Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 72: in the church

"Yorun Eckert, a brave and noble Knight of Brian;"

Inside the Bain Cathedral, the atmosphere is utterly annihilated;

Everyone was silent at the scene, and there was inextricable grief in their eyes.

Loren in a black dress stood in the front row of the crowd, glancing at the side of his own, but also a simple but solemn Countess of the Red Blood Castle; Charlotte slightly nodded, his face was irony, and he could not see a little bit in his eyes. Sad.

Some are just endless anger, and a trace of remorse and self-blame.

"A pious and humble servant of the Holy Cross;"

On the main altar, Weber, who held the scriptures, looked solemnly—as Bishop Byrne, the work of praying for the dead should be handed over to the deacons below; He was killed that night, and the rest was distributed to the entire Red Blood Castle. There was no more manpower; he could only do it by himself to preside over the funeral.

Although the priest has always emphasized that the church should be kept away from politics, he is not ignorant of people's hearts; for the Red Blood Fort immersed in grief and anger, a solemn funeral can reinvigorate them and unite people's hearts.

"An indispensable companion around us has inherited the bloody, loyal and loyal friend of Eckert from the Fortress of Fury;"

The dark-faced Count Eckert, with his head down, knelt on one knee in front of the coffin, his trembling right hand supporting the edge of the coffin with great effort, his erratic eyes evading, daring not to look directly at the figure lying inside.

The old man, who had lost his soul, suddenly collapsed; his temples were white and **** eyes were dark yellow.

After the post- "Black Duke" era, the imperial governor's era, and the "new Byrne" era, the Count of Fury Castle, which experienced three supreme emperors, lost its last direct bloodline after losing its son. A veritable "solitary family".

"He used his own body to block evil and terror from where we can't see; with red blood like wine and noble and pure soul, he proved his undoubted oath."

With a touch of sad nasal voice, the little priest who endured the sorrow still said aloud: "He who keeps the promise will be blessed; the warrior who died to keep the oath will be detached from the world."

"Today, we do n’t cry for the death of the deceased, because all mortals have a death; today, we respectfully send him away, spreading his noble spirit of loyalty, humility, bravery and fearless enemies to the world Every corner of the world! "

"They are the bravest spirits in the Holy Cross Kingdom, the brightest stars shining on the land of Byrne; it is because of the existence of Yoron Eckert, and behind him there are dozens, hundreds, thousands Wan brave followers; Byrne ... can be proudly called the land of knights! "

"So, friends ... please don't cry; because sadness is the last thing that noble people who have given their lives would want to see;" the little priest who spoke softly turned slowly, his low voice as if comforting the children:

"The hero chose noble sacrifices not to leave a world full of sorrow and gloom; but to use his life in exchange for the sun to rise as usual the next day, everything is as usual."

"This is not only the will of Holy Cross, but also their will!"


At the end of the funeral, the people gathered in the cathedral still did not disperse; the faint conversation, crying, still continued from the door to the corridor outside the door.

The dark-faced Earl Eckett sat paralyzed in front of the coffin, accepting the condolences and relief of the guests present one by one, nodding mechanically, and still not recovering from the grief of the death of his loved one.

"Yolun Eckert is not married, but he has a six-year-old nephew." Outside the corridor, Charlotte, holding the door frame, silently watched the figure of Count Eckert, his voice was low:

"The Earl of Eckert said he wanted the child to inherit the last name and title of the Eckert family, and I promised you."

"I also promised to make him a member of the Duke's personal service ... Yolun's position as chief of the court's guard was left to him until he was twenty years old; when he succeeded to the title, he would succeed as deputy dean of the Knights of the Duchy.

The black-haired wizard said nothing, and defaulted on this result.

Although it is not a compensation, at least it is an account of the always loyal Earl of Eckert.

"It's all my fault, it's my unprofessional proficiency ... that led to this result."

The hoarse voice was shaking, and Charlotte, who looked down, widened his eyes like a drowning man gasping for breath.

"If I didn't order Uron Eckert to go to the cathedral, he should stand beside me intact ..."

"If, if I didn't make my own promise to promise you that one-year contract, we could have tried our last breath and won those two culprits ..."

"If I didn't force you to stay with me that night, if I didn't appear there pretentiously, I wouldn't ..."


Charlotte shuddered as he felt his right hand suddenly holding his shoulder.

"Charlotte, you have done very well ... better than many people." Standing behind the Countess who blamed herself, the dark-haired wizard said softly: "Among all of you, you are the one who needs no blame. "

"but I……"

"If you don't speak, I still have to choose one of the two." Charlotte, who interrupted the pale and hurried rebuttal, Loren pressed her shoulder right hand slightly:

"You helped me make a very difficult decision without letting more people sacrifice ... I am sincerely grateful for this!"

The eyes of the countess clenching her lower lip were still full of sourness and grief, and she showed a little tenderness very rarely.

"The most important point is that we didn't lose ... are we?" Carefully sighed, the dark-haired wizard barely smiled: "The enemy's plan fell through-the assassination did not make Bain and the Empire confusing, but because The common enemy has become more united. "

"What's more, in fact, even if their plan is simply defeated, it can be regarded as a victory to a certain extent." Loren continued to comfort: "You forced two strong enemies away with promises and vows for Bayern. Having won a year's opportunity is already a great advantage. "

"After all ... this is no longer just a threat from a Principality, but an enemy facing the entire empire; the other party is trying its best to attack, wanting to defeat without paying a price, or even destroy them completely ... that is wishful thinking!"

"well said!"

The next second, a very abrupt voice came from the other end of the corridor.

Black long-sleeved trench coat, underneath is a slightly tight dark riding suit, the thick heels of the leather boots make this person look half-headed than they should be, and specially use messy brown Curly hair covered half of her face.

Brendan and his envoy, who came from the Principality of Poy in the name of "Consolation for His Excellency Euron Eckert".

Of course, regarding the true purpose of the other party, Byrne also knew everything.

"The Centaur War is one thing, and the invasion of the Azores Kingdom is another matter entirely." The messenger said while walking, "Unless the entire imperial power is gathered to launch a full-scale war, you will definitely lose. . "

"The only way to do this is to end the split within the empire right now, to regroup all the forces under one voice, and fight the enemy in a deadly battle!"

Seeing the other person's figure getting closer and closer, Charlotte just snorted a little softly, and proudly stood up and turned around, leaving the two with a straight back.

Surrounded by consternation or strange eyes, the Countess of the Blood-Red Castle, who was ashen-faced, walked away quickly, disappearing without a trace in the crowd.

Duke Byrne, who was "thrown in place", could do nothing but keep a steady smile.

"It seems that even after so long, the Countess of the Red Blood Castle still has no good feelings for His Highness Brandon." Although the object of his loyalty was "disgusted", the messenger still had a light expression and a light smile. Suddenly: "Duke Bane, is there no good way?"

"If so, do you think I will wait until now?" Loren spit out with a strong urge to roll his eyes: "It can only be said that it is not the right time for you to come."

"Oh, yes." The messenger suddenly realized: "Why did I, as a close friend of His Highness Brandon, appear in the court of Duke Byrne?"

"It's really strange ... His Royal Highness Brandon had just gone through a nine-death assassination, but Duke Byrne seemed to know nothing about it; he stayed leisurely in his court, and was lovely and cute. The elegant Countess of the Red Blood Castle gets along day and night, but she ignores her best friends and allegiance ... "

"Really ... especially weird!"

His eyes widened, and a sincere and curious messenger stood in front of Loren, and the two faces were almost sticking together.

Feeling the strange look behind him, the dark-haired wizard with a twitching corner of his mouth coughed softly and waved his hand to the side hall on the other side of the corridor with embarrassment.

The smiling messenger readily understood and stepped forward.

"Regarding the assassination, I have sent a messenger of communication to Poi in advance, and I have specially ordered people to take care of it afterwards." With a slight hum, Loren said quietly: "I was confirming that His Highness Brandon is intact. He stayed at Bairn without prejudice, and he did n’t ignore it. "

"What's more, please don't forget, as the Duke of the Empire, if I didn't have the order of His Majesty the Emperor, it would be a taboo to leave the Principality without authorization ... Especially at this time, isn't it all right to find something?"

"That's right, but Your Highness still believes that you should put his interests and safety first." The messenger laughed like a child-stubbornness: "After all, you are not loyal to the empire, but loyal to Your Highness. "

"So what does His Highness hope I do and how?" Loren finally couldn't help rolling his eyes:

"Taking advantage of the fact that the Sky Dome and the Emperor are in a mess, gather troops to march toward the Qingjun side of Golovin? Not to mention that it is not easy to say what the real situation of the Sky Dome is. Once we start, we give Crown Prince Connor the best Reason for betrayal-I dare say that he must have waited for this day for a long time! "

"Yes, but we can still take advantage of the turmoil of the empire to gather troops." The messenger took the opportunity to take over the topic: "The assassination of the duke, the turmoil of the Principality, internal and external troubles ... In this case, Bain has enough reasons. Ignore the voice of the empire and convene all the troops in case of surprise! "

"This is our advantage, because Crown Prince Connold cannot do this-the Imperial Corps of the Boundary Mountain is to prevent the invasion of the monsters in the north. He has no right to mobilize these troops to the south; so the army that is truly loyal to him directly, only There are less than 10,000 troops in the defense of East Sakland! "

"In contrast, the two principalities of Poy and Byrne, but they can gather at least 150,000 troops ... before the sky dome and other principalities react, they will grab people!"

"The only problem is the distance and distance, and the attitude of the other principalities." Seeing Loren was always silent, the messenger continued to talk eloquently:

"If the army passes through East Sackland, it will definitely be obstructed, so it can only walk through the mountains of Ellerman; in this way, the attitude of Grand Duke Yuli Wiltz is very important, and he must be pulled in or stay neutral. ... "


The moment the words fell, the silent dark-haired wizard suddenly turned around and closed the side hall door.

"Byan ... Duke?"

The startled messenger turned his head, with a trace of consternation on his face: "You, what are you doing?"

"What to do, this should be the question you told me." With his back to the messenger, Loren quietly raised his mouth: "My messenger, do you know what you are talking about?"


"The intention of rallying troops secretly, conspiracy to confederate the Grand Duke, and to spy on the sky dome ... If all of these charges are established, a sentence is passed into the ears of Eckhart II ~ ~ My Duke Byrne will be I was beaten and beaten by everyone; and you dared to chat with me in this place where people come and go? "

The messenger froze for a moment, then chuckled and said: "I can't see it, Lord Loren Turin is still such a cautious person; I have heard a lot of stories about you below, and I always think that you are actually a ... "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the black-haired wizard.

"Now, these words actually came from an unnamed" His Royal Highness "who had never heard of it, and who did not know where it came from ..." Loren shook his head and sighed: " Do n’t make me laugh—if our Highness Brandon is so charming, just picking a person on the roadside is loyal to him, and the Crown Prince is not Connor but him. ”

"and so……"

After deliberately pausing for a long time, the dark-haired wizard turned and looked at the amazed messenger with a playful gaze:

"Who did you learn the transfiguration technique, mine ... um ..."

"His Highness Brandon de Salion?"

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