Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 195: Silent Black (Part One)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The magnificent "war declaration" of the little wizard echoed in the hall of the promenade for a long time.

Ariel lifted her chin slightly, her frosty expression became a little weird, and the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

Seeing the expression of the dark-haired wizard took a deep breath, the afterglow of the eyes looked at Ain who was standing in front of him with some playful eyes, and looked up proudly, raised his head proudly, his long blond hair, slender The figure is straight and straight ...

As if this is what she should be.

This is really ... how to describe it?

I was rescued by Ain ... if I asked Asriel ... no, I'm afraid he already knew it, hiding in a corner and laughing and rolling!

Slightly embarrassed ... but felt a little warm.

Even she really underestimated the little wizard and thought she regarded her as the object of "protection". She didn't realize that she no longer needed what she called "protection" from a long time ago.

It's the same as when I laughed at Ariel-compared to Isaac's unparalleled talent, the stubborn and strong Ain ... The most uncharacteristic of the three people is his own "juggling" wandering knight.

In the face of the robbers, the little wizard who could only tremble behind him was now Lotel ’s genius alchemist, Ain Rand!

"Don't be dazed, idiot!"

Vaguely aware of a guy staring at himself, Ain turned his head and shouted, but the slight cheek made her "roar" very unconvincing.

Especially after the object of being "rebuked" still laughed, the little wizard who was angrily turned into a lion with a real blow.

"Sorry, sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong." Loren repeatedly "begged for mercy" with a playful smile, and the "bright silver" in his left hand flew up and down his fingertips:

"Let us rush to defeat the dear Miss Ariel Corona—!"

.................. The cold ground water rushed through the center of the tunnel, and the foot-filled Fanesi slowly took his steps towards his direction. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

The closer they were, the more doubts in Fanesses' hearts grew.

Why did the Holy Cross Church allow the wizards to flee to Ebden with the Nine Stars Holy Grail and build a city of wizards here?

Did n’t they see the threat? Just in the past two or three hundred years, these blasphemers have grown from a group of threatless ants to what they are today, and their footprints are almost all over the empire. !

Even not only in Ebden, the rich South and many places under the Prince of Sacran, the nobles also began to favor the conveniences brought by the wizards, and even forgot the oath promised by their ancestors-to expel everything from the Holy Cross enemy!

Even the Principality of Lotel, who has the strongest faith in the Holy Cross, now has a wizarding academy, and the heir to the Principality, Ruben Fried, Earl of Deep Limburg, also has some good feelings for these defilers.

The church at that time could not have expected the situation today, so there must be some special reasons that led them to watch the enemies of the Holy Cross develop and grow stronger.

What will it be?

Destroying the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars does not completely eliminate the threat of wizards, but at least it can make them lose a weapon that is enough to threaten the church!

This must be the reason why Holy Cross leads itself to become the bishop of the Ebden Church and sees the "truth"!

The glorious God is waiting for the moment of his devotion ...


The earth and stone fell, and in the harsh sound of the dissolving bricks and stones, the black smoke came towards Loren and Ain.

She got faster!

The dark-haired wizard who dodged for a moment only had this sentence in his mind, and he wasn't even too surprised to find it—the corridor pillar behind his body had turned into a pool of mud, as if to tell him what was the end of the hit.


Seeing the dark-haired wizard tumbling and yelling eagerly from the smoke, the little wizard

"Don't lean on, do you hear clearly ?!" The black-haired wizard quickly shouted at Ain who was eager to get close to her.

"I'll squeeze her-!!!!!!"

The current situation has become more and more clear, and the succeeding Ariel is not as patient as she was at the beginning. The only thing she wants to do now is to kill herself as soon as possible.

The enemy is already at the end of the crossbow, which is indeed a good thing to some extent; but unfortunately this can change nothing except making her more crazy and attacking more intensely.

Because after such a long fight, he and Ain are almost unable to support it!

Needless to say, the one who regained one life from Guimenguan was hard to say; and Ai Yinguang was the cold sweat that forehead never stopped, proving how weak she is now, just biting her teeth and supporting it.

And their opponents never feel tired, let alone the slow, dull evil gods because of sleepiness!

No ... she has been so powerful at the beginning, her dream world has been crushed, and her power has been reduced sharply-even if it has not fallen to the level of Asriel, it should be much inferior to the beginning.

If it is "Asriel" who has come completely, it is certainly impossible for her to defeat her now; but she is not complete, so it is only maintained at the Nine-Mounted Star Wizard Tower, maintained at the Nine-Mounted Star Holy Grail, and the void and physical exchange Only in this way can the stacked space appear.

Her madness can only prove her weakness at the moment!

Her blood ritual is the way she used to restore her injuries-but in other words, Ariel in that state is also the weakest, she fears that she will be forced to use blood ritual again .

Why ... isn't the answer already close?

In the line of sight, Ai Yin shone away from the black smoke, anxious figure, Loren could not help smiling a smile.

In the end ... The person who really defeated Ariel was not herself; it was the little wizard who was taken by her, ignored by everyone, and taken hostage!

At the moment when she saw Loren smile, Ariel seemed to feel the same-the bone scythe once again danced, and the thick black smoke surged from all directions towards the black-haired wizard.

It was too late to hide ... Lorren gritted his teeth with his right hand and pressed it towards the ground. The roaring air wave centered around him, barely smashing the black smoke that nearly flooded him.

Why did she use the same tricks, and she already knew that this was useless to herself, didn't she?

In addition to delaying your actions a little ... delaying your ... actions?

and many more!

While he was crouching down to defend, Ariel, who was wielding a bone scythe, had once again jumped into the air, and the cold long sickle split towards the little wizard who was still there!

The cold blade fell from the sky, and Ain, who was unpredictable, could only raise the silver-plated dagger until a stone wall suddenly stood in front of her!

"Rock Will" ... There was a tingling in the mind of the dark-haired wizard with wide-eyed eyes, a side effect of severe energy exhaustion.

But at least it caught up!


Under the bone scythe, the stone wall shattered. The frosted Ariel stared coldly at the stubborn little wizard in front of her.

"I didn't want to hurt you, because we are all the same, loving him so deeply ..."

"But now ... your love can only bring him more pain and misfortune ... Let me end it!"


The fire burst, and the gray-blue swordmans blocked the cold front of the skeleton sickle!

No ~ ~ The principle of the Void Sword is not a real substance, but is formed by the unstable Void Power, and it explodes continuously-so it is blocked, it is more like a sickle being "bounced" It opened the same.

Ariel looked at her in surprise. The pale Ayin's forehead and temple had exposed green muscles, and her energy had already been exhausted to the limit; for a wizard, this lack of energy was more painful than death.

But she still held on tightly to squeeze her energy, destroying the void sword of her spiritual palace, and the gray-blue light was still not dim.

"Don't tell me how to love someone, because you can't understand that feeling, that kind of mood that is willing to do everything for him!"

Staring at the bloodshot eyes, the little wizard opened his bloodless thin lips that were still shaking slightly:

"You are just an evil god!"


The long sword pierced the chest. Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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