Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 28: Irreparable error

The settlement of the ancient wood forest is built around a cloud crown tree-this ancient tree species will multiply and grow together with the settlement of the elves until the entire settlement is included; the broad platform where the branches gather will form a village, The thick branches are like stairs, connecting these large and small platforms.

With the oldest cloud-crowned tree in the eastern forest, the life of the Morning Star Forest Fairy resembles a fairytale elegance-a tree house with rows of trees that sits on top of the cloud crown; lush, fruit trees and flowers surrounded by birds and butterflies; under the trunk In the shadows of the night, the lonely blue bacteria radiate in the middle of the night; the hunting rivers are covered with ancient stones, ancient trees, animals and birds ...

For the Bayern knights who came with them, their luck was quite bad.

The last time when Loren was sent on behalf of Shenlinbao, although the elves of Morningstar Forest were also hostile to humans, they were after all asking for people and daring not go too far; but this time the situation was completely different. The movement of the empire behind him became a "declaration of war" mission.

For Loren, who entered the country alone, he can only count on the Eastern Forest remembering the "comradeship" of the past, and the emperor of the Heavenly Dome, don't be too pitted, sell him by changing hands ...

"Loren, I'm sorry-I can only let you and Ain, and all your friends here, feel a little wronged here."

The leader of the former Morning Star Lin Zhan Dancer, Lucca, who was entangled, said helplessly: "We will communicate the news of your visit and your request as soon as possible, and we will have a reply within a day or two at the earliest."

"And Liya ... she did that, and there were reasons for her--maybe the attitude was different from what she showed, but she was really thinking for you."

A glance at the female elf who had gone away but was still hiding in a corner of the helmet; Luca wanted to continue to argue, but it seemed that it was out of some kind of unspeakable secret that prevented him from bringing out the truth and discernment he knew.

The dark-haired wizard smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Luca sighed and turned away.

In the large and small room, only Loren and the small wizard, Lucien, and the two accompanying wizards; as for the Bayern knights, they were collectively "placed" in another large long house opposite.

Looking at the two young war dancers standing outside the door named Guardian, in fact, the smile on Loren's face faded.

Although Luca finally persuaded the female elf Liya and the elders of Morning Star Forest to let the mission enter the settlement, all weapons and accompanying items were confiscated; almost nothing fell except the personal clothing.

They were put under house arrest, as Loren had promised.

The only exception is that there is only a small wizard—it is a wise decision to let Ain go with him. Compared to himself, the elves here obviously trust the small wizard more.

This shows that they did not really forget the friendship of the past, but that the general trend had to do nothing.

Very good, but also a breakthrough.

Loren looked calm.

So far, what he should have done is almost done, and then he can only look at the attitude of the ancient wood forest elves; if they are willing to negotiate, they can continue to understand the ins and outs of the whole thing;

If you do n’t want to… Lorren believes that the high efficiency shown by Eckhart II during the Centaur War will be up to three months, and the Empire ’s Legion will be Chen Binguotaier, eliminating all possible hidden dangers. Sprout state.

Either use the means within the rules to compromise with each other to reach a consensus; or use an iron fist to reason and eliminate it physically.

This is the style of the empire's behavior, and Eckhart II may be the most thorough and efficient one ever implemented.

There was no sound in the quiet room.

The nervous little wizard was sitting in the corner, and the confusion in her eyes had never disappeared-she didn't know what was happening until now, so that the elves of Morningstar Forest became what they are now.

An indifferent gray pupil leaned against the wall, calculating how to use the shortest time to raid two heavily armed war dancers with bare hands.

The two wizards who accompanied the clerk sat across from each other, their indifferent expressions seemingly unaware of the situation at hand.

"Loren, what should I do next?"

Ain raised his head and did not forget to lower his voice-from Liya's attitude, it can be known that even the elves of Morningstar Forest are very cold towards the emissaries of the Empire.

At this time, we must be careful.

"It's very simple, we only need to do one thing." The look turned indifferently, and Loren looked at the little wizard with a smile: "Wait."


"Wait." The black-haired wizard repeated.

The little wizard was puzzled, and even Lucien behind the door slightly showed a surprised look.

When breaking the boundary of the mountain fortress, he could use his life and the lives of his two people to force Connor to face the confrontation;

In the glacier wasteland, it not only broke through the encirclement and suppression of the army of monsters, but also counterattacked and killed the apostle Faouda;

As for the later Dragon King City, the Imperial Judgment, the Red Blood Castle beast, the Round Table Council, the Centaur War ... In the impression of the gray pupil, it seems that I have not seen Loren particularly patient or waiting to die.

There is no opportunity to create opportunities, and if you are surrounded, you will be surrounded. Adversity killing is his best.

"We can do what we can do, we have to do it. The next thing depends on the attitude of the elves." Raising his mouth, Loren deliberately did not hide his voice: "So, now we can only wait."

Gray pupil and Ai Yin looked at each other, and seemed to find no place to refute.

In addition to doing so, it is completely inconsistent with Loren's past habits.

"Of course, while waiting, we can do something else." Feng Feng turned slightly, and Loren continued to say: "For example, before the elves have made a decision, we can take this opportunity a little bit more. Find out the whole story. "

The little wizard and Lucien were even more stunned. Isn't the cause and effect of the whole thing clear?

The dark-haired wizard raised his head expressionlessly, staring at the two wizards sitting opposite.

The two men joined the mission team just one day before their departure. From the Bain Wizards Guild-yes, after the establishment of the Turin Wizard College, the wizarding organizations from all over the thirteen leaders were finally brought together and formed The Principality Guild-temporarily transferred.

So even Ain knew nothing about their identities, and the two of them kept a low profile along the way to avoid dealing with others.

I saw that the one sitting on the left slowly stood up without raising the magic wand in his hand, but stretched out his left hand; Lusien's eyes suddenly fixed-"caster"!

"Slap!" Snapped his fingers.

Light and shadow flashed through, and the room seemed to be covered with some blue transparent liquid.

Silent like water.

This time even the small wizard opened his mouth in consternation ... "Silent as water" is not a particularly deep spell, but Mentor Dalton mentioned that generally only night watchmen use it, that is to say ...

"I heard that Master Dalton Kander has recently improved" Fortitude as Ice ", but I still feel that" Silent as Water "is more comfortable." With a lazy smile, the light-hearted wizard took off the hood, "Change "A face that the little wizard was very familiar with, and even his voice became different.

"Are you ... Peter Fasha ?!"

"The night watchman of Ebdon, the watchdog of the Nine-Man Star Wizard's Tower-I'm so glad you can still remember me, His Excellency Ain Rand." Peter Fasha enthusiastically bowed to salute:

"Sorry, something happened to keep you away for so long."

But the shocked little wizard did not look at him, but thought of another thing, suddenly turned his attention to another "wizard" and muttered in a low voice:

"Voice of voice change, as well as the falsification of true disguise-only those who can do this ..."

"The leading adventurer, poet, and alchemist of the entire empire."

With a distinctly old tone that was completely different from his appearance, there was also a very narrow smile on the face of the "young" wizard, as if quite proud:

"Forgive me for bragging, but being able to conceal my apprentices so smoothly-or the most 'satisfied' apprentice, will inevitably make people a little bit excited."

"Master Ashamai ?!" Ayn almost blurted out.

Loren, "shocked" by the scream of the little wizard, couldn't help glancing at the two elves and dancers outside the door, still unaware of his back to the door.

This "silence is like water" effect is almost comparable to a soundproof wall. It is simple and convenient. It is a very practical spell ... if the time is right, there may be other uses ...

The dark-haired wizard shook his head, dispelling the crankiness in his mind.

On the other side, the stunned little wizard still had his eyes wide open, looking at Peter Fasha for a while, Master Ashamai, and Loren, who had known it all for a while ...

"Well, what the **** is going on?"

Why did Ebden ’s night watchman, as well as the veteran of the wizard tower, Master Harlemfan Achamai hide in this way in the mission team?

Lucien, who was equally astonished, also looked at the dark-haired wizard curiously.

"Why ..." Loren smiled and looked at Peter Fasha unconsciously, before turning his gaze to Ain: "Of course, to make His Majesty Eckhardt II of the Sky Dome believe me. Loyalty. "

Absolute decentralization, all negotiation matters with the elves are left to the Duke Byrne to deal with, the power is monopolized, and the adaptability is flexible.

What about the ghost?

Even for his second son, Brandon de Salion ... Eckhart II still put Edward a night watcher beside him as an eyeliner to monitor his every move during the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain.

Loren also believes that there must be a similar person beside Crown Prince Connor, even everyone who was "committed" by Eckhardt II.

If you switch to yourself, what are the possible exceptions.

Of course, if Loren knew that Commander-in-Chief Princess Fitlonay was also "offline" of Rout Infinite, he would not be surprised by this kind of thing.

As the person in charge of the night watchman at Ebden—although temporarily—Peter Fascha can certainly hear the ridicule in Loren ’s words.

"His Majesty Eckhart II certainly believes in the loyalty of Duke Byrne who returned triumphantly in the Centaur War." Peter smiled happily and gazed at Loren meaningfully:

"After all, who will use a spy that has been exposed to monitor this spy's friend?"

The dark-haired wizard shrugged.

"Besides that, I also have intelligence from Ebden-the investigation results about the death of the ocean fleet three years ago, and the current situation of the Wizard Tower." Peter changed the topic very interestingly, changing everyone's Attention is drawn from his identity:

"The main purpose of this trip is to use the information already in the hands of the night watchman to assist Loren to complete this mission."

"By the way, record all the actions of Lord Loren and submit them to His Majesty the Emperor in the Sky Dome after the mission is over." Squint looked at the night watchman from behind and said coldly:

"That's right, His Excellency Peter Fassa?"

Looking at Peter Fasha with a slightly embarrassed expression, Loren hesitated and decided not to interfere.

Peter is different from Edward. Although he is a friend, he is absolutely loyal to the night watchman; he needs a person who can be vigilant against him at any time.

"Master Nahalim Fan Achamai ..."

"Master Harlemfan Ashamai, among us ... no;" Loren shook his head and looked seriously at the little wizard: "It should be the only one in the entire empire, who has really visited the Kingdom of Azores, and People who have a clear understanding of the water, soil, people and culture there. "

"His knowledge and understanding of the Azores are just as important as what Ayn you mean to the ancient wood forest elves!"

"But why do you have to conceal your identity?" The little wizard who frowned slightly at Meiyu still couldn't understand: "Is it to avoid letting His Majesty the Emperor ... oh?"

Ayn responded immediately-to avoid being known by the emperor ~ ~ Who made Peter Fascha's disguise?

But if not to avoid the emperor's eyeliner, who would it be?

"Yes, Yi Rong is to avoid people's eyes and ears, but not to avoid being known by His Majesty." Master Azhama slowly said:

"It's for the Azores ... if they really arrived in the ancient wood forest, they couldn't be prepared and guarded against the Duke's arrival."


Yes, when he first met Master Ashamai, he said that he had visited the Azores kingdom and was aided by an elf lord.

"Although I'm not sure whether it was as I expected, if it is true, then I must use this method." Just as the little wizard wanted to continue to question, Azhar slowly said:

"I must hide my eyes and ears ... because when I was young and ignorant when I visited the Kingdom of Azores, I probably made a big, irreparable mistake!"

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