Shaman from Afar

Vol 4 Chapter 192: Sanguinated Church (Part 2)

The silver moon hangs high, and the night is as dark as ink.

The burning cathedral was still wrapped in a sea of ​​fire, and there were corpses all over the white steps. The closed door was only left with an ugly hole and fragments of the ground, and the screams and grinnings continued to come from it.

"This is really ..."

The black wizard raised his eyebrows. Although he was familiar with this scene, he was still a little surprised. With the belief of the Holy Cross in the Empire, Gaspar could find so many thugs who were willing to raid the cathedral with him. not easy.

With two swords, Lucien stood behind the black wizard, and the silver-gray pupils sometimes looked nervously at the burning cathedral.

The knights of the Turin family are already ready, armed and neatly queued, waiting for the dark wizard to give his final order.

These people were all promoted from the ranger knights to be the elite guards of the Earl-they were middle-level officers, warlords, and flag-bearing officers during the war; city defense officers, judges, messengers, and diplomats in peace , Words and deeds represent the majesty of the count.

They wore the best knight armor of the empire, and when they charged on the front of the war horse, even the "black shield wall" of the imperial legion would be crushed; A nightmare for all infantrymen.

Charlotte had almost no worries, and gave her the biggest hand in her hand, without reservation.

"Are you ready?"

Loren's eyes swept across their faces, and Shen Sheng said.

There was no sound, no response, only a pair of eyes fixed on his eyes.

"Do you regret it?"

It was still dead.

The black wizard shrugged his shoulders, fixed the bright silver on the card slot in the heart of the tree, and suddenly swung down:

"Then let's go!"

The voice did not fall, the response to him was uniform and the cry from the night sky:

"Tianyou Turin —————— !!!!!!”

Under the light of the fire, the knights wielding big swords with both hands roared towards the burning cathedral. The trembling roar and countless iron-blooded knocks even overshadowed the sound inside the cathedral.

The thugs in the church also didn't seem to expect the retribution to come so fast ... or they knew, but they didn't care anymore; as the gate was broken, more and more knights rushed into the cathedral, waving their blades The believers are standing in front of them, and they do not yet know what the fate will be.

The sword is bloody, killing sounds!

The first thug who noticed the roar of war also shouted and raised his weapon; before he could have time to fight back, the flashing Hanmang had penetrated his chest!

Jian Feng pushed hard, even the man with armor cut the mob in two!

The heavy iron boots crushed the unwilling head completely, and the **** knight did not stop; and behind him, similar scenes abounded.

Where the great sword passes, there are broken arms and limbs; there is no living person in the iron boots.

Perhaps the fighting method of the lance phalanx is more efficient and reasonable; but the fighting method of the big sword chop and the flesh and blood splash can make the enemy more chilled!

The screams were coming one after another, and the Knights of the Red Blood Castle were almost unstoppable tearing apart the fragile defense of the mob and heretics, the torn bones and the church knights killed by them piled together.

In an instant, the main entrance of the cathedral was breached.



The rifle smashed the oncoming tomahawk, the expressionless black wizard pierced the thug's head, and the blood-stained spear was pulled out of the bone's mouth.

The seventh ... no, the eighth!

In a blink of an eye, the dragon tooth in his hand swept across and again severely cut off the mob's neck.

When the killing becomes a calculation, the numbers will lose their meaning-killing these mobs will not stop Gaspar, but not killing them will turn into trouble.

They are like a group of true "lunatics" who do their best, even if they tear their tendons and pierce their chests, they can only crawl on the ground with one breath, and will rush to themselves with a smile.

In the chaotic cathedral, the black wizard quickly shuttled through the battlefield, and the surrounding enemies were still approaching him, slamming him from all sides.


There was another crunch, and the tip of the rifle smashed a flame on the side wall; a grinning sound rang from behind, and a dozen thugs had rushed from behind him.


The lance fell, and the moment that broke the neck in the screaming spurs forward, piercing the second cheek;

The expressionless black wizard closed the gun with both hands, and the reinforced gun broke the three ribs.

The body leaning straight backwards hit the fanatic behind him, and then shot straight through the neck of the fourth, and finally stepped on the head that was crushed to the ground.

In his breath, the black wizard was completely empty in five steps!

In the ancient wood forest, Loren once seriously asked the elves of the wind forest and the morning star forest, especially the war dancers, how to fight with a spear-compared with human knights, these are fighting with ogres. The master hunters have almost turned the battle into a dazzling dance, and he still remembers it so far.

Seeing that the surrounding mobs are still deeply engaged in fighting, Loren frowned slightly-the cathedral of the Holy Cross Church is generally engraved with "silent" runes, resulting in the power of high-level curses here. At a discount, even to the point that it is not worth the loss, many places cannot even feel the reaction of the void energy.

Even a ranged spell of "spiritual vision" will be affected, and there are large "unexplored areas" that cannot be detected; even if the location can be roughly determined, mad dog-like thugs will constantly interrupt themselves.

These thugs who have already taken the potion of Holy Blood on the initiative or unwittingly have completely turned into monsters and mad dogs, even if they have been completely suppressed by the Red Blood Fort knights, they are still tireless and Casualties rushed from the cathedral in all directions.

Not to mention fear, except for the most primitive animal nature, there is only one emotion, "crazy".

Counting from the sound of the explosion, a quarter of an hour has passed ... I don't have much time.

To continue to procrastinate in this way will only give Gaspar more breathing opportunities, and even appear to be the last thing he wants to see ... but the Asriel, who should have helped her, was not allowed because of the limitations of the cathedral. Not staying outside the door, saying nothing to come in.

Of course, Loren can also guess the reason why he really refused to come in. Compared to the cathedral in front of him, I am afraid that he is more afraid to face the "Black Cross" Serel and Farnesses directly.


The horrible cracking sound broke the hustle and bustle of the cathedral's melee, the leading knight's sword was chopped, and even the weapons in the hands of the thugs were torn to pieces!

The weapon was torn into pieces, the armor was crisp and thin, and the screams came to an abrupt halt, except for the sound of iron boots.

Under the broken holy cross statue, the cold moonlight reflected the unmatched figure of the knights in the blood and the flames; in their full armor, they were precise killing machines, mercilessly waving their hands soaked in plasma sword.

Spilled blood, only sword shadow!

The roaring thugs are still rushing from all directions, but they still can't stop the knights moving forward step by step; the sword cut their weapons, cut their ribs, and ripped their armor ... … The iron boots stepped on, leaving only blood and flesh everywhere.

The Cavaliers Guard, which had fewer than a hundred people, had incredible control of the absolute initiative in this battle, advancing step by step like a flesh and blood mill.

The leading knight used his sword as a shield ~ ~ The iron boots stepped on the ground full of blood, but did not take a half step back. The helmet was gruesome under the helmet, and the sound was angry, and he resisted the frontal charge of the mob.


There was another loud noise, the plasma of the cleaved blade was spilled; the mob turned into a pool of flesh and blood did not deter others, but instead further stimulated the madness of this group of mad dogs.

The **** knight raised the big sword in his hand and glared at the enemies dozens of times with him. The blood-stained sword front became the banner in his hand:

"In the name of Turin ...

No one stays! "...

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