Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 16: Countess

In retrospect, Loren could not remember how he returned; because when he came back to God, he was already outside the Red Blood Castle.

From the top of the cloud to the border of Byrne, and then from the border to the Count of the Red Blood Castle in the north-central part ... When I was alone and the wind and dust servants returned to the Red Blood Castle, the Count Charlotte Du Ling, as if he had expected that he would arrive at this time, stood "waiting" outside the palace gate.

Directly under the gate, the countess in a black and red dress with a meticulous expression stared at Duke Byrne, who looked like a wandering knight. She raised her head, and the sharp eyes that looked down slightly seemed to pierce his face.

The cold eyes, the serious expression, the arrogant posture, the majestic and murderous aura ... just before the bright white forehead, the words "Don't enter" are engraved.

Such a scenario is somewhat similar to the first meeting of two people.

"Your Excellency, today is the sixty-fourth day of your" expedition "to the Yunling Kingdom."

Charlotte looked calmly at the embarrassed dark-haired wizard, with no emotion in his voice: "Remember ... Did you promise me anything before you set off?"

"Uh ... vaguely remember some." Strongly holding the heart of "jumping", Loren gave a slightly grinned smile: "I promised to have up to two months, which means ..."

"You're late ... for four days." Charlotte still stared at him emotionally without squinting, "I reminded you that we will negotiate with the Holy Cross Church two months later and decide Is the candidate Bishop? "

"Uh ... it seems to be the case ..."

"Did I tell you that the ambassador of the Duke of Arles came back at any time to discuss questions about the United Encirclement Giants, Heretic Orders, and Shanglu?"

"Should ... should ..."

"Did I still say that His Highness Brandon has come several times to urge us to resolve the supply route for the Sacrament in Poi as soon as possible?"

"Here, I remember this! Lucien reminded me!" The dark-haired wizard who was pleased quickly added, asking with concern:

"How's the situation, is it serious? I'm not there ... Did they make you difficult?"

"Look at what you said, how could it be ... all kind elders who speak well."

Charlotte said lightly, turned slowly, and opened the door in a wrong way: "Please come in quickly-seeing such an embarrassed, unremarkable Duke of Byrne, it really hurts the face of the Turin family and Byron Will make people and nobles lose confidence in the Turin family. "

"In addition, the messengers of the church have been waiting for a long time. Please also rectify them as soon as possible and prepare to meet them."

"Uh ... alright."

Although it felt a bit wrong, the apparently ill-witted black wizard could not say anything at this time, only to honestly follow the countess and walk into the castle.

Almost as soon as I stepped into the door, I heard a loud roar from the door shafts on both sides.


Loren was shocked, and the door behind him was closed tightly!

The two guard knights stood on both sides of the door like a sculpture, turned very "wisely" to face the door, and resolutely executed the order of the countess of the Red Blood Castle, pretending that they could not see their duke.

There was no retreat in the back, and there was a chasing soldier in front-Loren, who was careless, found himself in a trap.

"Charlotte, Charlotte, are you going to ..."

Just as the surprised Loren turned his head, he saw the frosted countess staring at him deadly; a familiar memory suddenly retraced, making the dark-haired wizard instinctively retreat ...


Duke Byrne, who escaped the slap in front of him, was hit by his right foot with the slender riding boots under the long skirt.


The painful black-haired wizard almost jumped up, jumped a few times in pain, and performed a "Golden Rooster Independence" in public.

Leng hummed back the protruding boots and let go of the skirt that he lifted gently, Charlotte calmly returned to its original shape, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Master Duke Loren Turin ... Do you know why?"

Without a word, Loren could hear some deep resentment.

"Uh ... know."

The dark-haired wizard with twitching corners of his lips tried his best not to shout out and smiled.

"Just know it, so I don't have to bother to explain ..." Slightly nodded, Charlotte's eyes narrowed, and the blue muscles exposed at the temple proved how much anger she endured.

Three years ago, she would desperately strip Loren Turin's belt and strips, and it was the kind that didn't even spit out bones.

But the Countess of the Red Blood Castle three years later has learned how to vent her anger and dissatisfaction without losing her manner while maintaining her manners.

"Then the Lord of the Thirteen Lords of Bain, the successor of the Turin family, His Excellency Loren Turin ..."

Every time the murderous Countess said something, she took a step forward, and the syllables between the words spit out from the lips of the cherry, but it was like the product of the big basin of the wild beast chewing and biting:

"If you dare to drop your duty next time, risk your own life alone, and throw the burden of the whole principality to your courtiers to bear ..."

"Let her have to face the crossbrows of the church coldly and arrogantly; the great disappointment of the prince's emissary, the prince's step by step forced ..."

"Let her have to please and soothe time and time again, and use all her hospitality to treat these important envoys who feel that she is being neglected and ignored, making all kinds of lies all day to deceive them not to throw away ..."

"Full four days, four days ... if you dare to let me experience such a better life and death, four days to live like a year ..."

Pressing step by step, Charlotte, who stood in front of Loren with a "pop!", Was "passionate" until almost the whole person stuck to Loren.

Of course, it is the "enthusiasm" that he can't wait for.

"I use the names of the cavalier kings of the Turin family and I assure you as the Earl of Red Blood Castle ..."

Loren stood still, afraid to move. Watching Charlotte use that elegant and ruthless voice, he threatened calmly:

"The Redblood Palace will not leave you any place, do n’t forget that this is my castle-you are ready to sleep on the streets!"

There was a heavy cold hum, and the riding boots that suddenly turned back stepped on the crisp sound of the stone slab, and she could feel the "resentment" that filled her body around ten steps away.

And a Duke of "Sinner" could only stand on the spot, his hair suddenly turned around and a "slap in the face" was drawn-still unable to hide.

"What did you do there? Are you ready to stand in front of the door for a day ?!"

Wen Yan's black-haired wizard was shocked and hurriedly followed, with a relief expression on his face.

After all, Charlotte will be angry, instead of dragging himself directly into anxiety, it means that the problem is not serious enough to be out of control. That's it.

In other words, she will only pour out her resentment when she has dealt with the same things or she has a proper solution, and she will "pull herself up without leaving a little face"-otherwise, even if there is great grievance Nor will he show half points in front of outsiders.

While complaining about myself, I silently packed up all the mess, waited quietly for my return, and then fell on myself when there was no one ...

"How is it going?"

The dark-haired wizard who kept up with her quickly asked carefully-even if you knew it was okay, but still pretend not to know, and maintain the most sincere "confession" attitude.

Um ... this is a tacit understanding for the two.

"The most troublesome part has passed, and it has basically been properly handled." The proud chin slightly raised, and the countess looked squinted:

"Otherwise, if everything is waiting for you, an irresponsible prince, the Principality of Byrne may be torn apart."

Loren, who didn't dare to say more, could only nod with a smirk.

"First of all, it is the logistics of the Legion ’s Legionnaire Brandon de Salleone-among the three things, this is the easiest one to handle."

Charlotte's voice returned to normal tone, dignified and serious: "It is too difficult to rely on the supply of Byrne, not to mention that 50,000 people are stationed in Poi, but rely on Byrne to provide logistics-just the loss of the road, just Already equivalent to the total supply. "

"So I discussed with the person in charge of His Highness Brandon and decided that Poe would provide half of the supplies in the future, and Byrne would provide some mineral and silver assistance to subsidize Poe, so that it can basically be maintained."

"Anyway, whether it be minerals or silver, they were kidnapped by our Lord Duke Byrne from the Kingdom of Yunling; they are idle in the vault, and Byne has no loss."

"Let Boye be held accountable?" Loren's face showed a confused expression: "Can Salika Jonah agree?"

"Of course she refused to agree, but she must agree-to rebuild the Thousand-Tier City, restore the Great Poi, the new Silver Armor and the Hussars, all of which require money and fine iron ore, as well as a large number of skilled craftsmen. "

"Salika Jonah is a cunning female monkey, but bargaining is not the strong point of this female monkey ... she will also be a little cheaper."

Charlotte looked back suddenly and glanced coldly at him: "Or is our Lord Duke unbearable, ready to ... pity Xiangxiyuyu?"

The black-haired wizard can be sure that the sentence just made was a satire.

"What are you talking about ..."

With a whisper, Loren quickly changed the subject: "What about Brandon? Almost all of his legions will be self-financed. Wouldn't it be a problem if we suddenly interrupt the supply?"

"My prince, do you really think this prince will be stupid enough to hang himself on a rope-in ​​three years, Salika Jonah has already reached a private alliance with Brandon, and only the mother monkey will It ’s stupid to think that everyone knows nothing about it! "

The helpless black-haired wizard nodded.

"The unreasonably prince's prince, as well as the female monkey who made troubles are easy to solve ..." Charlotte said slowly:

"The Holy Cross Church, the mission of the Archbishop of Innocent Architects, may not be so good."

"I know a little ..." The dark-haired wizard folded his smile and solemnly looked at her: "It was for the candidate of Bien, right?"

"Bishop candidate ..." With a slight hum, there was a trace of dissatisfaction in the corner of the countess' eyes:

"It should be said that it is the right to ask the teacher to sin and take advantage of the opportunity!"


Loren was startled.

"Three years ago, because of Governor Byrne and the Blood Church, the entire church power of Byrne was almost destroyed and reached a point where there is no one." Charlotte said in a deep voice:

"It is not just the Red Blood Fort, the churches of various counts, and the monasteries in the countryside have been damaged to varying degrees, and the priests and nuns have suffered heavy casualties."

"In order to rebuild the Bayern Church and calm the people's emotions-of course, it is more to ease the contradiction between Bayern and the Heavenly Dome and prevent them from doing nothing; we accepted almost all the conditions of the church, and it took only three years It has restored the vitality of the entire Byern Church. "

"Three years ... the number of priests in Bayern, it is impossible to rebuild the church within three years?"

"So there are a large number of churches and monasteries, filled with priests and nuns, foreigners and native priests hand-picked by the Holy Cross Church, or the Archbishop of Innocent, the number is almost half to half, in other words ... "

"Compared to the interests of Byrne, the Byrne Church is more subordinate to the Holy Cross Church in the capital, or ... Archbishop Innocent." Taking a deep breath, Loren took Charlotte's words: "Is this the case?"

"... Yes."

Stopping, the countess slowly turned around, facing the dark-haired wizard: "The Bayern Church today is full of priests from the regions of Sackland, Golovin and Lotel, all appointed by the Archbishop. Here comes-any order of the Holy Cross Church, they will execute unconditionally. "

"Although the princes of various princes have the right to speak for the bishops of their own country, the premise of this is that the church of the country is on the side of the duke; otherwise, you can only choose their people."

"So if they really want to choose a bishop who absolutely obey the archbishop, or ... Bishop Bien against you everywhere, we may not even have room to refute."

Loren looked down ~ ~ Although Holy Cross ’s power in Byrne is no less than that of Lotel and the imperial capital, plus the strength of the wizarding class in Byrne in three years, the church is for the civilian class It's still very influential and right to speak; if they really are against each other everywhere, it's still hard to get around.

You can kill you with nausea if you can't beat it, which is almost the case.

"Of course, the problem of the church is no longer a problem-all you have to do is to choose a Bishop Bien as soon as possible." Charlotte said lightly:

"The rest has been resolved."

"All solved ?!" Loren looked at her incredulously and blurted out subconsciously: "Who solved it ?!"

Charlotte rolled his eyes slightly and turned around to stop looking at him.

A shocked dark-haired wizard was slapped again by his long hair.


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