Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 4: Bad luck

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dull and heavy thunder sound was as clear as it exploded in the ear.

Innumerable roars and growls exploded from the countless large mouths of blood basins; with dull and heavy footsteps, they rushed towards the two like a lonely boat.

The faceless recruit Martin stood blankly, his head completely blank, the horror hissing closer and closer to his ears seemed to come from a farther away, and the forehead and the back of the neck sweated like rain under.

Can't escape, can't escape ... so many corrupt demons, it's impossible to survive.

Am I gonna die?

Why ... I do n’t understand, what went wrong and which step I did not do right?

My career as a demon hunter, my revenge on these monsters ...

Is it over?

"Martin ... Martin--!"

Ok? !

The roar that exploded in ears was Carl Colin's voice.

team leader?

"What do you froze ?!" Tie Qing's face-faced Carl Colin grabbed the collar of the recruit, and the silver sword in his right hand lay behind him:

"Run without dying, prepare to break through!"

"Yes Yes--!"

The recruit was an agitator, instinctively running away in the opposite direction of the footsteps.

"That's why I hate recruits, and I'm in trouble ..." Karl Colin gritted his teeth, pulling a alchemy bomb from behind his back, and threw it behind without looking at it.


At the same time the fire burst, countless dark shadows had passed through the burning flames, and the two of them rushed towards them like a rolling torrent and quickly approached.

The pale-faced recruit was running hysterically on the side, and the left hand wearing the "caster" was squeezed hard, crushing the gray-blue runes in his palm.

Higher order spells, beyond perception.

The next second, he seemed to have changed himself, and no signs of panic could be seen in the bloodshot eyes.

In the Wings of the Devil ’s Code of Demon Hunters, there are three orders and five orders. In the face of large-scale groups of corrupt demons, ogres, or any group monsters distorted by the void, they are not allowed to fight them, nor are they allowed to retain any strength. Full breakthrough is the first choice!

The sound of the torrents rang behind the two of them, as if just in a blink of an eye, those figures had swept toward the two like gravel.

Restored calm. The backhand of the recruit hung a silver sword in front of him, and pressed the dagger behind his left hand with his left hand-Loren Turin "copied" from the elves and dancers in the ancient wood forest. The standard attack posture of the demon hunter .


The moment the plasma spewed, the silver sword spurting forward stopped both the left and right Corrupting Demon, and slashed the third head.

The recruit who did not stop at all pace exerted force on his left leg, jumped up with inertia, and smashed a knee to the face of the five-headed dwarf Corrosion Demon.


Fell to the ground.

In the crisp sound of broken neck bones, the calm and calm recruit jumped up and over the head of the Corrupted Demon; the silver sword in his hand penetrated the fat and huge head from top to bottom.

The sprayed blood flower, together with the leaping figure, crossed a gorgeous arc in the air.

Fall steadily.

Behind him, Carl Colin has quietly caught up, the sword in his hand swinging down the plasma, leaving traces on the ground like raindrops.

"Save a little effort, you are not the monkey-like elves, nor the ancient wood forest here!" Karl Colin said coldly while slashing the corrupting demon head:

"Don't want to be exhausted before escaping, just give me some attention!"


Although he was not polite, Carl Colin was surprised to the extreme.

The movement of the new recruits was like a cloud, and even if he turned on "beyond perception", it would be difficult to successfully complete-humans are not elves after all, and the dodge and displacement skills learned by the black-haired wizard from the war dancers can also be done. There are very few people.

Sure enough ... Can be recognized by Lord Dalton Kander. The recruit chief appointed by Captain Lussn is not as simple as he thought.

If I could go back alive, maybe ...

The tide-like figure is still rushing up, more and more enemies, making the desperate two people more and more stretched, it is difficult to resist all enemies.

Corruptors have no concept of fatigue, let alone a concept of stopping; as long as they find a target, they will chase endlessly until they can't catch up or get killed.

It is necessary to find a way to get rid of the enemy as soon as possible, or hide in hiding-then continue to desperately escape, and the two are caught up and surrounded, it is only a matter of time!

"Change hands!"

A sword pierced the front door of the Corrupted Magic Face, and the roaring Carl Colin exchanged positions with the recruits; with the tacit understanding, the two attacked alternately left and right, constantly highlighting the encirclement in the crazy tide.

"The targets of this group of dross are the cloud tops like the rebels. If we continue this way, we will also be rushed into the battlefield with their heads wrapped up-when I come to break it later, you are responsible for finding opportunities to break through, no matter what. Get rid of them ... "

"Wait a minute, Captain!"

The recruit suddenly interrupted him anxiously, even ignoring the enemy in front of him: "This might be a good opportunity!"

"what did you say?!"

"I mean this might be a good opportunity to get into the summit of the cloud!" The recruits clenched their teeth, and while escaping, they nervously organized the chaotic language:

"There are too many enemies, we can't break through directly; but since their goal is the peak of the cloud, we can use them as cover and take the opportunity to mix into the city from the tunnel!"

"Are you crazy?!"

"I'm not crazy, on the contrary I am sober now, really!" The recruit shouted anxiously: "The tunnel entrance nearest to us is not far in front of us-as long as we cross this section, we can both be corroded. Detachment from the demon's chase, and can be mixed into the peak of the cloud, killing two birds with one stone! "

"Captain Lussn mentioned that he and Duke Loren Turin used a similar method, with the frontal attacking army as the cover, in order to successfully sneak into the fortress and finally cooperate inside and outside, and captured the Silver Helmet Mountain Fortress!"

"This is our opportunity, and it may be the only chance!"

The voice will fall, and the recruit who wields the silver sword suddenly stops, opens his left hand, and pushes behind him with all his strength.

High-level magic spell, the original impact.

"Bang-!!!!!!" The dull bombardment sounded.

The rolled air waves were like invisible walls, hitting the corroding demon swarming behind them.

Nearly at the same time, Carl Colin poured the "primary force impact" into the spine of the silver sword, and the transparent "sword qi" cut a semicircle in front of the two.

Spilled blood!

In a flash, a five-diameter "vacuum" appeared in the turbulent flood.

"I know this is risky, but now the situation is that even if we choose to break through, it can't be much safer than this method." The recruit breathed heavily, using two high-level magic spells in just one quarter of an hour, yes His load is still quite heavy:

"Everyone will die, why not fight one?"

I was actually taught by a rookie who had just entered the battlefield.

Cold-faced Carl Colin twitched at the corner of his mouth.

There is not much time ... If you continue to procrastinate, you will only be "drowned" by hundreds of corrupt demons.

A decision must be made immediately!

"Boy, I only have to ask once." Carl Colin asked blackly, suppressing the anger at the bottom of his heart. "How sure are you?"

"Probably ... half!"


"Because, because of Captain Lucien and Duke Loren, they have succeeded once in this way." The pale-faced recruits extruded an extremely stiff corner of his mouth, and a little embarrassed smile:

"If we also succeed, it is 100%!"

"..." Carl Colin.

At the next moment, the two demon hunters broke up at the same time again; one after the other, they broke out in the direction of Yunding Peak.


Carl Colin's sword hit the spine of the recruit's spine, and with all his strength, the recruit who did not let the sword take off immediately returned to defense.

"It's up to me to tear apart the enemies, and you protect me from the wings and the back row." The cold-faced Carl Colin said coldly, stabbing three swords instantly, piercing the throats of four corrupting demons; Jian Feng The head fell to the ground:

"Don't lose it!"


At the next moment, Carl Colin pulled out his dagger from the waist, assaulting straight ahead like a residual image.

"May the void ... be with you--!"

Two silver awns, one light and one dark, intersect up and down in mid-air, and dance in turns; the sword awn and the sharp blade slide across the skin of the neck and cheeks, leaving a pleasant and soft note.

The swift figure is diametrically opposed to the elegance of elves and dancers, more fierce, direct, and desperate.

It is not a dance of a battlefield with one enemy, but a dagger to avoid all obstacles and take the target straight.


There was a sound of tearing the flesh, and two Corrupt Demons who were directly in front of them almost slammed their necks into Karl Colin's hands.

The moment the head flew, the long swords of both hands probed forward slightly, pouring into the large mouth of the blood basin opened by the two enemies on the left and right.

The cranial cavity exploded and the brain plasma sprayed.

Karl Colin, who was covered with stains, continued to assault, sliding gently and sideways, avoiding enemies rushing from above at an extremely tricky angle.

Then ... let it hit the tip of the sword that the recruit just raised.

Faceless Karl Colin's eyes moved quickly, and then quickly focused on a huge boulder in front of a cliff.

It was there.

If the information is correct, then there should be a hole connecting the Yunfeng Peak Tunnel-Byrne's smugglers, from here into the lower layer of Yunding Peak City, using low-quality brown bread and potatoes in exchange for dwarf miners secret ore.

Without any hesitation, Karl Colin withdrew the "Mithril" dagger scattered from the back of his sword and straightened toward the boulder to launch the final charge.

"Hurry, rush over—!"


With Carl Colin's roar, the recruit who always followed closely jumped over the top of his head and rushed into the cave next to the boulder.

Almost at the same time, a second alchemy bomb fell into Carl Colin's hands.

Without looking at it, he threw it directly into the sky, and then jumped into the hole immediately behind the recruit.


Thunder blew!

The violent explosion released unimaginable energy, and the entire cave ... even the entire mountain seemed to start violently shaking.

And there is no sign of stopping!

At the next moment, the roaring air surged into the cave and came from behind the two with unparalleled strength.

The two of them who fell into the cave gradually numb their minds, closed their eyes tightly, and kept as far as possible suitable for the fall ... or rather, they did not directly fall to death.


A muffled sound.

The pain on the cold ground and spine made Karl Colin regain his consciousness, which also marked the end of this "go and go" journey.

"Captain, Captain Carl Colin!"

There was a roar from the recruit Martin, with a little worry in his words: "Are you all right?"

"Anyway, it's just alive."

Shaking his head vigorously to make his sober Carl Colin's eyes wide open, he could only dimly see a little light and shadow in the distance, and the light reflected from the cave above his head reflected on the rock wall.

"It seems that your plan was successful?"

"It should be that our plan was successful." The recruits corrected, and his voice seemed a little uneasy: "To be honest, I still have some accidents ... I thought you would never agree."


Carl Colin narrowed his eyes and glanced at the recruit with an apparently flattering expression: "If I disagree, you might not want to act on your own ... leaving the recruit alone to escape, I can bear the crime I'm sorry. "

The recruit narrowed his neck and dared not raise his head.

"So ... our plan succeeded?"

"Yes, it should have been successful."

"From here, as long as you go straight forward, you can find the tunnel to the top of the cloud?"

"Uh, no accident, it should be like this."


At the next moment, Carl Colin suddenly broke out!

It was too late to respond, Xiu Jian was already on the recruit's throat, and the whole person was pressed under him.

"From now on, you are not allowed to act without permission." Karl Colin said indifferently: "Otherwise, I will kill you on the spot for disobedience!"

"No more novel ideas are allowed. UU reads No comments are allowed, nor do I refute my orders ... Do the duty of being a rookie-obediently."

The icy sword edge showed no signs of joking.

"do you understand?"

"Bright, understand!" The scalp numb, and the two recruits nodded quickly: "I, I must listen to your fate ..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sudden sound interrupted the conversation between the two.

The suspicious two raised their heads and stared at the direction of the sound with their eyes wide open.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the darkness, the dull and heavy sound was extremely clear, as if it was close at hand.

The next second, the two demon hunters agreed in unison:

"Not ... so unlucky?"

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