Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 19: I have 1 dream

Byrne Cathedral.

This sanctuary located in the center of the Red Blood Castle is the most magnificent and majestic palace in the Red Blood Castle in the past and present;

The steeple resembles a sword. All the walls in the church are covered with 13-meter-high stained glass. Forty-eight corridor columns surround the hall. Each one is decorated with exquisite reliefs. Hundreds of reliefs are vivid It reproduces the story in the Holy Cross scriptures, and has the reputation of "Shijingshu".

Even among all the magnificent and magnificent cathedrals of the Principality, Byrne Cathedral can still firmly occupy the top three.

After the "Blood Religion" incident, thanks to the donations of believers, the Bain Cathedral was rebuilt in three years; although there are still many broken walls, the only remaining parts and empty ruins are not It's hard to imagine how magnificent she was once.

Biathlon's oath ceremony was arranged in the most restored main hall.

In the middle of the hall, a temporary round platform was set up. Three hundred priests who came to vote urgently from all over Bain were like thick, colorful velvet tapestries, decorating the surrounding columns and walls.

Looking at the crowd of priests under the stage, the faces that almost wrote expectation, consternation, jealousy, resentment, and contempt on his forehead, the young priest Weber couldn't help swallowing hard.

This is his dream, but it is different from his dream.

"Dear Weber, you don't have to worry about anything-you've already managed it." Deacon Silverwick still chattered behind him:

"The entire Bain Church, even the Holy Cross Church, is standing behind you, and the Duke Bain is helpless to you-you will become the richest and most powerful bishop in the twelfth generation!"

"All your wishes will be fulfilled, and all your orders will be executed unconditionally; of course, you can also make your set of distortions ... er, I mean the understanding of the Holy Cross becomes the only truth in Bayern, no People dare to resist you. "

"All you have to do is to maintain absolute loyalty to the Archbishop, Weber."

The thoughtful little priest did not look at him, but nodded instinctively.


"It turns out this way."

In the garden of the Red Blood Castle palace, patiently listening to Loren's explanation of the little priest Weber's face suddenly realized: "That's what happened!"

"That's what happened." The black-haired wizard nodded, not seeing the news that he had just gotten from Charlotte: "The church can't control Byrne, so they can only compromise-dear Weber, their goal. It is to draw you to indirectly control the Principality of Bayern. "

"No, I mean you always knew I was in Byrne." There was a bit of bitterness in the little priest's face, and he bowed his head slightly and dared not look directly at Loren's eyes:

"I always think ... I hid very well."

"How to say?"

Blinking, the dark-haired wizard continued to pretend to be confused.

"I was betraying you during the imperial court trial, betraying my friend, this is the most terrible sin I can imagine." The little priest Weber's expression was dark, and he suddenly smiled bitterly:

"Hehe ... don't lie to you, when those church guards came, I actually thought they were sent by you-I told you 'yes, it's time', now you are the Duke of Byron, of course you Have the right to revenge me. "

"Even if Deacon Hillwick handed the letterhead to my hand and told me again and again, 'This is true', at that time, I also told myself that it was just your trap." The lower the head of the little priest deep.

"Why?" Loren continued to ask, knowing the other person's words.

"Because I don't deserve ... not status, not status, but I really don't deserve it." Weber's voice was shaking. "Especially what you said just now convinced me-I don't deserve it!"

"What am I? A tool used by the church to threaten you, or a product of the compromise between Byrne and the Vault of Heaven? I am a puppet, a tool, and a weapon-only Bishop Baine!"

"Everyone--and possibly even you--is not thinking that I have this qualification and ability, but that I am placed in this position out of ambition and conspiracy!"

The excited little priest raised his head violently, his expression painful.

The dark-haired wizard who silently listened, a smile flashed through his eyes.

"Webber, you ... have given up your ideals, haven't you?"

The little priest was shocked!

"That tells me, never give up my ideals, hesitantly prepare to reform the church, start at the grassroots, become a bishop, and then enter the imperial capital, reshape the doctrine of the Holy Cross, let the lost 100-year old scripture lead the empire again Of faith ... "

Every time the dark-haired wizard said something, Webber's body twitched violently; his cheeks were red, his teeth clenched, and his open hands braced his knees.

That expression is like fighting with another one, duel.

"That big-spoken saying, let the church be the heaven of every believer, instead of being the prison of faith ..."

"To make the heaven that is lifted up on the dome fall back to the ground, to change the priest Webber around the world ..."

"It's dead ... right?"

Facing the calm eyes of the dark-haired wizard, the little priest with red eyes seemed to freeze, opening his mouth, but he could not say anything.

One full minute.

"I, I ..." A simple word, in Weber's mouth, seems to have a weight:

"I--I don't have it !!!"

The little priest, who gritted his teeth and blushed, fell on Loren's arms, his thin hands clutching his collar, as if torn him to pieces in the next second.

The black-haired wizard was surprised, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "That's right."

In a word, the "crazed" Webber quickly "degenerate" and regained his calm.

"Yes, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just ..." In a hurry, Weber's first reaction, panic, was still an apology.

"There is nothing to apologize, because this is you." Loren interrupted, gently grabbing the wrist that grasped his collar, and looked at the little priest with four eyes:

"Because of you, I promised to compromise with the church, and rejected the list of candidates that Charlotte Turin gave me-even if I knew those who would resolutely carry out my orders, and the church did not resign People who fight to the end. "

"Well, in your words, they are not Bishop Bain, but a puppet in my hand, used to fight against the tools and weapons of the church."

"Why?" The little priest blurted out.

"Because of your ideals and abilities, you have the responsibility to become Bishop Bien-you have this responsibility." Loren's answer was quite straightforward:

"Secondly ... in this power struggle between the two sides, only you have the opportunity to become the" true "Bishop Bien-no one else is possible!"

Weber still didn't understand.

"Let's put it this way-if I make one ... well, my person becomes Bishop Bien, what is the result?" The black-haired wizard explained patiently: "Yes, he will execute any order I give, but these orders In fact, none of them can be executed. "

"Why? Because half of the priests in the Bayern Church are Archbishops of Innocent, even if it is only to fight me, they will oppose all my orders, even against it."

"In the long run, the so-called Bishop Bien is nothing but a fake. The Bain Church is still just a decoration, and the power struggle between the two parties will continue for decades."

Speaking of this, Loren couldn't help but sigh—almost a day and a half ago, he finally persuaded Charlotte with the same words and pushed away her hard-working, carefully selected bishop candidate.

Of course, the consequence is that from yesterday to now, the Countess of the Red Blood Castle has never given herself a good face.

"What about me?" The little priest couldn't help but ask: "Am I different?"

"Of course, you are different; you are the Archbishop of Innocent, they were inserted, and they absolutely believe you." Loren said unhurriedly:

"The most important point ... you once betrayed me and almost defeated me."

"The Church of the Holy Cross can never believe that Duke Byrne ... would trust such a friend who had betrayed him and nearly made him die!"

The little priest gritted his teeth and nodded with a dull expression.

"Of course, they won't believe you so easily, after all, you are too 'innocent', so innocent that you have no handle that can be threatened and grasped by the person-this is not what they are happy with." Loren smiled slightly:

"Although I do n’t know much about the church, I know that the last bishop of Bien, his annual income is almost three million in gold coins-this is not counting the twelve manors in his name, four Small Chamber of Commerce, three salt mines, one coal mine ... "

"He has six mistresses in total, three of them are in the Red Blood Castle, holding an estate with an annual output of not less than 500,000, and a share of interest that can be eaten in the Jodh Chamber of Commerce; a few **** occupy the Bayern Church Key positions, and at the same time lending business to operators in Red Blood Fort. "

"It's not over yet. Little Yod of the United Chamber of Commerce told me that the bishop has an estate in his hometown. He even spent a lot of money to obtain the title of a royal baron for one of his illegitimate sons, and Still hereditary, in order to control the real estate and manor of his hometown; even the imperial capital of Golovin, he still has two houses, next to a private church that he bought; "

"And what I want to say is actually the‘ brilliant record ’bishop. Among the bishops of Byron, it ’s also‘ not so greedy ’...”

Weber the young priest frowned, his eyes showing an angry and helpless look.

"And you, Weber, the future Bishop Bien ... you can get more than this bishop as long as you want." Loren spoke slowly, staring at his eyes:

"In order to control you and attract you, they will spare no effort to buy you up; you want to be able to get rich and rival the country with your ability, enjoy the luxury comparable to the supreme emperor, and even let their illegitimate sons appear in the church and occupy important positions; Or become a hereditary aristocracy ... "

"The opportunity is right in front of you."

"The hole leading to all this is right in front of you."

"Kneel down and get in ... then everything is yours."

When the words fell, Loren watched the little priest in front of him silently, and he just managed to keep his cheeks twitching, calming his anger with great determination.

That's right, this is the real reason why Loren thought of the little priest.

No matter how loyal and loyal one is, it is difficult for him to become a Bishop of Bayern in the face of all these temptations-in order to fight against himself, the church will definitely buy him up at all costs.

In this case, the best result is simply the birth of a guy who is no different from the previous bishops of Bayern. The church of Bayern is still useless, and the struggle between the two sides will not end.

The young priest Weber, he is different, because his ideals have not yet been destroyed.

He longed for sacrifice, dedication, and change-wealth, status, reputation, etc ... For him, it was the silt, dung, and loathing of the roadside.

The church wanted to buy him up, it was almost delusional.

On the other hand, in order to attract the new Bishop, at least in the early stage, the church will not prevent the young priests from doing anything, or even try their best to cooperate to add to themselves; and when Weber is completely in power, they just want to regret it. late.

This is the reason why Loren insisted on choosing Weber and even hesitated to make trouble with Charlotte.

In the present situation, only he can overcome all difficulties and become a true "Bishop of Byrne".

Burn yourself and then illuminate the world.

This is a person who is willing to die for his own ideals, the most eager thing is to be brave and righteous, and fall on the road to change the world.

"Your ideal is the reason why you became Bishop Bien." Loren said quietly: "And to achieve your ideal, Bishop Bien will be your first trial."

"Whether you fall into the quagmire of worldly fame and fortune under the temptation of wealth, interests, and power; or are too lofty, so that all the people betray their relatives, and in the end nothing will be decided by you."

"You want to change the world ~ ~ I want to make the church an ideal hometown for the people's spiritual dependence, I don't object; of course, don't expect me to agree, I won't give you too much support, I can do it It all depends on yourself. "

"If you think that what I am looking for is a lack of faith, and the world driven by benefits and progress is wrong, then show me what you imagined, a world full of pure faith, and what it looks like . "

"So I ask again ... Weber, is your ideal still there?"

Loren looked at him squinting.

after a long time.

"I see, Loren."

The young priest Webb raised his head again, and this time there was no excitement, confusion, trance, helplessness in his eyes ... Instead, there was no slight calm.

Under the silent lake, there was a burning flame.

"I will let you see."

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