Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 11: come down

"Ready to land--!"

At the top of the horn fort tower, an excited Isaac pulled the voice of a male duck like a trumpet, waving a small and delicate command flag in his hand:

"Everyone rolls me to the workbench, now! Immediately! Immediately! The action is fast ... otherwise I will kick your ass!"

"This will be an epoch-making feat, a feat done by all of us! I don't want to see it! Anything! Mistake, understand ?!"

"I repeat again, what we are going to do today is to create our own history-as old as the ancient kingdom for hundreds of years, as close to the twelfth generation of the empire,

No wizard, nobleman, knight, or human being, a dwarf can witness the floating city built by them personally fly into the sky. After two and a half months of uninterrupted flight, crossing Bain and half of the Yunling Kingdom, Successfully landed on the top of the cloud. "

"No one-except us!"

"Well ... except yourself ..." The little wizard who pursed his lips murmured to himself, looking at Isaac's back unwillingly.

She was the only person who should have stood there as the commander-but considering the criticality and sensitivity of the central tower, as well as coordinating the cooperation between the Silver Helmet Mountain dwarves and the alchemists ... the delicate mind is best for this Ain Rand, who works, can only stand behind the scenes.

But no matter how reluctant, I have to admit that this arrogance does have a special "charm" that can make everyone stand behind him confidently, believing that what is impossible ... will really happen In this world.

"Arrogant, self-righteous, inexplicable self-confidence always ask others to help him clean up the last mess ..." The eyes shifted, and the blue eyes stopped on the back of the dark-haired wizard:

"... both!"

The entire floating city was already in chaos-alchemists, dwarf engineers, and wizards responsible for the operation of various towers, and pairs of nervous eyes were staring at the "crazy" standing on the top of the main tower and dancing.

Only this madman can lead everyone to complete the epoch-making feat that was only realized in the dream.

"What's the situation, how much confidence ... uh ..."

Realizing that Isaac's burning eyes were almost murderous, the dark-haired wizard immediately changed his mouth and said: "How sure do I mean ... make history?"

"All the key parts are all forged by the Earthshaker forge in the furnace town, forged according to the requirements of the Silver Helmet Mountain dwarf engineer. The rune circuit design is built of sixteen layers; plus normal wind speed and climate It ’s dry and full of energy, so in theory ... ”

Isaac raised his head violently, and snapped a finger in front of Loren: "100% no problem!"

"Theoretically ... Um, if so, I mean if the theory has a little deviation ..."

"Oh, that's easy-she will head down and grow her head into large corn; and all of us will fall directly from a height of two hundred meters without pain."

"Hey, it's actually quite religious to say that ... if you succeed, you will perform the miracle of the Holy Cross. If you fail, let's go to see the Holy Cross together."

"..." Loren Turin.

"One minute countdown begins, report the situation!" Ignoring the dark-haired wizard next to him, Isaac, a little hysterical, turned his head violently and shouted in his throat.

"The wind speed is normal, the temperature is normal, all the environmental parameters are normal, and it has safely reached the top of the cloud summit without any signs of counterattack." This is the watchman at the top of the tower.

"Nonsense, I'm standing on the top of the tower now; don't you think there is a sudden hurricane or rainstorm, etc., will I know it before you? By the way, tell me which ballista and catapult can shoot 200 meters vertically Ruler-because I want to put your silly head in it now and throw it away! "

"The boiler preheating has been completed, the balancer is normal, the landing gear is normal, the shock absorber is normal, and all the linkages are normal." This is a dwarf engineer from Silver Helmet Mountain.

"Look at our five-headed brother's answer, this is called professional, except that it is a pile of nonsense-we are flying smoothly at a height of two hundred meters. If the balancer is finished, wouldn't we already be heads down? ?! "

"The conversion tower is very stable, there are no problems with the rune line, it can safely carry at least three to five times the load, there is no tilt and bad phenomenon, and it can land steadily." This is the alchemist responsible for the central tower and the rune circuit .

"First correct your mistake, the upper limit of the safety load is ten to twenty times, and it is impossible to have any bad phenomenon, because it is perfect, it is me, designed by Isaac Grantham-finally , I hate bullshit! "

"Since everything is normal, then what is the report to you is not considered nonsense, arrogant lord ?!" This is a small wizard.

"Since everything is normal, what are you waiting for ?!"

An excited Isaac suddenly raised the command flag in his hand: "Five, four, three, two, one!"

"Trumpet, land off ..."

Before I finished speaking, Isaac, who was swaying under his feet, immediately “slapped” on the wall; the entire horn fort also shuddered and fell like a weightlessness.

That's right, it was falling; because from the beginning, the design of the entire floating city has considered how to rise, hover, and move ... but I have not considered how to land the castle floating in the sky!

Because whether it is moving, hovering or ascending can be completed by only one operating system, but to let her land, she needs to rely on another system;

As for the way of operating its energy conversion, or reducing the upward thrust bit by bit, it sounds beautiful, and the wizards of the Dragon Kingdom have also proved a completely feasible method ... For the imperial wizards today, it is Not feasible at all.

The reason is very simple, the technical level is not up to.

But the technology behind two times cannot be solved with the inspiration from the forehead and the "close" cooperation;

At least with the skill level of the imperial wizards and dwarves at the moment, it is easy to make the floating city "float", and it may be difficult to settle down safely.

So a certain arrogant arrogant who refused to give up, once again "slapped his head" thought of a wonderful attention ...

"Simply put is to let it fall freely, and then open the circuit briefly once again to re-float, so that the floating city will once again get an ascending force at the moment of falling; it will land step by step until it can safely open the landing gear until……"

"This genius-like idea, I call it" paragraph drop "technology!"

Almost at the same time, the whole floating city suddenly "fall", and then shook twice as if drunk, as if the hyena was throwing off its lice.

Under the rapid airflow, the first "passengers" on the horn fort were first blown up by the wind and floated in mid-air; then they smashed heavily on the protective walls, floors and ceilings.

In the violent ups and downs, the alchemists in the fortress must rely on the hand guards next to them to prevent the stairs from rolling down; and the dwarf engineers who must manage the mechanical parts outside the wall must rely on the chain and The rope fixed his five heads, so that he would not fly directly out of the castle!

Just at the moment when Clarion Castle was about to complete "free fall", a giant six-pointed star magic array suddenly appeared directly below her.


Like a roar of air bursting, the entire floating city is like hitting a "soft" and "invisible" wall. With the air waves exploding toward all sides, the wall "shatters" and the force of falling Suddenly reduced!

Immediately following the roar was the tremendous wailing of the Horn Castle-from the tower to the retaining wall, every corner, every component, even every piece of brick and stone seemed to be wailing.

"Everyone-hold tight, don't fall!"

Isaac clenched his teeth and howled, and the whole person was hanging on the right arm of the black-haired wizard unwillingly to let go, almost trying to suckle:

"One hundred and fifty meters, this height will really kill people!"

"It's more than you say--!" The scream of the little wizard was horrified not far away.

Relying on the thrust of a brief "burst" again and again, the free-falling floating city is picked up again and again ... That's right, Isaac tapped the "landing device" that came up with his forehead.

Essentially, it is like burying hundreds of ignition agents and kerosene directly under the horn fort, detonating every time it falls a certain distance-not to mention whether it can "decelerate" successfully every time. If the power of the push is not well controlled, the entire floating city will be dismantled in the air directly!

Such a simple and clear landing device, even directly to the point of "excessive", is the "poor wisdom" erupted by Isaac under the premise of facing a desperate technological gap.


Then there was a second explosion, and the whole floating city began to tremble, and every part was whining like a low roar.

The gray pupil who was lying behind the wall closed his eyes tightly. The guardrail with his hands behind him had completely changed shape. The tight arms were exposed with blue tendons, and cold sweat continued to drip from his forehead.

A little carelessness, maybe it will fly out directly and become a pool of minced meat in the mountains, and a pile of invisible bone residue.

Gravity, air, wind pressure ... Only at this moment can people clearly feel their smallness and powerlessness in front of the world; they can feel how terrible the material world that maintains and operates a certain "order" is. Irresistible divine power!

The torn air, the exploding air wave, the short but harsh shriek ... as if descending from the sky, the dragon headed from the cloud was making a majestic roar.

Shock the world.


The third explosion.

In an instant, the whole cloud peak and the whole sky were suddenly quiet-in the horn fort, everyone could only see the billowing waves around them, and suddenly appeared outside the floating city, and then the fragmented "ice wall" , I can't hear any more sounds.

Of course they could not hear the sound, because all the sounds were isolated.

"Finally caught up ... Fortunately, there were no mistakes this time." The little sweat wizard, who was sweating heavily, lay prostrately on the console, and said to himself weakly.

This low-order mantra originally used to isolate sounds was "silent like water", but was unexpectedly found to have "shock absorption" function;

After being requested by the apprentices, a very reluctant former college tutor and night watchman had to spend an afternoon developing a brand-new advanced mantra with greater potency and perseverance Such as ice.

"Put down the landing gear, everyone is ready -----"

Isaac, who was already so excited that he could hardly add to it, almost reached the point of incoherence. He grew his mouth and let the wind blow into his stomach:


"I will--"

"Landing-Falling-Giggle ..."

Tearing, the violent strong wind gave the final roar, and the entire floating city fell from the sky like a cannonball; in the blink of an eye, she had hit the top of the group of kings!

Like a shooting star across the sky, it is elegant and beautiful.

Of course, people who are targeted by meteors will never think so.


The last roar, but it was not from the horn fort itself.

At the moment of landing, the group of kings swept by the wind was like a cake that was hit by a heavy hammer head-on, collapsing from the inside to the outside, and the dust and rubble rolled up in the shock flew like waves.

Right in the middle of the hall, I watched my palace smashed into the ruined "front" supreme king, standing motionless like a fool.

When the smoke disappeared and appeared in the ruins in front of him, it was a knight fortress with a traditional Bayern shape, complete with a protective wall tower and an inner fort system.

Karl Colin, who was hiding behind the colonnade early, almost buried alive by rubble, was lying in ruins, also staring at the castle "falling from the sky" in front of him.

That's right, she really fell from the sky ... and fell from the top of her head.


With a loud noise, the closed gate of the floating city slowly opened-of course this statement is not accurate ~ ~ because for such a floating city, her "city gate" is more suitable to call it For a suspension bridge or floating ladder, it should at least be part of the landing gear.

Compared to such a "grand opening" floating city, the figure that emerged from it immediately attracted the only two pairs of eyes in the hall.

The short black hair and the same dark eyes, the slightly thin body is slightly stronger under the armor; the right shoulder is the hilt of the big sword "Dawn", and the left hand is holding the "Dragon Teeth" gun body in one step Step down the suspension bridge.

The dark eyes glanced at Carl Colin lying on the ground, and then looked at the scarred figure in the opposite pool of blood, and finally stayed on the body of the "Front" Supreme King.

It turns out

It turned out to be such a thing ... Referring to Fanesis and Chacar, this kind of thing was not a surprise from the beginning.

"So ... good afternoon, Your Majesty the Highest King." Frowning slightly, Loren with a distressed expression seemed to be pondering his opening remarks:

"Then ... Farewell, His Majesty the Supreme King."

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