat queue.

The Azores wondered whether the enemies were just threatening temptations as before, forcing them to retreat; or were they going to confront themselves and try to use this method to buy time for the fortress?

This puts them in a dilemma ... temporarily.

"The enemy is planning to break through!"

The elf warrior surrounded by the flag suddenly said: "Let the five thousand people in the central array immediately stop their actions and stay on the spot. They must not let them break the front, and no cavalry can let go!"

"The two-winged formations continue to close together, compressing the enemy's moving space-remember, only combat is allowed, no pursuit is allowed; as long as the enemy has any intention to retreat, let them leave immediately!"


The guard who got the order bowed his head sharply.

Soon, the horseshoe roared on the battlefield with the sound of the eagle-like horn of the Azores; the commanded elf warriors immediately began to organize their soldiers to defend in situ, quietly waiting for the cavalry who ran on horses. The moment they rushed up.

Faced with a tight and neat phalanx of lances, the Poi Hach cavalry showed no signs of stopping. They rushed across the center of the battlefield violently and stormed.

The horseshoes splashed mud and snow, causing Salika Jonah on the horse's back to narrow her eyes, the long knife held tightly in her hands traversed, and the narrow blade trembling slightly.

At this moment ...


The moment the explosion sounded on the battlefield, many hussars didn't even have time to see the golden red that pierced the sky, and the soaring fire column had occupied their entire field of vision.

In the snow-covered wasteland, the elf warriors that formed a dense square were swallowed up by flames one after another, and the explosion tore their bodies to pieces, and the steam was mixed with the rolling heat wave to spread around.

Screaming and wailing, one after another!

In the deafening explosion, even the tenacious Azore elf warriors were in a panic. They were helpless in the dazzling fire and the endless loud noise, and they could only stare blankly at their robe swallowed by the golden red , Disappeared without a trace.

Raising his head, the sky could still see a shadow passing by above the head with a shriek of tearing air.

The sky and the rain of fire ravaged the entire battlefield, not only the enemy, but even many hussars were also blown away by the blast of the explosion, or the wailing became a running "fireball", wailing Falling in the white snow, dyed black.

In spite of this, thousands of hussars followed closely behind their duke, marching towards the hordes of flames of the Azores that had been devastated by flames, and did not look back.

Catch up!

The stunned female maid of the machete froze for a second, and then an unparalleled expression of joy appeared in the corner of her mouth-Dresis, you **** ...

It didn't disappoint at last!

"Shooting! Aim at the Azore's position, how many hit me!"

On the walls of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, the panting Dresis shoved away the guard beside him, shouting hoarsely at the beacon:

"Burn those long ears-!!!!!!"


"grown ups!"

"Hold your position, no backing!"

Seeing the guard's panic-stricken expression, the elf warrior immediately stole and said: "At this time, the retreat suddenly, once the enemy's cavalry is really covered up, it will immediately become a slaughter-then the number of dead samurai is not Hundreds, but thousands! "

"Once the enemy's ballistas and catapults are aiming, they can no longer move easily, and can only bombard a fixed position; so if they want to continue to smash, they must smash their cavalry together."

"But go on like this ..."

"If you go on like this, there won't be any change!" The elf warrior looked at the frightened guard coldly: "Either fight with the glory of the imperial cavalry, or be slaughtered."

"If His Majesty the King fails ~ ~ failed to get the help of the Four Evil Gods, the repatriated Blood Skeleton Defender will form an attack with the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and then all 40,000 warriors will be buried here in vain! "

"Will you die for righteousness or shame ... Your Excellency, choose it!"

When the words fell, the elf warrior no longer looked at him, staring at the figure rushing in his direction; Tie Qing faced, drawing out the Azores sword from his waist, pointing straight at the oncoming cavalry .

In the roar of flames and horseshoes, the powerful Boeing knights held their swords straight into a chaotic array of Azore elves, and the cries of fighting began immediately.

"Rush, rush over—!" A sharp voice resounded like a flag in the hussars' queue. The roaring Salika Jonah was almost squeezed in the center by the hussars on both sides. Dagong really rushed to the front.

"Boy, offensive-!!!!!!"

"Come on, the warriors of Azores-!!!!!!"

... m.

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