Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 24: "Troubled" empire

"He agreed?" & 1t; /

In the Principality of Poy, in the barracks of the Sacran Eastern Expeditionary Army, Brandon de Salion took the messenger's letter with "top secret" in his hand, his face unbelievable. & 1t; /

"Yes-ten days ago, the mission and team of the Duke Byrne had been out, and should have just entered the territory of Elmans." The messenger of the wind and dust servants had no time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and he nodded hard.

"According to this degree, it will arrive at the deep forest in the north of Lotel in at most one month." & 1t; /

"One month, so fast?" The surprised red teenager exclaimed, frowning deeper. & 1t; /

I originally thought that even if it was a forced appointment, Loren Turin would have dealt with it at most, delaying time to find a solution to the problem; but according to his current efficiency, I am afraid that he really intends to be an "empire special envoy". & 1t; /

This guy ... is really Loren Turin, his own wizard advisor—when did he become so loyal to the empire? ! & 1t; /

Or did he have other plans, but he didn't plan to discuss with himself for some reason? & 1t; /

The puzzling Brandon shook his head desperately, leaning more towards the latter. & 1t; /

Whatever the reason, Loren Turin has traveled to Lotel. In other words, the support that Bain can provide to himself will become extremely limited in the next three months to half a year; & 1t; /

This means that he originally wanted to put pressure on East Sackland, lift the blockade on himself, and plan to co-ordinate the power alliance of Boyle and Byrne to the Principality of Arles; & 1t; /

This means that if the dear brother really has any thoughts about himself, it will be this half a year; & 1t; /

And the only thing you can rely on and rely on is the Lord of Boe, the maternal grandfather of the scimitar, the asylum of Selika Jonah-it is conceivable that once she knows this, she will definitely be a lion Open. & 1t; /

When he thought of this, the red teenager sighed, and his bright eyes sparkled with tangled light. & 1t; /

Think about it, betray hue? & 1t; /

"His Highness Brandon, the Countess Charlotte of the Red Blood Castle is still waiting for a reply." The messenger who stood up looked carefully at His Royal Highness in front of him: "You have something to give her, or an envoy. Duke Loren of the Ancient Wood Forest ... "& 1t; /

"Wait a minute!" & 1t; /

The red teenager raised his hand violently and interrupted the messenger, his suddenly shrinking pupil shook. & 1t; /

Ancient wood forest, why is ancient wood forest ... No, why must it be Loren Turin? & 1t; /

The explanation of the heavenly palace is that the two sides have a deep friendship ... Crap, if it is a deep friendship, Lotel ’s heir, Ruben Fried, has been dealing with the elves there for the past few years. Is n’t he more suitable? ! & 1t; /

Open up your best helper and break the balance between yourself and your brother? It is possible, but this is not the style of his father; if he is really prepared for a peaceful and peaceful death, he will no longer easily break this balance after supporting himself. & 1t; /

So ... not an internal battle, the enemy comes from the outside. & 1t; /

What happened in the ancient wood forest, so that his father would be so aggressive that he would use threatening methods to force Loren to obey his orders-and decided that only Loren could solve this problem? ! & 1t; /

"The ancient wood forest ... the kingdom of Yar ... what happened to those ghost places?" Brandon de Salion murmured. & 1t; /

………………………………………… & 1t; /

"I'm so surprised ... you don't know." & 1t; /

At the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, Connor de Salion tapped on the table, gazing at the opposite side: "To be honest, this is the first time I am a bit disappointed." & 1t; /

"I'm very sorry, but the night watchman is not always omniscient." Edward the cold watchman with his hands coldly said: "Especially from the heavenly palace, His Majesty Eckhart II-your father's direct command." & 1t; /

"We can tell you that there is indeed this order, where your majesty was at that time, what readings were on hand, the scenery outside the window, the weather, the color of the clothes, the quality of sleep, the color of lunch, the chat of the servants outside the door, the night The sleeping maid ... "& 1t; /

"Only, I can't tell you what your majesty was thinking at that time-because our capabilities are too limited." & 1t; /

clang--! & 1t; /

Thick Sacran's long sword came out of the sheath and made a muffled sound, hitting Edward's thin shoulder with the blade against the edge of the neck. & 1t; /

The night watchman's cheek twitched slightly, his body still. & 1t; /

"Pay attention to your tone of voice, sir." A strong voice came from behind, an undisguised threat: "This is the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain. I dare to disrespect the Crown Prince, I promise you ..." & 1t; /

"Dresis!" & 1t; /

The expressionless Connor interrupted his deputy commander and captain of the cavalry, and slowly stood up: "Do n’t scare our guests, and I think that for a night watchman, a simple threat does not make much sense. . "& 1t; /

"Unless you are really going to kill him, this sword and iron are the same for him-lack of fear and emotion, the best professional quality of an imperial night watchman." Looking at Edward's eyes, His Royal Highness asked softly : & 1t; /

"Am I right?" & 1t; /

"You praised it." Edward was still immobile, neither humble nor humble. & 1t; /

The sword on his shoulder had been withdrawn, leaving only a trace near the collarbone. & 1t; /

"The last thing, Edward, please tell me;" Connold whispered: "This information ... whether it was Rut Infinite, or an adult in the Imperial City who sent you, or ..." & 1t; /

"... Father's meaning?" & 1t; /

Cavalry captain Dresis was slightly startled and slammed back. & 1t; /

The eyes of the Crown Prince, who was not squinting, were sharp, and wanted to get the answer directly from the night watchman's eyes. & 1t; /

"The intelligence itself is not a secret, even if I don't say it, you are not difficult to know." Edward the Night Watcher calmly looked at him: & 1t; /

"But it is the will of His Majesty the Emperor to order me to convey this information to you." & 1t; /

The air became quiet. & 1t; /

Connor de Salion, who didn't change his face, set off a huge wave in his heart. & 1t; /

This is the father ... The great His Majesty Eckhart II is warning himself? & 1t; /

Duke Byrne's emissary was a "compromise" between him and Loren Turin, and he was not allowed to intervene more? & 1t; /

"I see, I should be more than the only one to be warned, right?" Connor looked at him seriously: "Boundary Mountain Fortress ... shouldn't it be your last stop, Lord Edward?" & 1t; /

"Boy's Eastern Expedition Barracks-Brandon de Salion is my last stop, His Royal Highness." Edward's voice didn't stop at all: & 1t; /

"The more capable of carrying a responsible person, the more necessary to be warned and reminded ... This is the words of your majesty." & 1t; /

"Is it? I know." Connold slightly squinted, his eyes extremely complicated, and then turned away. & 1t; /

Edward, who understood the meaning of the other party, immediately retreated and left the Fortress of Fortress. & 1t; /

"Your Highness, shall I send someone to check?" & 1t; /

The captain of the cavalry who was so silent that he could not bear it finally said: "The mission team has just arrived in Elmans. Now, if we do it, our whistleblowers should be able to keep up with Duke Byrne ..." & 1t; /

Connor, who turned his back, shook his head and sighed helplessly. & 1t; /

"Forget it, if my father really doesn't want us to intervene, then it's better not to act lightly." He lowered his head, saying one by one: & 1t; /

"Dresis, you have followed my father for many years-once in your impression, he will easily reveal his ideas and purpose to others?" & 1t; /

The cavalry captain froze for a long time, frowning. & 1t; /

"Not once ..." & 1t; /

Connor sighed again. & 1t; /

"But I'm still curious, what happened to the Kingdom of Yar? Since the death of the ocean-going fleet three years ago, nothing has happened ... No." & 1t; /

Connold suddenly turned around and thought, "Even in the past, we still know nothing about this elven kingdom, and we never really know them." & 1t; /

"Government, national strength, wealth, people ... We don't know anything about them. We only know that the two countries are separated by the misty sea. In any case, they can't cross the ocean to invade us, and there is no need ... The reverse is also true." /

"The misty sea that can't be crossed ... is this false sense of security that allows each other to spend twelve generations in peace, and firmly believes that this 'peace' will continue ..." Connor murmured. : & 1t; /

"But is this true?" & 1t; /

………………………… & 1t; /

"Of course it is true, absolutely true." & 1t; /

Putting down the jug in his hand, the Minister of the Seal, Metternich Leopold, put the full cup of Sacran dry red in the hands of Victor Hughes, and did not care about the bogeyman. Frowned brows: & 1t; /

"In the history of the empire, it is clearly recorded that three emperors once sent messengers to the Yal elves, and the exchanges conducted in private through business activities were countless ... but all failed." & 1t; /

"How is it possible?" The frowning judge put down his glass and his voice was astonished to the extreme: "Eboden's ocean-going fleet trades with the Kingdom of Yar at least once a year-you tell me that the empire still knows nothing about this country ? "& 1t; /

"Yes, I know nothing." Minister Zhang Xi calmly drank his glass of wine: "All the" eagle kings you have seen in the history book warmly entertain the imperial mission and communicate with the ocean fleet " The contents are all fabricated by the historians for the face of the empire. "& 1t; /

"The fact is that our ocean-going fleet and missions have never really been close to this country, and they usually dock at a port on the border; as for the so-called trade, um ... more similar to some kind of reward." & 1t; /

"Reward?" The judge frowned deeper. & 1t; /

"Yes, it's like the" sage "Brandon I gave the gold and iron tools of the centaur tribe to prevent them from harassing the Principality of Poi, so that they can mobilize tens of thousands of hussars northward in the Valley of Blood Skeleton Achieve his extraordinary martial arts. "Minister Zhang Xi sighed: & 1t; /

"Although I don't want to make such a comparison, this is the fact-in the eyes of the Yal elves, the Sakran Empire, which also inherited the blood of the Dragon Kingdom, may be similar to the" far distant barbarians "." & 1t; /

"Of course, this is just my wishful guess. How can only the Yar elves know." & 1t; /

"That's the case." Justice Victor gently yawned: "So when you hear the news that the Yar elves appear in the ancient wood forest, your majesty will feel like a big enemy ... Enemies who don't understand at all are really disturbing. "& 1t; /

"No, not exactly." & 1t; /

"Huh?" & 1t; /

"If you really don't understand it, you will not specifically appoint Duke Byrne as the plenipotentiary envoy." Leopold shook his head: "Your Majesty must have sensed something, or had a hunch, he would not hesitate to coerce. Way, let the empire that is gradually splitting due to inheritance rights reunify under his command. "& 1t; /

"What he needs is no longer a split, factions fighting to maintain a balance between each other, to ensure that neither party can threaten their authority of the Principality Alliance, but to unite closely and deter the empire of the Quartet!" & 1t; /

"What do you mean?" Victor asked rhetorically: "Did you just say ... The Empire and the Yal elves have never had direct contact?" & 1t; /

"Yes, we don't understand. The records of the Yal elves in the historical materials of the empire are almost zero." Leopold raised his head and cast his eyes on the window meaningfully: & 1t; /

"But this does not mean that some people are also ignorant of them." & 1t; /

After a moment of contemplation, Justice Victor suddenly realized: "You mean ..." & 1t; /

"Is there anything hidden in the death of the ocean-going fleet three years ago?" Leopold murmured, his pupils under his brow still clever: & 1t; /

"I don't want to think about it that way, but ... When Ebdon was in turmoil, His Majesty insisted on supporting the Corona family and making the Wizard Tower the ruler of Ebden ..." & 1t; /

"Maybe, it's not an accident?" & 1t; /

……………………………… & 1t; /

"There are no surprises in this world, there are only messages we do not know." & 1t; /

Standing on the balcony of the Nine Stars Wizarding Tower, the older Korona stared at the distant harbor and muttered to himself. & 1t; /

"And our Supreme Emperor, He always knows what the Prophet knows we don't know, so his eyes are farther than that of His Royal Highness and all of us." & 1t; /

"But these long-term visions have always served for a great but selfish purpose; while actively making innovations and refusing any changes-the continuation of the Royal De Saelion, the prosperity of the Sacran Empire." & 1t; /

"Lorren Turin once mentioned a word called ... um ... limitations, yes, that's it; describe that you can see your own shortcomings and deficiencies, but you can't make any changes because of your position and self-factors, sad The best. "& 1t; /

"But we are different. The most dynamic aspect we represent is the curiosity and self-motivatedness of the empire and our entire race; & 1t; /

No matter how it is blamed as evil ~ ~ degenerates; inherited the legacy of 'wearing hat Logan', dedicated to exploring the essence of the power of the void, using knowledge to change and serve itself, while not succumbing to the force of the void We are always progressing. "& 1t; /

"It will be us who will dominate the next era!" & 1t; /

Corona, who was talking to herself, slowly returned—behind him, there was a pipe with a funny expression on his face, and Freswalk, who was looking at him with his crescent eyes. & 1t; /

"It is because you realize this that you can walk so comfortably and leave me such a mess ... right, old friend?" & 1t; /

Genius remembers this site's address for one second. Mobile version reading URL: & 1t; / ...

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