Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 64: The prelude of the expedition (Part 2)

Only spent one day and one night, the expedition reached the big tree wall.

On the cliff at the original rift, the elves of the Wind Forest built a new outpost, and there were three more elf warriors stationed here to monitor the movement of the surrounding ogres.

From the top of the cliff, you can even see the remains of the last burned tree trunk and the remains of ogres everywhere, although it is no longer possible to see their "look".

This is the place where the expedition team officially started-starting from the "main entrance" of the big tree wall, it is bound to be noticed by the ogres gathering around, and it is more difficult to hide the trail. And this extra "gap" has naturally become the best choice.

The Wind Forest Elves who have received the news have built a camp for the expeditions at the outpost for them to renovate here briefly; at the same time, they have also made sufficient preparations around them to fight the wind forest when Loren and others set off. The dancers will launch a surprise attack in advance to attract the attention of the surrounding ogres.

When the expedition arrived, the big tree wall was already full of elf warriors who came to see them off-even if it was not clear why, but these elf war dancers who dared to cross the big tree wall, all It is worth their last blessing.

And the leader of the wind-fighting forest war dancer Kono, he has been waiting for a dark-haired wizard for a long time ...

"You came at the right time, these obese monsters are gathering towards the" gate ", and the number around the big tree wall is decreasing every day."

As soon as he greeted Loren into the tent, Kono immediately said, "If you set off now, at least within a week, you will almost never encounter any decent resistance. You may be lucky enough not to even encounter an ogre. "

Looking at the uncomfortable expression of this war dancer leader, Loren raised his eyebrows: "I guess this is not good news, right?"

"Of course not, I really saw so many ogres assembled in one place for the first time!" Kono, who sat down, sighed: "In the past, even hundreds of heads were considered large settlements, and light is now assembled. Outside the 'gate', I'm afraid it's already five or six times this number! "

"They are still gathering now. This year's invasion of ogres will surpass any time in the past-I will soon foresee how the piles of mountainous corpses fill up the entire forest!"

Lorren nodded incomprehensiblely, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled a bit ironically.

Although some elves and elders still didn't believe in themselves before they left, they still made complete preparations. According to Luca, the war dancers gathered in the entire eastern forest this time were nearly double that of last year, and even elven warriors from the north were invited to join them.

So in fact they are very clear that this invasion will be extremely difficult and extremely tragic, and even related to the fate of all the elves in the entire eastern forest.

Once the big tree wall is lost, it is impossible for the war dancers to intercept hundreds of ogres flowing into the forest. Large and small settlements will suffer the same end as Yong Yelin!

As long as "Mezka" still exists, the invasion of ogres will not stop, and will even intensify until they level the entire ancient wood forest.

"However ... there is still some good news." Loren smiled and eased the atmosphere. "According to the time that Earl Luvin told me in advance, the materials supported by the Principality of Lothal will arrive in the Morning Star Forest in two days. Armor, medicines, and linens ... all will arrive endlessly. "

"With the aid of the Principality of Lotel, at least this time the Eastern elves will no longer encounter material shortages. The battle should be much smoother, and it can reduce a lot of unnecessary casualties."

"Yes, the price is to give a smile to your prince, Duke." Kono nodded dismissively, but he didn't have much: "However, thanks to such a big favor, thank you or thank you."

Lorren smiled helplessly, wanting the elves to accept humanity immediately, and it was still unrealistic-this kind of thing takes a long time, and the two parties continue to compromise with each other.

At least now we can receive human assistance, it is already a good start, it is impossible to force too much.

"Although the war dancers in the wind forest must inspect the entire big tree wall, it is impossible to leave the post without authorization, but I can go to Yong Yelin with you." Kono suddenly said: "The last time you nearly lost your life for us, This kindness must be rewarded. "

"This ... I think a thank you is enough." Looking at the leader of the war dancer with a broken arm, Loren hurriedly spoke and persuaded with a smile: "I think you still stay and command the battle of the wind forest. Dancers are more effective! "

"How? I think I only have one arm left, isn't it useful?" Kono frowned and stood up sharply: "If you're not afraid of embarrassment, let's go out and try it now!"

"I definitely don't mean anything to look down on, in fact I want to be respectful of you!" The dark-haired wizard quickly appeased the other: "But you really don't need to express gratitude in this way, really!"

"Why is it unnecessary-you almost sent your life to Zhufengfeng, we should also sell your life for you, this has been a tradition for hundreds of years!"

Kono still has no intention of giving in: "Not to mention that Luca ’s **** certainly did not follow, and you also need an experienced boy who will take care of you for you-they are willing to die for you, but not I will listen to you! "

Loren raised his eyebrows and had to say that the leader of the war dancer made a lot of sense. If he was there, it would definitely be of great help to the entire expedition.

Compared with strength, Kono ’s experience is more important to him. He must be more clear about how to avoid those ogres, and how to contain the necessary enemies.

Figured out a smile on the face of the dark-haired wizard, and took the initiative to extend his right hand: "Please allow me to apologize for the words and deeds just now, and you are welcome to join the expedition, the wind-selling Kono!"

"I promised it would end soon?" The leader of the war dancer patted his hand angrily and left Loren in place: "Let me verbose for so long!"

"Uh ..." Loren twitched his lips: "By the way, do you have anything I prepared for your trouble?"

"Brought!" He turned and walked out of the tent. Loren could still hear the full voice, shrugging some helplessly.

............ The clear sky sun has risen to the top ~ ~ The entire expedition is ready, gathered outside the camp waiting for Loren to give the final order.

Every well-armed war dancer who was present, except for the guns behind him and the spear in his hand, had a full glass of mead in his right hand, and the thick and mellow syrup filled the air, which was very attractive.

"There is an old tradition in my hometown, that is, before making up my mind to do something, I want to kill a whole glass of wine."

Loren glanced at the war dancers with his glass, and said lightly: "After drinking this glass, I can't look back anyway. So I have to ask before you know, you are really ready Is it good to die? "


The uniform shouting, like the roar of tearing the sky, even the wine glass in the hands is stirring.

"Does anyone still want to quit now?" Loren also shouted: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask this, because you want to quit too late!"


Kono, who was standing next, laughed first, followed by another war dancer next to him, and soon one after another, a joyful laugh sounded on the wall of the tree, as if holding a grand celebration.

Even the female elf involuntarily raised the corner of her mouth and stared at the figure of the dark-haired wizard with a glass of wine.

"Dry a glass of wine, let's see it off for ourselves." Loren slammed his head up to drink the whole glass of wine, and the sweet wine made the sweet fragrance flow into the stomach from the tip of the tongue.

Tossed the cup behind him casually, Loren shrugged his shoulders and turned to take the first step toward the other side of the big tree wall.

"Okay, target Yong Yelin, let's go!"

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