Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 49: The road to the south

With Middler's defeat and death, the "Azole Elf Incident" that disturbed the ancient wood forest for several years was finally declared over.

But to the elves, it seems that everything has not changed, but in fact everything has changed.

In the past, the settlement model of decentralization, closedness and self-sufficiency has been quietly crushed. Even if the elders of each settlement are no longer happy, they have to recommend their own representatives to make the "old wood forest elves" as a whole. Otherwise, it is impossible to talk to the "monsters" like the Empire or the Kingdom of Azores on an equal basis.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the elves scattered in the entire forest in the past are gradually moving towards a unified whole through the cultural intimacy, blood connection, and close unity.

Whether it is deliberately or deliberately, the idea of ​​"confluence and unification" that Middlel brought from the Kingdom of Azores is letting the elves of the ancient wood forest understand the direction of the independent country.

Even in the past hundred years, the elves have established three systems of elders, war dancers, and settlers, and they already have a basic framework of a "state".

External influences, internal needs, war with ogres ... One day, a powerful, elven kingdom hidden in the forest will rise strongly in the western part of the empire and can no longer be ignored by the empire.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for the empire is still difficult to say; only one Loren can be sure that once this "national process" begins, it will never stop, only as much as possible in its development process Affect them.

But for Loren, this matter is absolutely delightful-because once the path of unified development is reached, it is impossible for the elves to isolate themselves in the forest. They will certainly establish contact with the outside world; The "peace" connection is naturally all kinds of trade.

Although Baine and the ancient wood forest are separated by an Elmans and Lotel, distance is a cost and a wealth for merchants; if used properly, Loren can pass the influence of Baine through Lotel-also It was Ruben Fried—expanding to the west of the empire, which in turn affected the east and elevated the status of the south.

In this way, Byrne no longer confined his influence to the south, but a "continental" state with "international influence" and mastered the "empire's foreign trade and land development strategy", and he no longer has to succumb to the East and the West. Under Great Sackland.

Forming an alliance with Lotel can also disperse the pressure of the empire—Crown Prince Connord—to separate a powerful principality from his influence; even if he cannot join himself, he can at least remain neutral.

Even Loren imagined that he could hire a group of ancient wood forest war dancers to join Byrne ’s military system through the trade route, as battlefield scouts and assault light infantry.

In this way, Baine ’s army can be divided into heavy cavalry based on the Baine knight system, hussars based on the Poi style, and medium-sized lance squares based on the conscripts;

Dwarf-based extremely heavy war halberd phalanx, wizard tower system and professional crossbow-based long-range support and logistics, elf system-based front-line reconnaissance and sweeping ambush light infantry.

This war system includes the traditional system of recruiting militia and knights, as well as professional mercenaries and free militia in the tribe.

It's a big deal to imitate the practice of Silver Helmet Mountain, and it's not bad that a forest is set up for them by the Earl of Red Blood Castle.

This kind of system of "one state, multiple systems in parallel", with the Turin family as the core, the Bayern thirteen leaders as the main body, the Chamber of Commerce's trade union system as an expansion, and a variety of polities and races, will become a new way for Bayern Powerful.

He thought about the name, the name of this system is ...

"Are you going?"

Outside the house of Wu Yueting, the unbelievable dark-haired wizard stared at Luca in front of him, his expression almost unexpected. "Why?"

"It's not that we have to go, but a decision made jointly by the elves of the ancient wood forest. After two and thirty years, the second" Expedition Hunt "was held for the second time." The middle-aged elf's expression was indifferent, just like Loren Will be surprised:

"The goal this time is the southern forest-we are going to wipe out all the ogres entrenched in the ancient wood forest and rebuild all the southern settlements!"

"A few years ago, you captured Yongye Forest and killed Metzka, the evil spirit in the forest; since then, the ogres have no heads and are scattered throughout the southern forest; the elders think that it is the best time to counter the south and regain their homeland. opportunity."

Loren didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

"Naturally, only the war dancers who gather all the settlements can achieve it." Luca continued to add: "In order to rebuild those settlements and not be reoccupied by ogres, you must mobilize other settlements to migrate south."

"Therefore, headed by Wuyue Court in the north and wasteland forest in the west, they will all migrate south, cross the large tree wall, recapture our land in the forest in the south, kill our enemies, rebuild our homeland, and thoroughly Revive the homeland two hundred and thirty years ago. "

The middle-aged elf sighed: "It is impossible for such a large-scale expedition to have no movement at all-telling you is also to inform the empire in advance to prepare you; in addition, it is to hope that Lothal Duke and Empire can provide some help, especially iron and supplies; elves, we will thank you in our way! "

Looking at Luca with a somewhat embarrassed expression, the dark-haired wizard finally spoke.

"So ... this is how you thank you?" Loren asked in a low voice, and looked at him with his eyes: "Abandoning his homeland, moving collectively-hiding far away, neither side is guilty?"

Lucca gave Loren a deep look: "You are smart, so I don't think I need to explain anything."

The black-haired wizard was startled, his head slightly bowed.

Yes, this choice is the most helpless choice for ancient wood forests.

They abandoned the kinship of blood relatives and concluded peace with the empire; but this does not mean that the elves really trust the empire, but they are forced by reality and have to do nothing.

No matter which side you choose, it means fighting with the other side ... The messenger tragically died, no matter what the reason, the eagle king of Azores would not accept this result; it would not be possible to change to Loren himself, Will definitely make a comeback.

The elves of the ancient wood forest would certainly not be willing to meet the blood relatives of soldiers and soldiers, so for them to migrate south, avoiding the open battle between the Azores and the empire, even if they adhere to the "peace" commitment to the empire.

"All the elves?" Loren still refused to give up.

"This is a common decision of all the elders, that is, the decision of the ancient wood forest." Luca said in a deep voice: "Of course, obedience is still voluntary; as far as I know, there are some war dancers and Wuyueting in the west. Young elf, decided to stay here. "

"In addition, only the elves of Morning Star Forest will leave a part-responsible for communicating with your empire and exchanging the necessities of the forest for the southward migration with the specialty of the forest."

Middle-aged elf smiled: "She will stay."

Loren raised his eyebrows.

"I do not quite understand you."

"She quarreled with me a few times and wanted to join this" big hunt "even if she was just an ordinary war dancer, just an ordinary elf warrior ... I refused." Luca paused and said softly: " The back of the elves still need to be guarded by good enough dancers. "

"Also, although she has never spoken, I can still see and hear clearly." Lucca's expression was meaningful:

"Liya ... she never forgot you."

The dark-haired wizard can only keep a polite smile.

The middle-aged elf sighed: "If I can, I originally planned to stay on my own, but the Southern Expedition is important, and I can't rest assured; I can only leave Liya in the Morning Star Forest."

"She is young and vigorous, simple and strong, but very vigilant-the most important thing is that she is responsible for staying behind, and you can be smoother when dealing with the ancient wood forest." Luca looked at Loren with a smile:

"I found on the way to Wuyue Court, you have been trying to bypass the empire, borrowing your friendship with the Earl of Shenlinbao, the future Duke of Lothal, and establishing a relationship with the ancient wood forest, right?"

Loren's smile became a little awkward.

"Whether you want to do business with Gumu Forest, or ... the word you said is ... Flick? Let the young and flamboyant dancers fight for you, I believe you will at least not deliberately harm Ancient wood forest. "

Mild Luca did n’t notice the flash of surprise in Loren ’s eyes, and his expression was very sincere: “And Liya ... no matter what you want to do, no matter what she says, I know she wo n’t refuse you . "

Loren ’s expression became more and more unnatural: "Uh ... Lucca, I think you probably misunderstood something; really, I ’m not married yet, um, then Liya and I are really pure old comrades ... "

The middle-aged elf raised his hand and interrupted him silently.

"Loren, help me ... help Liya."

Luka ’s eyes added a pleading: "I know this may make you very embarrassed, but I can only trust the Empire, only you and Ai."

"Although I do n’t know how his emperor thought about it, he wanted more than peace from the elves, right? Well ... if he wants this forest, we can give up some; we wo n’t participate in you In the dispute with Azores, we will go south and fight the ogres as you wish. "

"But don't let the elves of the ancient wood forest become the victims of your conflicts and disputes; I only hope that you can do what you can to protect Liya and Morning Star Forest ... only this one request."

"In case, I mean in case, the war really spread to the ancient wood forest ..."

"I will do my best to use all the resources I have to migrate the entire morning star forest settlement to the Principality of Byrne-there is the south, and it is absolutely safe unless half of the empire falls."

Lorren stepped forward and took a deep breath with her teeth clenched: "But I don't guarantee that she would be willing to listen to me, I can only say ... just by voluntary."

"She will listen, she will." Smiling Luca yelled, as if finally relieved: "As long as you personally persuaded, she must listen."

Looking at the "Tuo Gu" expression of the middle-aged elf, Loren really didn't know what to say.

Was relieved, and Luca, who was completely relieved, finally left with satisfaction; Peter Fasha, who had been waiting around the corner, finally came out quietly.

"You are leaving too?"

"The mission mission is over, and I have no reason to continue to" surveill "you." Peter Fasha chuckled and looked at Loren jokingly: "Unlike a night watchman who has been 'incompetent'. , But I am worried all day long. "

Lorren ripped the corner of his mouth.

Yeah, speaking of it, my name is still on the roster of the night watchman, and according to the system, it is still "subordinate" of Rut Infinite.

Although the master of the night watchman, I never think of how to let my "subordinate" die as soon as possible ...

"Relax, Loren, your missionary ’s resume is perfect this time, and no one can accuse you of course-of course, there will be a lot of rumours on the side of the crown prince, but it does n’t matter, you probably wo n’t care. "" Peter smiled, and then his expression became more solemn:

"For this information, I will report to His Majesty Eckhart II with no details, hoping to cause vigilance in the Sky Dome ... Our neighbors across the misty sea are not as" peace-loving "as we imagined . "

The black-haired wizard nodded slightly, agreeing by default.

Although he felt that His Majesty the Emperor of the Heavenly Dome was probably already aware of this.

"In addition, I suggest that you better not delay too much time and return to the Red Blood Castle as soon as possible." Peter continued: "Whether the warning of the Azores is intimidating or not ~ ~ In the empire, Chi The Blood Castle is still the safest place for you. "

"Master Harlemfan Achamai is right. You are the key to Byrne. The rise and fall of the entire Principality are tied together-not to mention the battle between the Crown Prince and His Highness Brandon is heating up. Only by sitting in the south can the stability of the empire be guaranteed, let alone ... "

Peter, who just wanted to say something, suddenly stopped embarrassing his expression.


Besides ... what?

The dark-haired wizard raised his eyes curiously.

"Uh ... this is actually not my turn to tell you, but ... just the day before we entered the ancient wood forest, I received a letter from Little Yoder of the United Chamber of Commerce." Peter's expression was a little embarrassed :

"At that time, I thought you had to face the problem of ancient wood forest, and I never told you, so now ... I think you should go back as soon as possible!"

Sent by Little Yode?

Raised his eyebrows, and Loren took the letterhead from Peter, who was a little embarrassed: "I guess ... is it related to an adult bishop?"


"The problem is serious?"

"It should be ... very serious."

Peter smiled awkwardly. ...

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