Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 162: The bell of the church rings (Part 2)

Priest Dome feels that he has been terrible recently ... No, since he became a priest in a broken church, his career is dark.

Ebden changed for a new and powerful new bishop, and the Bellini family suddenly became a devout believer, relying on wealth and Holy Blood Elixir of the Holy Cross Church, overnight in Ebden, the status and prestige were rising, The number of nobles and rich people who had disregarded the priests and prayed to the church was suddenly diligent ... Although most of them were due to the Holy Blood Elixir.

Even the sorcerer wizards in the past suddenly seemed to be like scared mice, and they all retracted into their tattered castle one by one-after the passage of the two decree, the nine-pointed star wizard The tower closed the gate, and any subordinate wizards and apprentices still practicing were not allowed to leave the castle.

The retreat of the Nine-Man Star Wizard's Tower cheered the entire Ebden church. The priests who were originally worried about the interference of the wizards now have nothing but disdain for this seemingly powerful wizard organization. It is a paper tiger that can be broken with a poke; at the same time. He also became more loyal to the newly appointed Bishop of Farneses.

But all this has nothing to do with Priest Dom, whether before or now, he is in this broken church on all sides, responsible for worshiping the homeless people and beggars around him. The only "important" job is to visit The wizard of Ebden registered and earned two hard money.

"Excuse me, are you the priest of this church?"

"No, this is just a chapel, no priest ..." The impatient Dom priest waved listlessly, but he was stunned when he saw the coming person.

The empty church suddenly showed four more figures, and there were two young ladies-although they were dressed like knights and mercenaries, Dom dared to swear to Holy Cross that he had never seen such a beautiful girl in his life. .

The two young ladies did not walk in, but stood by the door like a guard. They just asked about a young man who was dressed like a playboy, absolutely rich or expensive, and a skinny little man beside him. , A wizard carrying a magic wand.

That's right, the wand can only be described as "carrying" in comparison with the figure of this wizard.

Wandering out and doing nothing, the aristocratic young master, the accompanying wizard and class, the noble lady and the maid lover who fled the house-in the flash of the opposite, the priest Dome saw not an "adventure combination in a knight novel" ...

It's a big fat sheep shining with gold coins!

"The Holy Cross blesses us." In a flash, the decadent priest became a kind-hearted Holy Cross spokesperson: "Pious child, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, nothing is nothing!" The noble boy smiled like the sunshine at two o'clock in the afternoon, one turned and stood behind the wizard: "My wizard friend wants to register with you, can you help?"

I'm so stupid, really ... why can these rich people come to me? Be careful, Ganer is dripping blood. Priest Dom barely squeezes out the smile of the elder: "Really? Then Mr. Wizard, please tell me your name, I will register it for you."

"Ain, Ain Rand, from Wimpar College in Lotel." The little wizard said.

"Okay, Ain Rand, a wizard from Lotel ..." Smiling Dom Priest raised the quill and just wanted to register, then froze in midair, and the smile on his face gradually became rigid.

"Is there a problem?" Asked the little wizard who tentatively saw something wrong.

"Uh ... it's actually nothing. It was not long ago that there was an Ain Rand wizard from Wimpal College in Lotel." Priest Dome explained quickly: "Maybe you still know ! "

Ayn Rand from Lotel ... Ayn's expression suddenly stiffened, and she suddenly remembered a certain section of the bridge that had taken place in Shenlinbao before: "Ask ... that 'Ain Rand "What does the wizard look like?"

"It's a black-haired caster, and there are a pair of black eyes." Priest Dome recalled hard: "Although he was a wizard, he was dressed like a wandering knight and carrying a sword."

Black hair and black eyes ... It's Loren!

A little surprise suddenly appeared on the little wizard's face. But the priest Dome quickly went on to say: "He came with a lady from the Corona family, oh ... it seems to be called Ariel Corona."

Ariel Corona, the eldest lady of the Corona family ... The smile on the face of the little wizard gradually disappeared, her pupils were fierce, and she was covered with frost!

"Do you know where the Corona family's mansion is?"

"Uh ... it's easy to find." Looking at the wizard who didn't know why he suddenly raised his face, Priest Dom replied while registering: "You just need to go to the Jiumanxing wizard tower in the west of the city. Alas, your badge! "

Priest Dome, holding a bronze badge, froze in place, watching the little wizard who suddenly turned around, striding quickly and leaving the church in a big step. Also left with the female maid holding a spear.

Loren Turin, this dizzy bastard! fool! idiot! moron! I'm so stupid, I actually wanted to save him!

"Leave it to me first."

The noble boy who always stood aside, Brandon Sally suddenly opened his mouth and took the bronze nine-pointed star badge from the priest Dome: "I'm sorry to trouble you, please forgive me . "

"Holy Cross is blessing us, I just did the duty of a priest!"

As soon as the polite Dome clerk raised his head, there was no figure in the church. When he lowered his head, his eyes stared into a straight line.

A whole bag of gold coins, gold glittering, was so open on the table!

"I hope that the little money can make the priest happy for a while, and forget about today's things."

Brandon shrugged and walked outside the door of the church with a smirk on his face: "Of course ... before he found out that those were all painted gold plates, so we had to run quickly It ’s gone, time is not waiting! "

The little wizard who has been accustomed to his morality all the way has not said much, but just nodded slightly: "Thank you very much for your help along the way, and now we have to say goodbye to the two."

"Are you going away so soon?" A little regret appeared on the noble boy's face: "But we have just arrived in Ebden!"

"Sorry, but we have to leave now." The exasperated Ain barely suppressed the rising anger in her heart. She now only wanted to tear a black-haired **** alive: "If there is a chance, next time ..."

"Before you leave, please allow me to say two more nonsense."

With a smile, Brandon suddenly interrupted the little wizard: "I do n’t know what your purpose of coming to Ebden, but please listen to me-this city is not as safe as it used to be, especially For wizards.

So if you can, after you find your friend, please leave here as soon as possible-although it is only a short and long journey, for the sake of our mutual friend Ruben Fried, I sincerely I hope you will be well ~ ~ Don't encounter any unfortunate things. "

Although the other party still said these words with a smile, Ai Yin still felt the meaning in his words and nodded solemnly: "Thank you for your warning, I will definitely pay attention.

At the same time, I also remind you that this is a dangerous place not only for wizards, but for everyone who comes to Ebden! "

"We will pay attention."

There was a slight consternation flashing across his face, and Brandon was still the bright smile, watching Ain and Liya leave.

"The two men have gone away." The "Knight Girl" named Fitronai said indifferently: "Aren't you going to catch up?"

"No need, I already know where they are going." With a shrug of his shoulders, the noble boy's smile remained undiminished: "But I didn't expect that the two people said by Uncle Ruth Infinite were actually they ... ... and our Lord Loren Turin, so quickly hooked up with the Corona family.

How to describe ... He is really good at surprises! "

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