Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 133: Kengmeng

From the Kingdom of Cloud Ridge, the emissary of the supreme king of the cloud peak, the chief gift officer Igor Serviera Stover once again appeared in the round table hall of Byrne.

He clutched the scepter in his hand like a battle axe, like a fighter who was completely irritated; neither elegant nor rude, he greeted his eyes with dozens of times more than he was when he came last time, proud Straighten the neck that may not even exist.

In the hall, the guards standing on both sides were replaced by the knights who returned from the military expedition, replacing the glory of the guards who held the council in the round table hall, and even allowed them to wear their family crests, shields and swallowtail flags.

In front of the round table, the thirteen Counts of Byrne were all looking closely at the messenger from the Yunling Kingdom; they all knew why the other came, because most of their boots were still stained with the blood of Silver Helmet Mountain .

Charlotte Turin stood tall and tall, her thin figure did not affect her arrogance, and her expression was more meaningful;

The other party came so quickly. It took only four days from the confrontation between Byrne and the Yunling Kingdom border, and they had already reached the Red Blood Fort;

It was so late that the other party came, because the Duke and Army of the expedition to the Great Green Sea had returned;

And it was still a half of the casualties, and the veteran soldiers were tired; but they came out of the most dangerous battlefield, killing the red eyes, do n’t care about killing a few dwarves, let alone their **** army.

"Messenger of the Supreme King, may I ask ... what news did you bring?" The countess's voice rang in the hall.

Sharp, but full of confidence.

The voice fell, and countless eyes were like countless arrows, shooting at the dwarf messenger standing on the spot.


The dwarf messenger's eyes widened and his angry expression set his mind right. His pupils were covered with bloodshot eyes: "Dear Count Red Blood Castle, I have no more news for you, I only brought one thing. "

"That is the great supreme king, and the anger of all Yunling people-!!!"

An angry roar swayed in the hall.

In an instant, even the air became quiet.

"Is there some misunderstanding?" Glenwell, Earl of Stormburgh, and Charles' brother smiled softly:

"Your Excellency, I remember that when you came last time, we also fought against each other, but it turned out that everything was just a misunderstanding of each other; after months of repeated consultations, we not only resolved misunderstandings and contradictions, but also reached a lot of consensus, let Baine and Yunling Relationship goes further. "

“It ’s easy to start a war, but it ’s difficult to win peace; now His Highest Majesty Chen Bing ’s border is undoubtedly destroying this peace; do n’t you really want to watch the difficult negotiations for months and be angry at the next High Majesty ... … "

"Temporary anger ?!"

As if irritated, the dwarf messenger, who was full of anger, suddenly stepped forward, and banged his scepter on the stone floor of the hall with a bang!

"What do you call a momentary anger ?!"

"You mobilized the army and captured the gate of the Yunling Kingdom, the Silver Helmet Mountain where the ancestors originated for thousands of years, is this a momentary outrage ?!"

"You host the traitors of the Yunling Kingdom, and the magnificent even brought them to their own territory, is this a momentary anger ?!"

"Everywhere, replaced by the Kingdom of Yunling who captured the storm fort and contained your traitors in Byrne; you! Can you still breathe and tell the Duke who wants to send his troops to revenge, this is only temporary. Anger ?! "

The dwarf messenger gritted his teeth and shook his body; the raised stick pointed to everyone at the round table:

"This is the face that you want peace, this is the glory in your mouth; this is the self-esteem that the Bayern people are proud of, the chivalry you admire?"

"I bother--!!!!"

With a hard bite, the dwarf messenger almost broke the steel teeth.

Frowning slightly, Charlotte said lightly again: "We can understand the Supreme King's mood, and Byrne will never evade his due obligations and responsibilities; as long as we can do it, we can agree."

Raising his head violently, the dwarf messenger trembling with five heads groaned and resented:

"Dear Earl of Red Blood Castle, do you still think that all this can be resolved through negotiations at this moment ?! Your Duke unscrupulously humiliated the dignity of the Yunling Kingdom and the Supreme King, and you trampled on the Yunling Kingdom and your own Can Bain ’s friendship be settled by compensation ?! ”

"So what do you want?" Eckert, Earl of the Fury said coldly:

"How about the supreme king of Yunfeng Peak?"

"The Supreme King and Yunling Kingdom not only lost an ancient and historic fortress; more importantly, the dignity and honor of all Yunling people!"

"Baien, all captives and traitors must be surrendered, and Lord Duke must go to the Yunling Kingdom alone, climb the summit of the cloud along the cliff, and bend his knees to the Supreme King to admit his mistakes!"

"The Duke, why are your Duke not here, why dare not see me?"

"Shut up!" Ranmalos, the Earl of Lakeside City, screamed angrily: "Our Duke is the one you want to see, do you want to drink ?! You ..."


The sharp voice broke the anger of the Earl of Lake City, and Charlotte, holding his lips tightly, slowly stood up and stared straight at the dwarf messenger:

"Master Duke has very important affairs to deal with at this moment, and is not in the Red Blood Castle; it is for this reason that he entrusted the Round Table Council as his emissary to receive you, please forgive me."

"In addition, in order to show respect for the Yunling Kingdom, we can write a letter of apology by the Duke himself and make it public; and within the next year, the Duke will lead a group of emissaries to visit Yunfeng Peak and apologize to the Supreme King.

"We will compensate for the corresponding loss; we can return or give a glorious funeral for the body of the deceased; but ... what the Duke said will never change."

Her tone is very plain, but full of undoubted power.

"Is it?" The dwarf messenger smiled angrily: "This is not an acknowledgment of wrongness at all, you ... and you, Duke Byrne, but you are notifying me of your final decision!"

"So ... you must stick to the proposal just now?"


"If we don't agree, what will happen to the Supreme King?"

"Of course it is the people who lead all the Yunling Kingdoms, win back our dignity with iron and blood, and fight against Bain!" The dwarf messenger said fiercely.

"Then let's go to war-!!!!!!"

With a roar, the delicate soft Yi banged on the table, and Charlotte was shocked:

"Then let's go to war-!!!!!!"

The sharp and harsh roar echoed in the hall, and the expression of the dwarf messenger was extremely surprised.

"If the Supreme King wants to prove his dignity and glory by invading Byrne, then ask him to go to war! Let him lead the army of the Yunling Kingdom across the border to invade Byrne's territory!"

"Why not give it a try and see what is the stronger side of the Byrne and Yunling Kingdoms today; let His Majesty the Supreme King try to see if he can restore his ancestors as he said Glory! "

With more and more excited Charlotte, his voice overshadowed everything: "Let him try again to see if he can capture the Storm Fort, capture the Lake City, flatten the Mountain Rock Fort to the peak Make a grass field ... Put the flag of the Yunling Kingdom on top of the tower of the Red Blood Fort! "

"Let him try and see if he can enslave the Bayern once again like his ancestors, turning us all into your slaves! Can he once again bring the entire 13-member Bain as casually as his ancestors did? Of aggression, swept away, burned and looted! "

"Let him give it a try to see if Bayern, who has just completed the reunification after three generations, still has the courage and blood of the Black Duke era; let all the robbers who violate my territory not step out of our country!"

"Let him give it a try, let him go to war; and then we will see, which party has the authority to end the war--!"

Charlotte's expression was unprecedentedly cold.

The atmosphere in the hall became tense.

No ... More precisely, the dwarf messenger became nervous. From the moment he entered the door, the count of the Round Table Council and the surrounding knights had never changed their expressions.

The dwarf messenger did not expect that the Bayern would have a strong reaction, but Charlotte was so excited that he completely surpassed his expectations: "You, you ... Byne just experienced a war, is it so urgent to want Put into the next war, or do you not want peace ?! "

Panicked, he had just finished speaking and immediately regretted it.

At the moment when he saw the expression of the dwarf messenger, Eckert, Earl of the Fury Castle immediately understood ... Yunling Kingdom, it is unclear how far things have evolved.

He thought that what he was facing was a Bain who had experienced a fierce battle just after reunification, and was tired and unable to fight again ... In a sense, he was right.

But he didn't know what happened to the Centaur War and Silver Helmet Mountain. He didn't know that Baine was preparing for an emergency. He didn't relax because a war stopped.

So ... he thought he would be able to get some cheapness and dignity from the hands of the Duke Byrne by knowing that he was ready to invade, and use the enemy's knees to re-establish his majesty as the supreme king.

"Of course we want peace, but that is real peace, not peace!"

Charlotte walked out of the seat at the round table and quickly approached the dwarf messenger: "It's not peace threatened by a neighbor who feels he can be robbed by the fire, and the Duke bent down!"

"Byan has just experienced a catastrophic war, but if the Supreme King wants to fight, Bane will still accompany him to the end!"

She stood proudly in front of the startled dwarf messenger, because she knew that the twelve people behind him and the guy who had n’t come would support themselves:

"So what about the Supreme King of Yunfeng Peak, can he prove his dignity with iron and blood as you said ?!"

The dwarf messenger's complexion changed, but he still clenched his teeth: "Of course His Majesty the King will ..."

"Use war to prove the glory of the Yunling Kingdom ... No, it's not like that." Charlotte sneered, with contempt in his proud eyes: "It's only about using war ... to stabilize his authority."

"The battle of Silver Helmet made him lose his face and became the first king in the millennium to take down Yunling Fortress; the rebellious forces not only did not weaken, but increased greatly; at this time, there was only one way. It will bring the fragmented Kingdom of Yunling back to unification, that is, war, and that is to invade Bayern. "


The dwarf messenger was taken aback by her fright and froze in stun.

Earl of the Red Blood Castle ... How could the Bain know this? !

"However, does he really have the power to invade Byrne?" Charlotte's words, like a ruthless sharp knife, stabbed directly into the chest of the dwarf messenger: "The rebel forces have expanded, making your food supply unsustainable, many The passage was interrupted; coupled with the inability to immediately conquer Silver Helmet Mountain, the strength shrank further. "

"His Majesty the King ... the only thing he can really control now is the peak of the cloud; the army at the border eats seven-tenths of the food bought at a high price, Byrne."

The dwarf messenger looked iron-blue, and looked up sharply at Charlotte: "Count Redblood, you actually ..."

"Isn't it right now, it's late!" Charlotte raised his head proudly: "At that time, we can treat you with respect and respect your dignity; but now ... the situation is reversed."

"Byan won the battle of the Centaurs, and Bion returned to unity, and Bion had the duke of all hopes."

"Now, it is time for the Supreme King to listen carefully to the voice of Byrne!"

Under the gaze of many eyes in the hall, the expression of the cold-sweat dwarf messenger changed rapidly, as if fighting between heaven and man.

"Our army has killed all the young and strong of the Centaur tribe; the food harvested by Byrne this year is enough to support the army of 100,000 people to fight for six months!"

"Our allies are now not only Boi, but also the Imperial Corps of 50,000 people, and the invincible dragon!"

"We can capture Silver Helmet with less than 20,000 people ~ ~ Then we can capture the second, third, and fourth ... For victory, the Bainians never consider sacrifice How many! "

"At that time, even if your country is destroyed, your clan is slaughtered, your soil is burned, and the thousand-year glorious Kingdom of Yunling will disappear ... It is not impossible!"

The horrified dwarf messenger stepped back instinctively, his expression subsided.

"For the loss of His Majesty the King, Byrne will make compensation to maintain the food supply line as much as possible, so that he can resume the actual control of the Yunling Kingdom as soon as possible."

"We can assure him that Lord Duke will personally write a letter of apology that is sincere enough to send to him, and will send a large messenger group to come to the door with a generous gift to apologize; Go and watch. "

Charlotte said indifferently:

"But also ask him to remember that today's Byrne and the past one hundred years ..."

"It's very different--!"

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