Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 149: Myself

Roland Turin and the Valkyrie Brunhild?

Loren frowned slightly, the candlelight beating continuously in his pupils.

When I heard the names of these two people honestly, the black-haired wizard was not surprised, and even expected it-especially after having contact with Brunnhild, then refer to Harlem van Ashamai In fact, the answer to this "Black Duke" is already in front of him.

As for why Ariel and Asriel would know this ... to this day he doesn't want to ask anymore, it's just a waste of tongue.

However, Loren still has a question.

"So, Roland Turin ... or the Black Duke, once opened three valves to fight against the" Black Cross "Serior?" The dark-haired wizard asked doubtfully:

"The legend of the Black Duke has just passed a hundred years, and many of the people who have seen him personally are still alive-but why have I never heard anyone mention it, he is also a wizard?"

This kind of thing cannot be concealed; even if the black prince is so adversarial that he can open the valve without relying on outsiders; but if he wants to get to know the knowledge about the void, he must deal with the wizard ... In the tenth generation, this is a fantasy.

"About this ..." Ariel nodded and explained to the black-haired wizard very patiently: "First of all, Roland Turin is indeed not a wizard. From the beginning to the end, he has nothing to do with the identity of the" wizard "."

"Secondly, he only opened two valves, not three-but not relying on himself, but the power of the Nine-Man Star Holy Grail and the Valkyrie Brenhill."

The Holy Grail of Nine Mansions and ... the power of Valkyrie?

Using the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars to blur the boundaries between matter and void can indeed help a wizard or mankind to master the first valve-like throwing an ignorant recruit on the battlefield. As long as he can survive, it is only a matter of time.

But Brunnhilder, how did he ... Slightly stunned Loren suddenly remembered what a blonde teenager said a long time ago.

"Yes, that's what happened."

Asriel, who was ordered to shut up, opened her mouth unhappily, holding her shoulders and lifting her chin, a grievance of grievances: "Asriel has already said ... As long as dear Loren hopes, Asriel I can teach you the way to open the valve at any time, and no one needs to teach it at all. "

"No, I'm not asking this." The stunned Loren waved his hand, and his eyes and attention were still focused on the girl's body: "Opening the valve is still a nine-death thing for the wizard ... not to mention Roland Doll even the wizard. No! "

"Does the evil **** help him from the side, can a person who has no knowledge of the void open the valve?"

Ariel, who nodded slightly, shook her head and seemed to be in deep contemplation.

"Loren's point of view is correct. In theory, this is indeed impossible-and he opened not just one, but two valves." The girl hesitated: "Even Ariel is not clear, How did Brunhild do it. "

"But there is no doubt that Roland Turin ... he should be the first human to have opened two valves and knew nothing about the void."

Loren raised his eyebrows, pondering Ariel's words.

The first human who opened two valves without understanding the void ...

Two valves ...

"Why, there must be two valves?"

Almost at the moment when the dark-haired wizard murmured softly, a look of amazement flashed in the eyes of the two "Asterell" at the same time, looking at each other.

While not aware of these, Loren is still trying to recall the dialogue between himself and Master Corona about the "valve" in an attempt to find some important clues and keywords.

"... the so-called" valve "should also be gradually increased; the process of opening the valve is like an evolutionary process ..."

"... The first step is to break our shackles and let our strength reach a certain height-that is, the so-called" beyond itself ", and some wizards call this step" transcendence "..."

"... The second step is the improvement of wisdom, so that our thinking can match our strength ... will get a new" field of vision ", understand what ordinary people can not understand; at the same time will find peeping their" eyes "..."

The first is to open the first valve. Loren has experienced it deeply many times-his own power will no longer be limited by any form, and all the magic can maximize its power, even the point of intervention. .

Before the mental power is exhausted, all the previous restrictions will no longer exist, any injuries can be instantly restored to the state before the valve was opened, and the reaction force and observation power have been significantly improved; even the power of the void can be clearly felt Waving at your fingertips.

Indeed, that is definitely not the power that one can possess; it is more like exploiting a loophole in some "mechanism" between the two worlds.

And opening the second valve-according to Corona, will enhance his own wisdom and find his "eyes" peeping ...

Wait a minute, he seems to have said that he is "known in the history of wizards, the second wizard with two" valves "".

Once Loren didn't care much about this sentence, but now I recall that maybe he was not referring to "Logan wearing a hat" at the time, but Roland Turin, "Duke of Black".

The first person who was not a wizard but opened two valves.

Corona is a wizard of the tenth generation. In other words, he must have understood the situation after opening the second valve, not just from ancient books.

So he is so confident in himself, and believes that helping himself is beneficial to the "wizard's future"?

But ... eyes?

Matter and void, the opposition of the two worlds?

Loren's left eye kept jumping, these keywords floating in his mind.

"With the power of the Nine Stars Holy Grail and Valkyrie, Roland Turin opened two valves and moved towards confrontation with Serior or something, such as the Holy Cross." Lorren murmured, like I was talking to myself, and I was asking what: "That means ..."

"Only by opening the" two "valves can you stand on the battlefield that is equal to them; and at the moment you open the second valve, you will be immediately noticed by the other party ... is that true?"

Ariel paused for a long time, and her bright red eyes condensed in the eyebrows of the black-haired wizard without squinting, as if she was still amazed by what she had just said.

"Yes, it is."

"But, it was not noticed by Serel or some ... Evil God."


Loren frowned slightly: "What's that?"

"It will be immediately noticed by the void!"

Asriel interrupted, there was no ambiguous smile on her face, but she became very dignified:

"When you have opened your eyes and are no longer obscured by chaos and sensibility, you can actually" see "the existence of the void, which means that you are also exposed in front of the void."

"You will no longer just beast wielding infinite power, but beyond it, with a higher level of 'wisdom'."

"Your language, will, and even the electro-optical collision of thinking will be given practical meaning."

"You will be able to actually touch, observe, and truly understand and use your own, not the power of 'borrowing.'"

"You even ... will no longer be a wizard."

No longer a wizard?

The dark-haired wizard with a puzzled expression on his face seemed to understand, like falling into the mist.

He figured out why Roland Turin must open two valves-obviously, whether it is a wizard or not, when he opens the two valves, he will be able to use the power of "self", every move, every thought will be given "significance".

That is to say, when the two valves are opened, Roland Turin is no longer a mortal person-at least not an ordinary person-can directly and indirectly observe the void, and can actually threaten Serel, right?

Loren, ignorant, could only speculate so vaguely.

"But why say ... will no longer be a wizard?"

Facing the question of the dark-haired wizard, after glancing at each other, Asriel slowly turned his head: "Because from this step, you have to be with yourself ... more accurately, it is a mortal body." Farewell. "

Loren was startled, but not surprised.

"No, dear Loren, it is because Asriel did not explain clearly-this is not to say that you have to change your identity or even a species. This concept is beyond it." Asriel is like an anxious. The defensive child said very quickly:

"Once this step is taken, whether you can turn back is the next thing ... at least, you will no longer be you, you will no longer be yourself in the material world, but at the same time you are not an evil spirit in the void!"

"Just like the fake girl said, sandwiched between the void and the material world, neither belongs to the left nor the right; sandwiched between the evil spirits and humans, neither belongs to the former nor the latter!"

"Then what am I?" The dark-haired wizard blurted out.

"You will be 'Lorren Turin'!" The blond teenager replied indefinitely: "You will not be a human being, not a flesh and blood, any humanoid creature with wisdom, not belonging to the genus of the phylum phylum ..."

"You are 'Loren Turin'-you, you will be yourself!"

The dark-haired wizard looked blank and seemed to understand, but it seemed that the problem was more.

"This is the level that Roland Turin once reached, and also the level that 'Rogan wearing a hat' once reached ..." Asriel stared at him sternly, squeezing his lips tightly:

"They stop here because they can only reach this level at most."

"But Loren ... you can go to the next level and open the third valve."

This time, there was once again a faint temptation in the voice of the blond boy: "You will become the ultimate of objective existence, the will of the world, the unique existence of this world."

Loren frowned slightly, staring at the candle in front of him.

"Dear Loren, I have promised you a lot of things-power, wealth, status, power, wisdom ... I have promised you too much, and now is the time for Asriel to honor.

Staring into the eyes of the dark-haired wizard, Asriel slowly said: "As long as you speak, Asriel will do everything to help Loren open the third valve."

"For a wizard, touching the third valve is the ultimate dream of this collective; for a ruler, it will also give him supreme power and authority."

Loren was silent.

"More importantly, this is also the only way to protect friends and yourself from the" Black Cross "Serel; from the Holy Cross, the only choice to protect the world." Asriel's tone became softer and softer , With a breathtaking power: "Roland Turin, Logan ... they all failed."

"Because they only open, they can only open two valves ... They are limited by themselves, they cannot reach a higher level, and they cannot reach the true peak."

"No longer be bound by the vulgar world, no longer be swayed by the wishes of others, no longer need to worry about the possibility of being threatened-because it is up to you to restrain the vulgar world and sway the wishes of others."

"To rule the destiny of all living creatures with the will of the king in this world-the earth, the sky, the ocean, life, death ... all, everything."

"At that time, Loren, you can plan and arrange a better future than the world controlled by those 'bad guys' according to your own ideas."

The voice fell, but the dark-haired wizard did not show any expression as Asriel expected, still staring at the candlelight that hadn't been turned off all night.

The will to rule this world ...

Master of all creatures ...

The wizard's ultimate dream ...

Loren gently raised his right hand, and extinguished the candle that lit the room.

The room dimmed in an instant, and a ray of smoke drifted slowly from his separated fingertips.

The dark-haired wizard raised his head and looked at Ariel who had just remained silent like herself:

"The last question-if I really opened the third valve ~ ~ Will it have the same ending as the protagonist in the story just now, the" Turin "wizard?"

"In order to completely put the entire world under control, we abandon ourselves or even all, and finally turn ourselves into an evil spirit in an attempt to control the destiny of the entire world."

The girl smiled gently, and the corners of her lips curled up with a charming charm.

"No, definitely not-dear Loren, will surely have a better ending and a better future than the wizard of" Turin ", and will never become a place for power, power and desire. Begging for endless beasts. "

"Why?" The dark-haired wizard said lightly, and his godless gaze seemed to be talking to himself again: "Recall that in the past few years, haven't I done the same thing as the wild beasts I asked for?"

"It's just that he knows his goals, and I don't know-from this perspective, I'm probably not as good as him."

"No, Ariel is very sure, definitely not." Ariel, who was quietly open, was so decisive:

"Because ... the stories are all fake."

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