Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 91: Knights of the Royal Sword

For each generation of the Emperor of the Sacran Empire, in addition to the "Supreme Emperor", there are twelve other titles.

Or it should be turned over and talked about-only after possessing these twelve titles can this person be called "the supreme emperor of the Sacran Empire".

For the royal family and nobles, he must be "the heir of ancient Sacran, the blood of the dragon king family";

For the church, it is called "the defender of the Holy Cross, the protector of wisdom and truth."

He is the leader of the Ebodens, the chieftain of the Arles, the princes of the Elmans and Lotels, the co-lords of the Bayerns and the Boys ... the king of the Sacran.

He was also the commander of the Imperial Legion and the head of the Imperial Sword Knights.

The last "King of Swords" is actually a very interesting "organization".

Because of this knighthood that was born during the Eckhart I period, there were only eight members in total—the five princes of the empire, the prince of East Sackland, the leader of the wizard tower, and the emperor himself.

This second-generation emperor, His Majesty, established several basic rules for the Knights: everyone in the Knights is equal; but the Emperor has the power to call any member at any time, or hold a Knights meeting to decide matters;

The birth of the Knights of the Royal Sword is actually a very controversial thing in the history of the Empire; first of all, the Sacran people are not like Byrne, and they do n’t have such a strong knighthood tradition; To the five Dukes, it was also regarded as a vassal move by His Majesty Eckhart I in the history books of later generations.

In the end, the "Knight of the Swords" with eight equals also invisibly weakened the authority of the emperor himself; although there was an extra seat for the Prince of East Sakland, so that the royal family of Desalion had an advantage in the Knights, but after all Not an absolute advantage.

And the most criticized point is that there is a seat of the exclusive wizard tower leader (not the Ebden governor) in this knighthood, but there is no equivalent religious member, and the church is virtually excluded!

Under three rules, the knighthood founded by Eckhart I was painstakingly established; in addition to being used by successive emperors as a reason to summon the dukes, this knighthood has never held a meeting and never decided a matter. .

If the Knights can decide anything about the empire, what else does the Cabinet and Parliament do?

The church ’s dislike, the exclusion of the imperial nobles, and the existence of the Imperial Sword Knights itself is a weakening of the authority of the imperial emperor ... Moreover, even if the emperor summoned the dukes, they can pass the parliament or the cabinet, there is no need to be "polite" to lower the posture , On an equal footing with the Duke.

Therefore, Eckhardt I tried hard to build this knighthood, it is really a puzzling thing;

But conversely, the existence of this knighthood did indeed give Connold de Salion a great reason to summon the Duke to the Sky Vault: as a prince of East Sackland, whether in the Empire or the Knights Within the regiment, all are qualified to exercise the power of "half emperor".

To a certain extent, it also counteracted the influence of Loren's previous "Empire Declaration"-that is, the Duke did not come to this dome not to respond to his invitation to Loren, but to participate in the Knights meeting.


"Loren Turin, you are late."

Pushing open the door with the eight coats of arms, the first dark-haired wizard who walked into the hall saw and heard it was Grand Duke Elleman, who held his shoulders and leaned under the pillar of the door side, Yuli. Wilz.

The familiar ink-blue hair and slightly pale skin tone, the slender and thin man is still as serious as ever; the only change may be the addition of an eye mask on the other person's face.

His left eye was dug up by the elf assassin who attacked Ellerman ... at the cost of the opponent's hand.

"The guy who instigated others, he was the last one to come, and he still used such a big way ..." The Duke of Wuerz looked serious, and only one silver eye stabbed at Loren:

"It seems that the death of His Majesty Eckhart has made you arrogant."

"On the contrary ... I am the most surprised that the Duke will respond to the call so actively." Shrugging his shoulders, Loren shifted the subject with a chuckle: "Wait, isn't it all coming, man?"

As he said, Loren pointed to the eight empty chairs around a round table.

"It's already here, but it's just not here."

A serious Julie Wurz does n’t seem to want to get entangled in this kind of thing, but just sneered: "Ruvin Fried and Duke Nolan Erd of Arles are bad friends for many years, both are The duel madman has not left the fighting field since he came to the Sky Dome. "

"Poly's Salika Jonah, you should know that since he came, he has been instigating a duel between Ruvin and Nolan ... Probably now with them?"

"As for Corona, the governor of Eboden, he was invited together because he could not refuse their invitation; accompanying him, Master Albert, the royal wizard advisor of the Imperial Cabinet, was visiting the garden of the Skydome."

After speaking, Yuli Wiltz held his shoulders and continued to maintain the posture just now.

The black-haired wizard nodded, "Oh" softly.

So ... they all went out together, so you left here alone, right?

Looking at the "serious" version of the gray pupil who never changed his face, Loren, who did not dare to speak, kept a grin, desperately thinking about how to make the atmosphere not so stiff.

"Loren Turin, what is your expression?" Julie Wiltz suddenly squinted.

Ok? Loren was startled.

"I think I was isolated by them by them, and I am embarrassed to say it?"

"No, no, why would I think so ... I, um, I don't."

"It's like you're vomiting, right?"

"You worry too much, I ... I just ... just feel ..."

"What do you think?"

"Simply think ... they are doing wrong ..."

"You still think so!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

Julie Wiltz snorted, turned his head to the side, and sighed heavily: "It's really impossible to take you unruly people; let me tell you, I did it because they were wrong, And I ca n’t be with them! ”

"I understand, that's what I mean ..."

"Because in accordance with the tradition of the Royal Sword Knights, invited members must wait in their seats until the inviter announces the start of the meeting." Loren was not given a chance to speak at all, Yuli Wiltz explained: "So they Doing this is a serious violation of the tradition of the Knights. Do you understand? "

Understand, did n’t I say that from the beginning?

Looking at the fiery silver pupil, Lorren nodded and continued to smile with fear.

"It is because you are always so serious, so I am the only friend, Xiao Yuli!"

With arrogant footsteps and hearty words ... Before the door behind him was smashed with a punch, the dark-haired wizard already knew who was coming.

"Seeing the gang friends who you associate with, I feel that even you are a little more than your friend." With a slight hum, Yuli Wiltz turned his head to look at the source of the noise: "Louven Rouver of Lotel Lord Duke Lied! "

Lu Wen, who walked into the door with his hips, twitched his lips, twitching, apparently dissatisfied with what he called himself: “Do n’t stretch yourself, Xiao Yuli, you ca n’t make friends like this-voila, even Your brother has gone to Loren, can't that explain the problem? "

"The kind of irresponsible guy, I hope he won't come back."

Despite this, Yuli Wiltz's expression was still fluctuating, and instinctively turned his gaze to Lu Wen's face, a bruise and swelling: "Lose or won?"

"I didn't win, and he didn't lose!" Lu Wen looked up and laughed.

You didn't win, he didn't lose ... Isn't that you lost, did he win?

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Loren's gaze naturally followed Lu Wen's figure; the other party also noticed him immediately, and raised the corner of his mouth to walk to the black-haired wizard.

"It's finally time to meet, Lord Byrne, Duke of Loren Turin."

The slightly arrogant voice is like a sharp mountain axe, each word with **** murderousness.

A black cardigan, a sheathless machete hanging on the waist, a tattoo under the chest ... Nolan Odd is more of a sturdy mercenary warlord than a duke, standing there Let people feel his fierceness.

"Do you know?" Ruben on the side hooked Julie Wurz's neck with his arms, his eyes widened and surprised. "I thought you two met again."

"Of course it was the first time they saw each other, but there have been years of private exchanges between the Principality of Arles and Byrne." The Duke Wiltz, who was strangled, almost held his shoulders, a reluctant reminder. Road.

"Yes, I also have to thank the venerable Duke Byrne for helping me get rid of the difficult deacon of the Holy Cross Church ... really helped a lot."

With a greasy smile, Nolan Odd approached step by step: "I have to say, you may be the only Turin I like-your ancestors and relatives, all of them like to pretend to be fake. Seriously! We Arles hate hypocrites the most, so we have nothing to do with the royal family. "

"Of course, there is one exception ... Charlotte Turin, she is different. She is serious like a vicious lioness; it happens that our Arles favorite hunting prey is ..."

"Hey, hi, hi ... you stinky guy, what are you doing with Loren so close ?!"

Emphasizing unnecessarily and adding a more impolite expression, Salika Jonah, who knocked Ruben away, walked into the hall with her scimitar sideways, and looked at Nolan Odd: "Look at you and Lothai Er's kid fought and thought he was a man. Didn't expect to like this one ?! "

"..." Loren Turin.

The stiff-looking Nolan Odd slowly retracted his extended right hand, gave a very friendly smile to the dark-haired wizard, and then hid aside.

"Furthermore, even if you want to!"

The domineering granddaughter of the scimitar, learning to look like Ruben and Julie Wurz, hooked the neck of the dark-haired wizard, provocatively tilting her chin:

"Loren is already my person, you are late, come and grab with me if you want! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... !!!"

In her unbridled laughter, the expression of the dark-haired wizard became more rigid.

Especially when being watched by Nolan Odd and Yuli Wiltz with their meaningful eyes ...

Only Lu Wen was still not quite able to figure out the situation: "Hey, what are they talking about?"

"Just as you saw." Julie Wiltz sighed: "Duke Salika Jonah, admires Loren Turin ..."

"I admire ... uh, just like him?" Lu Wen snatched: "No, this guy from Loren has already liked someone, the little elf girl in the ancient wood forest ... um ?!"

"..." Loren Turin.

"Little elf ... what's going on?"

In an instant, Sallyka's arms around Loren's neck slammed hard: "Say! Make it clear now! If not, I will tell Charlotte her ..."

"Cough cough ... !!!"

A heavy cough interrupted the rapidly changing atmosphere in the hall and attracted everyone's attention. By the way, he also rescued the Duke of Würz, who was almost strangled, and some Duke of Bayern, who was almost strangled. .

"Fine, Grandpa Corona, your body is the toughest of all of us!" Salika Jonah waved her hand unhappily, her small nose cocked:

"You won't die this year, you won't be next year, you won't be the next year ... so if you don't pretend to be pretended, you're going to sleep!"

"Of course, only if you have to let go of our Duke of Byrne." Corona, who was not in a hurry, looked at the female scimitar with a smile.

"Well, what if I don't let go?" Sally Ka's elbows glared hard, pushing Loren's head to her chest.

"If you don't let go ~ ~ then I have no choice; just in front of someone to appear next, it may make you look rude."

"It's rude? Which guy is so arrogant and still ..."


A heavy stepping of iron boots followed the sound of the door being knocked open in the hall.

Suddenly silent.

The figure that walked in walked on a heavy footstep, obviously wearing only a thin ordinary dress, but still carrying unspeakable solemnity and majesty, it made people calm down and watched him silently.

"It's all here, is it."

Connor de Salion stopped and rested his right hand on the back of the chair. His eyes, like flames, swept all the faces in the hall, and nodded slightly:


"Then start."

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