Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 64: 1 year period


The sound of breaking the sky resounded through the night sky.

The boiling sea of ​​fire is divided into two from the center-the elf girl's petite figure leans forward, holding the long knife in her right hand, maintaining the position of drawing the sword at the last moment; the sparks of unburnt embers around her, along with the white hair Scattered around.

The embarrassed elven boy snuggled behind her, staring at each move of the dark-haired wizard with vigilance, his hands remained in the state of "light spot", and did not fully recover.

"whispering sound……"

Looking at his two intact "guests", the dark-haired wizard couldn't help but sip, very helpless.

It's difficult.

If there is only one, you can still take it easily with the cooperation of the demon hunter who added the wings of the sky; but two ... you have to consider opening the valve.

But according to some "Evil God Boy", once you open the valve, you may put a guy you don't want to see from the void into the material world.

Considering how much he hated the guy, Loren didn't want to take this risk.

While the two sides were deadlocked, the surrounding demon hunters and accompanying wizard wizard casters had regrouped, enveloping the two elves, without dripping water.

"Wings of the sky ----" Lu Jian, who had Qingjian in his hands, opened his eyes and just made a mistake, causing Loren to leave the captive. The situation of facing alone made him feel inexplicable shame, and his expression was somewhat distorted. :

"The two assassins who dared to attack the Duke lively-dare to resist and kill without amnesty!"

In the next moment, a dozen magic circles appeared at the feet of two elves at the same time.

At nearly the same time, the unwilling hunters of the demon raised their sabers and clenched their alchemy bombs with their left hands behind them, each rushing from different directions.


The shadow of the sword flashed at the same time as the aurora, and the stalagmite clusters turned into debris at the moment of the rise, and the agitated dust enveloped everyone.


The light of the knife flashed, and the violent smoke was suddenly separated; the elven girl standing with the knife stepped forward.

The next second, the girl's knife was approaching Lucien with the sword.

"Dang yao!"

The long and narrow blade ripped apart the "steel blockade" of the two sharp blades, and took the pupil of the gray pupil straight to the door, stopping at a position less than three inches from his eyes.

At about the same time, the dragon knight's gun in Lucien's right hand also penetrated within three feet of the elf girl and held her throat.

"I have an offer!"

The hunters around saw the captain being held hostage and stopped at the same place, vigilantly guarding against it.


With a yell, the dark-haired wizard raised his hand and stopped the guard knights who wanted to swarm behind him.

Seeing the enemies around him no longer stepping forward, the elf boy hiding behind the girl was relieved, but still looked around alertly, the jewel pendant in her hand shone with light.

"Let us leave, within two days, don't send someone to chase us down." The elf girl's naive voice, babbling, said: "This is our request, and the only request."

"What about your conditions." Charlotte, who wanted to speak behind him, stopped, and Loren said in a deep voice, "Isn't it something that doesn't hurt me anymore?"

Then I advise you to save it because they now want to 'harm' you! "

The elf girl shook her head.

"With a period of one year, after one year, Lolly will challenge you alone ... being bright and fair." The girl spoke lightly, her expression regaining her calmness from the previous state stimulated by Lorren:

"Before that, Lori assured you that no elf warrior would appear in your court!"

The elf boy behind the girl was surprised and looked back suddenly: "Sister, you shouldn't really want to ..."

"Anson, step back!"

The elf girl who was pressed against her throat by Lucien with a short sword, stopped the teenager behind with a knife that didn't change her face.

The next second, she gently pushed away the blade in front of her neck, and in Lucien's startled gaze, Bi Gong bowed to the dark-haired wizard with respect:

"Is it here to fight for your life and death, so that your subordinates can die in vain; or with Loli after a year, with their own glorious beliefs, use their hands to decide the victory-the choice is yours!"

The dark-haired wizard stared at her stunnedly.

She ... wouldn't it be serious?

In all fairness, this choice is indeed very beneficial to you; the cathedral has changed, and Dalton's tutor is still alive and dead; and then continue to fight, I am afraid that there will be more casualties ... The injured self is not 100% sure.

In exchange for peace for a period of one year, there will be no more elf warriors to raid the Red Blood Castle; not only to get enough repair and preparation time, but also to protect the Principality that is still developing from harassment.

But the problem is ...

"Why should I promise you?" Loren twitched his lips, his eyes fixed: "Not to mention ... you don't have any evidence or reason to convince me."

"There is only one reason!"

The elf girl bowing to salute suddenly became formal:

"Sir Loren Turin, you are the Duke of Byrne-and Duke Byrne will never refuse a fair and just duel!"

In an instant, the dark-haired wizard looked stiff.

Not only the guard knights behind, but also the hunters of the wing of the sky turned their heads, their eyes focused on Loren.

I almost forgot about it!

Each Principality has its own cultural traditions, moral standards and behavior habits, or the "spiritual beliefs" that it pursues diligently.

For the Bayern people, this belief is the "chivalry spirit";

And the core of this belief is "honor is above everything."

This belief allowed the earl of the 13-leader of Byrne to unconditionally loyalty to his suddenly emerged "Turin", and allowed more than 20,000 people to follow him on the Great Green Grassland without any regret or regret. Another **** battle; let the entire Principality stand behind him unreservedly when he "makes a claim".

This is both the strength of Byrne and her most fatal weakness.

For honor, Byrne ’s army would rather fight deadly on the battlefield than choose a retreat tactic that can preserve its strength;

For honor, the Duke of Byrne must not refuse a duel, even if the opponent is his own enemy!


Silent Lorraine looked at the elf girl; under the silent night sky, you could still hear the footsteps of the street in the distance.

In the distance, the top of the cathedral is still burning.

Is it the vertical tiger returning to the mountain and choosing another day to fight again; or is it necessary to take advantage of the fact that the situation has been controlled now, and the other party will win the battle with heavy casualties?

While Loren was still hesitating, Charlotte behind him suddenly stepped forward.

"Okay, we agreed!"

Ok? !

Loren was startled and stared dumbstruckly as he stepped forward, leaving Charlotte with only one head behind him:

"For a period of one year, after one year, Duke Byrne will choose the location with you, and under the joint witness of both parties, will decide the life and death!"

The next second, all eyes returned to the dark-haired wizard.

The black-haired wizard with a stiff expression froze for a second, quickly regained his composure, and silently nodded.

When Charlotte spoke, he had no room to refuse:


"Then it is so decided." The elf girl nodded, her expression indifferent: "A year later, Lori will naturally come to the Red Blood Castle; or the Lord Duke visits ..."

"Wait!" Charlotte interrupted her coldly:

"I haven't finished speaking yet!"

The elf girl is annoyed and annoyed: "Then ... please continue."

"Since the party who is dueling is you, the rules of duel must follow Byrne's customs." Charlotte raised his head slightly:

"And according to the custom of Byrne, the party who puts forward the duel must show enough sincerity."

"What should we do to express our sincerity?" The blindfolded elf girl raised her head and asked softly.

"It's very simple, hostage." Charlotte slowly crossed his hands in front of his lower abdomen, and lifted his waist: "Self, or your loved ones ... stay in Red Blood Castle as a hostage."

The expressions of the two elves changed at the same time, shouting in unison:


"Without a hostage, how can we make you believe in your sincerity ?!" Charlotte raised his eyebrows, and suddenly said sharply: "I clearly want to use this as an excuse to deceive the Duke to let you go!"

"Knight of Byrne, what are you waiting for-this despicable and shameless person is simply not worthy of living, killing without forgiveness!"

The situation changed suddenly!


There was a bang.

There is no warning, the sudden glare makes the surrounding demon hunters instinctively evade, and at the same time retreating, they do n’t forget to throw the alchemy bomb; the roar of the burst of fire is mixed with the glare, and all the surroundings are closed for a time. Human senses.

The stalemate elf girl and Lucien in the confrontation also had to choose to separate; even such a nervous young boy with gray pupil still put up a sword with both hands and was always ready to fight back.

After ten full seconds, everything returned to its original state.

The teenager who had just "hidden" behind the elf girl, now opened her arms to block her behind. The wide robe was covered with the traces of the explosion and the scars left by Lusien's retreat.

The elven boy who was panting repeatedly was embarrassed.


"A question about sincerity ... I have a proposal!"

Charlotte was slightly surprised, but nodded complacently: "Please speak."

"It is absolutely impossible to leave hostages-not only because of the wishes of the elder sister, but also the majesty of the eagle king. It is impossible for us to fulfill our commitments by doing so."

The chest was violently ups and downs, and the expression of the elf boy was extremely difficult: "But we can tell you all the intelligence networks that the Red Blood Fort and even Bain have owned by us, which we have bought."

"In exchange for this, you can still have one year to prepare ... how?"

After speaking, the elven boy stared at the nervous emerald green eyes, staring at the black wizard and the countess, waiting for their final reply.

This proposal is good.

Charlotte's eyes lit up, and he looked back and looked at the dark-haired wizard behind him.

What do you think, do you want to agree? Charlotte raised his eyebrows without changing his face.

Increase the price, the information they know is definitely more than that! Loren's expression was indifferent and he twitched the corner of his mouth.

"It's just the intelligence network of Bayern. We can dig it out ourselves." Looking away, Charlotte pretended to look at the other with contempt. "If it is sincere, it is too cheap!"

"So what else do you want?" The elf boy asked.

The countess snorted: "It's simple, we want all the intelligence networks of the kingdom of Azores in the empire."

"Impossible!" The elf boy categorically refused: "Not to mention that I don't even have it, even if we are there, we will never say that, you still give up!"

"Is it?" Charlotte narrowed her eyes, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "That's no talk, wings of the sky--"


The elven boy quickly raised his hand and stopped, his expression tangled to the extreme: "I don't have the entire Imperial Intelligence Network, but ..."

"Byan, Boye, Lotel!" Charlotte said quickly:

"Do you always have these?"


Taking a deep breath, the elf boy was almost squeezed out of the teeth.

"The intelligence networks of the three principalities, plus information about the 'Four Courts', changed the lives of you and your sister." Charlotte, with a cold face, deliberately took a step forward:

"And ... you have to guarantee that within a year, the warriors of the Kingdom of Azores must not infiltrate the Principality of Bayern privately-can it be done?"


The teenager's hands clenched into a fist unconsciously.

This is no longer a simple exchange, but to sell all humans fighting for the Azores!

After such a thing, how many humans would be willing to loyal to His Majesty the Eagle King? !

But he can only accept that everything is for the elder sister, the Zade family and the imperial warrior ...

Charlotte nodded slightly and nodded to Lucien; the gray pupil who received the order immediately directed the demon hunter to retreat around.

The always-silent elven girl suddenly stepped forward and threw her Azor's sword to the black-haired wizard.

"This is a famous knife passed down through the generations of the Zade family as a witness to our duel." The elf girl said seriously: "The next time I meet, I will get her back."

"... With your head, Lord Lord Byrne."

Dalton raised his eyebrows ~ ~ looked at this azoel-like knife that looked like a stick and was so simple that he couldn't even see it.

Turn around and give it to the dwarves of Silverhelm Mountain to study and study.

"Take care, Lord Lord Byrne, I hope we can meet again next time." The elf girl said softly: "In addition ... Please also give me greetings to Master Harlem van Ashamai on behalf of Anson and me."


"Sincerely ... Greetings?" Loren, who was stunned, almost blurted out:

"What greeting?"

"It's just that ... I am not filial to my great grandchildren, and I can't stay in front of the bed to take care of his old man. I'm really sorry; when I came here, my father and grandmother had asked Lolly to say hello to him and take care of him."

The next second, under the stunned gaze, the two elves gradually turned into light spots and disappeared into sight.

What the hell? !

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