Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 83: 3 premises

Silently walking into the ward, the dark-haired wizard said nothing.

Brandon, who was sitting on the chair, had a blank expression and could not see any glory in his bright red pupil.

"Say, say something." With a hoarse voice, Brandon said:

"As my wizard advisor, Lord Duke of Byrne ... What do you think about the death of the emperor?"

Stopping, standing on the floor three steps away from Brandon, Loren remained silent.

Quiet, floating between the two like a tacit understanding.

"I don't want to say ... well, then I'll come first." He stiffly raised his eyes to meet the dark-haired wizard, and his embarrassed prince pulled the trembling corner of his mouth:

"I am very excited and scared now ... It is such a contradictory mood, but no matter what kind of contradiction, it is a grief without the pain of losing his father!"

Squeezing his lower lip, Brandon was trembling with his teeth: "I don't know why, but there is always a voice telling me-this is a scam, impossible! That man is cheating you, he How could he die so easily, and still die in his bedroom ?! "

"I, I don't understand why this is, but there is a sense of unreality in a dream, like a group of people around me opening an old-fashioned, old-fashioned joke."

"And when I calm down a little, I immediately understand where this unreal feeling comes from-because I am not prepared, and I never even expected this to happen!"

"It's ridiculous, I think it's ridiculous! I am a person who vows to become an emperor of the empire even if he does not know how to do it. I never imagined what his father would be like!

"I ... never thought he was human and would die--!"

Brandon, who was still ashamed at the previous moment, was hysterical at this time.

The trembling tone, the hurried words echoed in the dimly lit ward, but it seemed more lonely and lonely ... like a lunatic whispering alone in an unmanned world.

"I don't think it's ridiculous." The dark-haired wizard whispered, shaking his head:

"With the pattern, vision and plan of Eckhart II; even if someone told me one day that he intends to make himself immortal, it probably makes me feel more credible than this information now."

"But the truth is that he died ... and the news that he died in the sky dome and died in the hands of the Azore elf assassin will spread throughout the empire within a month, and everyone knows it."

"One month ... how to use this short one month is the most important thing right now."

But Brandon apparently didn't think about it at this moment.

"Do you think there is such a possibility ... that is, all this is just his plan, deliberately fake death to deceive us?" The uneasy Brandon, even at this time, looked very cautious:

"Maybe he's just a fake death, maybe it's just a part of his plan, maybe even the elven assassin has already been arranged by him, maybe even Peter Fasha ... forget it, just when I didn't say it."

The humiliating prince said to himself at the end, even he felt that these were too nonsense.

At least ... he didn't think he was important enough to let his father emperor "fake death" to try.

Azores? Although after listening to the explanation of the dark-haired wizard, Brandon finally no longer looked down on them, but still didn't think this group of guys would embarrass his father who had won two monster invasions (once for my credit).

As for the monsters in the north ... Eckhart can win once and win the second time; the emperors of the twelfth generation of the Empire have won more than a dozen times. At this time, pretending to die can only reduce the prestige of the father emperor.

After all, not every DeSalle can be as shameless and shameless as he is.

What is it ... what kind of enemy is it that can force the omnipotent father and emperor to do this? Or is everyone cheated by him, which is part of one of his plans?

"No matter what is going on, the emperor of the twelfth generation of the empire ... My omnipotent father and emperor are dead, and it seems that they should really be dead!"

Mulan's Brandon spread his hands, as if explaining and talking to himself nonstop: "Oh, by the way ... Rut Infinite, the guy you hate to the bone, he Bacheng is also dead. "

"Xuanhe ’s twelfth-generation sky dome was ravaged by elven assassins, the imperial night watchmen were overwhelmed, and six hundred royal guards were not spared. Even the oath knights of the imperial cathedral are said to have several killed ... if it is Father Majesty ’s plan, I ’m really curious who can be so 'honored'? "

Brandon spoke faster and faster, from the beginning of the indifference to a continuous talk, without saying anything, he said endlessly, and his lips twitched faster and faster.

Only the eyes, still the same as the previous wood, the dim red flame red pupil without a little glory.

Loren sighed softly.

Brandon ... He still hasn't walked out of excitement and fear, just trying to cover up, trying to make himself seem calm again.

He doesn't care about his image, he can whisper and be arrogant, he can make himself funny like a clown or a young boy; but he still doesn't want to expose his weak side to others ... even friends.

"So what should we do now?" Brandon is still constantly changing the topic: "Assemble the two principalities and the army in my hands to go north, grab the master of the heavenly palace before the cabinet and the imperial nobles react, and then put the My dear brother-in-law is an anti-thief? "

The self-talking tone does not seem to be asking Loren, but rather to persuade yourself.

"Then the nobles of the imperial capital were kept under the city gates, and the imperial regent's imperial cabinet was declared an anti-thief, waiting to be crowned by the" gap ", was it encircled and suppressed under the crown prince's palace in the Fortress of Forbidden Mountain?

After moving a chair and sitting down, Loren deliberately joked: "The premise must also be that the loyal Grand Duke Ellerman is willing to let go of the road for us to pass, or Prince Sackland, the Crown Prince can watch Let us pass through his territory without stopping. "

"Hmm ..." Brandon frowned frowning crouched in his chair, biting his thumb nails: "It's the same."

"The second way is to call all the dukes of the entire empire, march to the emperors, and defend the sky vault that was attacked by the enemy; finally borrow your identity as the heir and get the recognition of all the principalities first." Loren extended two finger:

"This is also a solution, but the question is who will respond-Arles probably wants to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight, and the Duke of Welz of Ellemand will remain neutral until the new emperor appears;"

"Lotel could consider fighting for it, but the church is deeply rooted there; even if Ruben Friede is willing to help us, he has to consider the ideas of the vassals and the people; as for Ebden ... you have to count on a group Do the money mercenaries fight for you? "

The Crown Prince tilted his head: "You mean, we can only win the power of the three principalities, and there is another one who can betray us for money at any time?"

"Three?" Loren asked deliberately: "Which three?"

"Which three? Byrne, Ebden, Boye ... Oh, okay, I know what you mean." Brandon waved his hand in a sigh, lazily slumping on the chair:

"Women's heart, seabed needle."

The deep-feeling dark-haired wizard nodded his head.

Salika Jonah ... The recently-coroned granddaughter, who did battle bravely in the previous Centaur War, risked his life more than once and fought side by side with them. It was indeed a qualified ally.

But the selflessness of this "ally" has a premise-that is, this war must allow Poi to get enough benefits, and at least the situation seems to be a win-win situation.

The current situation is that the Crown Prince Connold has occupied the absolute moral and legal high ground. The first step is to become an early bird ... It is a stable loss situation.

The mercenary of Ebden, who only recognizes money, is uncertain about the often-clear brains of the scimitar female grandfather, plus the glorious paramount knight and the three empire legions loyal to death.

"The odds don't seem to be great ... ha." Brandon smiled, a little embarrassment appeared in his smile.

The dark-haired wizard nodded again and said that he did not intend to smirk with him.

"Well ... so we are not the upper hand now, and because neither Bain nor Boye are connected to the imperial capital, there is no advantage in geography and time; although Connold's elite are nailed to the Boundary Mountain and cannot move, But we ca n’t immediately put in too much troops ... Besides, as you said, you have to consider the invasion of the Azores. "

"Then what should be done to stabilize the situation right now-even if the gap is at least wide, maybe my wizard consultant and Lord Duke Byrne have any way to save it a little bit?"

No longer talking to myself, but Brandon almost leaned forward to lie in front of Loren, blinking a pair of big eyes with water spirits, and the corner of his mouth was "waiting for you to tell me" ... slightly pleased Smile.

That's right, this is what Brandon should be.

With a heavy sigh, Loren said a little helplessly: "Right now, our advantage lies in knowing the death of His Majesty the Emperor one step ahead of Connold ... if there is no second night watchman who knows the truth to tell him, this This is where we have the upper hand. "

"In other words, we have the first mover advantage in this game and can be the first move-no matter what Connold will do next, to a certain extent, he is passive."

"Hmm, um, um!" Brandon, who smiled and smiled, nodded again and again, indicating that you were right, that was good, and continued.

"Then ... although we are not the dominant party in terms of jurisprudence, it does not mean that Connor can freely pinch us." Loren extended his finger and gestured in the air:

"Once he wants to target you, we are the victim ’s side, occupying the commanding heights in morality-even when our reciprocal maternal grandfather is reluctant, he will have to stand by our side, who made her already We are tied to the tank. "

"As for the other Principality-Ruthfried of Lotel will definitely not watch us die, Arles has always had no good feelings for the De Salion family, Grand Duke Werz of Ellerman ... he probably will Same as last time, take the initiative to stand and mediate. "

"And I am still alive in the De Salion family. The last dragon-controller-killed me. In the subsequent Azores invasion, Connord must face the tragic situation that no dragon is available. "" Brandon sneered and raised his lips:

"What will the relatives of the royal family think, and what will the people of the empire think ... their emperors will not let the powerful dragons go, and let them bleed and sacrifice?"

"How can Sacran, who lost the dragon, deter the Principality around you like the Empire?"

The dark-haired wizard nodded slightly, his right index finger pointed to the ceiling above his head: "This ... can be regarded as the time of day."

"So well-positioned?" Brandon asked, "What do you think, my dear brother dominates!"

"Yeah-he is the defender of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and he is also the Prince of Sackland, occupying the most fertile and prosperous East Sakran collar in the middle of the empire; but conversely, this is also his disadvantage . "


"If he is really prepared to disregard the dissuasion of the other states and the opposition of the Vault of Heaven, and fight us into a rebel army, Ellerman will definitely not let it go-Grand Duke Wiltz will not risk the entire empire into war- —So, he can only take Boe. "

"And Poe is the world of hussars; the heavy infantry of the regiment known for the" black wall ", how to deal with the desperate resistance of the horseback people?"

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince without a dragon, what method and indignant uprising should be used to fight against the 10,000 knights who ride in the sea of ​​big grass?"

"It makes sense."

Nodding non-stop, Brandon raised his right hand like a woodpecker and broke his fingers one by one: "So ... we have a time ~ ~ has geographical advantages ... what about people?"

"Just sit back and watch, how do you think everyone must be standing by my side like the greatest brother who was born to rule the world?"

"And His Majesty Eckhart II ... is your equally great father emperor ruling the empire by the loyalty of his subjects?" Loren asked in return: "If I said, he cares most and cares less, should It's all the same thing. "

"People's hearts ..."

Brandon whispered softly, his eyes lost in contemplation.

"We need people's hearts, but not those with vested interests, nor those who rely on us to get benefits; what we need ... is a group of loyalists, or loyalty does not matter, but must be very capable to help you The person who got the advantage. "Shaking his index finger, Loren followed the way and said:

"So, who does His Majesty Eckhart II rely on to control everything in the empire?"

"Night watchman?!"


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