Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 130: The end of the feast

If you let Loren make a list of trusts, the name of Dalton Kander will never appear on this little note with less than one hand.

This is not because he really does not believe him. To a certain extent, Dalton Kant has become a more emotional concept for the black wizard, and has been "symbolicated" to become a representative of his inner mental intelligence, saving time after time. Killed his life.

His words, deeds, manners, ways of thinking, and profound impression of Loren The first wizard to expose him to magic was the small wizard; but the first person to let him recognize the identity of the "wizard" was Dalton Kander. .

But in fact, Loren did not understand him; not only did he not understand it, but it was more of a mystery; he only knew that he was a former night watchman, a wizard who was proficient in assassination and combat, and had a deep relationship with Rut Infinite ... …

and then? Gone.

There is no his name on the resume of the wizard tower;

Of the night watchmen, only Ruth Infinite knew him;

Birth, experience, character, relationship network ... represent a proof that a person exists in the world, all covered by him under that black robe.

The premise of trust is to understand that Loren knows nothing about him; of course, the reverse is also the case. This is probably why Dalton did n’t want to have too much contact with himself at first, only thinking about how to use one that can serve the college. piece.

But it is such a person who has no understanding and no trust, but now because he goes to do what he can ...

This is completely out of tune with the theory that Loren understood, especially awkward.

Isaac and Ain are due to their closeness and agreement; Lucien is due to his oath; Brandon and Salika, out of interest; Actor and Ramallos, out of identity And loyalty ...

Dalton Kant ... He gave no reason, but he took it for granted, giving him the help he most desperately needs right now.

Shaking his head, Loren, a little sober, walked over and pushed open the door of the room.

When he left the room, it was already evening, in order to celebrate the triumphant banquet to the most lively time; the temporary absence of the Duke as the "protagonist" did not affect the mood of the Bayern Knights enjoying the feast, even making them more Unscrupulous.

Status, atmosphere, environment ... nothing can interrupt a Bayern's interest in drinking.

In a noisy hall, two knights had climbed to the wine table to fight; the surrounding guests not only did not stop, but also shouted in a coquettish manner, waving the wine glass and table knife and fork in their hands, shouting for them Cheer.

Even Eckert, Earl of Wrathcastle, seemed to give up restraining the knights and let them drunk to make trouble; as for the drunkard who took the opportunity to provoke trouble, the knights guarding his own castle wore iron The fist of the glove looks good to them.

With the guardian knights joining the "battle of war", the order of the entire banquet has completely moved to an irreversible collapse; the lively banquet is full of staggering drunks and messy cups and plates; the alcoholic hall, almost looks Less than one can stay sober.

Listening to the hustle and bustle of the banquet scene, Loren, with a tired smile on the side of the porch, drunk drunks and quietly left the round table hall.

At the beginning of the lantern, the moon is like a hook.

This time the triumph was the result of Charlotte's careful preparation, not only the banquet in the round table hall, but also the entire castle, and even the entire Red Blood Fort, and tables full of food and wine could be seen everywhere.

All of them are enjoying the hard-won and sacrificing carnival brought by countless victories; the sound of cheering is played at the same time inside and outside the city walls; all kinds of chaos make the atmosphere of celebration more vibrant Too.

Looking at the bustling crowd and the endless party, Loren sighed sadly.

Although it was only for a moment, when I saw all the lively scenes in front of me, I suddenly felt that all the sacrifices before it seemed to have become worthwhile.

Taking a deep breath, he turned his gaze back to his eyes; or two people who were sitting right in front of his eyes.

The secluded fountain garden, a ceremonial blue dress, and Lena de Salion with black frame glasses sat at the stone table, listening to a arrogant man beside him who didn't care what the listener felt. There is endless talk.

Seemingly aware of the footsteps behind her, she looked behind her, and a sly smile immediately appeared under the black frame glasses:

"Hey ... Lord Duke, our triumphant returnee, doesn't enjoy the attention in the round table hall. How can he get to such a nobody's place?"

Looking at her seemed to see through her mind, but it seemed to be just a joke, Loren could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

"Loren ?!" Isaac's eyes exploded in surprise, as if he was about to jump; but the expression on his face changed from surprise to anger in the next second:

"Say! Why did you only take that stupid thing when you went to play in Boe before ... I mean Einland, didn't tell me?"

"..." Loren Turin.


"... So, how did you leave the Imperial Capital?"

Sitting in the middle of a man and a woman, the black wizard asked with a curious tone, although he did not name the surname, but his eyes remained on Lena de Salion.

If there is a reason for Isaac to leave, the young lady of the royal family surprised him. According to the regulations of the Sky Vault, the royal family is not allowed to leave the imperial capital without authorization.

Of course, a shameless prince was an absolute accident.

"I said Brother Loren, why did you ask again, haven't I already told you?"

A genius wizard on the side widened his eyes and snatched the head off without hesitation.

The clean and tidy type, the beard slightly gathered at the corner of the mouth, and the clean and dark blue wizard robes, let the crazy Isaac have a more elegant taste ... in the period of time, the person who made the change Not just yourself and Ain.

Naturally, the only thing that changes is the appearance; the absolute superior is no different from the arrogant arrogance or the past.

"After hearing that you have an accident, both Lina and I are worried about it. Of course, mainly because I am worried about it. You are my friend. Obviously I won't let my girl worry about another man!"

The raging Isaac danced, and Lina on the side was smiling as usual, and a pair of eyes behind the black-framed glasses bent into a crescent.

"Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that I just thought of a wonderful plan to slip out of Goloven under the eyes of the sky dome and the church; the process is very complicated, I will not explain it more, just ask you Have you been to a cell in a slum? "

"... No." Loren Turin.

"Oh, that's a good place! As long as you don't take a shower for two months, mess your head, and change your linen pocket, they will let you in.

The people inside are very kind. No one cares if you are a man or a woman or a mentally ill patient when you go in, and you can go in and out as long as you have paid the money! "

Although he had heard it again, Loren glanced strangely at Lena de Salion next to him. The girl with black frame glasses tilted her head and shrugged her shoulders, her smile widening.

"The situation at that time was extremely critical, and there were people hunting us everywhere in the Imperial City; so I took the opportunity to buy the prisoner and let him take us through the customs and sneak out of the city in the name of sending relatives."

"In order to ensure that everything is going according to plan, I wrote a plan for each of Dau Tau and Lena, which set out our respective identities in detail." Isaac continued to say eloquently:

"In simple terms, the prisoner is responsible for playing a villain who has to fall into a bully and bully because of family hardship. He is a gambling lover and obsessed with hallucinogens. His daughter hides from him To accompany the lady. "

"And I acted as a talented genius, who was hunted by gangsters and had to remain incognito. He had to leave his hometown where his ancestors lived for generations, and went to a barren land called Red Blood Fort in the north to avoid disaster;"

"Lina is the focus of this story, she is responsible for playing a traditional nun image; on the one hand, although admiring the knowledge and character of genius, on the one hand, she is trapped by doctrine; at the same time, she is eager to save the world; she gives herself a depraved prison. The first opportunity to reinvent yourself. "

"In this way, all people are misplaced in all places. I am not an emperor. The Red Blood Fort is in the rich south. Lina hates the church ...

Of course, the prisoner is a real bully, and I brought him from his son who lost money into the classroom; well, the story always has some true colors. "

Isaac became more and more excited, and his eyes were shining: "You know, a good story can't do without a background, and you have to have good lines, so I also wrote them."

"The specific content is this‘ Ah, Dear Honorable Gatekeeper, that was about a winter dawn 22 years ago ... ”

After spending almost two quarters of a hour listening to the legendary novel written by Isaac again, the expressionless Loren looked at Lena again:

"... So, how did you leave the Imperial Capital?"

"Hey, did you do it on purpose?" Isaac raised his hand in protest with excitement: "I said, Junior Loren, do you really know how much effort is needed to complete a story, how can I be like this year? It ’s not uncommon to talk about emotions! "

"Still say you didn't understand, then I'll say it again:‘ Oh, Honorable Gatekeeper, it was about a winter dawn twenty-two years ago ’..."

"It's a royal wizard advisor, and Lord Albert helped us." With a faint smile, Lina said while stroking Isaac's head: "From the cell to the gatekeeper, almost all are by the Wizarding Academy. Bought it. "

Then you still have Isaac's temperament and gossip with him ... Looking at the "happy" smile of the black-frame glasses girl, Loren really doesn't know what to say.

"Just Albert?" The black wizard asked with a smile, his tone seemed relaxed: "I'm not belittle the honorable royal wizard advisor, but I want a royal branch to leave the imperial capital ... it is not enough for him alone of."

Lena de Salion's mouth slightly raised:

"So ... is Connold de Salyone enough?"

Loren looked at her intently.

"I told His Royal Highness the Crown Prince that I could help him get information about the Duke of Byrne and the secret of the joint effort of Ebden and Byrne." Lina whispered:

"The price of the exchange is just to keep me away from the sky vault ... should it be a good deal for him?"

The dark wizard slightly yawned: "Then what do you use to assure him that you will be able to get information?"

"Isaac Grantham."


"Otherwise, do you think why the wizard tower must let Ang Isaac leave the capital and come to the Red Blood Castle?" Lena asked, "Thirteen thousand scrolls, no matter which way you go, you will definitely Perceived by the church or the heavenly palace, and then deducted in various names. "

"There is only one way to bring them to the Red Blood Castle intact ..."

The black wizard raised his eyebrows.

"The only way, of course, is genius!" Some arrogant looked up again excitedly:

"Thirteen thousand volumes? Too small to look at me; the Relics Library, the Eye of Perpetual Vision, the Hall of Fame ... The books installed here are far more than that!"

With that, he put his right index finger on his temple.

Lina's mouth smiled deeper.

"So ... Dear Lord D. Byrne, if you don't intend me to tell Crown Prince Connor these 'real secrets', it is best to give me some secrets as soon as possible." The black-frame glasses girl turned her eyes back:

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will tell him something."

Give Connold some secrets, but as soon as possible?

Where can I get this for her ... make one like Isaac?

The black wizard's expression was so extreme that he kept scratching his head.

and many more……

Ain, who seemed to have talked to herself before, had a rather huge plan and it had already been implemented ...

Taking a deep breath, a faint smile squeezed from Loren's face: "Speaking of this ... Isaac, do you have any plans after arriving at Red Blood Castle?"

"Uh ... not yet."

Isaac sighed, with a regretful expression on his face: "Instructor Dalton said he was going to teach me something, but you know ... After returning from the Dragon King City, I already knew about those 'others 'Not interested anymore. "

"I don't want to stick to the rules, repeat what an old man said according to the gourds, and I want to write something they wrote ... No one has done it, then it is me!"

He gestured hurriedly, with a big expression on his face, like a beast in a cell who longed for freedom.

"Really, sometimes I really want to go back to when I was in the academy. At that time, I did n’t understand anything, and I felt fresh when I saw it. See how many good things we were tinkering with at that time. Mithril Sword, New Rune, Holy Blood. Elixir ... uh, the last one doesn't count! "

Watching his sweaty expression ~ ~ The black wizard nodded and glanced into the distance: "Then ... Did you go to Ain after you came?"

"Why am I looking for Ain?"

"It's nothing, just before leaving Byrne, Ain and I once proposed an idea, an idea that would allow you to eat another shoe."

"What idea?"

"It's very simple. Ain intends to build a college, and ..." Looking at the dumb face, Loren gestured, his hands raised above his head:

"Let it fly ... out of the air!" ...

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