Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 214: Panic

No one knows how the Azores evaded the surveillance of the patrol soldiers, and how they bypassed the flame trenches and the traps inside and outside the fortress walls.

When the flag-bearing officer on the beacon saw the figure suddenly appearing behind him, and finally sounded the horn and sounded, it was too late.

The last thing he saw was red sprayed from his neck.


Beheaded with a knife.

The headless body fell heavily in the pool of blood. The twitching right hand was still clinging to the horn that hadn't come and blown. The plasma from the neck made the torch on the beacon tremble.

At the moment when the flame was shaking, the four guards around the beacon almost noticed the movement behind them; before they turned around, the four shadows had struck at the same time.

The first guard who turned his head widened in horror, before shouting to his comrade-in-arms, the sharp blade of the sword had come out of his mouth;

The second guard heard the movement, and when he looked up again, he saw only the red in the see-through field, and then his mind was dark;

Then the third, the fourth ... In a blink of an eye, there was no standing figure on the beacon.

Retracting the long sword, the elf warrior kneeled next to the torch on one knee, hiding under the shadow of the flame as much as possible.

The following figures cleaned the battlefield of the fierce battle in an orderly manner, wiped off the blood as much as possible, and carried the body to a corner where it was not easy to find.

Everything is going according to plan.


There was a rapid inquiry from behind, and there was a little nervousness.

"No, it failed." The chief deputy governor of the court, Alexandra's expression was a bit gray. "The movement just now was too great. The beacon opposite may have been aware of it. They will soon search."

In the quiet conversation, the elf warrior's eyes were locked on the top of the other tower-just now, the guard on the opposite side was still waving a few torches towards this side, and then turned around as if nothing had happened. Too.

It is worthy of being the strongest fortress of the empire. The vigilance of the soldiers is extraordinary; it has clearly been aware of the problem but it can still remain calm; I am afraid that there are already soldiers quietly gathering, ready to investigate the abnormality of the beacon here?

The voice fell, and the figure behind her immediately sighed in disappointment with a little disappointment-after preparing for the raid for a long time, it still ended in failure in the end?

"So, do you retreat immediately, report the accident to the leader, and choose another time?"

"No, continue the mission!"

The determined female elf warrior was on the spot and his eyes were locked. "Even if the enemy reacts to the alert, it will take time; this time is enough for us to disintegrate the frontal defense of the fortress."

"The most important thing ... after many days of war, even the proud Azore warrior is exhausted, and the remaining resources are unsustainable in the ice field."

"A breakthrough must be opened as soon as possible to take back the initiative of this battle and take the fortress!"

In the decisive words, Alexandra's eyes also showed a trace of sorrowful helplessness, glancing towards the elf warriors who were still nervous, waiting for their orders.

All of them are elite selected and assembled from various Thousands teams; not to mention the ability to expedite to the extreme north with His Majesty the Eagle King, which is already an elite one-of-a-kind, except perhaps in the samurai way There is a lack, the strength is not inferior to the four court warriors.

In order to ensure foolproof, the selection of the commando team also paid special attention to the soldiers who had almost no injuries; even so, almost everyone under his own was covered with red bandages; hands, feet, ears and exposed skin on the body, all There are traces of frostbite.

And the imperial people who had just been killed by themselves ... from head to toe, they could hardly see any obvious injuries, nor were they starved or frozen.

This is the biggest gap between the two sides.

You cannot continue to fight like this, otherwise, facing such a fortress with continuous logistics and support, even if you throw more blood from the samurai, it is impossible to capture!

"The gate of the fortress is directly below the beacon, but if you want to open the gate, you must first attack the four offices inside the wall, and lock the second wall before the enemy can detect it. The enemy slaughtered on one side. "

"Therefore, once any place succeeds, it immediately sends a signal, and then spreads the attack inside the fortress, in order to create chaos and delay the reaction speed of the other side, to fight for the success of the remaining three places!"

"If there is a chance, try to destroy the warehouse of the fortress or the location where the kerosene is stored to cause explosions and noise, and create panic as much as possible!"

The elf warrior with a knife knelt on one knee and glanced in a complex mood. All the samurai who came with him "only had one chance. Once exposed, do not hesitate. The front row highlights to attract attention, and the back row dives to complete the task. . "

"Warriors, dedicate themselves to the life and death of Azores-set off and capture the Boundary Mountain!"

"Seize the Boundary Mountain —— !!!!!!"


Maybe it was because of the days of hard work that caused the fortress to be neglected, maybe it was because this time the other party was also betting on everything and was prepared ...

In any case, although there has been a defense experience; but when Dresis got the news, it was too late.

The elf warriors wielding Azore's sword were divided into four and dispersed to their respective targets; the guards who had heard the signal gathered in a hurry, were also rushing from all directions to the "probable accident" beacon station.

At the same time, the two parties who rushed towards each other met in the dark channel.

Immediately followed by fierce fighting without warning!

"It's the Azores, and those bunnies rushed in--!"

The surging plasma extinguished the torches in the corridor; the flying head also had a look of consternation;

"Shield wall, quickly form a shield wall here to block them--!"

Under the shield divided into two, the legionnaires who lost their left arm screamed and punctured their heavy swords in their right hands while their bodies were penetrated by a sharp blade. They died together with the elf warrior who was still beheading his robe.

"Blow the trumpet! The flag officer is fast ... what, the flag officer is dead ?!"

The knight officer who had just raised his horn had his head shattered by invisible arrows;

"Help, help quickly, the front row is about to die! Ah ... he and they are coming to me, coming to me!"

The deserter who wanted to survive was blocked by the body and retreated under the knife behind him;

"Stop! This is the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain. No one can retreat! Empire, attack!"

The crying and roaring knight officer, stepped on the robe of the robe, raised the torch, and rushed alone to the elf warriors in the dark;

The next second, Yong Dao regained darkness.

But the sound of fighting continued.

The rapid sound of the horn sounded one after another over the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and one after another the bad news and the blood-stained herald soldiers were sent to the front of Dresis.

"How can this be?!"

Looking at the already chaotic fortress in front of him, Dresis stunned. "There are no elf warriors in the 100-person team. They can penetrate into the fortress and break through the defenses of the fortress. What the **** ..."

"My lord commander, do you want this time now ?!"

On the side, Salika Jonah interrupted Dressis's shock impatiently, her anxious expression became a little distorted because of her injuries

"The gang of rabbits used a raid to break through the Thousand Account City, and passed through the Red Blood Fort. Even the emperor in the Sky Dome has not escaped the disaster-no matter how hard it is, the Jiejie Mountain will have to die with you! "

"Then what should we do?"

Dracis, who had just been reprimanded by Connacht, seemed to have some six gods.

"What are you doing, you are the deputy commander of the fortress, of course to organize defense and evacuation!" The granddaughter screamed as he grabbed his collar. "If you grind me again, I will hack you, then Take the Poi Hippo riders and run away! "

"Organize defense ... That's right, you must guard the four offices as soon as possible, otherwise the city gate will be broken and the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The finally awakened Dracis turned back suddenly and grabbed Sarika's arms. "Quick! Let all your silver armoured Snapped ride into battle, be sure to stay dead, and never let the enemy break through the office!"

Compared to Charlotte, the Grand Duchess of the Scimitar was already considered to be the "stronger" category, but she still looked like a petite little woman in front of the heavily armored fortress commander; As if I wished to crush her.

There was no dissatisfaction on Sallyka ’s face, and he nodded solemnly and solemnly, “Understand, I will bring other hussars to rush out of the city gate and cut off the gangsters who are about to strike!”

Although the hussar's camp was behind the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, even if the fortress fell, there was absolutely no time to retreat; but Salika knew that if this time ran, the Baien, the Sky Vault, and even the entire empire, would not let the Boi escape from the battle .

Even for the future of the Boe and Jonah families, she must fight to the last moment-this is the duty of the Boe Lord!

As Sallyka was about to turn around and leave, the door behind him was suddenly knocked open; more than a dozen knights wearing heavy armor and the Holy Cross emblem engraved on their chests entered the room.

"you guys……"

Before waiting for Dressis to ask, the knight who walked in the front was already one step ahead, kneeling on his knees in front of the deputy commander of the fortress

"On the orders of the thirteenth empire of the empire, the church vows that the knighthood will now obey all commands of Lord Dresis, deputy commander of the fortress; in the name of the Holy Cross, we will obey the orders!"

The church vows, who have always made their own claims, can actually accept the orders of the emperor and people outside the church?

"If the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain is destroyed, it will be a disaster for the entire empire." The oath knight who noticed the expression of Dracis raised his eyes and said coldly.

"If the empire survives, the servants of the Holy Cross ... are not afraid of sacrifice!"


"Long live the Empire--!"

When the legionnaires roared, the elf warrior escaped the heavy sword that had hit her chest, and the long sword in her hand passed through the gap between the shields and wiped the soldier's neck.


The plasma sprayed on the shield and also stained Alexandra's vision. The sharp blade that has been detected can't wait to strike the next target.


The flash of the blade wiped out a string of fire on the wall, and the gathered legionnaires and Poi Qiqi wielding the scimitar blocked almost all the gaps in the corridor, preventing the elf warriors from moving forward quickly.

With a muffled sound, an Azore elf on the side of Alexandra suddenly hit an arrow in the shoulder; before dodge in the future, he was thrust into the chest by a spear and an epee stabbed in all directions, leaning weakly on the enemy's shield on.

Can't stop, can't stop ...

Without looking back, Alexandra slammed her compatriot's icy bones and threw herself at the imperial man who was standing in front of her; the long knife held several spears, and then cut it off!

Must, before the enemy's reinforcements arrive ...

The lance of the long rifle shattered with sound, and the metal heads fell one after another. At the moment of landing, the sharp blade of Ling Wu in the fire also split the body of the person holding the gun, and the lance fell to the ground.

Destroy the defense of the fortress and open the gate of the fortress; let the troops waiting outside rush into the fortress and capture the Boundary Mountain ...


Slashing the head of the last enemy blocked in the Yong Dao, the elf warrior rushed out of the Yong Dao alone; waiting outside were the legionnaires who had formed a shield wall and formed a circle.

The long sword was traversed, and he was clearly covered in blood, and Alexandria was surrounded by soldiers alone in the center; nearly a hundred lances, dozens of crossbows had been aimed at her figure.

The elf warriors who came with her had all fallen into the dark channel in front of them. I am afraid that the shape of the corpse could not be discerned.

But Alexandra ’s expression was not sad at all ... it ’s better to say that this was part of her plan.

As long as you make more trouble, you can attract more Imperial soldiers, and the remaining three teams can complete the task more easily, destroy the fortress's office, and open the door for the warriors of His Majesty the Eagle King.

In that way ... Once you were captured, and you watched the leader of the Governor who was loyal to you die, you can wash away the shame of the past?

Compared with the honor of the samurai, the life and death of the Azore elves ... his own life is almost inadequate.

The elf warrior slowly raised her gaze, which was as murderous as it was, so that the most experienced veterans could not help swallowing, daring to take another step.

Reinforcement ~ ~ How come reinforcements haven't come yet? What are you doing and where have you been? !

The same sentence, shouting in the heart of all fortresses.

What they do n’t know is that the “reinforcement” who is far south of the Boundary Mountain is no less shocked and scared than them ...

"what did you say?!"

Charlotte, who suddenly rose, accidentally knocked over the wine glass at hand; the dark red liquid stained most of the tablecloth;

"This is an urgent distress letter sent from the frontline of Ebden, Grand Duke Elleman, Julie Wiltz." The exhausted messenger, breathless, bowed his head.

"The elven army stationed in Ebden has broken through the Ebden line and is attacking south along the Jewel River."

"The imperial capital of Golovin is at stake!"


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