Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 42: I didn't expect it

The heavy knock on the door resembled the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu, which echoed for a long time.


All elf elders held their breath and stared at the main entrance of the long house.

The door that was suddenly knocked was beyond everyone's expectations.

Midel, back to the door, said nothing, his expression stiffened in his face.

The nervous little wizard did n’t even dare to look back, for fear that he would see the most terrifying image in his mind—the female elf Liya walked into the long house with a sad face, holding the head of the black wizard With a trembling and painful voice, he told himself: "I'm sorry, Ain, I can't betray my own clan, I can't betray Chen Xinglin ..."

No, no! She promised herself that she would not hurt Loren!

Silence lasted a whole minute.

"Who is it?"

The first one who could n’t hold back was the elder of Arazuka Foresta: "No matter who it is, do n’t you know how sacred the elder ’s deliberations are? No one can open this big fan until the deliberations are over ..."

"Boom ... Boom--! Boom--!"

Three violent knocks on the door, like a ruthless ridicule, hit Elder Forest Lin ’s face, making the grumpy elder cheeks red, and was pressed back by the companion beside him with a lot of effort On the seat.

Middlel still had a smile on his face, but it was no longer as gentle as it was at the beginning, a little colder.

The Wuyueting War Dancers who have defended the Yunguan Tree have all taken refuge in themselves. The only Morning Star Forest Dancer who has the potential to report the news has also been placed under house arrest. As much as their siege of war dancers, even if they escape and escape, they will be blocked under the Yunguan tree ...

So what happened?

At this time, it should never be possible for someone to run out and disturb himself by "persuading" the elves and elders to completely sever ties with the empire and turn to the kingdom of Azores-their blood relatives.

Where did something go wrong, who ruined his plan ...


With a loud noise, the door was knocked open.

The heavy impact sound echoed over and over again in the long house; the dazzling light shot from the gate into the entire darkened hall.

At almost the same time, all the elves and elders in the house couldn't help squinting and turned their eyes to the door; the little wizard and Midel, who turned away from the door, also turned their heads in tacit agreement, either in fear or in fear. Looking surprised.

A lazy and laid-back figure appeared outside the door and walked towards them step by step.

"Sorry, sorry ... You guys, really sorry."

The languid tone didn't have the sincerity to apologize at all; but it made the whole hall silent without any movement.

The leisurely footsteps stopped, and the visitor tilted his head, very calmly glancing at the whole long house for a week-shocked and confused elders, azure-faced Azores ... and his eyes were full of worry Ain Rand.

He said lightly: "I'm late."

"Loren— ?!"

The little wizard exclaimed, and the color of surprise flashed in her eyes—she almost had to do her utmost to resist the urge to pounce over and hold the other person in her arms.

How many times, how many times do I really think he was taken by Liya ...

"... Anyway, you are finally here, Lord Loren Turin, or ... Emperor of the Empire, Duke Byrne."

When the long house was still full of fog, or at a loss or in a state of suspicion, the elder of Morning Star Forest took the lead to stand up and bowed slightly to the dark-haired wizard:

"But I must remind you that once the door of the elders' house of parliament is closed, it cannot be opened unless it is halfway through the end, otherwise it will cause scourges-more importantly, it is a great disrespect for the customs of elves."

The elder's voice was powerful, as if the elders were condemning the juniors; but Loren, who lowered his head, had heard what he said, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The fact that you came late has made other elders in the settlement very dissatisfied. We lowered our posture, and our Morning Star Forest will stand on your side-this is what the elder Chen Xinglin said.

"Let me sincerely apologize to you again, all kind and honest elders ... Although I have also visited Morning Star Forest, I don't really understand the customs of elves."

Loren was not humble and overwhelming, and at the same time kept Ai Yin behind him without traces; the little wizard who was completely in surprise was as good as a rabbit: "However, speaking of customs, there are special words in the vocabulary of the empire One used to express different races ... "

"Don't discuss any customs again!"

Elder Wuyueting, who recovered from the shock, quickly stood up, staring nervously at the dark-haired wizard: "Please tell us first, how did you enter Wuyueting and how did you get around? The guards of the Wuyue court dancers outside the door ?! "

The long house became quiet again, and elders with different expressions all frowned at once—especially the elders in Wuyue Court, who felt a bit of breathing difficulty.

"Guard? I didn't see any guard." Loren bypassed the first question deliberately and replied lightly: "If you mean that the few heard my name, they rushed up to kill me Guy ... um. "

The laid-back Loren recalled something that happened not long ago.

He had intended to find a way to rescue Liya under house arrest. As a result, this female elf was still as alert as she used to be.

I helped her down the second.

Then there were several war dancers guarding the crown of the cloud, and they rushed like crazy when they heard their name; but they were lucky, because there was no need to restrict anything this time.

The rock will destroy the terrain, divide them one by one, and then the spiritual horizon determines the coordinates of each one, picking them up one by one ... The war dancers who encountered magic for the first time, were completely caught off guard.

Sure enough ... a bright and serious dive in is best for you. It is really dangerous to engage in ambush and sneak attacks; anyway, as long as no one sees you, no one blocks you, no one knows that you have infiltrated.

Yes, it is like that.

"I have made them pay the price they deserve."

Such an answer made the expressions of the elders more and more ugly.

The due price ... what kind of price is the due price?

Do all the Wuyue Court dancers who defended the Yunguan Tree were given by the duke alone ...

The elf elders wanted to exclaim "This is impossible!", But the fact is that the other party stood in front of themselves intact, and even a guarded war dancer did not appear outside the door.

In the long house, there was suddenly another silence.

Until the grumpy Elder Forest Lin broke it again.

"What's the matter with the army of the empire ?!"

Suddenly standing up, Elder Forest Lin pointed at the face of the dark-haired wizard and yelled: "You said that you came for friendship and peace, but quietly mobilized thousands of troops to hoard at the border of the ancient wood forest. Is this also a manifestation of empire friendship and peace ?! "

The horrified little wizard shrunk his neck and slammed his lips.

Only this problem cannot be avoided in the past.

She knew that the mobilization of the army had nothing to do with Loren, and it should have nothing to do with Lu Wen. It was probably the teachings of Duke Lothal and His Majesty Eckhart II of the Sky Vault ... but this was not the case in the eyes of the elves, They would not distinguish the "Duke Byrne" in front of him from the empire behind him.

In their view, the elves were deceived by the empire, and they used their unilateral "trust" to deceive them with the so-called "peace and friendship", but in fact they secretly wiped out the elves of the entire ancient wood forest.

Although this sounds ridiculous, the elves do think so; as for the majesty the emperor of the heavenly palace ... he may well be able to do it!

"Let me answer your two questions separately. First of all, the empire mobilized troops gathered in any corner of the empire, which belongs to the interior of the empire. It has nothing to do with the elves of the ancient wood forest." Loren looked around and smiled. In response:

"Just as the empire will not interfere with how the elves hunt, the elves should not ask how the empire will mobilize his army-this is a sign of friendship and mutual understanding between the two sides and a prerequisite for peace."

But although the elders of Arazuka Forest were irritable, they were not stupid, and they did not eat this set of "fools" of black-haired wizards: "Yes, then if we put thousands of warriors on the edge of the forest to 'hunt', Is the empire ... "

"Secondly, I have a very detailed message to you about the army assembled by Lotel." Loren replied suddenly, not forgetting to glance at the elder Akazuka Lin who was interrupted by himself. :

"Sorry, you asked me to answer the question, at least please let me finish."

With a cold snort, Elder Lin Lin, who was bitten by steel teeth, sat down violently, his face full of anger after being "humiliated".

A contemptuous smile slipped across the dark wizard's eyes.

"First of all, the mobilization of the army itself is true. It is indeed the order from the Sky Dome." With his hands on his back, Loren said in a deep voice:

"But the building of a fort at the border, and the fact that thousands of troops are to be stationed, is nothing more than nothing!"

"How do you know?" Elder Arashika Lin still couldn't hold his temper.

"I just know." Loren glanced coldly: "Because I am the emissary appointed by the emperor of the heavenly palace, and among my followers, there is also a guard from the heavenly palace."

"If you still don't believe it, then you can detain us in the Wuyue Court, and wait three or five days to see if there is an army of thousands of people crossing the border of the ancient wood forest and attacking the elven settlement! "

Faced with Loren's extremely assertive "manifesto," the voice of rebuttal in the long house suddenly weakened a lot.

"But I'm curious-the matter about the transfer of Lothal's army is very confidential even inside the empire. In addition to the Grand Duke Lothal and the mobilized knights, even I know it through His Majesty's bodyguard of."

Loren stepped forward, ignoring the Azores beside him, and deliberately looked at the elves and elders in the long house with confusion: "Excuse me ... how do you know?"

The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

Ain standing behind Loren, as well as all the elves and elders, invariably cast their eyes silently on Tieqing's continually silent Middler.

Feeling that the Azore elves locked in all eyes were still calm on the surface, their hearts were completely overflowed with inflated anger.

He finally understood what was going on.

This "Duke Byrne" called Loren Turin, he first sneaked into the Wuyue court under the pretense of "Edward", and obtained the desired information from his own hands; then he deliberately released the imperial mission and let himself Misunderstood that he found his painful foot and attacked arrogantly. When he was about to finalize, he stood up and ended, smashing his plan.

This is an opponent who is more cautious than a snake, and more cunning than a wolf ... It is his own care.

But although you are clever and big, you are just making yourself smart-the war dancers gathered in the Wuyue Court have begun to siege the camp of the imperial mission, the seeds of hatred have been planted, and they can no longer be pulled out.

Even if these decayed and weak, inactive elves and elders are reluctant, they can't avoid the war with the empire, they can only turn to themselves and the kingdom of Azores.

The winner of this game ... is still himself!

"it's me."

With his hands on his back, Middlel raised his gaze calmly: "I found the news and told the elders."

Loren turned his head, his eyes still full of confusion and curiosity: "Sorry, I am here for the first time today, may I ask you ..."

"Do you need such pretentiousness among friends? Um ... respectable" Edward "?" Middlel lowered his voice deliberately, narrowing his eyes and facing Loren:

"It's a really good method, it's unexpectedly wonderful-but it's a pity that even if you really have the ability to go against the sky, you can't go back to the sky right now."

"You mean ..."

"Your little‘ empire mission ~ ~ is currently besieged by several and even dozens of enthusiastic war dancers, and they will all be dead within a quarter of an hour. ”

"These corpses, this hatred ... is the elf's declaration of war to the empire!"

"Really?" Loren chuckled. "But why didn't you think that, since I know this, why can I stand here now and talk to you calmly?"

Middlel raised his head with a trace of amazement in his stunned eyes, as well as a fear of some unforeseen.

"I am the Lord of the Thirteen Lords of Byron, the Duke of Turin; the dwarf's fortress fell at my feet, and the Centaur tribe overturned in front of my eyes; I overwhelmed the army of ogres and ripped off the apostle of the evil god; My army has conquered grasslands, crossed glaciers, swept hills, and leveled the ground. "

Loren condensed his smile, raised his head slightly (this was also learned with Charlotte), and glanced at Middle with a contemptuous look:

"Dare to ask ... who do you think I am ?!"

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