Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 133: "Mouse" in the sewer (on)

If the most dangerous place in Eboden is, the nobles will tell you that it is a civilian area in the south of the city, the wizards will tell you that it is a civilian area in the south of the city, and the beggars in the south of the city will tell you that it is a ditch lane.

And some people who are really familiar with the history of Eboden and some hidden secrets realize that the most dangerous place in this city is not on the ground, but underground.

The ditch lane in the civilian area of ​​the south is at best the dirt that is not worth mentioning on the beautifully dressed and enchanting lady of Ebden; it is the mud spots that her sharp corners are keeping up with.

The sewer of Ebden was a huge and complicated labyrinth that covered every corner of the city. She is the shadow of Ms. Eboden, her twin sisters who are poor, dirty, dangerous, terrifying and always full of malice.

Many people living in this "underground city" are lingering in the turbid air, cold and wet darkness, and the never-ending sewage.

This is not a refuge, this is a prison, holding everything that is not tolerated by Ebden in the sun-these "black households" don't even dare to leave the sewers, to which they don't even have the qualifications to survive.

Workshops and shops will not accept strangers who have nowhere to go; thieves, beggars and robbers are controlled by gangsters; and nobles will never show their kindness to these "diabetics".

This is the real underground world, and a world completely forgotten by the people of the upper world, the sewage system that contains the city's dirt, the last "hospital" of all dross, refugees, dead prisoners and people who have no way to live.

"Be careful, the road here is very complicated, and you can't get out anymore if you go the wrong way."

Somewhere along the sewer, Loren and Peter and five night watchmen walked slowly along the wall. Six people lined up, one after the other, holding the torch in one hand while holding the wall in the other.

And Loren, who has a special identity, is also in a very "special" position-neither the front nor the back, but just behind Peter, not only can he monitor himself, but also ensure that he has not Law escape.

Even now, he can feel the red-haired girl named "Vila" behind him, staring at his back like an anti-thief with wide-eyed eyes, as if a "little action" would happen if he didn't pay attention to himself. of.

But for the dark-haired wizard, these are not problems-this is not the first time he has not been suspected by others, and it will even become a terrible "curse", and let him work hard to get the minimum. trust.

Isn't it true that you're talking about yourself, why have you never felt that way?

Loren, caught in some kind of "panic", supported the wall with his right hand, touching it with his fingertips, but he didn't even touch the gap between the bricks.

The structure of this sewer is very peculiar. He found it when he first came in-it was not like it was made of masonry, it was more like a dig in one breath.

This description is a little weird, because repairing the sewer can be completed without digging a hole. This should be a huge and complex building, and it is impossible for it to be constructed without artificial elements.

There is this wall. In the information known by Loren, there is only one kind of wall that can have this smooth natural feel without any depression. That is the wall made by the high-level curse "Rock Will".

Does it mean that the whole sewer system is built with this high-level spell? It's unbelievable-but considering that this is Ebden, the wizards' home base seems impossible.

It should be said that only here can gather so many wizards who can use high-level spells to complete such a huge building?

"Can you answer me a question, how did you find us?"

Peter Farsha, who walked at the front, asked without opening his head, with a slightly heavy tone and he was judged to be two when he was in the nine-man star wizard tower, and even a little hoarse.

"I bought the leader of the cane gang and he told me that someone has seen you in and out of the sewers." Loren lied without blinking: "Since you are going to escape, you will definitely find the nearest distance after throwing off the tracker The entrance to the sewer-so, I just have to wait there for you first. "

That's right, he is the leader of the "crying up" crutch gang, but it also comes with the entire crutch gang and the body of Festno.

"It's that simple ?!" Peter was still incredulous.

"It's that simple?" The black-haired wizard shook his head. "This kind of thing is not something that can be explained clearly. Unlike you, I am alone, and I know almost nothing about this city."

Peter suddenly fell silent.

"I have already answered a question for you. Should you also answer me one?" Without waiting for the other party's consent, Loren asked directly: "How did you mix into the Bellini family mansion?"

"... Bordell Master, he is our informant." After hesitating for a while, Peter Fasha decided to tell Loren the truth: "By using his name, we have a way to replace the other two pairs that were originally coming Guest, and then I pretend to be a waiter and mix in. "

Speaking of which, Peter Fassa was also a little excited: "This is our last chance. The Bellini family is very strict about Aalto and his Holy Blood Elixir, whether it is in the mansion or in the nine-man star wizard tower , We do not have any chance to succeed!

Only this time, in order to show off the research results, he will definitely show the pharmacy, so we will bet on everything, even if the mentor Birdley did not really want to help us this time. Unfortunately, it failed. "

Although Peter didn't say it clearly, when his words fell, Loren could still feel the angry eyes behind him-if it was not for his own block, it was not necessarily that they had succeeded.

No need to look at all, Loren can guess what these night watchers thought ... Of course, part of the reason is because this is true.

"If I remember correctly, Rut Infinite should want the recipe of the Holy Blood Elixir, not just a sample of the bottle?" The black-haired wizard pretended to ask unconsciously, "Even if you Really succeeded, what can be the result? "

"At least we can think of ways to analyze its structure, maybe we can ... reason out the recipe!"

This rhetorical rebuttal, even Peter himself can't say anything-if it were so easy, there would not be so many lost formulas in this world.

"At least we will not return without merit!"

Vera following Loren was not as anxious as Peter was blocked by this "suddenly popping out" guy, and he spoke coldly.

With a slight smile, Loren did n’t directly say how ridiculous Peter ’s reasons were, but just shrugged his shoulders: “Although I ’m not proficient in alchemy and pharmacy, I ’m afraid it ’s not easy to launch a recipe from the pharmacy itself. thing.

And you seem to be too concerned about the success or failure of one time, but I think ... we still have a chance to get the recipe of the Holy Blood Elixir from the Bellini family. "

There was a contemptuous sneer behind him. Although Peter Fasha did not laugh at Loren, he also sighed helplessly: "Sometimes I also hope I can be as confident as you, Ain ... No, it should be His Excellency Loren Turin. "

The dark-haired wizard is undeniable.

Before proving himself ~ ~ He doesn't expect how much these people can believe themselves.

The battle next to the dry well only allowed them to admit their strength and believe that they were part of them. To get their absolute trust, Loren still has a lot to do.

And as always, he is very confident in himself. It is only a matter of time for him to gain the trust of these people.

"Then ... the last question." Peter Fassa, who had stopped, stood in front of a door, still facing his dark-haired wizard: "The note you gave to Alto Bellini at the time said that what?"

This was also the thing that surprised Peter the most—what kind of question was it that surprised the genius alchemist to the point of near fear, that he almost had a chance to succeed.

"That note ..."

The dark-haired wizard's eyes flashed a murderous intention, but his face was still smiling:

"I just wanted to ask him if I knew someone named Isaac Grantham."

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