Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 22: Determined

"I disagree, this will definitely work!"

The whole round table started with Charlotte's sharp refutation-no surprise.

"Are you crazy?" The countess widened her eyes and stared at the dark-haired wizard opposite the round table: "This is already a naked threat, he is going to kill you!"

The atmosphere of the meeting started in the worst case from the beginning.

"Not so serious, just go to the ancient wood forest as an emissary of the empire."

Facing Charlotte's anger-burning eyes, Loren could only explain daringly: "At most, I will go far away, and I will be back in three or six months."

"What's more, I have been there. The elves there are a little stubborn and prejudiced, but most of them are just like children-most importantly, I have fought side by side with them, they will never hurt me."

"That was a few years ago. Who cares what this savage race living in the forest has become!" Seeing the dark-haired wizard refuting, Charlotte was trembling with rage and his white face rose. Pink: "Are you going to put your safety, Bain's safety on the promise of a group of barbarians ?!"

"The elves are not barbarians, they are all good people!"

A soft refutation came from the corner of the round table.

In an instant, the entire hall was quiet-everyone looked at the same time, turning their heads in the direction of the sound.

"Ah, you guys look at me for what?" The slightly stunned little wizard, with a somewhat evasive expression, couldn't help but refute: "All in all ... the elves don't have bad guys, they would be proud, but ... it's very Friendly race! "

None of the stunned people at the round table heard his protest and were all startled.

Others were shocked by the fact that someone dared to stand up to refute the Countess of the Red Blood Castle, and Loren was shocked that Ain would one day refute outsiders—or, anyone but himself and Isaac.

"I ... I apologize for my disrespectful wording, His Excellency Ain Rand." In a slightly awkward atmosphere, holding on to the calm Charlotte, it was very difficult to bow to the little wizard, and the next step Seconds re-pointed the spear at the dark-haired wizard:

"But even if this is the case, Byrne cannot accept that his duke has to leave for half a year without reason; the emperor in the sky dome has no right to kidnap and be our duke like a servant!"

The loud voice echoed in the hall like a roar of swords.

"Uh ... in fact, he has this power."

The housekeeper of Red Blood Castle sitting beside Charlotte-who was "promoted" to the Principality of the Principality in the past two years-Charles Grenwell raised his hand tremblingly and continued his own words:

"According to the Imperial Code, the Duke is obliged to provide troops during wartime, supply and open the towns and roads of the Principality to the Imperial Legion; obey all orders of the emperor himself or his designated Supreme Commander."

"And in peacetime, the dukes govern the Principality, maintain the duty of unimpeded trade and materials, and defend the authority of the empire in diplomatic settings-as an embassy envoy, even if it is part of the maintenance of the authority of the empire ...

As the countess became more embarrassed and even about to eat people's gaze, Charles' voice became lower and lower, and finally the whole person curled up on the chair, daring not to move.

With a cold snort, Charlotte turned his gaze aside.

"I don't approve of the Duke leaving Baine for so long, but ..."

The always-silent Anger Earl Fort-Roundtable Council, the elders of the 13 Earl-he frowned and sighed in a tangle: "Rejecting orders from the Sky Dome is morally detrimental to Byrne . "

The countess looked at Count Eckert with surprise.

"It's a trap, and it's probably a well-designed trap, yes ... but it's difficult for us to explain to the people and knights of Byrne, they won't understand why the Sky Dome wants to murder the Duke." Eckert shook his head. , Looking at Charlotte's eyes with some persuasion:

"If we cannot get the support of the people and the knights, it will be difficult for us to resist the command from the Sky Vault-after all, it is the emperor's personally appointed imperial order. In the eyes of the simple Baien people, it is a glory to represent the embassy's mission; They will feel that the empire has finally begun to value Byrne's status and to rely on our Duke. "

The people around the round table were stunned together, their expressions slightly bleak ... Although straightforward, Earl Eckert said the truth.

As long as there is no flagrant rebellion, the Principality of Byrne is still a part of the empire, and Loren Turin is also a courtier of the Dessalion royal family-courtiers obey the emperor ’s orders and are right and proper; as a representative of the empire, they are foreign countries. glory.

The most important thing is that since the Centaur War, the Sky Dome has never suppressed Byrne for any reason ... even if it did, it did not happen on the bright side.

The people and nobles of Byrne can only see that the Principality is becoming stronger and stronger, gradually returning to the status it deserved in the past, and the hatred for the sky dome that once split Byrne is reduced day by day-after all, the age of the ancient kingdom has been hundreds of years The previous events, the baptism of the twelve generations and the subtle influence of the church, have led them to accept the concept of "Baiyan is part of the empire".

But Charlotte refused to give up.

She gritted her teeth, and struggled to keep her head down—or rather, watched a “fool” and jumped into the fire pit.

"Is this really the only way?" She asked tenaciously around the round table. "There is no way to stop the ambition of the Sky Dome?"

"I really can't even find a decent excuse. Can I reject the emperor in the sky vault and let him dispel such a vicious idea?"

"Tell me, do you really want to watch this **** ... Does this Duke Byrne jump into the trap of the emperor to die ?!"

Inside the hall, there was silence.

The people around the round table either looked at each other, or bowed their heads to meditate, or they had already made up their minds, closed their eyes and rested their minds; or because of struggling, they had not been able to make up their minds ...

The dark-haired wizard shrugged.

If he really wanted to, he certainly had a "reasonable way" to resign the emperor's "invitation", but no matter which kind of result would not be too good-rejecting the "honorary title" of the embassy's envoy was equivalent to responding to Eckhardt The ultimatum of the world is no different from declaring war positively.

At least for now, at least while Eckhart II, the supreme emperor wearing the "Dragon Aotian template" is still alive, it is wise to "cooperate" with the other party as much as possible.

After all, the opponent is not his real enemy, the real enemy should be ...

"There is a way."


The dark-haired wizard raised his head and looked at the very unharmonious "source of sound" across the board-the president of the Union Chamber of Commerce, Loren's "financial officer" Little Yod was very abrupt, and his eyes were constantly moving in black. The wizard and the countess looked around and showed a meaningful smile:

"As long as there is a major event in the Principality of Byrne, and the Duke himself can't get rid of him, he can justifiably refuse the invitation of the embassy; and reasonable, so that the emperor and the heavenly palace can not find any reason to object . "

"Major event, what major event?" Charlotte and the dark-haired wizard spoke at the same time and asked in unison.

How important is this to be "significant" in order to justly reject the emperor's assignment?

"Cough ... if it's recent, there are indeed things that need the Duke himself to come forward." Cough lightly, Earl Eckert whispered: "The ceremonial ceremony of the new bishop, the alliance conclusion of some dwarf city-states in the south, and ... Um, the Cavaliers Academy of the Fury Castle and the Turin Wizard College of the Red Blood Castle, the graduation ceremony of the new batch of colleges ... "

"But it's too far-fetched to tell the truth, compared with the importance of a mission to a foreign country, it's hard to persuade our own people-to use them as a reason, I am afraid that it will be regarded as intentional by the sky dome."

With that, the slightly frowned Earl of Fury set his sights on Little Yoder, but the tax officer still remained silent, staring at the confused Duke of Bayern and the Countess of Red Blood Castle.

And the corner of the mouth is deeper.

That's right, of course there are reasons, and they are justified and justified.

A sensational whole of Baine, involving both the Duke of Baine and an earl of real power, will make the Turin family to become strong and even to the peak of the marriage, will certainly cause a lot of shock in half of the empire.

No, not half an empire, but the entire empire-this will be a grand event for Byrne's reunification; is it not reasonable to refuse an "insignificant" visit for such a grand event?

Of course, what little Yoder saw was not this, he saw the impact and "side effects" that came with the event-the grand wedding must be accompanied by a large number of dignitaries, and where the crowd went, it was wealth Wherever you go.

Properly used, the Union Chamber of Commerce and himself can take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit, and even promote the Union Chamber of Commerce ’s trading network and bonds to the rest of the Principality to become the creditors of the counts and lords, giving them low interest or even no interest. Interest-bearing loans, and then hollow out the wealth on their territory step by step.

Boyle, Ellerman, Arles, Lotel ...

Just as Little Yode gradually immersed in the beautiful dream, he suddenly felt a cold neck, as if he was stared at by a prehistoric beast from behind!

With a stiff expression, little Yoder, who dare not look back, twitched his throat, and raised his gaze tremblingly, he saw the dark-haired wizard in front of him, and also looked at himself "meaningfully."

"Of course, there are excuses for justification, but ..." Little Yoder, who was trembling, and his swollen face seemed to be breathless, barely squeezed out a regretful smile:

"I agree with Earl Eckert's statement that we cannot confront the empire head-on-it is too inappropriate!"

As soon as the words fell, Little Yoder was like a death row prisoner who had escaped from the gallows. He took a sigh of relief and collapsed on the chair.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, I'm afraid ...

"If the embassy must be sent, the empire should not limit or stipulate the number of missions, right?" Lucien stood up silently, looking at the crowd:

"Then we have nothing to worry about as long as we are prepared and defending."

"Indeed, the Empire's special envoys, especially when they are envoys of the Duke, generally grant great privileges and rarely interfere."

Charles, the Principality of the Principality who finally dared to speak, stepped forward and nodded slightly: "Like the last time Grand Duke Ellerman is the best example, he can even ignore the opinions of other members of the mission and first reach an agreement with the Duke who was not yet crowned. "

"Now the hunters of Wings of the Heavens are stationed in the Red Blood Castle, which is almost the size of a 100-person team." The gray pupils nodded with a sense of understanding: "I will release their tasks now, and all will be transferred to the mission to serve as guards. . "

"You don't need so many people, two or three is enough." The dark-haired wizard suddenly broke out, interrupting Lucien's words with some helplessness: "The guards of the guard should be handed over to the guards of the Red Blood Fort, They are professional-if the enemies are so many, a group of demon hunters who are only good at fighting each other is not as good as the knights. "

"More importantly, we cannot change the original layout on a large scale just because of the temporary intention of the Sky Dome.

"That's right, we can't be turned around by the emperor in the sky vault!" Charlotte rarely agreed with Loren once, crossing his hands together and rubbing them non-stop:

"Since we cannot change the outcome, we should take advantage of this opportunity as much as possible-let the Sky Dome and Prince Sacran prepare a large enough **** group to let them protect our Duke; then notify the principalities along the way, By the way, reach an alliance with them; Elleman, Lotel ... "

"No, this trip should avoid Saklan as much as possible, especially avoid the capital city of Golovin." Loren interrupted the countess again and said in a deep voice:

"Not only that, but also not too deeply entangled with any principality along the way-if possible, it is best not to fight even in the face except for courtesy polite sets."

The moment the words fell, everyone around the round table froze.

A silent round table hall ~ ~ Unattended by all the dark-haired wizards who stared at him, picked up the wine glasses on the table and sipped gently.

Well, the nightingale that has been in the cellar for ten years has a completely different taste and fineness from the red blood ... true fragrance.

"Um ... I think the Duke should mean that we can't give the Empire any chance to intervene." After a while, Count Eckert of the Fury Castle once again stood out to round the field: "If they are really going to set traps, deliberately destroy the peace talks and plant them. It is also possible to blame. "

In the end, even Earl Eckert didn't believe it.

"So, this time you are going to be alone and go to the ancient wood forest alone?" Charlotte Tieqing's face said coldly: "Do you know how much risk this will put Byrne?"

"Who told you to be alone ... I love my life very much." Loren stood up and smiled at the countess: "Lucien ... well, Ain will go with me."

"Ah-me ?!"

The little wizard froze.

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