Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Unruly people (Part 1)

"Run quickly, the wizard has appeared again! He is here, come soon, who will come and save me-!!!!!!"

"Retreat! It must not be blocked by him in the alley, just like Roger and they were blown up to heaven!"

"Where did this wall come from? We can't get out!"

"Help, who will help us? Hurry up and run ------ !!!"

"No, don't beg you not to kill me. I'm innocent. Let's spare my life in the face of our fellow Luo Taier, no, no, no, no!-!!!"

… Various, various forms, continuous noises, from the merciless soldiers who have just scoured the whole gutter alley to each corner of the gutter alley by crying, at the same time The atmosphere of fear spread to the faces of every mercenary.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, hundreds of mercenary regiments have lost more than four squads, and nearly half of their strength-replaced by an ordinary army, has already collapsed and disintegrated at this time. !

Even if they persisted until now, these mercenaries had no morale for the first time, and each one was pale, trembling in a group, and the sound of explosions and the screams of his companions continued to be heard in his ears. Carrying the shield and crossbow in his hand, he looked like a frightened rabbit at first glance.

What really made them fear and anger, and persisted until now, is this "wizard" of the wizard.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, this wizard has never really met them hard. Every time it was a shameless attack or a trap, or the magic fireball that would suddenly explode-no one even really saw it. His face.

Of course, there are actually, but those people are killed by him!

If the **** wizard really came out of where he suddenly brandished his long sword and then killed ten or twenty wandering knights in front of him, I am afraid that the entire mercenary regiment had already collapsed in place.

But Loren didn't plan to do this-it was like a cunning fox, leaving a few words on the stupid bear again and again, but he didn't sway the deadliest blow all the time.

Because the real purpose of this "fox" is to let this bear bleed to death.

Collapsed houses, sudden explosions, daggers in dead ends ... Any mercenary, as long as he orders or appears at a commanding height, will be quickly killed by the black shadow; and once the team behind him wants to come up for reinforcement, Either flies, or screams into coke on the ground.

This is an enemy that mercenaries have never encountered-brutal means and strong skills, but they do not confront them at all, and do not even give them any opportunity to prepare tactics and siege. Click a little and kill them completely.

Just like the useless patrol guards just now!

Declining comrades-in-arms, screams from ears, and enemies that have never overtaken ... The fear in my heart is slowly surpassing anger, controlling the actions of every mercenary.

They only feel that they have become the prey to be slaughtered, and let the wizard lurking somewhere hunt arbitrarily until the last one is left!

There are more than one mercenaries who do n’t think so ...

The bloodless mercenary leader stood with his sword on his back and looked at it all in a daze like a fool. The wandering knights and herald soldiers behind him said nothing, staring at him involuntarily.

Just two quarters ago, he had a team of patrol guards supported by the Bellini family, a well-trained mercenary composed of crossbowmen, sword shields and wandering knights-but the opponent was just a small Yes, a wizard from the countryside of Lotel.

But it was this "little" wizard who wiped out the patrol guard in only two quarters of a hour, and the mercenary regiment was more than half dead-not "casualty". It was really that there was not even a living mouth left.

It ’s over, it ’s all over ... I thought it was a fat-to-oil difference, and it turned out to be this way!

I am a mercenary leader, how many well-trained fighters are under my hands, and how the equipment determines how valuable I am-and a mercenary leader with a bare commander is worthless!

If you lose the value of your own use, let alone the capital, the Bellini family will definitely kick themselves out of the gate like a falling dog!

He has now figured out the wizard's "trick". From the beginning to the end, his purpose is to bleed himself, and then kill all the living mouths of Yingou Lane.

What a cold blood, how cruel!

Of course, the mercenary leader who fell into fear and panic would not think that he had just washed the blood of the gutter all the time before, and also left no live mouth.

But he knew that he could never continue this way, otherwise it would not take long, and the rest would be wiped out by him. By then, he will become a real "one man, one army"!

What should I do, run away? Absolutely not! This is Ebden, and you will get the news before you leave the Bellini family. They will definitely throw all the crimes of washing the ditch lane on themselves, and the entire mercenary regiment can't escape!

"Retreat, let everyone retreat!" The mercenary leader who endured the fear issued an order: "Then gather here, and without my order, if anyone dares to run away, I will directly cut his head!"

The panicked herding soldiers and the remaining wandering knights left immediately-the ditch lane was very small, and the mercenary regiment was also very few. The mercenaries who were quickly ordered to turn around and fled without hesitation, like a group of quails. Hugged behind the mercenary leader.

Facing the panicked mercenaries, the dark-haired wizard didn't choose to pursue it but watched with cold eyes, as if guessing it would be the result from the beginning.

In other words, it doesn't take much cleverness to think of this. Even no matter how tenacious, you will choose to retreat temporarily in the face of such huge casualties.

The battle took less than two quarters of an hour, and even if it had only been half a day before it was counted, there were fewer than fifty men remaining behind the mercenaries behind the mercenary leader!

Just looking at these "dead soldiers" made him feel bleeding for a while, and then there was only deep trembling and fear.

Almost all the ruins of the ditch are full of remnant flames, blood stains and burnt corpses, as well as shields and weapons thrown on the ground, as if they had just experienced unusually fierce fighting.

The mercenary leader ’s right hand was trembling slightly, but he pulled out his sword bit by bit, pointing directly in front of Yingou Alley, shouting with frightened emotions, "Come out, I know who you are and I know What do you want to do!

So simply put an end to all this in the most direct way, betting on your life, and on the brethren behind me and me, let us solve our struggle in the most lofty way of the Sacran Empire!

I, Anthony Botelis, the leader of the Trident Mercenary Corps, under the witness of the Holy Cross ~ ~ challenge the respected wizard in the name of a knight!

Yes, you heard it right-I am a mercenary leader, but I am also a genuine knight who challenges me to humiliate and trample on my dignity. It is the rights entrusted to me by the Sacran Empire and the Holy Cross! Please stand up bravely and accept my challenge!

If you are willing to accept the challenge, I guarantee that no one will reveal your secrets from the Trident Mercenary Corps; but if you refuse-even if you fight this life, we will break out of the Yingou Alley, even if you are even more powerful Impossible to kill all of us!

We have made a good bet, depending on whether you dare! "

After struggling to complete these two sentences, the mercenary leader's left hand behind his back made a gesture, and the commanding soldiers who knew the mind immediately hid the crossbowmen in the back row and waved.

Just as the mercenaries were trembling and preparing to run, one figure suddenly appeared in the ruins not far away, wearing a hood, and the cloak on his body had already turned into fragments, revealing the leather armor under him, and still in his hand Grabbing a **** knight's sword, he walked leisurely to the mercenary leader with wide eyes.

"Me, accept your challenge."

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