Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 66: Turbulent Empire

The first thing that happened was Lotel.

Because of the ancient forest incident, the heir of Lotel, Earl of the Deep Forest, Ruben Friede had been prepared before returning-Lu Wen, who was consciously aware of it before he arrived, entered the Eagle Hunter Castle with the Knight of Aaron Chang exchanged identities.

Sure enough, at midnight that day, Knight Chief Aaron was assassinated!

No one noticed from above or below the castle, the guardian knight outside the door died quietly; the seriously wounded dying knight Aaron fell into a coma, the only hanging rope was a name he kept meditating in his mouth.

Puppet show.

Looking at the "Shadow Sword" in his hand, Lu Wen immediately understood that-the elven assassin looking for vengeance was ambushing inside the Eagle Hunting Fort.

The father who could not close the door all day long, seriously wounded the dying knight of Aaron, the answer was near.

The opponent's goal is himself ... and the entire Frid family!

After contemplating Lu Wen's consideration, he released the news of his assassination first, and then announced that his coronation ceremony would be held ahead of time. I would like to invite all invited guests to arrive early.

There are two reasons for this-first of all, holding a coronation ceremony allows him to justify the control of the Frid family, and even the military power of the upper and lower Lottery; now there are thousands of elites gathered by the emperor's order outside the castle. Strong preparedness;

Secondly, this is also a kind of temptation; if the opponent is really an elf assassin, then assassination is not his first goal, it is to create chaos; assassination under the eyes of the coronation ceremony is absolutely 10,000 times stronger than the assassination effect. .

In short, this is a bait placed in the bright place, and Zhengda brightly tells the other party that this is still a trap.

Everything works as he expected.

From sending out invitations to coronation ceremonies, nothing happened for a whole week in the middle, and Lu Wen's heart sank to the bottom-the other party was apparently preparing to kill himself under the eyes of the public.

On the day of the coronation ceremony, he finally left the room and walked to the sun in the presence of Grand Duke Frid in front of all the guests. He died suddenly on the spot; the original ceremonious ceremony immediately became chaotic!

The fleeing guests, the aristocrats and knights who fought against the sword, the panicked lady ladies ... they could n’t control it.

Even more surprising to Lu Wen was that he had prepared in advance to maintain the order at the scene, and he did not play any role at all-because among the guests from all over the place, a team of night watchmen was mixed in!

In addition to this, the entourage actually had Demon Hunters from Byrne, the church's "Shield of Defence", and the caster group of Ebden!

This group of guys who didn't even touch each other in the past, gathered together like "premeditated" this time. At the same time when the turmoil started, they began to hang together to kill the "suddenly" elf assassins.

After the controlled living dead (puppets) were destroyed and destroyed, it was found that the invincible elven assassin did not fight like the elder warrior of Byrne, but chose to escape arbitrarily; worried that there were also night watchmen ambushed by the same party Without chasing, let the other party leave.

At this moment, the news from Byrne finally arrived in the hands of Ruben Fried.

Dressed in a large cloak soaked in the blood of his father, Ruben Frid, holding an Azore sword, expressionlessly stood at the messy ceremony site, shouting the names of the traitors, and then the oath knights of the church Execute on his behalf.

In the screams and cheers, he was officially crowned as Lord of Frid, Duke of Lothal.

But this is just the beginning ... The massacre caused by the intelligence network connection is as devastating as the consequences; even with the endorsement of the Heavenly Dome and the Holy Cross Church, there are still many brave and brutal Luotaiers who dare to rebel "Thorn head".

In the next few months, the long sword and bow and arrow in the hands of Ruben Freed must be stained with the blood of the clan.

"Has been premeditated?" Looking at the description on the letterhead, Loren showed a strange smile on his face.

"The night watchman should have been ambushed in Lotel when His Majesty ordered the assembly of the army of Lothal." Luisen nodded: "As for the shield casters and the caster regiment of the wizarding tower, they should also be unaware. Under the premise, ordered by the sky dome ... like our people. "

Therefore, this group of people, together with Lotel's elite mobile army, are the cards of His Majesty Eckhart II that are sufficient to "contain the invasion of ancient wood forests". They are just one of the bait and choices he released.

Well, why are you not surprised at all?

With a self-deprecating chuckle, the dark-haired wizard continued to watch.

Because of the distance, Elleman and Boye received news about the elven assassin almost simultaneously.

There is also no preparation time, aware of the exposed elf assassin, invariably choose to start the night!

The assassination lineup of Salika Jonah against Brandon de Salion and the Grand Duchess of Poi is called "luxury"-after the engagement, the number of assassins is no less than ten, and all are wielding. Azores long sword, can use the "four courts" samurai of "Samurai Way";

The soldiers are divided into three groups, and two groups pretend to create opportunities, sneaking all the way to take the Duke Castle.

The goal is also very clear ... Raid the Thousand Account City, kill the imperial prince and the Grand Duke of Boi, and then create as much chaos as possible.

They successfully managed the second point, but unfortunately failed to achieve the first point.

Neither the silver armor of Poey's silver armor nor the "black wall" of the empire has encountered such an energetic enemy that cuts the gold and iron.

Although they have been prepared for a long time, their performance in the first encounter ... is not much better than Byrne's guard knight.

The traitors in the city were taken ahead of time, but several checkpoints and secret doors were still opened; all the guards guarding the narrow alleys, the corridors and the walls of the city, mistakenly thought that the narrow terrain was not conducive to the assassins ’defense forces ... it was completely wiped out.

However, Brandon, who didn't trust his father and Ruth Infinite, besides a very small number of trusted night watchmen and demon hunters sent by Loren, did not allow such people to exist at all.

Poy, who has always been at odds with the empire, is always mentioning the penetration of the forces of the defensive night man and the sky dome ... Therefore, there is no "equivalent" combat power with the elf assassin beside the two.

The two of Salika and Brandon in the Duke ’s castle were almost watching the level fall one after another, and the elite men under their command died one after another ... The big city of Poy, the thousand account city, became the other party. Go to a free place!

The elf assassin, who paid the price of two deaths and two injuries, successfully penetrated into the core of Thousand Accounts City, Duke Castle.

But within the castle, there is not even a figure.

The elven assassins immediately awakened that the Duke ’s castle was a bait and they were fooled.

But late!

Not waiting for them to retreat, the escalating dragon Milasis had lowered his anger, and the rock-built Duke Castle was suddenly enveloped by fire; the raging flames were mixed with poison gas and poured into every room from the castle's doors and windows!

Under Longyan, all beings are equal.

Since the establishment of the Thousand Accounts City, the Duke's Castle, which has stood for hundreds of years, has collapsed and collapsed into the scorched black ruins along with the nearby city walls and streets in the sea of ​​fire.

The elven assassins who failed to retreat, the loyal guards who were still fighting against the enemy, the dying legionnaires, the servants who knew nothing about them ... The dead and the living disappeared into the sea of ​​fire together.

Countless deaths and injuries, half of the city destroyed, the corpses with no bones ... Finally, the elf assassins ran away; only two indistinguishable bodies were left for Brandon and Salika.

The anxiously sullyka immediately ordered a hunt, even insisting on catching the gang of assassins herself; when she was forced out by Brandon, she was forced to hold it.

After she calmed down a bit, she got another message.

The first elite hussars sent to pursue the assassins were ambushed along the border between East Sakland and Poi, and the whole army was wiped out.

The silent machete granddaughter finally stopped impulsive, and instead called on all the herdsmen of Poi to begin to gather in Thousand Accounts City; thus, all the horsebacks in Poi and even the Great Green Sea entered the state of war preparation.

But this kind of order also aroused the chaos of the whole Boe-after all, the recklessness of the horseback people is a well-known thing; the destruction of the Duke ’s castle hits Selika Jonah hardly. Rumors about him and Brandon's death are even circulating everywhere in the Great Green Sea.

In particular, the small Boyi territory, which had originally complained about the Jonah family, was rebellious. In a short period of time, Salika Jonah had to devote all her energy to rebellion and stability, and had no time to take care of the outside world.

The only luckier one is Brandon; Poi is too far away from the capital, so as long as there is no definite news, he need not worry too much.

"His Highness Brandon believes that this time Duke Byrne and his own assassination may be a good opportunity." Lushen said in a deep voice: "On the one hand, you can test out some swaying guys in the camp; on the other hand You can also take the opportunity to hide in the dark and see what happens to your Royal Highness. "

The dark-haired wizard nodded, and he was not worried about the prince.

"So ... what about your brother?"

Lord Ellerman, Lucien ’s half-brother, Julie Wiltz.

The gray pupil who heard this sentence shook all over, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Ah ... that guy." With a snorting, awkward Lucien said sideways, deliberately with a careless tone:

"I'm still alive."


What is the answer?

"... alive ... yes, that's what the letter says." Loren said with a urge to laugh, and said "seriously":

"But what I want to hear is the specific details, and the situation of Grand Duke Würz-this is related to the diplomatic relations between Ellerman and Byrne, and even the relationship with the Sky Dome."

The accented dark-haired wizard deliberately used the term "Duke Wurz".

Lucien's expression finally became serious.

"Ellerman got our reminder, but the elf assassins also responded quickly, and the assassination began at midnight that day."

"The general process is similar to that of His Highness Brandon's-although the swordsmen of Elleman fight desperately, but the elf warrior is an enemy they have never dealt with, and the preparation is very inadequate, so the casualties are heavy."

"For the first time the short soldiers met, the personal guards of the Wiltz family were killed by one-fifth. The inner castle and the court were broken by assassins. Many people were already brutally poisoned when they were still unaware."

"Nobles, civilians, maids, servants ... It is said that the assassin's ability is related to" blood ", which can turn the sprayed blood into venom, arrows and blades." The gray pupil's expression was dark, and his teeth clenched instinctively:

"The other party is not an assassin at all, but an out-and-out lunatic, a murderer ... like slaughtering livestock, hunting in the court, killing, destroying and creating chaos, spreading fear!"

"After nothing was done, Grand Duke Wurz used himself as a bait, and led the madman to the deepest prayer room in Ellerman Cathedral-there were all" silent "runes, and their samurai approach was like magic. It was severely suppressed and unable to exert its original strength. "

"Yuli Wiltz, alone in the prayer room against the assassin who came to kill him."

"There is no reinforcement, because it will be found by the enemy; there is no weapon in his hand, because he gave his sword to me ..."

With a deep voice, the dark-haired wizard could feel Lucien's self-blame.

Loren nodded slightly: "Then ... caught?"

"Let him still run." The gray pupil shook his head and said softly with his head down: "Abolished his hand, but Grand Duke Wiltz was equally injured and severely comatose-his left eye was dug out by the pervert . "

The dark-haired wizard sighed.

So ... Is this a game of barely five or five?

Byrne, Lotel, Boye, Ellerman ... Except for Ebden and Arles, there was almost no loss in the major principalities, and even the whereabouts of the other party were not captured.

Ebden is not easy to speculate, but it can be imagined that Arles, which is already chaotic and remote, will not be much better this time.

Five Grand Duchess, one dead, one unconscious, one unknown, two injured ...

And this is not the whole combat strength of the other party!

"The information in the Imperial City is still unknown ~ ~ But the sky dome seems to be a little bit difficult to judge." Gray pupil continued: "If you want to find out what happened, you have to wait and see. Let ’s talk about the situation. "

"A lot of rumors?" Loren raised his eyebrows.

"Very many, from His Majesty Eckhart II to the sky dome palace has been controlled by the Azore Elves, and all this is a conspiracy designed by the Desalion family ... foreign enemy attack, noble rebellion, royal rebellion, each There are all kinds of them. "Lucien frowned and shook his head:

"But basically there is no credible value, it is more like a blind eye method that is deliberately released; well, it is similar to His Highness Brandon's idea."

This is not to be surprised-if there is a son, there must be a father.

"So, Master Dalton Kander still recommends that you turn your attention to the clues we already have." Lucien reminded: "The elf warrior caught by us is imprisoned at the bottom of the wizarding union. The digging information has been almost digged, but ... you might as well try it. "

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