Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 139: Our legion

The young man put down his glass and waited quietly for death.

For a minute, he closed his eyes hard and twitched his throat.

Five minutes, the body was trembling and waiting.

A quarter of an hour……

The expressionless dark-haired wizard sighed, "Slap!" A prop with his hands up the table, startled Colin, who was still waiting to die, and opened his eyes violently.

"It's almost done." Raising his eyebrows, Loren said lightly: "Give you another five minutes to rest, and leave after you rest."

Colin was dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"Luo ... Lord Duke, you ..." The helpless Colin first glanced at the wine glass in his hand, then stared incredulously at Loren with a confused expression:

"What are you going to do to me?"

"What's the matter?" The dark-haired wizard asked with a frown, then suddenly realized: "Yes ... over the guard, I'll let Lucien explain it for you ... Carl Colin, your name will remain in the guard forever. , Everyone will remember that there was such a heroic Bayern soldier. "


"Why, why ... There is always a reason to think about it." Loren raised his lips and his eyes were meaningful: "You understand that I have a natural understanding with Lord Rut Infinite. "

Colin shook his head, not understanding.

"Because the situation has changed, and I don't want to provoke the Sky Dome too much."

The dark-haired wizard said in a deep voice: "Even if I pull out your nail, there is a second and a third ... If I don't find my handle, Rut Infinite won't give up."

"This is his habit, and it is also the means by which the Vault of Heaven and the Royal Palace of DeSaline dominate the empire-they hate the too glorious guy and always want to have a way to threaten and suppress someone, that's all."

"If you are alive, you will be able to rest assured that the Sky Vault is a bit of a treat to me; in any case, I am a vassal of the empire. I do n’t want to let the" That "in the Sky Vault, keep my eyes on me all the time, because the real one is What matters is not me. "

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Colin stared at him for a long time, slowly raised his head, and licked the corner of his mouth covered with wine stains: "Master Loren Turin ... you really are like what Master Rut Infinite said ..."

"Extreme arrogance and self-righteousness."

Loren stunned and sneered at himself, glancing at the north.

"But if you are not an arrogant and self-righteous stupid, how could you face Chakar alone and write that letter to make yourself a target?" The young man murmured with a solemn expression:

"You pressed yourself onto the altar, and you knew what was going to happen, but you did it, just like the Black Duke ... a fool."

"It's stupid."

With a dark-haired wizard who smiled at the corner of his mouth, it formed an obvious inverse ratio.

The next moment, he got up from the chair.

Then ... kneeling in front of Loren on one knee.

"However, if you are willing to give me such an opportunity, give me ... a stupid, as arrogant, self-righteous opportunity as you, no longer being a smart person like Rut Infinite ..."

Loren's expression was stunned.

"I am a night watchman, and always be. But this does not prevent me from staying in your guard! You can send me to any place, no matter how dangerous the enemy is, no matter how complicated the situation ... below, Willingly! "

His voice trembled slightly, as if he was eager to say his words: "I don't ask you to believe my words, but please give me time, I will make you believe!"

The dark-haired wizard looked into his eyes for a long time.

"Do you know that this kind of behavior is equivalent to a double-faced spy." Loren said slowly: "People like you, who are inconsistent, will generally die very badly in the end."

"... Know." He nodded without hesitation.

"Then why do you think I will let you a spy like this back to the guard, and still be able to give you the task with confidence-how do I know if you will reveal all kinds of important information to Rut Infinite ? "

"You are right, I am a night watchman, and I will give him all the information I can collect ... but I also have eyes, and I can tell what information should be given to him, and what Never let him know a word. "

"So if you really refuse to believe me, you can kill me at any time; a glass of poisonous wine, a rope, a sharp blade ... as long as you are happy, I can tell you everything I know before I die. "He said in a deep voice:

"All I want is to have exactly the same opportunity as the other ninety-five people; know why and fight for whom."

The dark-haired wizard sighed in his heart.

The first time I encountered such trouble.

Colin raised his head and smiled hard.

"You said ... We are not only loyal to Bayern, not even you, we are fighting for the entire empire, or even any living person in the empire." He said softly:

"So I think if I were to let me do it, I really wanted to be a person who could fight for all living people-not for money, not for reputation, but for living people, for living people ..."

Loren shook his head: "This is not a reason-want to fight for the living, the Holy Cross Church is more suitable for you."

The one-armed knight flashed in the dark-haired wizard's sight.

"Holy Cross let his believers fight for him, but never tell the reason." Colin shook his head and looked at Loren without squinting:

"You told us why ... even if not all, it gave us the opportunity to choose."

"Is this difference important?"

"Very important." Colin nodded vigorously, his eyes becoming more and more different:

"Because of the slightest loss, the difference is thousands of miles."

Loren frowned again, very irritable in his heart.

He didn't know whether it was because he saw a stupid person eager to die for himself, or because he had blocked every sentence for the first time.


The dark-haired wizard stood alone outside the empty door, and the opened wine bottle was held in his hand, pouring into his mouth without a sip.

The familiar figure appeared on the other side of the corridor, prompting him to quickly drop the bottle in his hand.

"You let him go back?"

"Well." Loren nodded.

"You didn't let him leave quietly as planned?"

"Huh." Loren nodded again.

"You still want him to stay in this legion, like the other 95 people?"


Loren didn't speak anymore. He turned his head slowly when he was cold at the back of his neck and saw Dalton Kant's face.

Obviously, Master Tutor is very dissatisfied with the apprentice's attitude.

"Uh ... that, I also seriously considered this matter."

Raising his vocabulary, Loren raised his hands with a flattering expression: "I think it's more appropriate to leave him than letting him go-first, it's more convenient to monitor, at least for most of his active time Within our grasp. "

"Secondly, if he really left ... even if he didn't take the initiative to inform him, Rut Infinit would have noticed that we had discovered his intelligence network, and your previous efforts would be in vain-is it really good? "

"Really? You‘ feel ’...”

Dalton, who looked ugly, was apathetic to death: "Sounds like it was not as decisive as when you let him go."


"Do you know that Rut Infinite can't wait to seize the handle that can kill you; do you know that in order to facilitate this alliance between Ebden and Byrne, all of us How much risk have you taken? "Dalton stared at him, his pupils shining brightly:

"I let you let him go because he is monitoring his every move alone; his history, details, secrets, details, relationships ... all will be slowly exposed with his actions."

"But now you leave a night watchman in the army ... are you worried that Ruth Infinit can't find your handle, specially prepared one for him?"

"Uh ... Master Tutor, I haven't seen you in such a long time, I really don't know that you will even say cold jokes?" Loren smiled and scratched his head: "Ha, hahaha, hahaha ..."

In the empty corridor, Dalton's still indifferent face was in the monotonous laugh.

"……I'm wrong."

Loren lowered his head and admitted sincerely.

The tutor sighed.

"All in all, no matter what rhetoric he used to impress you," King Wei Zheng ", the duke, at least he didn't lie."

Dalton said coldly, with a parchment list on his right hand, densely packed with the names of at least hundreds of people: "With such a thing, we can even occasionally use the intelligence network of the night watchman to get some sky domes from them. Information from the palace. "

"The bottom spies should be mostly single-line contacts, but the middle level can at least get some important information; in addition, with this information network, the 13-leader of Baine will no longer have any secrets in front of us."

"If Ruth Infiniti is really prepared to take any action in Byrne, at least ... we will not be so unaware that it was a disaster like the original Eboden!"

After a pause, Dalton said slowly: "However, these are not comparable to the risks that a nail buried in the Demon Hunter Corps can bring us."

"I heard ..." Loren smiled a little on his face: "The best way to beware of your enemies is to put them next to you."

Dalton glanced coldly at him.

"People who say such things don't have many enemies." The tutor's tone was very ironic: "Or, it's his last words."

The dark-haired wizard turned his head embarrassedly, avoiding the tutor's gaze.

"... So, how much do you believe him?"

Loren stunned ... this was Dalton's final question.

"At least temporarily maintain the status quo, and then wait and see." Loren said quietly: "If he can really, as he said, let Rut Infinit know that we are saving the empire, saving the world, always Is it better than suspecting that we are secretly planning to rebel? "

Dalton Kander frowned.

"What's more, we really don't have time-both to deal with the endless tossing of the sky dome and to prepare for a group of monsters that don't know when they came out, we don't have so much energy.

"So you intend to show weakness to the empire in exchange for their indifference?" Dalton sneered. "Wake up, you are no longer a wizard consultant, but the Duke of Bayern!"

"The most powerful principality, the hegemons of the South, with the power and an army that is enough to match the Imperial Legion, and the Poiqi riding on the big green sea ... I want the Empire to relax its vigilance against you, unless Ekha Special II is crazy! "

"Then wait until he's completely mad." Loren shook his head and interrupted Dalton with a chuckle: "At least they have no time to toss us, this will never be wrong."

"Yeah, thank you for that letter from a duke."

The instructor sneered: "Now the Sky Dome and the Holy Cross Church are busy 'handling' rumors of turmoil in various places and have no time to focus on you, the culprit!"

"That's enough ... After all, how are the 95 people? How many passed?"

"Wait for yourself tomorrow!"

Throwing a word, Dalton Kander, expressionless, turned and left.


The day after the new legion was "founded," Loren finally saw them.

The original "Duke Guard" of more than 390 people experienced the battle of the Centaurs of nine deaths, the battle of Silver Helmets, the battle of Chakal, and ninety-six survived.

Finally, there were eighty people standing alive in front of him; one was not many, one was not much;

This result is not only far from the expectations of Loren and Lusien, but even Dalton Kander is astonished ... Ordinary people who have never dealt with the power of the void can actually survive the transformation of the void. Eroding power, guarding his consciousness ...

It can no longer be described as "unbelievable" and "perseverance".

In this way, ~ the original plan was completely broken-these people are all veterans from the battlefield, which means that they do not need to undergo initial training, just follow the systematic wizard teaching. , You can master a few magic spells and ancient runes.

According to Dalton's calculations, combat power can be formed within half a year-not only as a whole, but everyone has the strength to survive in the wild alone, fight and fight against corrupted monsters alone.

As for the remaining sixteen people, they fell on the operating table in the laboratory-sixteen people, which became the first batch of "death" lists of this new army.

Looking at the black-haired wizard who had stood in front of himself and added a total of eighty-one Lusien, who had originally drafted it, he didn't say a word.

This is the first step taken by oneself, the first step of resistance.

No longer escape, no longer threatened, no longer passively greet life and death again and again.

This time ...

To take the initiative to fight over! ! ! !

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