Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 271: I just know it

"Order it."

When two orders for help were passed to the rear of the army, the eldest princess Fitronai looked at Loren calmly:

"Abandon the right-wing tidal flats of the Elmans, and support the left wing of the Bayern Corps to capture Empire Avenue in one breath, and the battle is over."

The dark-haired wizard frowned slightly, glancing at Fitlonay with some surprises—although it was only a sudden, she was discovered.

"Why, think I'm too cold and ruthless?"

"No, it's just an accident." Loren shook his head, and he didn't know how to explain this kind of thing: "The Würz family of Elleman has been loyal to DeSales for centuries, compared to us. Bayern ... Well, I ’m not saying that we are disloyal, but I originally thought ... "

"You originally thought I would desperately order you to rescue Grand Duke Elmans?" Fitronai's tone was as sharp as ever, or ...

Special punch.

"This is the battlefield. We are fighting a war that is likely to determine the destiny of the empire. Any excess emotion is unnecessary-as long as we can win, it does n’t matter how many people die; otherwise, if we lose, save No matter how many people are worthless, because they are destined to die under the enemy's butcher's knife. "

"Compassion and kindness, tyranny and cruelty are all luxuries that you can enjoy when you are victorious; calmness and reason are the necessities of making a living." Fitrone said lightly: "Since we were very young Instilled this kind of education-Me, Connold, Brandon, every Dessalion, it's not the case. "

Sounds very similar to wizard education ... Can't help but the black-haired wizard who has raised his mouth, staring at the highlands in the fierce battle from beginning to end.

Even through the heavy fog, the sound of the fierce battle in the highland battlefield can still be heard; the sharp lances and the halberds continue to collide, and the elf warriors wielding sharp swords form a wedge formation again and again, constantly trying to penetrate .

In the face of the elven warriors, the imperial soldiers had no countermeasures except to stand against the shield wall and stab the war halberd crazy, and even the strong shield in front of the sharp Azore sword Become very fragile.

Amidst the screaming flesh and tears, the solid shield wall was torn open again and again, and the lines of canine teeth had fallen down in rows and rows of corpses.

Despite the lowland disadvantage and almost exposed to the elf archer's range, the bowmen continued to shoot from the gap between the wings and the shield wall, providing extremely limited long-range cover for the shield wall.

The light infantry of both sides fired almost continuously. The whistling arrows covered the battlefield that was already thick with smoke like a black cloud and iron curtain, making the highlands that were originally covered by the foggy sea become even more bleak.

At this step, even Fitronai could see that even if the Empire's army could really attack the high ground, the price must be unimaginably heavy.

In fact, when the elf warriors did not directly rush down the hillside but insisted on the high ground, the original plan had already failed halfway.

The elven little prince did not intend to launch an immediate raid while taking advantage of the fog, or even the opposite-he faced not the imminent preparation to leave, but the 100,000 Azore elf army that was waiting for him!

It was really unexpected that he was more patient than himself, and he had a great opportunity like the foggy weather to choose not to attack, but to wait.

If this is the case, you must change your plan.

"Are you hesitating?"

Seeing the silence of the dark-haired wizard, Fitronai asked tentatively.

"kind of."

"It's not like you." Fitronai said lightly: "Arrogance, shamelessness, boldness and no limit ... It's Loren Turin in my memory."

"... Thank you for the compliment."

The dark-haired wizard rolled his eyes.

"You're welcome, so can you tell me the reason for your hesitation?" Fitrone continued to ask.

Lorren shrugged, there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing; and after listening to Her Royal Highness Princess, her expression could not see any accident or panic.

Or, she didn't know what was panic.

"Are there any countermeasures?"


"need my help?"

This sentence is very clever-Fitronai did not ask Loren's plan positively and turned to help; this avoided one of Loren's most embarrassing things, that is, he did not have to think about how to use a Duke Identity, how to "order" the imperial princess.

"Our most important task now is to win time." Since the other party is so intimate, Loren is also welcome: "The highland battlefield is the key to the whole battle. Can we persist long enough and bite high? The Azores on the ground determine whether the initiative to fight is on our side. "

Felterone's expression finally had a trace of seriousness.

"As long as the enemies in the highlands cannot threaten the flanks, the enemies in the direction of the tidal flats and the avenues are alone, we ..."


Before he finished, Fitlonay turned and left: "Leave it to me-as long as I am alive, the Sacran Army will never dare to retreat."

The black-haired wizard nodded slightly, and an expression of "I had expected you to say so" made Fettelonai unable to stop.

"Have you planned from the beginning? That's how it was planned?"

"Well? At first, what started?"

Lorren's face was written inexplicably.

"I decide ... No, it's when you decide to fight the Azores outside the city." Fitlonai said coldly: "Use me to control the Imperial Parliament and then let the Sacran Army obey you?"

"If I survive, because of my existence, the Imperial Parliament will not dare to deny your merits; if I die, the Sacran Army will dare not run away, otherwise it will bear the charge of killing the royal family, only for you Fighting in the end ... sounds like a good plan. "

"No, absolutely not!" The black-haired wizard categorically rejected it.

This kind of thing is of course impossible to admit!

"is it?"

Expressionless Fitlonai hummed, it seemed a little disappointing, but nodded thoughtfully.

"I was still somewhat skeptical before, and now I finally understand why Brandon and Connold would pay so much attention to you. There are indeed a few commanders of the army."

"Oh, before that ... uh, forget it, I actually don't want to know ..."

The dark-haired wizard quickly changed his mind, but Fitronai didn't mean to stop.

"Shameless, arrogant, unconscious, arrogant, full of laughter, self-righteous, shameless, cruel, cruel and extremely cautious coward."

"... Thank you, and I really don't want to thank you again for the third time."

"You want to be beautiful."

Strongly endured the urge to roll his eyes, the dark-haired wizard who watched Fitlonay leave was secretly relieved-anyway, as long as the high princess was present, the central battlefield of the Highlands would be preserved.

Of course, the price is that Fitlonay is likely to be killed here; but as she said, losing the battle, even if you can save everyone, it is only the difference between early death and late death.

Winning the immediate victory is the top priority.

"is it?"

The sound of laughter sounded, and the elegant and fair-haired blonde boy did not know when he had appeared in Loren's camp.

To be more precise, he was lying on the map table in front of him with his chin in his hands, and stared at him motionlessly with his innocent eyes.

"Maybe it's just an illusion, but poor Asriel really feels that this" His Royal Highness Princess "has begun to have a good feeling for Loren ..."

"Ah ... wouldn't it be awkward between Dear Loren and His Highness Brandon? A friend is on the side and a friend's aunt is on the side, and poor Asriel has another contender. , Although people do n’t really care about ... "

"To shut up."

Before the teenager's topic was about to become dangerous, Loren interrupted without hesitation, and his attention began to turn to the other side of the mudflat battlefield.

Through the thick fog, the light infantry on both wings of the Elmans quickly completed the left and right maneuvers, and began to slam the army of elf warriors who rushed into the tidal flat. The knife began to spread towards the wings.

For both parties, this fog is also both an advantage and a disadvantage-the invisible Alemand Legion asks for the local enemy ’s ambush anytime, anywhere; and because of the sea of ​​fog in front of it, the Azores ca n’t judge whether there is any How many Empires are there?

The "light infantry" of the two sides collided again without knowing each other. First, they were stunned. Then they raised their javelins and long swords and roared towards each other.

Minced meat and plasma splashed between streams and mudflats!

The elf warrior wielding the javelin and throwing the javelin, his head was overturned by the tomahawk he split; the Allmans light infantry thrown by the javelin sprint with all his strength, let the long knife penetrate the chest; there are also many skilled swordsmanship The elf warrior shot down dozens of javelins successively with a knife, but was knocked over by a shield of sneaking light infantry. Before he had time to react, he was cut off by an axe.

The two-wing battlefield quickly fell into a dogfight, whether it is the elf warrior or the Elmans light infantry formation, they have been completely entangled and scorched together. In just five minutes, the two sides tried to break through each other ’s lines more than ten times and reached the back. In the end, they were blocked by the other party.

Soon, the Elmans light infantry who could not bear the casualties first had a problem of morale collapse; the rapid horn sound echoed over and over again in the misty sea, and began to shrink gradually to the rear line; the same Elf warrior with a lot of casualties began to The two wings of the line moved, trying to encircle the vanguard of the Alleman Legion.

"Don't be afraid, you are the proud Elmans!"

From the beginning to the end, Julie Wiltz stood still at the forefront of the battlefield, easily escaping the long knife from the stabbing, and thrusting the Mithril dagger into the elven spearman's neck:

"Blow the horn and let the rear army press on-there is nothing to be afraid of. The elves with long ears are also living things. They will also bleed, and they can also be killed!"

"Everything will be killed, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

The roar of the Wuhai and the **** fighting of the Elmans Knight did not completely reverse the situation on the battlefield-the light infantry line was repelled, and the Elmans vanguard, whose wings were caught, quickly fell into three sides. Surrounding situation.

On the front is an elf warrior equipped with a spear and a bow and arrows. The wings are samurai wielding long swords. Whether it is a hunter or a two-handed swordsman, it is difficult to win less than the enemy with such cooperation.

The casualties expanded rapidly, and the constantly-repelled Elmans fighters could only retreat and shrink in the direction of the Duke, gradually being completely surrounded by the enemy.

But it was within the plan of Yuli Wiltz.

First encountered a surprise attack, then was overwhelmed by the enemy army-if it is a regular battle, what should be done now is to shrink the troops and stop the loss as soon as the casualties increase.

But the key lies in this. The enemy did not premeditate but happened to collide. In other words, the enemy on the opposite side does not actually understand the situation on his side, and may not even know how much his own strength is; just see The advantage is great, so it came up.

In this case, I might as well take the opportunity ...

"Adult Yuli Wiltz!"

The herald soldiers who hurried back were like a battlefield, shouting loudly while raising their swords to meet the enemy:

"Lorence Turin, Duke of Byrne, sent me to order, and order you to lead the Elleman Retreat as soon as possible, be sure to withdraw from the tidal flat within 15 minutes!

"what did you say?!"

The astonished Julie Würz looked ashen: "Why, did the guy in Loren Turin explain why ?!"

"No, Duke Byrne said not to ask, it is a military order!"

"So, what on earth is it?"

Tilted his head and asked Asrell curiously: "Although dear Loren refuses to say, Asreel can still feel it faintly."

"Is ... waiting for someone, or something to happen-80,000 to 100,000 ~ ~ is already a weak enemy, and it is still pressing the 10,000 square infantry. It ’s only for this reason that you are on the battlefield, right? "

The black-haired wizard shrugged and expressed his acquiescence.

For evil spirits or any existence that opens the second valve, the means of observing each other is no longer a change of expression and heart, but a void reaction.

Lorren, who is not even a beginner at this point, has so far no way to prevent Asriel from "observing" himself, so ...

"So, what is it?"

Blinked the innocent scarlet eyes pupil, the blond boy asked for the second time.


The dark-haired wizard said lightly.


"Yes, this is what I've been waiting for." Loren nodded, with a bit of confidence in his expression: "Fog ... is about to go away."


The surprised blonde teenager walked out of the camp and rubbed his eyes desperately. The thick sea of ​​mist still filled the ground, and he couldn't see the slightest dispersal.

So how did Loren know, could his power of the void even guess this kind of thing? !

"It has nothing to do with the power of the void-according to a friend's reminder, I have suppressed my void reaction as much as possible." No need to look, Loren can guess what he is thinking:

"But I just know."

:. :

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