Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 203: No reinforcements

Time advances to the second day of the Battle of the Boundary Mountain Fortress, and the **** battle between the two sides has completely entered the stage of fierce heat.

After trying to break through the Azores' elite front on the first day and finally losing the hatred, Sally Cayona and Dresis finally figured out the key to this war:

Either the empire was the first to get reinforcements, and the elven army that wiped out the invaders under the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain was merged with the Guard of the Blood Skeleton; or another army of the enemy completely wiped out the Guard of the Blood Skeleton, and then snatched the break before the arrival of the reinforcements. Mountain fortress.

In short, everything is time, and all the fighting power of both sides cannot win immediately, so it depends on who wins the most crucial game first.

Dresis believes that there is no doubt that he must be the most critical party in the face of the main forces of the Azores; so he has always been confused and very angry, why Loren Turin, who is stuck in the Valley of Blood, has not yet Any news came.

The supply line is cut off, and there is no news from the rear. Under such circumstances, as a commander, shouldn't you try to actively contact the rear? !

If you find an accident, should n’t you leave a small group of troops to resist the entanglement of the enemy surprise soldiers, the main force will return as soon as possible, and first help yourself to win the defensive battle of the Boundary Mountain Fortress? !

What is he thinking about this unseen wizard? !

However, no matter how resentful Dresis is, in the face of the almost desperate defense of the Azore elves, the cavalry could not break through the enemy's front, and it was impossible to actively reach out to Loren Torino.

So ... the only thing he can expect is only Brandon in East Sackland and the reinforcements staying at the Bayern border.


Accompanied by the "creaking" ensemble of ballistas and trebuchets, a "flame iron curtain" like a hurricane made a scream of tearing air, which hit the head of the Azores army.

"Let the arrow, let the arrow !!!"

Almost at the same time, the maternal granddaughter of the scimitar under the fortress was roaring at the hussars on the side; these brave and warrior horseback people steered fast in the snow and waves while riding a flexible horse, wave after wave From the front of the enemy's pike phalanx and flanks; while shooting bows and arrows, he shot them without looking.

In the dense phalanx, elf warriors continued to fall, but soon behind them robes stepped on their bones to take the place and continue to move forward.

Almost at the same time, many elf warriors carrying arrows full of arrows quickly shuttled in the center of the advancing front, then stood firm on the spot, shooting quickly at the hussars under the protection of the robe on both sides.

In a round of confrontation, both sides left pieces of corpses on the battlefield; the soldiers who fell in the mud and snow did not have time to rescue, they were eager to face the robe, and the horses fighting alongside themselves were stepping into the mud. It is no longer possible to get up.

Facing the phalanx of lances still approaching in a big step, Sarika had no intention of confronting directly, leading the hussars to continue to detour quickly, while retreating while shooting at the phalanx behind him.

The lesson of blood will always be enough for a heavy infantry phalanx in the world that can be hard and uniform in front of the world, only the deadly charge of the silly knights of Byne!

Not to mention leaning against the fortress, as long as you withdraw into the defense area of ​​the fortress, the Azores dare not dare to get too close.

"Sakran, move forward !!!"

Just as the hussars "turned roundabout", six 3,000 soldiers of the regiment had formed a narrow array of infantry in front of the trench outside the fortress, while the formation of the Azores was still being cavalry. When it is suppressed, it starts to advance.

These heavy infantrymen wearing heavy armor, armed with halberds and zither shields formed a dense array of troops, protecting the shield in front of them, the halberds in the front row were flat, and the halberds were leaning on the back row. In order to maintain the width of the front on the shoulder armor of the robe, they had to form a very thin five-row array.

But when they started to move forward, such a thin queue also grabbed momentum because of the consistent movements up and down, as well as the uniform stepping sound, as if it would be a moving "wall".

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom ..."

On the snow-white battlefield, these dark soldiers drew a straight "black line" in front of the city gate. While the cavalry were retreating, they blocked the direction of the Azores' Chinese attack.

"Shield Wall !!!"

At the same time as the officer's roar sounded, the shadowy arrow rain had landed on their heads like a dark cloud; in an instant, the stacked shields were already filled with loot, making the squatted soldiers look like one Only "living hedgehog".


The tip of the spear and the shield collided violently, and soon the crisp sound turned into a dull storm. Compared with the "black city walls", the density of the Azore Elf formations was several times their density. .

Close to the shield in front of him, the legionnaires almost used their full strength on the right arm, and then severely fell the halberd in their hands, barely severing themselves with a pair of long guns. , But also let another spear pierce the calf.

The pain caused the legionnaires in the front row to stumble and nearly kneel, leaning on the body of the back row of the robe before finally standing on the knees, and then continually probing out the halberd, daring to hide behind the shield Too.

Facing the constantly waving halberd and the thick shield wall, the elf warriors neither dared to disperse their fronts to become the prey of the hussars, nor could they bypass the two wings to cover up; , Trying to break through.

The density, thickness, and even the length of the front, the legionnaires are almost all-round disadvantages. This tactic of shrinking under the shield wall to fight durability and endurance extremely tests the perseverance of the soldiers; they were stabbed and shot to death. The probability is not high, but the probability of being killed by beating to death and bleeding to death is very high.

This is also a helpless choice to face enemies that are many times their own, and it is necessary to take defense as an attack; and the battle of Ebden also proves that melee and singles are the best of the Azores; in this situation, One-sided slaughter will be inevitable.

But it does not mean that the two sides will admit their destiny and fight for endurance ... Almost at the same time that the Chinese army and the defending infantry are confronting, the wings of the Azores elves have begun to move closer to the inside, and they are ready to join the battle;

Not to be outdone, Salika Jonah began to lead the roundabout hussars to maneuver to the two wings, forcing the enemy's infantry to defend in place, or slowing down the attack, so that the elves could not threaten the fragile flanks and back of the infantry line.

"Move all the ballistas and catapults in the east-west direction of the fortress, focusing on bombing the wings of the Azores!"

On the city wall, Dresis, who is more able to see the war situation than the maternal grandfather of the machete, constantly ordered the herding soldiers behind him: "Let the heavy soldiers speed up, send more kerosene and ignition agent, and move faster ! "

"Commander ... the batch just now is the full amount of today!"

The messenger's expression was particularly embarrassing: "If you continue to squander like this, the reserve that could have been able to persist for ten days may only be ..."

"Can't you see the battlefield, are you blind ?!"

Dracis, who gritted his teeth, grabbed the collar of the herald soldier and dragged his entire person to the wall stack like a rag bag: "Show me clearly, the enemy's total strength is more than three times ours!"

"Once the two-winged enemies can unscrupulously launch a general attack, the army going out of the city must be annihilated, and the fortress will inevitably fall into the predicament of blind defense, and there will be no more initiative!"

"So we must ensure support, use fire to contain the enemy's offensive, control the battlefield within the range that the fortress can support, and make the opponent only attack from one direction without interruption, understand?"



Dracis directly kicked the herald soldiers off the wall.

How could he not know how serious it is to consume but if he had to die and face the quadruple enemy forces, how long can he stay in the fortress of the Boundary Mountain where he would not receive reinforcements for a while and half ... It ’s really hard to say.

Dresis believed in the courage of the imperial soldiers, the solidity of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and the belief that he could defeat the enemy. But when all these responsibilities and the key to the life and death of the empire were in his own mind, the original blind belief also changed Became skeptical.

"The stone-throwing machine is ready to ignite the fire and launch a fixed-point shot to the outermost layer of the defensive circle; the ballistas set up iron crossbow arrows and aim at the enemy array to launch! Launch! Launch!"

boom! ! ! !

In the loud roar, a series of blazing flames rose up in the chaotic battlefield. The fierce fire blocked the Azovel ’s wings from advancing, and had to retreat backwards; The hussars they met also blew long whistle and made a roundabout advance.

Only flames are absolutely fair to both parties.

"Let the two-winged warriors go into battle, followed by the enemy cavalry to launch a fierce attack!"

The elf warrior standing under the banner of the Chinese army decisively ordered: "Spread the array, and if the enemy has any signs of retreating across the line, charge at the fortress gate and don't let any chance pass!"

This time the guard did not hesitate anymore. Instead, Alexandra saw a hesitant expression on her face after seeing the other party leave quickly:

"Adult, if this is the case, the casualties of our army will inevitably ..."

"No matter how big the casualties are, such a good opportunity cannot be missed. The fighter plane is fleeting; the enemy's fire oil and crossbow arrows cannot be infinite. It will be a matter of time, but it does not mean that we have to wait until then."

Although the elf warrior interrupted coldly, he was understandable, but he was still very dissatisfied with the last commando defeat of the chief deputy governor:

"Instead of thinking about such trivial things as casualties, you might as well focus on your honor as a captive, and consider the life and death of the other samurai? Is n’t it ridiculous?"

Looking at the opponent's cold and piercing gaze, the elf warrior immediately blushed and knelt on one knee in the snow suddenly: "If you agree, I can go now ..."

"No ... your combat power should be placed at a more critical moment, not now." She was interrupted ironically, and the elf warrior looked back at the battlefield:

"The enemies are truly elite ... the vowed knights have not been dispatched until now; if they are not wrong, they should be treated as guards by the emperor who is afraid of death."

"Therefore, we must also keep the cards to deal with these holy cross running dogs, and we cannot let the four court warriors like you waste on the battlefield in vain."

During the conversation between the two, the two wings of the Azore Elf Array have begun to change. The elf warriors who had always been pressed after the rifle square, pulled out long swords from their waists, and rushed across the front without any scruples. After the flames, threw towards the hussars who were still retreating.

"This bunch of rabbits ... are you crazy ?!"

When the scattered elf warriors held their long swords sideways, as if in a "duel", they were killed from the side to the hussars. It took almost a second for the stunned Salika Jonah to wake up. Ordered a counterattack.

But this is not necessary at all, because the horseback people under her command are the best, but they also wield sabre short spears "on their own," and slammed at the elf warriors.


Accompanied by the notes of the blade collision, the double reversal of the scattered battle completed the first round of confrontation.

Some hussars were chopped down by a company with horses, while others were just shot by the elf warriors when they flew Le Fei, and they were shot by the cavalry; some elf warriors escaped with delicate steps and swordsmanship The cavalry shocked, but did not escape the arrow flying behind him;

Some of the Boi Warriors had just opened their bows, and the elf warrior on the opposite side leaped onto the horse's back, and several of them lost their heads.

In this **** chaos, even though the Azores ’charge was contained, the Hussars were also completely contained and could not retreat for a while, and the compressed battlefield space also gave them no room for flexibility. Must fight head-on with the enemy.

Almost at the same time, Dressis on the wall and Sally Cayona under the wall were relieved. If these thousands of elf warriors really broke through the array ~ ~ The fortress with a lack of troops It really can only be defended according to the city, there is no other way to live.

After several unsuccessful attempts to pierce the Hussar array, the enemy seemed to realize that this would only increase the casualties and could not expand the situation at all, so he blew the horn and let the charged elf warrior withdraw the array as much as possible.

On the contrary, many hussars saw the elves begin to retreat, and in spite of their dissuasion, they charged alone. As a result, they hit the two-winged pike phalanx, and the casualties were heavy, causing Salika to scold.

On the battlefield of the Chinese army, which is really related to the battle situation, after the Shield Wall of the Empire and the phalanx of elves were fighting for nearly half a day, both sides under "tired" silently retreated back slowly, leaving a pavement in the middle. The "bloodlines" of each other's bones declared that today's battle is officially over.

The breakout plan of the Boundary Hill Fortress was once again declared a failure.

"When the **** reinforcements come?"

Salika and Dressis shouted in unison.

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