Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 207: Kill you

In the lowlands of Blood Skeleton, the eagle king standing on the unnamed highland, he did not pay attention to the figure of the dragon that roared away in the air, but focused his attention on another place on the battlefield.

Byr Knight.

These warriors riding a "horse" (elves don't have this kind of livestock), fully armed, using long swords and swords, spears to shoot guns, and crossbow arrows to fight, could actually watch the compatriots in the front row in the sea of ​​rotting corpses It turned into blood and water, and still could not change his face-shouting slogans and calmly dying.

If this were the case, it wouldn't make the eagle king look sideways; but if he could maintain discipline and obey orders and commands when he calmly died, it would be a bit daunting.

The dark blue hair he saw with his own eyes, the small cavalry with two short swords did not get angry after defeating his first round of attack, nor did he directly lead the soldiers to continue the charge; instead, the whole team on the spot, gathered the broken soldiers and reorganized the formation , Retreating step by step to a high place on the **** to support the infantry in the back row.

It ’s not chaotic, it ’s not panic, while it has its own judgment, it will not make unauthorized claims about the arrangement and arrangement of the commander, and accurately convey the order to the most grass-roots soldiers. It is really ...

Even the best warrior is nothing more than that.

"I am still in a mood to appreciate the enemy?"

A bitter and harsh voice sounded in the ear of the eagle king with a mocking voice: "The only trump card in your hand that can compete with the dragon, but it has already disappeared."

Diabo, the "ender" of the four evil gods.

"It doesn't matter, it has completed its mission." The Eagle King smiled indifferently, seemingly indifferent: "Because it ... the enemy dragon has also been seriously injured and can no longer cover their fragile defensive positions. "

"They ... probably not even 10,000? I have 300,000 warriors who are not afraid of life and death."

"It is 270,000."

Luton, the "Unbelievers" of the Four Evil Gods, couldn't bear to say: "A lot of them have just been affected, plus they were buried by an avalanche and destroyed by cavalry ... no less than 30,000."

"That's dozens of them!"

The corner of the mouth of the eagle king is a little confident: "What's more, here is the valley of blood skeletons in the glacier wasteland, where the dead bodies are buried everywhere, and there is no shortage of soldiers-if necessary, I can use the carcass of the carrion devil to leave the blood The Road to Mukuya! "

"If so ... what are you going to use to fight the empire, Your Majesty the King?" The bitter and diligent Diabo deliberately emphasized the word "His Majesty":

"Alone, to meet the remaining ten or so dragons of the empire and the vowed knights who will never die?"

"Maybe, maybe I should go alone to the emperor capital-the holy cross dog's den asked the emperor to surrender to me to end this ridiculous and great war."

"Impossible, Holy Cross is not conscious, and there is no concept of surrender." Luton-"Ender" said: "If you do this, the only ending is ..."

"It can only be completely obliterated-I know, just joking, don't take it seriously."

The eagle king who is in a good mood even has a leisure time to joke: "Of course, the most important thing now is to capture the Blood Skeleton Valley as soon as possible and block this group in front of me, worthy opponents ..."



"Empire, prepare for war--!"

Eckert, the Earl of the Fury Castle, stood by the sword and stood at the forefront of the infantry array to command the battle. He stared at the highlands that had struck like a tide, thousands of carrion demons.


Earl Eckert could n’t help but sigh — if he could, he actually wanted to command the cavalry, that ’s what he was best at; up and down Byrne, only the knights headed by the Western Rock Fort were good at wielding swords , Step on the ground and fight with the enemy.

It's a pity ... The protagonist of this Battle of Blood Skeleton Valley is not destined to be cavalry. Once the infantry line collapses, it means that the whole battle is completely over; only thousands of defenders can only be slaughtered.

"Ballista, three hundred steps-ready!"

The heavy ballistas at the rear of the front began to operate; in front of each ballista, at least ten engineers were carrying the crossbow arrows made of alchemical bombs and steel under the command of the officers, and they were placed in an orderly manner at the launch site.


In the uniform roar, the carrion monsters rushing in the front row were like wheat falling down in rows-ice crackling screams, the carrion demon that was hit should be broken into pieces and scattered into one place.

If it is an army of humans, in the face of such large casualties, it will never continue to try to attack the highlands; but the carrion devil is not human, or even "alive"; still unmoved, walking on the debris, continue Running rushing up the hillside.

One hundred steps!

In the endless bombardments and explosions, the countless wrathful Count Earl suddenly raised his right hand and waved down. The crossbowmen immediately stepped forward to form a line in front of the infantry square, pouring arrows of rain to the carrion demons in the high ground.

Generally speaking, the weapon such as arrows can cause little damage to carrion demons, which is far less than the effect of hacking, but ... that is just "usual" ...


Flames dance!

All the arrows of the defender of the Blood Skeleton Valley were soaked in the powerful igniter-not to mention hitting the flame, even if exposed to the air and violently rubbed, they can be ignited directly.

In the endless flames and roars, the defenders of the Blood Skeleton standing behind the shield wall can only see a large blaze of fire and smoke, as well as the splattering snow.

If it was really "Fei Xue" ...

Thirty steps!

The screaming carrion monsters burst out of the flames and rushed into the fiercely seemingly thin front of the defenders.

"Meet the enemy--!"

The roaring Earl Eckert picked up the war halberd and smashed the first corpse demon into shattered ice particles under the protection of the shield wall.

"Long live the Empire ----- !!!!!!"

Under the roaring "black wall", the cold and halberd pierced like straw, row by row, like gears, hitting the carrion demon swarming.

The sharp halberd blades split their shoulders and heads, the sharp halberd points penetrated their torso, and the iron-clad shields withstood their charge, knocking them back.

The ice-like claws penetrated through the gap between the shield walls, tore the armor of the defenders, pierced their front door, and crushed their throats ... There was no sound from the dead shield wall The fallen soldiers never stood up again, and the soldiers in the back supported their shields and replaced their positions.

"Long live the Empire ----- !!!!!!"

The uniform shouts echoed over the Valley of Blood Skeleton.

After resisting the first round of attack of the carrion demons, the legionnaires standing in the forefront were very skilled at starting the row-the seriously injured retreated to the end of the line, and the lightly wounded and the unwounded were rotated, and the back row The soldiers moved to the forefront and re-supported the new "shield wall".

This orderly "swapping" tactic is, in a sense, the fundamental reason why the empire's "black city wall" has a stamina that exceeds the general reload of infantry.

But such a tactic generally has two premises-first, it must have absolute protection of the wing;

There is no doubt that there are cliffs on both sides of the hillside, and there are trenches dug by the defenders; before the carrion demons fill up the barbed trenches or pile up the cliffs, there is no need to worry about the flanks.

Secondly, it is out of defense rather than offensive array, which can provide treatment and weapon replacement for the replaced soldiers.

This is no problem. The highlands on both hillsides are defensive positions operated by the Guardians of Blood Skeleton for several days. What they can do is already prepared, and even the route of gradual retreat is well prepared.

If you look closely, you can even see a short "snow wall" in front of the first line of the defending phalanx, only to the knee position-all made of condensation and covered with ice and snow.

This thing was used by Loren to create fortifications during the Battle of the Great Green Sea, to resist the charge of the Centaur, and the effect is trustworthy; a short wall is enough to counteract the impact of most of the carrion demons who climbed up.

And this seemingly "thin layer" wall has another role.

Fire line.

"Ballista, launch--"

Dozens of black shadows passed over the shield wall and smashed among the carrion demons;

The crossbowmen standing in the back row also put down the crossbow arrows, and when they became "throwers", they roared and threw one pot after another against the carrion demons still swarming.

At the moment of hit, the crisp earthenware jars crackled, and the yellow-brown liquid scattered like clear water.

"Pyrophor, fire—!"

boom------! ! ! !

Outside the wall, there was a sea of ​​fire.

The flame is like real water, raging and engulfing in the carrion demon-there is no screaming, no wail; the carrion demon wrapped in the flame instantly becomes a black shard; scattered, burning shards, Continue to devour the next target.

There was already a sea of ​​fire in front, and the carrion demons in the back row were still madly stepping into the flames; they were either hit into the trenches, or squeezed off the cliff; the flames ... became blocked in front of them and the guards of the Valley An insurmountable barrier.

Of course, conversely, before the flames are extinguished, the Defender of Blood Skeleton Valley can no longer launch any counterattack.

Earl Eckert breathed a sigh of relief-this "fire wall" would probably allow the Blood Corps Guards to rest for about a quarter of an hour; a quarter of an hour ... enough to wait for the cavalrymen to come back for reinforcements, and let the Horn Castle floating city reach the reservation position.

The next thing to do is to keep repeating the previous steps, knocking down the carrion demons again and again, and then looping back and forth; the enemy ’s strength may be infinite, but it is impossible to do so regardless of the consequences. Let the evil spirit on the opposite side not feel distressed at all.

Then, just wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and then fight the monster completely.

Of course ... the premise is that there will be reinforcements.

After deciding to fight in the Blood Skull Valley, Eckert did not send a messenger to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, but all the two including the Bain knight, one demon hunter and five hussars were silent ; Even after the first resupply, no troops and messengers from the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain have appeared.

In other words, the current Fortress of the Boundary Mountain is very likely ... and is under siege from the army of Azore elves, and all roads are blocked by elf warriors.

Under such circumstances, unless the fortress miraculously defeated the Azores two days ago, and immediately led at least 20,000 troops to the north, the Blood Corps Guard could not receive any assistance at all.

But such a miracle ... I think it's impossible to think about it

Earl Eckert's mouth showed a bitter smile, but it quickly left behind.

"The whole army rests on the spot, be alert!" The Earl of Fury turned his head and shouted at the infantry behind him: "Bowler, keep firing once every minute, prepare ...

At the moment the arm was swung down, a burst of cold suddenly struck.


The cold wind with dust was like a flat and steep cyclone. The first legionnaires dragged the Count of Fury Castle back to the shield wall almost immediately and gritted their teeth against the shield.

In an instant, the qi wave stopped.

The frowning Count Earl of Fury carefully pushed away the shield wall in front of him, staring at the opposite side of the low wall with vigilance.

The sea of ​​fire was extinguished, and only a little bit of residue was still burning in the ashes.

But the screaming carrion demons didn't immediately rush up as desperately as before.

Standing in the sea of ​​fire is an old man with white hair and white hair pulling a tomahawk with his hands upside down.

He was naked to the top, with only ragged linen pants and a leather cover that seemed to be decaying, bare feet, and a sturdy body standing among the embers like a tower; his head was drooping, but he was staring at the opposite movement. .

The chest is a scar-like black mark.

Behind him, even the closest carrion demon "hidden" a distance of ten steps away.

"In Xiaquego, it is the servant who served the" tyrant "Gowait, and I extend my most sincere greetings to those who are designated as enemies by the great four gods!"

The next second, he swiftly raised his head, his cold, staring eyes, so that all the guards of the Blood Skull Valley were shocked, as if they were being targeted by some terrible beast!

He lifted the battle axe and stepped towards the shield wall step by step with the embers under his feet. As if entering a no-man's land, he lifted up the battle axe with both hands and held it up, aiming at the Earl of Fury, still in fear ...

Slashed violently.


Two short swords that cross into a cross shape ~ ~ held the tomahawk blade at the last minute.

"Here it is!"

The thin, gray-eyed boy gasped heavily, but still couldn't help raising his mouth: "Finally ... this time the weapon didn't turn into ice!"

Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle, who had not recovered from the shock, heard a loud trumpet ringing down the hillside, and thunderous horseshoes.

In the roar of the cavalry charge, the carrion demons fell in pieces and were torn apart.

The Bayern knights who defeated the first attack of the carrion demons are returning!

"who are you?"

Looking at the young man who blocked his tomahawk, the evil apostle asked directly and coldly.

Then Lusien ’s answer was more direct than his:

"The one who killed you!"

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