Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 128: Startled

Wizard Advisor?

Get me a wizard advisor?

Suddenly for a while, the dark wizard recovered slightly, frowning slightly: "I guess this is just a way to fool the Sky Dome and Holy Cross Church?"

"Of course not, the Wizard Tower is indeed referring to the specifications of the Duke and even the royal family, and recommending a competent wizard consultant to you."

Charlotte looked up, seeming to be angry with the black wizard ’s rather disapproving attitude: “This is also in line with imperial law; to be precise, when each duke takes office, the wizard tower will issue an invitation letter to recommend the appropriate to each family. Candidates. "

"Some are similar to Wilhelms in Elleman. Almost all generations have a tradition of choosing history and astrology wizards as tutors, and even the right arm of the Duke; some, such as the Friedel family of Lotel, prefer the church recommendation. Candidates. "

"In Bayern, the counts of the counts are relatively rich, so they have their own preferences; but only the royal family and the duke can be directly recommended by the wizard tower." The Red Blood Butler said: "So if there is no centaur War, originally this should be your first decision after taking office. "

It turned out that this was the case ...

Loren took a deep breath and turned his eyes to the countess: "So, Eboden intends to use this opportunity to establish a communication channel between the two through the new wizard consultant?"

"More than that, the wizard tower hopes to expand their influence in Byrne." Charlotte shook his head gently, his eyes flashing: "So they prepared a huge plan."

"In addition to the wizard himself, there were also 13,500 books of various types following him, basically covering all the departments of the wizard; in a short time, a library and A small wizarding college. "

"With the aid of the trade channels of the United Chamber of Commerce, they will also provide various tools, samples, drawings, and raw materials necessary for the college in batches-these are costly, only one quarter higher than the cost price."

"Finally, the Wizarding Tower will help us build a small wizarding college, a complete library, and at least six alchemy associations in the entire territory of Bayern to host fifteen new technology research." Charlotte continued one after another. Said, Loren said, dumbfounded:

"According to the agreement between the two parties, this is only the first phase; after three years, we will look at the completion and expenditure; if conditions permit, I plan to build several large alchemy workshops in Red Blood Fort; especially since we now have a silver helmet Mountain dwarves, their Mithril technology is a good trading capital ... "

"and many more--!!!!"

The shocked dark wizard quickly reached out to stop her.

An interrupted Charlotte's eyes flashed with annoyance, turning his head impatiently: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing!" Loren's eyes widened, and he shook his head vigorously: "What you just said, the Wizard Tower promised it ?!"

"I signed it half a month ago. Do you need to review the agreement?"

"No! I just want to know, what do I need to pay for these Bynes?"

"I just said that the price is more than a quarter of the cost ... It could have been one-fifth, but because a certain duke annoyed the church, and now we have to ask for them, we can't speak."

With a slight pouting, the countess seemed to be unable to hide her dissatisfaction: "In addition, it is to provide protection and preferential treatment to the wizard in Bayern ... Also because a duke himself is also a wizard, this cannot be regarded as a bargaining chip."

"They agreed ?!"

Loren was still unbelievable.

"Of course, didn't I just say it once?" Charlotte sneered again: "Since they want to use the power of Byrne to expand the influence of the Wizard's Tower, what should they do without paying a price?"

Even so, the countess's expression showed a little complacency.

Charlotte became more proud, especially when he saw a duke who was surprised to shut his mouth.

Loren desperately got rid of this shocking news and spent half a minute calming down and turning his attention to another thing: "So who is the wizard consultant recommended by the wizard tower ... Isaac?"

"How can it be."

"... also." The black wizard sniffed, and if it was Isaac, it didn't have to be so troublesome at all.

"But he is also one of the entourages, and there is the Desalion side branch called Lena de Salion ... I really don't know how she slipped out of the capital." The countess put her nose up, very disappointed. :

"In order to allow Isaac to leave the Imperial City, we negotiated with the Imperial College of Wizarding for half a month, and they did not agree to let others go until the Wizard Tower opened ... It is said that many of the people who obstructed it were Crown Prince Connaught. The power of virtue. "

The black wizard was slightly sullen, and said it was not surprising at all.

Anyone who really understands the value of Isaac can't easily let him go; the Void Sword and the Holy Blood Elixir of the Empire, can only be regarded as "by-products" of his research, and the future is unlimited.

Fortunately, because Ebden ’s confidentiality work is quite in place, there are still very few people who know this; even the insider ca n’t imagine what Isaac got at the Dragon King Tower in Niederhogg.

But Lena de Salion ... Thinking of a girl who wears glasses, is a gambling enthusiast, and is not inferior to Isaac, Loren feels big for a while.

How did she leave the imperial capital, no ... why should she come to Bairn together?

"So it's not Isaac, so who is it?"

Faced with the dark wizard's question, Charlotte and Charles did not answer directly, but looked at each other face to face, as if communicating something with their eyes.

"Why ... this question is difficult to answer?" Frowning slightly, Loren looked at their apparently weird faces: "Still, what's the secret?"

The butler of Red Blood Castle coughed and turned around.

"Before we tell you, please be mentally prepared." Charles said softly: "It was originally intended to tell you when you came back, but ... the wizard tower and the earl agreed to give you a surprise."

"Surprise, what a surprise?"

"The surprise is ... this wizard advisor, someone you once knew." He and Charlotte looked at each other again, and they smiled, as if they were watching their gifts about to be opened:

"In order to allow you to retain a trace of excitement, I can only remind you ... This lord the wizard has visited the Principality of Lothal and stayed for a long time."

"Lotel ... Wimpal Academy?" Loren laughed in amazement and blinked: "Why, Master Freswalk is coming, don't it!"

The countess and the housekeeper did not speak, but turned their eyes behind him.

Suddenly a familiar icy touch came to my heart, making the dark wizard breathe.

This kind of familiar and strange feeling ...


A cold to indifferent voice came, and simple words seemed like a waste of words.

The dark wizard with a scalp twitched, turning his head behind him little by little.

In front of the eyes as sharp as a sword, as if it could pierce the heart, Loren stopped his heartbeat with a smile.

With a black robe, a gloomy face like ice, straight and straight, no extra expression between the corner of the mouth and the eyebrows.

At that moment, Loren's mind was blank.

"I let you down."

With a heavy to no emotion tone, one of the founders of Wimpar College, a former night watchman, a descendant of the Freswalk school, a mentor of Loren, Isaac, Ain ...

Dalton Kander, he spoke.


How does it feel to see the tutor again?

Ecstatic, uneasy, nervous, ashamed ...

These words are used to describe the relationship between Loren and Dalton, and neither seems appropriate.

The relationship between the two is not like a normal mentor. Although Dalton did teach him wholeheartedly, and Loren did see him as his mentor, but ... there should be no pair of mentors and apprentices. At the last moment, he was still tempting each other, touching each other's bottom and mind.

Especially after experiencing so many things, meeting Loyal again with his tutor made me feel a little bit emotional; it was like the student who was waiting for the moment when the test was announced after the exam was completed and uneasy.

"I met Ain."

In a quiet room, Dalton Kant, sitting face-to-face with the black wizard, said: "It's a surprise ... she is already an apprentice of Harlem van Azamal."

The black wizard twitched his lips, accompanied with a dry laugh, and fidgeted on the chair.

"The process and the reason are complicated." Loren shrugged off pretendingly, trying to calm his tone as much as possible: "But I still want to ask ... Why is it you?"

"Because it must be me." Frowning slightly, Dalton seemed to feel that his words were not enough to express: "It can only be me."

A trace of confusion flashed on Loren's face.

"In Byrne, the night watchman ’s eyes are everywhere, even this castle." Dalton said indifferently: "Do not doubt that you destroyed the night watch ’s intelligence network with the help of heretics, but two months is enough Let Rout Infinite complete the reconstruction. "

"The empire will not indulge the expansion of the wizard tower; wizards who do not have enough anti-reconnaissance skills and do not understand the means of the night watchman can easily be used against them."

Dalton's sharp eyes made Loren feel a little hairy in his heart.

"It is not necessary, even impossible to completely eliminate the forces of the night watchman, and it will arouse the attention of the sky dome and the emperor; but this does not mean indulgence; at least for the first three years, their activities must be suppressed."

"So, it must be me."

Loren was slightly startled.

It turned out to be the case; if so, it makes sense-let the former night watchman be responsible for suppressing the activities of the night watchman, and suppress all aspects of the intelligence network and eyeliner. It is indeed a suitable choice, except for the Dalton mentor. The right person.

"In addition, the original candidate was Master Robert Freswalk ..." Dalton continued: "There are only three and a half months left, and the ability to move has been completely lost."


In a word, Loren's pupil suddenly shrank: "Master Freswalk, he ..."

"There are only three and a half months left, and a life span of 107 days." Dalton was expressionless.

"How is it possible ... what happened?"

"pulmonary disease."


"It's not surprising that this is his own choice; Master Freswalk believes that among many methods of death, lung disease is best for him."

These words made the dark wizard even stranger.

Looking at the apprehensive expression of the apprentice, Dalton asked a seemingly unrelated question coldly: "Do you know the age of Master Freswalk?"

The age of the old man who smoked a pipe ... Lorren tried hard to recall that he had almost lost his head; he was the mentor of Dean Peter, and the dean of Peter was the mentor of Dalton Kander, and so……

"I'm forty-seven years old this year, and I went to Peter's mentor's door when I was twelve." Dalton continued to hint.

Frowning abruptly, Loren looked at his tutor in amazement, his expression extremely strange.

Dalton gave the answer: "One hundred and forty-one."

Really fake, not at all!

"Freiswalk is a school specializing in occultism, and the level of application and understanding of the power of the void is the most sorcerer tower-with the erosive effect of the force of the void, any part of the body can be transformed to make it It will continue to function after it is completely exhausted. "

"In this way, in theory, as long as Master Freswalk ’s consciousness has not dissipated, he can live forever; but the more frequent the conversion, the deeper the degree, the more obscure the self-consciousness; finally it becomes amnesia, paranoia, and aphasia. , Easy to be emotional ... "

Dalton paused for a moment, seeming to restrain something: "So, Master Freswalk decided to end his life smoothly."

The black wizard sighed for a long time; recalling the old gentleman who had helped himself quite a bit, he felt a little bit heavy.

"So ... who is the heir to the Freswalk school, is Dean Peter?"

"Originally, but ... the mentor refused." Dalton's eyes dimmed: "He still refused to give up Wimpar College. Once he became the veteran of the wizard tower, with the huge power of the church in Lothal, he could not tolerate it. His presence. "

"Before that, UU Reading Master Freswalk has designated Isaac Grantham as his heir; but Isaac is still too young, and more importantly, his research has not yet formed The system cannot be approved by the entire wizard tower. "

"Therefore, before he formally inherits the mantle of this school and perfects his own system, a temporary transition person is required to take charge of this matter and fight for him for fifteen to twenty years. The core research project, the power of the valve, and the unique system should ensure that it is gradually taught to him during this period. "

Looking at the low-eyed, icy Dalton Kander tutor, Loren felt that the "transition figure" was already ready.

Dalton glanced:

"So, it can only be me." ...

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