Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Loyal traitor


The deafening roar, mixed with the sound of trampling by countless iron boots, poured out of the gates like a tide, poured into the cloud peak city, and irresistibly rushed to the rebels that had been fighting all day long.

Faced with the enemy who suddenly appeared from behind, and the rebels who were attacked by the two phases inside and outside of the city, the front collapsed instantly-the remnants of the small battles that were fighting each other, the chaos of the fire, and the loss of command ... Let them face in uniform When the coalition forces in the north like a broken bamboo were fragile, they were more like robbers and refugees.

Wearing the same armor, using the same weapon, and receiving the same queue ... Just because one of them lost its command and fought each other, it showed a world of different fighting power.

Because the troops in the Yunding Peak City retreated, almost all the defensive facilities of the city wall defense line were destroyed, and almost all the rebels poured into the city, so that the northern city-state coalition of the Yunling Kingdom almost did n’t receive any damage when they broke the defense line. Blocked, unstoppable.

The rebels could not dream of it. They worked hard and suffered heavy casualties to break through the defense line and opened the offensive channel, but now the northern coalition forces can directly penetrate into the city without any effort, and initiate the formation of their belly. Offensive.

How easy it was for them to break through the city gate, how painful the "backstab" they suffered at the moment, and no spare power at all.

All that can be done is to flee desperately, to disperse birds and beasts, in the panic and the Six Gods Lord, feeling the torn by the front, the shield wall is crushed, like the "new experience" where the robes and arrows in the rain of locust arrows fell one after another .

In a downright defeat, the rebels that quickly collapsed have lost room for retreat-either by massacre by the northern coalition behind them, or they will die together with the defenders in the city.

In order to avoid the enemies behind them, they can only use a more aggressive offensive to launch successive rounds of suicide attacks against the barricades in the city, competing for the simple protective facilities;

And in the end, only in front of the crossbow arrows behind the barricade, fell down row by row like wheat cutting ...

In the thick smoke and fire, on both sides of the barricade, both the offensive and defensive sides have been completely numb in the endless fight, just mechanically repeating their actions.

The bones of the robe on the ground were trampled on in turn during the offensive and retreat, and the rotten ones could not even see the shape.

On the other hand, after breaking through the gate defense line and completely defeating the last insignificant resistance of the rebels, the northern coalition dwarves did not disperse and poured into the streets of the city; instead, they began to stabilize the front and become the back row. Troops vacated the road.

A few minutes later, when another small crossbow car was pushed in from outside the city gate, the defeated rebels finally reacted-they were going to destroy the streets!


In the roar, the rebels and the defenders in the city looked at the surrounding streets, and the rows were burned, destroyed, and razed to the ground ...

The northern coalition forces that followed immediately formed a uniform wall of shields; stepping on the sound of heavy and chaotic iron boots, they moved forward slowly, approaching step by step, like a moving city wall.

In the face of the northern coalition that has maintained a complete system from beginning to end, whether it is a crowded rebel army or Igor ’s pride, like a starry barricade, at this moment, they are completely helpless, even the resistance to resistance nothing.

This is an unreasonable army that has no interest in loot and cities, nor does it care that this "broken son" strategy will turn the entire cloud summit into a ruined battlefield; step by step, mechanical and extremely Efficiently slaughtering all enemies trying to resist.

The few remaining rebels who can maintain the system are unable to launch a final counterattack, but the result is only a futile suicide operation-most of them have no time to connect with the short soldiers of the shield wall, and they fell in the rain and arrows. Under the ballista.

One after another, the fallen soldiers fell silently on the battlefield swept by the arrows of rain, just as they foreshadowed their destiny.

Unconsciously, the sounds of roaring and shouting became more and more sparse; the uniform shield wall became a simple and mechanical advancement, such as the arrow of the locust, and also became the killing of the order and the fugitive, sparse To the extent that there is almost no.

After the last resistance was defeated, the northern coalition dwarves still did not rush forward into the city, stopped in front of the barricade defense line, and began to move from front to back again, and launched a second round of siege against the rebels who fled.

But this does not mean that the defenders were ignored by them.

It was only a quarter of an hour, and half of the cloud peaks seemed to be completely quiet; the dwarven warriors who had cleared the war gradually began to return to the team and merged with the front shield wall.

After a short period of "stalemate" with the barracks defending the army with Yunfeng Peak, the sound of heavy iron boots sounded again, and the indifference stepped closer.


Clenching the battle axe in his hand, the dwarf Igor rounded his eyes, his mouth still twitching uncontrollably, he couldn't believe the facts he saw in front of him, let alone the people he saw.

"Actually ... it's you?"

Trying to control his impulse, Igor gritted his teeth.

"Yes ... in your words, it was me."

Cisa Mihailo, the former leader of the former Silver Helmet Mountain, the traitor of the Cloud Ridge Kingdom, the first dwarf to bow down to the Duke of Bain, said indifferently:

"You're right, the coalition forces who commanded the entire northern city-state, turned the tide at the most critical juncture of Yunfeng Peak, and killed all the traitors, without leaving any trouble, and the people who guarded the Yunling Kingdom ... it was me."

"Instead of your glorious, His Majesty the King above his crown."

"By the way, if you want to know, I can tell you very clearly-yes, I am under the order of the Duke of Bain, this army is also under the name of the Mihailo family and Silver Helmet Mountain , Relying on the financial resources of the Principality of Byrne to form an army, you will soon be completely rebel ... "

"shut up--!"

With a snarl, the dwarf Igor's expression was extremely complicated: "You traitors, have turned away the glorious anti-thief of the Yunling people, the shameless reptile!"

"Turn the tide down and fall ... Ha! Are a group of servants working for the Baien people also eligible to say such big words ?!"

"Or do you have long forgotten that the reason why this war of rebellion will begin, and why it will become the way it is today, are your Silver Helmet Mountain excessively greedy, trying to gain the same status as Yunfeng?"

"Cisa Mihailo ... Do you dare to be more shameless ?!"

Facing the angry and raging "Supreme King" Igor, the dwarf Mikhail's eyes were only indifferent and endlessly cold.

"Shameless, where is it shameless?" Mikhail dwarf looked up, his tone was very disapproving: "I'm a loyal courtier of the Duke of Byrne, performing the Duke's orders dutifully, what's wrong?"

"What's more, without the help of Lord Duke, I don't know when this civil war will continue-what is wrong with ending the civil war and restoring peace?"

"But you are the people of Yunling, traitor--!"

Igor squeezed the battle axe, and his voice was shaking: "You are a proud Yunling, you should unconditionally obey the orders of the Supreme King, not become a stooge!"

"Your pride, glory, traditions ... has been discarded by you, and used to flatter your master ?!"

Waiting for Igor to finish coldly, the dwarf Mikhail squinted and paced, stepping closer to His Majesty the King protected by the Dwarf Guard.

There was silence.

The soldiers of the coalition forces of the North set up crossbows behind the shield wall, and the defenders of Yunfeng Peak pressed their right hands to their waists; the atmosphere dropped below the freezing point in the breathing sounds that became thicker and thicker.

"Forget about tradition, give up pride, give up glory ... these." Mikhail the dwarf said slowly:

"Your Majesty the Supreme King, the entire Yunling Kingdom, you are the least qualified to say this."


"It's you—!" Mihailo choked him angrily:

"It's you who caused the conflict between Byrne and the Yunling Kingdom!"

"It is you who upholds senseless pride and refuses assistance and negotiation!"

"It is you who use the aid materials and the army in your hands to control the civil war to the highest king!"

"Your bully, a bully, has made the Yunling Kingdom lose the chance to be able to form an equal alliance with Byrne in the end, and has to humiliately accept each other's alms, so as not to destroy the country!"

"Say we are traitors? You unscrupulously usurped the materials given by the Bayern people, and confirmed that the rest of the Yunling city-states are not qualified to trade with Bayern on the same basis?"

The dwarf Mihailo showed cold irony on his face, looking at the "Supreme King" Igor, who was increasingly angry and shy, but always silent:

"Do you know what a fool looks like-just because the world is only smart, and everyone else is a fool."

"Do you think that as long as the civil war continues, energy will continue to obtain supplies from Byrne, while at the same time killing the power of the south? Yes, your purpose has been achieved, but you have also let the northern city state completely lose respect for Yunfeng. And trust! "

"Look at these brave Yunling people behind me-three years ago, they could rush into the Bayern Barracks for you and Yun Yunfeng as if they were dead, and cut my head to you desperately; but now ? "

"Assemble the army, open the road, accept the order of Duke Byrne and the commander of Silverhelm Mountain, march to the summit of the cloud, all this ... it is effortless, because they have already addressed you, to the summit of the cloud, to you, Servilast The Ephesus family was disappointed. "

"It's not that the Yunling Kingdom betrayed you, but you betrayed the Yunling Kingdom!"

The dwarf Mihailo finished, staring coldly at Igor's face.

The guard soldiers of Igor on both sides frowned, their expressions complex and expressions varied.

"So, Mihailo ... You're trying to say this, what is it for?"

Igor stepped forward slowly, and his sharp eyes approached Mikhail's eyes:

"Encourage teachers to move the crowd, unite the northern city-state under their own ..."

"Suddenly appeared before the peak of the cloud is about to fall, and turn the tide ..."

"In front of all the people of Yunling, with such a generous speech, try to accuse me as much as you can, and degrade me, the crowned king who is in line with the laws of the Yunling Kingdom ..."

"So many, I really have to be suspicious-symbolizing the birthplace of the people of Yunling, the oldest Yunling from Silver Helmet Mountain, the noble Mihailo, obviously have betrayed the Yunling Kingdom , Mikhail who became a vassal of the Duke of Byrne ... "

"After paying so much and sacrificing so much, he is an" outsider "who is no longer a Yunling people ... what do he want to get?"

The sullen-looking Igor looked at the dwarf Mihailo and said slowly with a deep, cold tone:

"Isn't it ... Is going to overthrow the cloud peak symbolizing the dwarf tradition, and he and the silver helmet mountain that no longer exists will rule the Yunling Kingdom?"

The dwarven warriors around—whether the guardian of the cloud peak or the northern coalition—changed.

Mikhail remained expressionless.

"Or ... 'loyal' Mikhail, preparing to use Yun Pinnacle and the Yunling Kingdom as a gift to his current prince, the Duke of the Bayern, wearing a crystal crown belonging to the Yunling Kingdom? ! "

Every time Igor said something, the expressions of the dwarven warriors around him were awkward; even the original northern coalition soldiers looked at the Silver Helmet dwarf awkwardly.

The atmosphere is getting more tense.

"Did you finish?"

Standing around thousands of dwarf warriors, the unchanging dwarf Mikhail gazed quietly at Igor:

"If you are finished, please move your noble gaze to the top of your head."

As the words fell, Igor looked up slowly with a suspicious expression.

His gaze narrowed, and Igor's eyes flashed in amazement.

The "white castle" that came down from the sky is floating above his head at this moment, looking down at himself from the sky!

"If Duke Byrne really wants to conquer the Yunling Kingdom ~ ~ or let her fall into chaos again-look at that floating city, don't you think these are really true for him Is it easy? "

Igor's mouth twitched and his angry expression changed; for the first time in his life, he deeply understood what it means to "dare to be angry but not to speak".

No, he actually had been taught once, but it was too long, so he gradually forgot to take the initiative.

Principality of Byrne, Red Blood Castle, Round Table Hall ... Countess Charlotte Turin.

The arrogant woman once looked down on him with arrogance and said the words that Igor still remembered to this day.

"Bane today is very different from a hundred years ago ..."

"Recognize reality, His Majesty the Supreme King; now you should not consider your powers from outsiders." Mikhail the dwarf said lightly:

"But what way should we use to ensure that the proud Yunling Kingdom will not be like today ..."

"Let anyone humiliate!"

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