Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Invitation from Bellini (Part 1)

Old lame tavern in the civilian area south of Ebden.

Even though it has suffered a devastating blow, the night watchman still has no less than twenty strongholds throughout Ebden. Existing materials are abundant and can be used as a place for the garrison to stay; of course, there will also be temporary havens, hidden enough to allow them to gather intelligence through neutral informants and peripheral members of the organization while avoiding the hunt.

The old lame tavern was such a place—after the dark-haired wizard brought Isaac back, the entire night watchman organization threw down the whole family and retreated from the sewer stronghold to temporarily settle down.

At the beginning, the night watchman who was very puzzled after listening to Isaac's explanation was all a terrified expression-they actually stayed in the sewers full of "mutant monsters" for months without even knowing it. , And I haven't even hit it once!

Of course, it was more likely that the sewers were too large to allow them to escape the disaster ... But whatever it was, Peter Fasha and the rest of the night watchmen dared not continue to stay there.

And this "old **** tavern" is one of the industries surrounding the night watchman. The tavern owner Locke is a famous minstrel and a night watchman's intelligence dealer. He has a double-digit love bond on his body, plus he wants to make The green-hat nobleman in his dead place, relied on Peter Fasha's alchemy to change his appearance before he escaped.

Although after hearing the glorious deeds of this "legendary bard", the black-haired wizard very much hoped to exchange experience with this "socialist" and asked him how he had lived in the flower clusters, leaving the leaves alone. of. But now there are more life-critical things, so I had to give up the plan temporarily.

"... So, are we finished the task now ?!"

In the box on the second floor of the tavern, the red-haired girl sitting by the fireplace was so excited that she pointed to a "weird man" of Masaka who was sleeping next door: "Since this man named Isaac Grantham is The key to the entire Holy Blood Elixir is not to say that as long as he is there, we can complete the Elixir without having to find a way to steal the recipe ?! "

"I think you think things are too simple, Vera."

The night watchman named Edward shook his head very sensibly: "Although I am not a wizard, I have never heard of a potion that can be prepared without a pharmacist or alchemist."

"We have Peter Fasha!" Vera was still not convinced.

"Sorry, but Vera ... I might disappoint you." Peter couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard the red-haired girl mentioning himself: "Don't say you copied the potion recipe. The rune format compiled by His Excellency Sack Grantham ca n’t be understood, let alone create a new alchemy potion from scratch. "

The red-haired girl's face immediately showed some loss, and the rest of Jiawen and Ivan couldn't help bowing their heads—if Peter couldn't do it, they didn't even ask.

"So after a big circle, we still have to find a way to make the recipe?" Vera looked at a few people in a dejected manner: "What's the difference between this and the beginning ?!"

"The most important point is that we figured out the truth of the pharmacy, especially the fact that Alto Bellini did not complete the pharmacy." Indifferent Edward slowly said: "And lost Isaac Grantham , He can never be done. "

"Not only that, but to save Isaac, our situation is even more difficult."

The voice behind him made several night watchers look involuntarily. The dark-haired wizard who was still silent by the door suddenly said: "Whether you want to capture him or kill him, Alto Bailey Nepal will not let us take Isaac because it is a deadly threat to him. "

"Fatal threat?"

"It means that the Holy Blood Elixir was not completed by him alone, but by the theft of others." For this, Peter Fasha was more clear than other night watchmen: "In the Nine-Man Star Wizard's Tower, this is an absolutely unforgivable crime. ! "

"So if we report his achievements of stealing others to the Nine Stars Wizard Tower, then we can ..."

Before she finished speaking, Vera saw that everyone was staring at her silently, and immediately realized that the red-haired girl was drooping her face, and took a cold sip: "If you can't do it, just tell me, why?" such?"

"Cough cough ... All in all, our situation is very dangerous now, the Bellini family will find us at any time, all the patrol guards may be their eyeliners."

With a slight cough, Peter Fassa interrupted Willa, who was still awkward: "Your Excellency Loren Turin is right, so we must decide the next plan as soon as possible."

Jia Wen and Ivan looked at each other, Edward didn't say a word, Vera was in trouble ... Peter, who was physically and mentally exhausted, deserved a long sigh and couldn't say a word.

"If you don't think about it for the time being, may I listen to my plan first?"

The black-haired wizard spoke at the right moment and walked casually to sit in the chair opposite the five people. He put his hands in front of him with a smile, and pulled out an invitation from the pocket of his shirt. The name on it made Peter stare. Eyes closed:

"Isn't this ..."

"Brought by the Aalto Bellinito, invite me to the Silver Hall tomorrow for dinner." Loren handed Peter with a smile: "I think this will be an opportunity."

"Opportunity? Is this an unknown trap?"

"Yes, but this also confirms my guess. Alto Bellini may have determined that the rescue of Isaac and Ditch Alley are both related to me ... Although this is true, it also makes He has an extra blind spot. "

"You mean, he doesn't know that you are a night watchman?" Edward seemed to understand what he meant.

"Yes!" Loren nodded. "Like our last plan, I am responsible for attracting Aalto Bellini's attention and delaying the time as much as possible, and the subsequent actions will be handed over to you. Now. "

"Action?" Peter suddenly had a bad hunch: "What the **** are you going to do ?!"

Loren didn't answer him immediately, her eyes swaying back and forth among several people, and her unobtrusive sight made Vera feel a little hairy. She found herself a little afraid of the dark-haired wizard: "What are you doing?"

"... I'm hesitant." The expression of the dark-haired wizard suddenly froze, leaving Peter and Vera inexplicable. Edward, who was born in Yingou Alley, saw a rough idea and frowned slightly:

"You don't believe us?"

"Yes, I am very worried that if I propose this plan, you will most likely betray me." Since the other party has found out, Loren also answered directly: "So I am not sure if I should tell you."


"Can you explain?" Peter Farsha, who was almost ugly again, stopped the almost violently violent expression and asked, "Since you are willing to say it, prove that you are still willing to believe us, right?"

"Of course." The dark-haired wizard looked at the five of them with a calm look: "In simple terms, I know there is someone who can help Isaac Grantham complete the Holy Blood Elixir."

what? !

This time even Edward couldn't bear the shock of his heart ~ ~ stared at the dark-haired wizard in front of them, as if he saw a monster.

Did he plan everything before he arrived in Ebden?

"So I'm attracting the attention of the Bellini family. You cover Isaac's evacuation from Ebden-as long as you leave Ebden, it will be difficult for the Bellini family to catch us again!

"Sounds like a good plan."

Indifferent Edward nodded, and after looking at Peter, he solemnly looked at Loren: "So ... why do you worry that we betray you?"

"I'm not worried that you will cooperate with the Bellini family, or secretly communicate with other Eboden giants-after working together for so long, I am still willing to believe you."

The dark-haired wizard shook his head slightly, his eyes cold:

"My real worry is that you will hand over Isaac Grantham to the leader of the night watchman, Rut Infinite!"

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