Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 44: Endgame for 2

In the House of Speakers of Wuyue Court, the eyes of all elves and elders are focused on the gate, waiting for the next figure to break in.

The Azores and the dark-haired wizard standing in the middle of the "dance floor" looked at each other with four eyes, standing still on either side of the gate, waiting for the final result.

The pieces have fallen, and the dice have been rolled ... The rest is for each other's confidence and luck.


The gate of the House of Representatives was once again violently opened, and the cheeks of Elder Wu Yueting sitting in the front row shook violently with a helpless sigh-this is the second time today.

Lucca, with a dignified look, stepped forward and stepped into the long house without squinting; just as his figure passed through between the Azores and the black-haired wizard, the expressions of both sides immediately changed.

Looking at Middle, whose expression was slightly stiff, Loren's expression was "arrogant" as always.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your deliberations!" Faced with a pair of doubts or nervous eyes in the long house, Luca stood in front of the elders and said coldly, "But there is something that must be Let everyone here know! "

"Just a quarter of an hour ago, at least nearly a hundred war dancers gathered to launch an unpredictable attack on the imperial mission visiting the ancient wood forest; within the settlement of the Wuyue Court, within the cloud crown symbolizing peace An extremely **** fight broke out under the tree! "

Although it has been known for a long time, when this sentence was spoken from the war dancers of Morning Star Forest, the elders of Wuyue Court still looked a little ugly.

"In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further and destroy the meeting between the empire and the ancient wood forest, the entire Wuyue Court was summoned to the soldiers who were willing to respond, and the imperial mission was transferred to the place where the morning star forest was. Dancer. "

A solemn middle-aged elf said sharply: "They claim to be 'to protect the freedom of the clan and blood relatives, and are not deceived by the rhetoric of the empire'. They claim that all this is a spontaneous move, and firmly deny that they were instructed. "

"But as far as I know, the despicable person behind the scenes is now in this long house of deliberation." With a sneer, Luca's sharp gaze swept to the silent Azores behind him:

"Dear Lord Middle, do you think?"

There was silence in the hall.

Instead of answering him immediately, Middlel turned his head and looked out at the door under the water vapor, a lush, vibrant misty moon court, as if the eyes behind him did not exist for him.

"This beautiful scenery, such a rich settlement, such a noble and proud bloodline." The Azore elf sighed.

"I originally thought that the blood relatives living in the ancient wood forest must be more simple, brave and proud than the Azores who have been under the eagle king for hundreds of years; I never thought that you are so greedy for charity. Peace. "He frowned slightly and shook his head at Luca:

"It's such a shame, Your Excellency Luca; I once thought you were the most loyal war dancer to the ancient wood forest; unexpectedly, you would contribute your loyalty by pleasing foreigners."

"That's because my loyalty only targets the ancient wood forest, not the kingdom of Azores behind you." The middle-aged elf replied coldly, not caring about the irony in Middle's words:

"We respect blood relatives from afar, but don't mistake this respect for allegiance; we are proud and independent ancient wood forest elves, not courtiers of the eagle king!"

"The fate of the ancient wood forest elf belongs to us only!"

Lucca's words fell, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed; the elder elders, who were still embarrassed and nervous in embarrassment, looked at each other, and they all showed approval.


A crisp applause sounded in the long house.

"Slap, crack, crack ..." The unchanging Azore elf actually applauded. In the gentle and indifferent expression, a pair of appreciative eyes looked at him coldly with him; a lone applause, long The room is unusually harsh:

"It's a good talk, and it's wonderful. The future of the ancient wood forest elf should be left to the ancient wood forest elf to make his own choice. No outsider can intervene or set his beak."

"What do you think? Do you also agree with the view of the ancient wood forest and His loyal loyalty to his blood relatives?"

After he finished, he casually turned his eyes to the elves and elves behind Lucca; he saw a pair of angry and complicated, tangled but terrified eyes.

Yes, they also hesitated.

On the one hand, except for the Morning Star Forest and the Eastern Forest, the remaining elves did not have much affection for the empire and even held hostility; although the words and actions of the little wizard and the guarantee of the elder Morning Star Forest have resolved a lot , But the mistrust and estrangement between the two races, want to completely eliminate the problems that can not be solved by a meeting.

On the other hand, Midel from the Kingdom of Azores gave them more choices, especially the Fog Moon Court, which was dissatisfied with the empire, and could not refuse the temptation of each other-through a war to make the elves of the entire ancient wood forest truly To unite, instead of being scattered, there is no power to fight back against foreign enemies.

This includes the siege of the imperial missions-the real dissatisfaction of the elders, especially the elder Wuyue Ting, is that the other party did not discuss with them and acted without authorization.

Looking at the elf elders in silence, the dark-haired wizard in contemplation squeezed his fists involuntarily.

Although he successfully disrupted Midel's plan and exposed his anti-guest conspiracy completely; the key to this game still depends on the attitude of the elders.

From this moment on, the two sides truly stood in an absolutely fair position, allowing the ancient wood forest to make a dilemma.

Is it to build peace with friendship and empire, or to fully embrace the blood of the Azore blood relatives?

In contemplation, the dark-haired wizard turned the afterglow of the corner of his eyes to the Azores who were still safe.

The decision of this game is in the hands of the ancient wood forest, but ... Middle will never give up, and will definitely try to regain his initiative in his own hands.

The key is only what will he do?

The cards in the hands are all used up, the situation created by deliberate thoughts is also destroyed and everything is back to the starting point.

Does this Azores really ...

"... It's hard to decide, right?"

Middlel raised his head, the gentle smile still in the corner of his mouth, with empathic eyes in his eyes: "It is indeed a very difficult choice."

"Originally your choice was very simple, only blood relatives of the Kingdom of Azore opened arms to you; but now the empire has stood up and told you with her majestic and incomprehensible voice that you still have a second choice. "

"Foreign and siblings, one is far away from the outside, the other is on the side ... It's really difficult to make a decision; because once you choose one of them, you will definitely offend the other, or even be an enemy."

"For the elves of the ancient wood forest, this should be the scene they least want to see? Obviously just for the future of the ethnic group, but they have to push the ethnic group into a tragic war destined for broken homes and scattered wives. ... is there anything more absurd than this? "

Middler stood in front of the elders, sighing, as if really really thinking from the perspective of the ancient wood forest.

That's right, it seemed like that night ... the dark-haired wizard narrowed his eyes.

"Everything happened so suddenly that you have no time to prepare or even think! Now the situation is that you must be here, right now and now, make your decision immediately, this decision will be related to the ancient wood The future of the forest elves. "

Middleton paused and said in a deep voice: "And, this future will come soon."


The bitter words sound echoed in the ears of all the elders.

But only a few realized what he meant.

The dark-haired wizard frowned slightly, and Midel's words seemed to reveal a certain threat, but it was not like just talking about it.

What exactly does he mean ... The empire is on the border of the ancient wood forest, and it is not difficult to mobilize the army to invade and fight back, but what about the kingdom of Azores? Have they been able to make thousands and even tens of thousands of troops cross the misty sea and invade the empire?

is it possible?

Loren stared at Middel's expression desperately, hoping to find an answer.

But in the next second, Middler said again: "But I think this is very unfair."

"Yes, which side is the freedom of the ancient wood forest, even blood relatives should not intervene; but the elves of the ancient wood forest are innocent. They are not because of their own desires, but because of outsiders, Had to make a change. "

"Because of me ... and the arrival of the respected Duke of Byrne, Lord Loren Turin, you have to make such a dilemma; wrong, it is not you, it is us ... It is some kind of purpose for us Just, hastily visited your settlements and homes, forcing you to choose among us. "

Looking up, Middlel sighed: "This is too unfair to the innocent ancient wood forest!"

"What the **** do you want to say ?!"

Slightly aware of something wrong with Luca, he finally interrupted the Azores who were still going on.

Middlel chuckled and turned his gaze to the dark-haired wizard on his side.

"I heard that the elves of the ancient wood forest have retained a long tradition, called the" War of Honor. "Middlel said with a smile:" I also heard that there are similar customs in the empire. For 'Judgement before God'. "

"The interesting thing is that the Azores also retain such a tradition, using a one-on-one duel, let the gods and all the audiences as witnesses, and use victory to determine who is the righteous side."

Middlel stepped forward, standing back to back and staring at Loren: "So ... since the source of all contradictions comes from me and the honorable Lord of Loren Turin, it would be better for us to represent the king behind us Come to a fair and just 'War of Honor' and decide the future of the ancient wood forest! "

In the long house, the elves and elders were all surprised!

The elder of Wuyueting stood up panic, trying to stop.

"This is absolutely not enough! Both are guests of the ancient wood forest, we can't just watch one of you ..."

"What do you think?"

Middleall ignored the "poor" old man and looked at the dark-haired wizard with his eyes intently: "There is no need for any extra sacrifices, just one of you and me is enough."

"The glory of the winner will lay peace with the ancient wood forest, the corpse of the loser ... is the best declaration of war!"

The Azores, whose eyes are burning, contain the fire that can spew out at any time in their pupils, and there is endless fighting intention.

I'm desperate for this game, do you dare? !

"Mr. Middle, please reconsider!" Luca quickly stepped forward and stopped at the side of the Azore elves: "This is a settlement of ancient wood forest elves. The elders present should decide , Not privately between you and Lord Loren ... "

"You are wrong, Lord Luca." Middlel interrupted him with a smile, but his eyes never left Loren's face: "This is what happened between me and Duke Byrne."

"To be more precise, it is the thing between the eagle king and the supreme emperor behind us, the Azores and Sacran-between these two, the ancient wood forest can only do one thing ..."

"... that is to watch quietly, as a witness of the two, and wait for the final result!"

The middle-aged elf with the iron-green face glanced at the dark-haired wizard who was silent all the time, and could only take a step back silently ...

"Your plan is indeed seamless, almost torn apart all my arrangements." Middlel stared at Loren: "But I am not going to give up immediately, as you said ..."

"I am also very confident in myself!"

"Really?" Loren also raised his head ~ ~ also smiled: "But why are you so confident that I will answer your request and duel with you?"

"Because if I leave here alive, you can't be at ease— just as I can't." Mild Middle, his eyes gleamed with complex luster:

"In the end ... the two who once shared the month of Ji Xia, only one can live to see the moon in midsummer next year."

"Still say ..." Middlel suddenly chuckled and glanced at the elder elders stunned beside him, "You are really willing to give them the power of choice?"

Loren raised his mouth slightly, and to some extent the other party's murderous intention and self-confidence also affected him.

The little wizard held his breath and involuntarily grabbed Loren's clothes.

Because she really saw the confidence in the eyes of the dark-haired wizard and heard the words in his mouth:

"I accept your challenge!"

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